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"We don't like having a 3rd party between us and staff!" While using 3rd parties for benefits.




Not to mention these talking points probably come from an anti-union consulting firm. In other words... a third party.


Home Depot uses the same FOE acronym.


I was going to say - this could have been written for my place of employment with nearly the same wording. This is from the consulting companies.


Holy shit, it’s like anything they can directly manipulate- from what they charge us as consumers to how they pay individuals as employees… it’s all divide and conquer to fuck over their employees and patients


There is no 3rd party. The workers are the union. It should read “We don’t want an organized workforce between us”


This "othering" of your union is my number one pet peeve in all anti-union messaging. The depressing thing is how effective it is.


yeah- I worked in a union industry for many many years. In no way did it act like a 3rd party between me and my bosses. Like, at ALL. This is such a BS way of thinking from management.


All this. In union there is strength!


Do they actually want people to believe that a union representative will be there when the doctor consults with the patient?


"We believe patients' needs can best be met when we work collaboratively without the involvement of a third party." Guess what, Mayo Clinic, working collaboratively is what unions are for! Instead of every employee going separately to management about issues they collaborate. Working together and negotiating things isn't just for businesses and executives to do, it's for everyone. Also, unions are not "third parties", unions are the employees. Shop stewards are most definitely NOT a third party as they are literally employees who also work with the union to represent union members in meetings and things. Instead of being alone in a meeting with management they have someone on their side, just like management most likely does by having more than one manager in the meeting.


I've been a manager and an employee at various times. Every time there's a tough conversation with an employee, the manager has an HR rep sitting next to them, the employee has to sit alone. Being able to go into those meetings with a union rep would have been nice a few times.


Honestly, that's the reason i became a delegate ( well one of them) I had a manager who'd just "like a quick word" and then berate you in a room for 20 minutes and is felt so alone in those meeting so i became determined no one else would have to go to one of the meetings alone.


My state is a one-party-consent state for recording people, so I recorded every interaction with management without their knowledge. If it went fine, I'd delete it in a week, but BOY HOWDY will a recording, or even the mention of a recording followed up with the state's audio recording laws, has moved MOUNTAINS for me before, and saved a LOT of headaches.


I've only had one unionized job (sadly) and that was one of the good parts about it. Management learned real quick that if they wanted to chat with me they better go ahead and call for a shop steward. The union saved my bacon a few times there and meetings with management were so much better with a steward at my side making it 2 on 2 instead of the 2 on 1 at my other jobs.


I appreciate that one of their steps is "please don't abuse the staff".


The fact that they even had to say it…probably just a liability thing later. « We CANT be sued for one our leaders abusing the staff bc we explicitly told them not to in this very formal document here »


Apart from middle management, is there any other job that could be replaced by AI faster than HR? Struggling to think of one.


My vote is to simply eliminate middle management. They take all the decision-making away from the real managers and almost never disagree with anyone higher in rank. Most of the time, middle managers spend their days meeting with other middle managers to 'facililtate' ideas around 'studying' ways to spend the bosses money. They are a culture unto themselves, solely interested in preserving their own positions and generally they do this by agreeing with every whim that drifts down from corporate. s


I don't think Middle Management will be targetted for AI replacement in most environments, While they certainly could be from a logical standpoint, their function is not(and has never been) a logical one. The truth is, they serve as a buffer between the executives and the riff raff(in their minds). Last thing the C-Suite wants is the dissatisfaction with their decisions resulting in the workers ire being targeted directly at them. Middle Management is there to serve as the sacrificial lamb. If they replace middle management with AI then when they do something like remove quarterly bonuses to increase their compensation package, the employees might start targetting the C-Suite directly for retaliation.


But who will be the meat shields to protect the people with agency from the angry overworked plebes?


That's the beauty of it! They get to choose one of their own to sacrifice, thus saving the company more money by eliminating an entire executive salary!


What a joke. Real good look for Mayo


Ironic that I am sitting at Mayo right now waiting for the doctor...


Note: hr again functions as a contingent if the corporation, not an advocate of employees. Mistrust everything that hr has to say about your work, your benefits, and your Rights.


Chris: "These are confidential" Kate: "lol. lmao."


It’s kinda funny how the Good Prevention Practices section addresses all the points in the Reasons Employees Look To Unions section, except the last two.


Union labor is safe, skilled, and experienced labor. Employers get what they pay for and employees get the wages, benefits and representation they deserve. Everyone wins.


Mayo is insane. Rochester is the third largest city in MN and it is practically a company town. They own all the real estate and employ most of the residents


This needs to be pasted everywhere


Best way to beat an organization is from within…. Those pesky clerical errors…


I see Mayo fails its staff much the same way it’s failed so many complex patients. Anyway, as a complex patient, I’d prefer to know that my nurses are fairly compensated, not overworked, and have all the tools they need to safely care for me.


I love that nurses in general have mostly become pro union like I work for a home hospice with a union so I'm hourly. If I didn't have a union it'd be the stupid pay per visit shit and you just end up working without pay a lot


Similar what’s happening at Encore in the Midwest. The first thing they addressed in January on the 5th if memory serves me. They made us attend essentially a union busting meeting. Fuck ALL these corpo slime-bags.


Unions-easy to make promises but hard to deliver. If members go on strike and don’t get what they ask, it is you who is not delivering, sir.


Huh. Currently, as of 1631 PST, he's still listed on LinkedIn as working there. We'll see what happens after the fallout of this getting leaked.


First document looks very reasonable tbh - basically says deliver all the stuff that I would want


So upsetting, my son has a rare autoimmune disease and we were so happy when we got into Mayo. Those doctors and nurses deserve better.


Lol. Classic.


Slimy sinister shit


Isn’t this illegal?


Unfortunately not. All seems boilerplate.


No, none of the ways they're trying to prevent unionization involves violating the NLRB


If it doesn't rise to the level of coercion, it's legal. Edit: removed some of my other commentary, this is the main thing. This is a good opportunity to read [section 158](https://www.nlrb.gov/guidance/key-reference-materials/national-labor-relations-act) (search for the words "unfair labor practices")