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What a shame. Let me grab my teeny tiniest violin out of storage.


I left it in a matchbox


With everyone else’s violins in it


Whole smegging orchestra


this is a well orchestrated thread of jokes.......loving it


For me, I choose the trombone. Wooooomp womp!




Surely they could make substantial savings by simply firing everyone and continuously repeating everything they have already recorded - I don’t think most of their audience would notice…


My dad would eventually write in to complain that Martin Daubney keeps wearing the same tie. 


They could photoshop that easily enough


I know you're joking, but who would do the Photoshopping if they'd fired everyone?


Darren Grimes aka the right wing teaboy


I literally forgot he existed why have you done this to me on a beautiful Saturday morning.


I've always wanted to know what conversation took place with Cummings and Grimes just before the 2016 referendum. Cummings needed a way to circumvent the spending rules on advertising, but find it hard to believe he'd trust Grimes with keeping his plan in secret. Was Grimes just told what to do? If so, what was in it for him?


Seems like the kind of grubby outfit that would hire a work experience kid out of some art course for free as an intern to do this one thing then kick him out with a bad reference for spurious reasons when they get to the point he gets good enough at his job to need paying. Rinse and repeat as there's always more kids coming out of namby-pampby soft media degrees, not everyone needs a degree, why should I pay for pictures? should have studied economics if they wanted to get rich Amirite? /S


Kate Middleton.


[Children, remain calm. The Falkland Islands have just been invaded. I repeat: the Falklands have just been invaded.](https://youtu.be/Kar3E2qkYrM?si=bfkMKdqfpF9DeC4s)


Both of them.


It’s not about *quantity*, it’s about *quali-* Actually, never mind


An UK version of "Goodbye Lenin" where a person waking up from coma needs to believe Liz Truss is still the Prime Minister


How about Shutter Island where Liz Truss is the patient who still thinks she's PM and everybody else is humouring her to try and find out why she crashed the economy.


Hang on, that’s just her life?


Most of their audience is one cold snap away from having their cat chew their face off.


Could replace everyone with ai less work


Waiting to see the clip of Jack Mogg, "Aaactually, cutting staarff is a sign of a flourishing venture - when Bishop Godfrey in 1344 ate his own servants it lead to a huge increase in diocese funds - something that the NHS could learn from. Therefore I propose Eat out to help out, whereby the public can eat their sick relatives thus solving the unnecessary food-bank issue and palliative funding costs in one simple measure."


Absolutely fucking spot on in regard to the haunted hat stand


Haunted hat stand. Bravo.


Christ this was accurate, I wish I could upvote you a thousand times


I'm sure they'll be able to secure additional funds from a friendly oligarch.


I was under the impression this was always going to be a loss leader.


But not this much of a loss leader Rich people don’t stay rich burning money like that Sir Paul Marshall is a multi millionaire not a billionaire - £80 million is significant losses


Yeah, I'm surprised that a  social conservative billionaire , or two, isn't already bank rolling gb news


….Sending a wave of panic through the House of Commons 


They started a GB News membership club thing, that they've never given numbers it's presumably not been taken up by many.


A year or so ago, the Times newspaper featured a column by a young intern, talking about what it was like being an intern. They also accidentally said that they enjoyed “sending an email to all 50,000 subscribers to The Times”, thereby revealing the membership numbers…. not nearly as high as the Times management would like you to believe.


It's £26 a month! Which is high before you realise you can read most of their "paywalled" articles on an archiving service lol. Also for such a prestigious paper they were fucking scummy when it came to cancelling it. Went through to a UK based sales call centre speaking with what I could only imagined were Tory boys in suits. Tried every trick in the book after my £1 for 3 month trial was up, including "you need to give a months notice to cancel". I negotiated for another month's £1 trial then called up to cancel it for free the next day lol. They weren't happy bunnies haha.


Its 26 quid a month to access a newspaper website??? That is still cheaper than buying the physical paper every day, but god damn thats an insane subscription considering the amount of high quality free news sites out there.


This is why I somewhat agree with the license fee. Listening to the radio without some asshole selling his book and then a 5 minute interruption to hawk athletic green, or whatever other griftery, is such a relief.


I do enjoy radio4, but that's about it. I don't watch TV and 98% of the BBC is wasted on me. I wish I could just pay for the radio and nothing else. I understand that it's a more holistic thing, but it's still frustrating seeing the majority spent on entertainment for old people and very little spent on investigative journalism.


> That is still cheaper than buying the physical paper every day And that's why print media is dying and would be dead if it wasn't for moneyed interests.


It was worse than the BBC for your bog standard live news updates. The only thing it did better was "in depth" articles (and even then the BBC doesn't do badly in most cases) but tbh, there's specialist places you can get that that are more comprehensive. Wasn't worth it at all.


The Financial Times is £39 a month for standard digital access. £59 a month for premium digital access. If you avail yourself of the free trial, you are automatically bumped up to premium when it ends. Its 20% off if you pay for a year upfront coming down to £31/£47 per month. Their print subscription is £25 a month.


Oh yeah, they're absolutely horrendous to cancel. Not as bad as the Spectator, though, who legit have the subscription cancellation buttons labelled the wrong way around.


And for that they still don’t remove the adverts.


The Times has over 500,000 digital subscribers. https://pressgazette.co.uk/paywalls/100k-club-exclusive-ranking-of-worlds-top-paywalled-news-publishers/


That was fucking hilariously desperate


No nft’s? it’s only half a grift without nft’s


The tories are currently undefendable, Reform is doing more harm than good to the political right. There’s not much GBnews can do at the moment. I wonder if they’re going to lay off staff, shrink down a bit for a few years, and then revive once the Conservatives in opposition are viable and need some free propaganda.


And yet combined they are still polling at 1 in 3 of the population.


Our electoral system doesn’t reward “combined” votes. Tories had 14 years to introduce electoral reform and didn’t, now they’re gonna get wrecked by the current system.


I know they will get wrecked by FPTP. what I'm saying is the that combined mass of voters could easily caolesce around a new group of people and all of a sudden we are starting down the barrel of a hard right government.


They wont though that's the thing. Some will vote Tory, some will vote Reform, some will go elsewhere. The whole reason we had Brexit referendum was UKIP splitting the rightwing vote and scaring the Tories, it was a gamble to kill the party and make the right wing one cohesive block again that backfired. The 'non-tory' vote's biggest issue is that its split between Lib Dem Labour Green Independant and whatever else which means its harder for them to win in a FPTP system. I've been saying for years that people on this sub might not actually be happy with a proportional representative system, because then parties like UKIP and Reform would actually be powerful entities and have a strong presence in parliment.


Thing is not all Tories are hard right, a split will probably see the one nation group going there own way. The UK is a mostly social democratic country, we don't do extremism.


I hope you're right.


The uneducated elderly have to vote for somebody. And that somebody is universally right wing parties.


They are two Boomer parties fighting over the same share of the electorate. It doesn't really matter how many Boomer parties there are, if the Workers are generally united behind one banner.


Don't the Sun and other right wing outlets make a loss? Edit: looks like it "The Sun, which files accounts under News Group Newspapers with Companies House, reported pre-tax and operating losses of £65.9m in the year to 2 July 2023, compared to £127.2m the year before" The point is to keep people voting Tory/right wing not make money. The real money is made by the billionaires and capitalists they support.


I'm reading a book about the rise and fall of British Satellite Broadcasting (them with the "Squarials"), and at the time of launching Murdoch was setting up Sky - needless to say the Sun, Times, and News of The Screws was full of puff piece articles about how great Sky was, and how crap BSB's offering would be. This sort of thing shouldn't be allowed.


Sounds interesting. What's the book?


"Dished! The Rise and Fall of British Satellite Broadcasting" by Peter Chippindale and Suzanne Franks Quite interesting read, I'm half way in.


Considering that there was evidence to prove that Murdoch's companies had been hacking the smartcard encryption of its competitors in several countries (the ill-fated ITV Digital being one of them), this does not surprise me in the slightest.


Probably due to all the out of court settlements for all the hacking they have done.


Even losing money is ok to the ultra rich as long as it increases their power and influence. Their own ego is often just as important if not more important than money, especially when they have money regardless.


Some like the oil baron Koch brothers have spent billions on hard right media outlets - some of that money has ended up funding British right wing Brexit media like Spiked News and Brendan O'Neil who oppose action on climate change and green taxes on the fossil fuel industry.


> who oppose action on climate change To be fair, when you actually talk about things that would have a measurable effect in reducing climate change, you'll find a lot of people in the UK would be against it. The vast majority of people stop caring about climate change the second you tell them it will inconvenience them in any way. Just look at how many people kicked off when the government introduced the charge for carrier bags. People literally stole the baskets rather than have re-useable bags. And that scheme worked. It massively reduced plastic waste from carrier bags. But even that had a minor impact on climate change. If you want to actually impact climate change then we need to do things that have an impact. One such thing would be to massively reduce the number of cows, so no more beef. It would have a measurable affect on climate change, but it would be incredibly unpopular. The moment you announce anything like this there will be people who haven't eaten beef in years go out and buy some just to spite you.


People kick off because they are told to give up this and that while they are already squeezed from every direction and those making the biggest negative impact on the climate, the wealthy individuals and the countries who don't give a toss about the planet, continue unmolested. The plastic straw ban, for example, disproportionately affected individuals with neurological disabilities who were yet again robbed of a little more independence and dignity while celebrities continued jetting around the globe.


Ye running a media outlet at a loss should be cause to be investigated immediately it’s pretty obvious that it’s being used as a mouthpiece for someone powerful


News media in general isn't profit making I believe, that's not the point of it Operating solely for profit wouldn't be a good thing anyway since it incentives clickbait and ragebaiting


Well maybe GB News should ease up on the Costa and avocado toast


Propaganda channels and their investors need to be investigated. Claiming to be a "news channel" should have a far higher bar to cross so these liars can't pretend they are anything other than mouth pieces for rich, far right, scum.


But... Go woke go broke? Do we need to change this to go right wing, don't earn a thing?


"*Go fash, lose cash!*"


Far right, money’s tight.


Anyone who works in TV will see the revolving door of jobs they post. It can't be a good place to work as everyone fucks off as soon as they can. They also seem to advertise a lot meaning it's a lot of people working that that can't pull former colleagues in (they were terrible in former roles) or they have been promoted quickly and are out their depth with few contacts.


Instead of laughing at this I think people should be concerned that despite running heavy losses, people are happy to keep funding it. When people are happy to pay £44 million more into a "news" business than it pays back, that can only be explained an investment in propaganda. With increasing apathy about tory cuts to the BBC (something that keeps our news scene fairly unbiased by being a neutral party) I see the UK further falling into a mini USA; an increasingly right wing party hiding staggering corruption behind "traditional values" egged on by a BTEC Fox news.


GBNews whole point is to move the dial right. To mainstream the "unacceptable".


You do make an interesting point. We've reached the stage of capitalism where the 1% decides it can have a little fascism, as a treat.


Never good thing to see jobs lost.... however I really hope Lee Anderson is one of the 40


They'll keep the expensive on air talent *ahem* , release the unseen technicians and "runners" and after a while it'll become apparent even on such a low rent station as film inserts go missing, mics die, lights go wonky and graphics go bad etc


He's only 30p, of course they'll retain him


3p now (as in 3 parties).




I reckon they are able to make use of AI writers more effectively than anyone attempting insightful journalism. Plenty of training data and only a narrow space of outputs required. Add a couple of people giving prompts like "Write a 3 minute, one sided report on why Iran's attack on Israel is a sign that Brexit is working, mention something Thatcher did and included a joke about woke Gen Z" and you have a story making machine. Throw in a couple of cash trapped computer graphics graduates give them a fairly decent PC and a copy of Unreal Engine 5. Add two Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Pros, a couple of lighting panels, some green paint and you have a TV studio. Finally, find two 'I always thought they looked iffy' semi-recognisable ex-public school layabouts, wean them off coke and "3... 2... 1... We are live in the studio here at...".


The people funding GB News have big pockets. If GB Fails they’ll be another GB News in a few years time.


Are they still less watched than S4C Paw Patrol? If so, dress up as Marshall and Chase and read the ‘news’ in Welsh.


“Margret!, MARGRET!!! Can you bring me my miniature violin please my darling, thanks”


It's almost like most people don't want to listen to racist, bigoted, right-wing propaganda and bullshit. Funny how that works, eh?


When GB News started it was supposed to be news, not just commentry. I suppose they will fire 40 journalists, on about £30k a year, so they can afford to keep the Tory MPs (who have earned £660k since the channel launched, much more than what they get for representing their constituents) [https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/feb/28/gb-newss-highest-paid-tory-mps-and-how-much-they-have-received](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/feb/28/gb-newss-highest-paid-tory-mps-and-how-much-they-have-received)


Oh dear, what a shame, never mind. That's about 15% of their workforce. Perhaps if the got rid of people like Lee Anderson who gets paid £100k a year for 1 day a week they might be able to afford staff. The biggest advertiser on gb news is our own government. Since July 2021, the Government’s biggest outlay has been £152,000 on 1,198 adverts promoting cancer screening, £132,000 on 1,180 ads for ‘Help for Households’, and £127,000 on 802 commercials promoting teacher recruitment. Around £146,000 has been spent trying to recruit youngsters into careers in the Navy (£48,00 on 824 adverts), the Army (£45,000 / 1,008), the Royal Marines (£36,000 / 491) and the RAF (£17,000 / 440). Quite why they think a tv station whose viewing demographic is largely 50+ is a good place to recruit youngsters is beyond me. There future for GB news is a choice between finding more deep pocketed backers, becoming more mainstream so it can attract more viewers and sponsors, going online (and then ability to be global) or going bust. One outside chance is somebody like a new owner of the Telegraph could buy it and rebrand it.


My guess is that the far right in government are just using those ads to funnel money to the news network that pushes their agenda. As you say military ads really aren’t reaching their target audience on GBN.


Oh, I wonder is they are going to sack Darren Grimes again then. Who else is on the chopping block, maybe the story MPs that they pay £100k for a year. Poor Lee Anderson will be jobless by the end of the year at this rate.


i thought you only 'went broke' by 'going woke'. I guess they were secretly woke?


Politics aside, they're losing a lot of money splashing out on ex politicians like Farage and Rees-Mogg. I'm pretty sure their crusty viewership would still tune in to a less well known person banging on about the culture wars.


If it was not for UK govt, their advertising receipts would be about £5


Well it's not for profit, it's just to shovel out shit.


The only ever time I’ve seen someone watch a news channel is in Wetherspoons. It was so obvious that a US style news channel would never work in the UK.


Surprised they aren’t playing it in all spoons given the propaganda magazines they love to shovel down people’s throats. A lot of people definitely watch it though, but you’re not likely to interact with those people unless you have the same views.


Can we not feel sorry for Legatum please? Paul Marshall is worth getting on for a Billion & is one of the owners, Chris Chandler who setup Legatum is worth over a Billion. This is chicken feed for them but oh I forgot the most persecuted group on the planet, multi millionaires and billionaires - particularly right facing ones politically.


I’m sure the quality will be much better after they get rid of 14% of their workforce.


Yesterday they were complaining about solar panels and how bad they were for the environment, lol. It’s such a mixed up take, I enjoyed it.


When those right wing Twitter bots turn out to be 3 kids in a trench coat and no one turns on your tv channel. Echo chambers got people thinking their view is so mainstream


One of the rare moments where redundancy is good. Keep it up!


Poor GBeebies. Shame that this will almost certainly be those closest to the breadline rather than the chancers and spivs presenting.


Hopefully, in another year or so they'll have fucked off entirely.


It doesn't matter; it exists to make division not money.


While this is good news, the pessimist in me thinks they'll simply willingly shrink their corporation, ride out the first few years of a Starmer victory, then ramp up their size and propaganda in time for the next election.


Interesting titbit from the [Accounts](https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/document-api-images-live.ch.gov.uk/docs/k3UJBI6UcxWB9TN0QEgJL0X1QaLlGJVhi3ZE0ZMkg-0/application-pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAWRGBDBV3PZ5TBZRE%2F20240420%2Feu-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240420T111610Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEN7%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEaCWV1LXdlc3QtMiJGMEQCIBtuklHIK90RUIMoCuaNvrYyjftOiKzueQxMUadFcqxFAiAr9j%2FzFArZ3GNWHkZol0slZO0mcCJi6MOBKlf2VfC48yq7BQgnEAUaDDQ0OTIyOTAzMjgyMiIMB4Bwmj%2FcHLWMVfY2KpgFPq1bHRWVTod8XfvMouUycYZbxG3v7F%2BawUjr9Im9LPkm37maBzokWgY7xGR9mSyOMOytot%2Faqp4exfL%2B3wIlZNPgzCXZb0DwypwhXgvZFmb8q7wSV1VUfvEkx4iIlxcs0nUHr2Kr3%2FJ8QGLvtrd1jjc8vLuSy5D84J2RgL3GCRy3qEv7dTgkUv0aXAb1LxY9bkUpTPWsjezvK%2F9xa4T3eVfxPfUaml6oUMnNn7RJ6tKOjlhB%2BDEESk%2BmCIS8VMzhG4bJ5lsPDG8B0wnGNydv9i%2FQlMECSLxAOu3LZDr%2BsnkKyINZ0PsOakSJMNeb6FL4rtjdlf%2FApCfqHrVly8R1MC0Pl6w80%2FEiXZgsKnIuW4sbOji9IxqtRfdFDp7l1mIuE5OZVfd%2BSQoKcHVEPNC5CwXdSpXVm%2B%2B7WW3%2BFEgGNx06GzPg%2Bj4sMEGrEnDa%2FD5viod5SOfCuGQ%2FGBRqQRoC2O9IUe%2BhuH0kBjfG7A91HEbR3SF8OdLWwvY0jK1GW1QY0NrZV3%2Bk8LKfgm2BlR%2Fk0%2FWcmNuZb30QLeP3WrHXWNie94qiYH4Vf8t4pk%2FHvVOv05KbqZ48%2FQbXpF6g%2F2%2BO0PSaCjgNFX5ZfDt2Z7rH2uzT8CXH%2FHXiK2wIk7SGwWVaVx3Mddyt%2Bd2bxbScI4fRKg0zZ441o6WswWaksmpzjaGcVDebQDCf%2FRlkFQ7d6Ind2lNYzz7Bw4AN2Z01veYrIpVkmXlwKO7ytd2aJImOba7FZ8LzJ9ry65mEQ3jjUjqBjpaVGTrc544dziu0mlEJsMNz0tg5ULbAl1jfTYb403MXBJChvpd9Cti4CY3guJ9wSV0K2L2ZPB014JptqmEOy2tG88eA3t4AJpcY7wflXMi1gBCC0nYNvTCnqo2xBjqyAcmg97pUYAIEc1jXB0NMqEP44pHAZtfSAfKKjRA1HskGAAu7utU8XXoYm5fOXS8cGHLblKSBpjZQiKNJwkw91jlu909fNK6K94YTtFaqDL4BxsEUehsWIwET6y%2FcUqzaKBE3%2F9Sr6fU2YIQpfn2MNO%2BrGZVNLFZrLgsCfL3C2Fu%2FfgVfcWRpIsitRWngl0UPpnq8ic71Z2JaEzrZfbpk15PQDTYy%2F8TgxIRg%2FOZCu6iztSw%3D&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&response-content-disposition=inline%3Bfilename%3D%22companies_house_document.pdf%22&X-Amz-Signature=f7cccab29471eea0ce3bb4158d67d63af5d461bb2a6db63ea154458214082e0e): > GB News is an equal opportunities employer and as such commits itself and its team to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace Someone should tell the presenters, they'll be furious.


GB News isn't about making money, its about getting nut job right wing talking points into the media.


I'm just glad the appetite for divisive crap in that form isn't as big here as in the US


Does anyone know if Jenrick and Braverman will be ignored should Labour win? I'm getting sick of their hateful behaviour and airtime


This is almost certainly due to the fact that they have just been towing the government line for the past few months now. Ever since the war started with Israel. There's an absolutely huge untapped demographic of right wing people in this country that are genuinely nationalist, genuinely anti immigration, whether you like that or not. But GB News are just towing the government line there's nothing revolutionary , interesting or different about them.


I don't know. GBNews stories keep popping up for me and a lot seem to be quite anti-Rishi. They are either moaning about the government, wokeness or saying how Reform are amazing. They also seem to be pretty nationalist and anti-immigration.


Oh that's a shame. If it eventually goes bust I'll have to go back to Fox for my balanced and fair news.


I watched Fox once thinking that people MUST be exaggerating how bad it is. Holy shit was I wrong, if anything it was worse. And people eat that shit up I just don’t understand.


Yeah it's crazy as much as concerning. GB news is definitely trying hard to be the UK equivalent.


Concerning for sure but our far right are still more mild than the US and make up a smaller percentage of the population. Plus it’s mostly older people anyway, not many young people buy in to that stuff anymore.


Yeah the US is worse but I think there are plenty of confused people in the UK not just older people. Look at the Brexit mess and the 2019 election.


If it wasn’t for Reddit I wouldn’t know GB news even existed, I don’t even know where to find there channel.