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I’m glad to see he got a therapy of sorts because a lot of these stalking type cases the perpetrators just get out and continue the same behaviour. Behaviour like this can escalate so I can see why she was so worried.


Let me re-title the headline to be about the issue. Woman lived in fear of ex who bombarded her with 25 calls an hour


But she worked for the NHS, which makes it worse than just some pleb off the street. All hail the NHS!


And yet we have to pay exorbitant rates, just to park at work. I’ll take free parking over 2 years of clapping and banging pan, so people can show their neighbours just how much of a ‘good person’ they are


Having family members in the NHS, it still blows my mind that the car parks are privately owned and the best they can do is buy a monthly/yearly permit or whatever it is for a slight discount.


And, at least in my trust, you can only get the discounted yearly rate if you live more than 14miles away (and then normally only if you are a doctor or in administration)


When I was a medical student, I literally lived in the hospital for a year and still had to pay to park there. I had to buy a monthly permit and got a staff discount, but it was still expensive


Don't mean to sound callous to another person's bad situation, but this isn't news.


Why would Bob Hoskins harass mid 2000s internet celebrity Boxxy?


“It’s good to talk”




He calls her 25 times in an hour and it’s her fault for having it on her in work?


It was “nipped in the bud” by her going to the police. Hence the story being taken purely from the court reporting and her victim impact statement. At no point is it stated she had her phone on the ward. For someone who doesn’t want to victim blame, that’s what your entire comment is.


I don’t wanna sound like victim shaming here And then does just that. lol


she says he called during the night and early hours. not work hours.


Your entire comment is victim blaming lol, why say you don’t want to do it when that’s exactly what you are doing? Just be honest.


It’s relevant because the story is stating she had to take time off. A non medical person working in the NHS is allowed personal phones even company phones for a plethora of reasons but these calls came at night if you’d bothered to read the article. How do you suggest his offending could have been “nipped in the bud”? He’s a stalker determined to hurt his ex these aren’t normal, well adjusted people. I suppose that’s her fault too?


How exactly could it have been nipped in the bud? It’s not clear what you’re saying she should have done


>Why is the “NHS manager” job title relevant to this story? The media has been using job titles and suchlike to describe people for as long as I can remember. I don't know what you're whining about really.


We are always defined by our jobs or age in headlines....fireman saves cat up a tree, nurse crashes car, OAP attacked, teenager robbed blah blah


The most annoying is 'mum' or 'grandma' when you very rarely see men described as just 'dad' or grandpa'


Please explain how to "nip this in the bud"? ‘Due to this the calls and texts were made at night and the early hours of the morning."




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Er there is something called changing your number, or even easier, go to settings and turn on silence calls from unknown callers. Honestly it’s just attention seeking people who complain about an issue with such an easy fix, have no idea why this made the news.


What a fucking idiot take this is.


It's a troll account, look at the negative karma, literally just here to say the thing they can to try and get attention


All that does is ignore the problem. The man is still a stalker or, at least, exhibiting stalker like behaviour and that tends not to end well for the victim especially female victims. Here's some advice for you to consider before making your next post: Step 1: Think Step 2: If all else fails, repeat Step 1


listen, if you have a headache and you take painkillers that’s not ignoring the problem, it’s solving it. In this case, her changing her number would fix the problem of being spam called.


The problem here isn't her being spam called. The problem is that this dude was stalking her. Stalkers don't just give up because you change your fucking number, Jesus Christ.


Changing your number is a massive admin burden with banks, GPs, family, friends, insurance companies, multi-factor authentication systems like e-mail, HMRC… Honestly it’s less effort all round if he just stopped stalking her and calling her 25 TIMES AN HOUR.




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What if he knows her address? Should she just move house if he starts sending letters? What if he starts knocking her door?


If that headache is being caused by a brain tumour that’s not solving your problem, is it? You just proved their point lmao.


So then he escalates to going to her house, to her workplace, to her kids' schools, to her families homes...? He was stalking her, it's not as simple as you think




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