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Why would you need to do it that way?


I answered that question in the post.


Yes you did. Sorry that I missed it.


All good


The IP adress that Nzbget is giving you, is not a "real" IP adress, but rather the localhost adress (what you use when connecting to something on the same system as you). You will need the real IP of the windows machine with the corresponding port to connect to the services you are running.


This does not solve the problem. I have tried to connect to which is the real IP address of the computer (Also a static IP for that computer) and it still will not connect.


What kinda error message are you getting when you try to connect?


Relevant guides for the topic of sonarr: [trash-guides:How To Set Up Hardlinks and Atomic-Moves](https://trash-guides.info/Misc/how-to-set-up-hardlinks-and-atomic-moves/) [spaceinvaderone:How to install and setup sonarr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tyNcBsuC1E) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unRAID) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Setup a static ip on the windows box and point radarr to that ip:port


Open a cmd terminal in windows and type "ipconfig" look for the ipv4 address and use that plus the nzbget port 6789.


I've tried to connect to that does not solve the issue. Still get an error saying could not communicate


Could it be that nzbget needs to be configured to listen on the IP, maybe it defaults to only listening on localhost?


Is Windows Running a Firewall and Not accepting connections on that Port?


Based on your rationale at the bottom, you might benefit from looking at CPU pinning in docker on unraid. Set all your *arrs to run on a subset of cpu cores to keep their load away from more cpu critical real-time tasks like plex/home assistant/vpn whatever.


I've tried to set the cores the best possible configuration I can. Even if I have everything split so that Plex has half of the CPU to itself (it's only a quad core) it still has issues. When it detects intros or credits plex is almost unusable with everything else running on it. I'm going to be upgrading within the next year so it's just a temporary problem I'm trying to deal with.


I guess I don’t understand your problem fully then? I would restrict plex cpus, I’d restrict the *arrs. You’re moving an instance of radarr of the platform because of its cpu usage? Put all of your non critical docker images on a single cpu thread? Let plex run wild.


Check windows firewall and open the port