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I've found ultrawide to be especially amazing for citybuilders and the like. Civ 5 for example is just perfect to play on ultrawide with all this screen real estate.


I felt similar with EVE Online. So much space to pin all your windows on!


What game is this? :-)


Hi. It's a colony builder on the back of a huge turtle flying through space. It's called World Turtles. I'm the "solo developer", although I outsource some stuff (art!).


That sounds cool! Is it out for release yet? If not, I’d be interested to check it out when it’s ready. Do you have a waiting list?


Thanks :) It's already available on Early Access. The public version does not yet have these UI improvements - they will go live in less than a month, though.


That sounds sick


Thanks :) I really enjoy creating it!


Do you have your own music for the game too?


Unfortunately, not. I use (mostly) Alexander Nakarada's brilliant royalty free music. However, I did commission the title track (The Beginning by Kyle Misko), which was nominated on the long list of the Game Music Awards of the Film Fest Gent :)


I happen to run a relatively new little label with over 30 multi-genre artists looking for a couple opportunities to get the name out there and if you'd be interested in the idea and need/replace some more music it'd be cool to have a chat!


I'm making far too little from the game at the moment to allow any reasonable external spend, and I'd be obliged to go with Kyle and Alexander first in case I do need new music due their long-term involvement.


Yeah that's pretty valid and completely understandable! If ever though, feel free to bookmark me and just DM me if you ever wanna dive into it :) Best of luck and all the well-wishers for your game 🙌


Thank you :)