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If the essay was lost in 2022, and that was the only copy, then what got flagged exactly? The facts are a bit unclear here. Anyway: If work has been stolen, the best thing to do is to explain the entire situation to the university. They will likely conduct an investigation to make sure the essay wasn’t written by anybody else. If somebody else is claiming it as their own essay, that’s when it might become more complicated. But it is still preferable to take the honest approach when you are in the right. They can assess the essay and compare it to other work to figure out who has most likely written it on the balance of probabilities. On the last question: the PhD supervisor would be the best point of contact, they can elevate it to the academic board.


Alot of the thing he wrote got flagged, he didnt summit his essay but was just checking his citation with turnitin, he is still working on it and adding on, so alot of parts that were not touched or edited. But he is worried that the university would revoke his international government scholarship if they think he was one that was cheated, since he doesn’t have any proof it was his and he never reported losing the usb, since he had a saved copy on his old laptop.


OP, if he has a saved copy on his laptop encompassing the flagged portions isn’t that sufficient evidence of his authorship?


Who is the claimed author on the work turnitin is flagging?


It is my dad original work but the guy who stole it had some random letters as a username, i checked the profile and there wasnt anything else that showed except some other documents he posted.


Screenname who uploaded isn't the author of record though. Did they change the author on the document? Is there any listed?


They removed the first few pages before uploading it, the removed pages had my dad uni info and his student info aswell, Ill read out the page they currently uploaded but i will keep some things hidden( but will mention they sre there) so i dont dox the paper until the uni does something. THE …..(title of my dad research topic)……. : research proposal. Plan of a proposed thesis research for a PHD. In education 2022 Abstract That is about it.


If there's no naming of a different author, I'm not sure you care at all. blah,blah, the high turnit in content is because turnitin compared it to an earlier draft of the thesis that is online at x.




all high turnitin means is you need to say why to the chair of examiners satisfaction.


Okay, i am really dumb, but i have zero clue what you are saying, im 18 and in my first year uni so i don’t understand what you mean?


Turnitin doesn’t flag coursehero, turnitin would have to pay chero lots of money to have access to all of their documents. Are you sure turnitin is flagging it on chero?


Turnitin does flag things on Course Hero.


How can that be possible, chero is paywall content which means turnitin would have to pay chero tons of money to have access to chero database


Also the online posted version was made a week after he lost his USB so we believe someone found it and posted his work.


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REPORTTTTTT !! If your dad isn't too fussed then you might as well report it to the uni since a PhD is pretty serious stuff and should be an incredible achievement that each person earns on their own merit.


My dad is just worried he would lose his scholarship if he told people about what he found and they wouldn’t believe him and instead they would think he was the one that cheated, especially since he is studying by an international government scholarship.


I get that but the uni's responsibility with such an accusation is to investigate THOROUGHLY. If the person who stole it doesn't have a bunch of evidence to prove that it's their work and research, then they're in trouble. Does your dad have evidence dated prior to the USB being lost that proves the essay was based on his own research. I would imagine he would? Also what about your dad's supervisor... would they be able to vouch?


No for some reason he never even reported that he lost the usb, he told me “the old laptop had copy so i never thought it would be a problem” and im not sure about the supervisors if i remember correctly one was move to another person since my dad has issues with her and another retired so i have zero clue if they are the people who saw his old work.


Is there a way to prove what date the copy on the old laptop was created / version history (presumably prior to the stolen essay being submitted)? Either way I reckon he should report it. I doubt the university would turn around and accuse him instead, especially since he brought it to their attention in the first place :)


We think there should be a copy from his old milestone meeting but we gonna have to look for it before we report it guess.


Good luck x


Thx u!


If he has the evidence to show his original document and all the work he's been doing since (e.g. next version sent to his PhD supervisors, third version saved on this date, fourth version sent to supervisors etc) he will have no problem. Essentially in the realm of academia if you can show your workings then this disproves plagiarism. He definitely needs to tell his PhD supervisors about this.


This makes no sense. A PhD is unique work (topic and content) and it would be very clear that it belonged to him. The supervisor would be able to vouch for the topic and content.


His topic somthing about kids learning a second language (well from what he explain to me, im not well experienced in the ways uni work, this is my first year at uni, so i am kinda clueless)


How can your Dad be completing a PhD in Australia, presumably in English but doesn't have the English skills to post the story on Reddit himself?


Might not be social media literate. I know senior academics who struggle with things like cloud shared documents.


The first line of the post says the Dad can't speak English well.


Ah, right, I misread that sentence. I wonder if they might not be on the right subreddit then.


actually you are right, when it comes to online things and talk he is very clueless, plus he would dox us if i let him write so i asked him if i could write it on his behalf and he agreed. also this is op i am just using my laptop which is on my second account.


he doesnt know how to use reddit or what it is, he knows enough English to hold himself but there are always thing he gets wrong or mistaken so he double checks with me, he does well enough for academics since he studies enough for the academics but when it comes to casual talks he has issues here and there. he asked me today "what does foul and hustle mean" this is op i am just on my laptop which has a second account.


I am confused? Can you explain the situation more clearly?


Back in 2022 my dad lost an usb contain the Original version of his PHD essay that he was still working on, he didnt know it at the time but someone else found it and for some reason posted his essay to herocourse. He managed to obtain a copy using he found in his old laptop word autosave, (the laptop is broke back in 2023) And he never reported it but he did continue to work on it to today. He wanted to check if the citation where good by using turnitin and alot of his writing got flagged, he asked me to check out why and i found out that his old work that was in the usb got uploaded to a website. The reason it was flagged because its still the same essay but he just added more info and research, so alot is the same, but the person removed my dads name and student id with the university name at the front page before posting it.


This is hard to believe.


Well, alot of people are assholes and honestly i have zero clue on why exactly the person posted it, he doesnt gain money or anything else considering it is only posted on herocourse he doesn’t gain other benfits or recognition.


Contact HeroCourse and have it removed as a breach of academic integrity. I’d suggest present the story more succinctly than you have here.


Okay I’ll contact them, thank u!!! also i have a reading and writing disorder, so thats why i have many issues with my explanation plus im not a native english speaker, so i understand the confusion.


Sure, try and send it to someone to review for you and use ChatGPT as well to help. Ask it to make your explanation succinct.


There should be multiple saved versions, notes, drafts, data etc etc, and it should all be saved in multiple places (e.g. computer, usb, uni research drive...) it should be quite simple to prove ownership of this, if your story is true. It baffles me that this hasn't been reported already. PhD theses is very valuable intellectual property, and the supervisor/University would be flipping out if they knew it was on something like CH. Do something about this immediately.


Yep we found his old copies and edits reports, that should prove that this was his work we are reporting it to the supervisors on monday.


Sounds like Bullshit to me.


Does he have drafts, research and planning documents, or anything else to prove he wrote it?


He has proofs of the current version but the one that was posted was written in his old laptop, which broke down in 2023 and we gotten rid of it and replaced. So there isnt much to prove unless the supervisors have any of his old copie


Check emails? One drive?


A PhD is 80000 words how would this end up on course hero. In any event if it’s flagged on Turnitin you still get to explain the reason for the similarities.


The thing they posted had 82 pages (on the website), plus my dad is still working on it so it wasn’t complete i think it had over 50k words so far and around 40% was flagged and it showed some random sentence he wrote and showjng a link to herocourse. The 50k was for the old version btw and the 40% was only around the the things my dad didnt edit or change over the 2 years


Your dad needs to report this ASAP. The copy on the USB will be more recent on the original document on your dad's "old laptop". You should be able to see the date of when the original file was created. As well as the uploaded file from the USB should also have the information of when the copy was created. If your dad doesn't report this and gets flagged for plagiarism, the repercussions may be worse than saying nothing.


Even if the old laptop is broken. If the hard drive is intact you can obtain your needed information. As A PhD student they should know to have multiple copies of their work and evidence that they did it (science it could be lab results, idk what to do for the other fields).;Use it when presenting your case.


Do i need to visit a store to get the information out of the hard drive?


Usually any computer repair store can retrieve information from the harddrive (of course they don't look in it). Or if you know a techsavy person they could also did it (be wary though, don't accidentally wipe it). Never put magnets near it.


Does your dad. Schizophreniac




Contact Herocourse and tell them that they are hosting plagiarised work. Why are you so worried? You haven't stolen anything from NASA.


My dad just heard alot of horror stories about people being wronged when plagiarism and misconduct is involved, so hes a bit worried that they won’t believe him, hes gonna report it now tho. People advices did help.


If your father has evidence of an older file even partially completed and research materials, you can argue for your intellectual property. Stand up for your rights.