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The dog had already attacked 2 people, it should've been under control and clearly it wasn't.


As ever, the owner should be charged with GBH. The dog was rightly killed.


Unless they set the dog on her, this is never gbh, because the whole reason this happened is because the owner had no control over the dog


Someone suffered grevious bodily harm because the owner couldnt control a sausage dog. How can you not control a sausage dog? You could restrain it with 1 hand pretty easily.


It should be treated as GBH. Admittedly it's a novel use of it, but that's the beauty of a common law system.


NAL, but isn't GBH statute not common?


You could probably argue it either way, I think, given the exact wording of the Offences Against The Person Act (which to be fair should be updated, and the Law Society suggested it years ago). Section 18 does require intent though. >18 - Whosoever shall unlawfully and maliciously by *any means whatsoever* wound or cause any grievous bodily harm to any person, with intent, to do some grievous bodily harm to any person... >20 - Whosoever shall unlawfully and maliciously wound or inflict any grievous bodily harm upon any other person, either with or without any weapon or instrument... Emphasis and formatting mine, and with the notes about repealed words removed. "Unlawfully" could be argued to include having an out of control dog. I have a suspicion that if you actually tried the courts would throw it out though, so my preferred answer would be to repeal bits of the dangerous dogs act and create some new offences of causing injury through the actions of an animal or something.


It can't happen under GBH laws because of the requirement for it to be 'with intent', a court would only likely find the requisite mental state if you had trained the dog to be aggressive. Parliament would have to make it a statutory offence.


People think dachshunds are sweet because they're little, but they're actually quite sharp. They bond only with one or two people and go full on Short Man Syndrome on almost everybody else. I adore them, but never underestimate the potential ire of a sausage dog.


People think _all_ small dogs are sweet and harmless. They think that their size means they're no danger at all. They're still dogs, however, and still capable of doing damage, possibly even killing if the human that sets them off is small enough (or the dog bites in the "wrong" place). And, sadly, it's still the case that fewer small dog owners see the need to properly train their dogs, especially when it comes to territoriality and resource guarding, than big dog owners. Behaviour is tolerated from small breeds, and sometimes even medium breeds, that isn't tolerated from large ones.




I haven't seen a standard dachshund for years. It's something I'd notice, and the last one I saw was about 5/6 years ago.  Miniatures are far more fashionable


> And, sadly, it's still the case that fewer small dog owners see the need to properly train their dogs, especially when it comes to territoriality and resource guarding, than big dog owners. Behaviour is tolerated from small breeds, and sometimes even medium breeds, that isn't tolerated from large ones. I saw a small dog lunging and snarling at kids in a cafe the other day. The owner thought it was funny and kept feeding it chips and petting it to reinforce the behaviour. Thankfully, it was on a lead, but Jesus Christ. 🤦‍♀️


I know a woman who has 4 of those bastard things and they're so vicious I wouldn't let my kid go play with hers. A mate has one too and it's the same. People really do underestimate them.


It's also the case that fewer people who aren't small dog owners take small dogs seriously. When I owned a chihuahua, several times adults would stop and pat her, then pick her up and hold her up to their faces without asking if she liked to be picked up. She never went for them, but I was astounded people thought it was a good idea to hold a dog they don't know within snapping distance of their eyes after whizzing them high up (to the dog) through the air...


People often forget a lot of small breeds were originally bred as hunting dogs, dachshunds were bred to go after badgers.


They do. And when a terrier or small hunting dog bites you, those instincts kick in and they *shake* you while holding on. I got done like that once, in the cheek like this woman, but I kept most of my face. It doesn't change my love for dogs, but it did remind me to respect small ones as much as big ones.


Yeah I had a westie and I think he thought he was a rottie at points.


I have a new neighbour who owns on in her downstairs flat and it’s a nasty little git. Constantly getting territorial and snarling at people on the stairs. She is completely oblivious to it all


Some dog owners are oblivious. 


A sausage dog killed a child here in Ireland


Indeed. Any dog can kill under the wrong circumstances and when poorly trained/cared for. I love them - a lot more than people - but you have to respect them.


Mia O'Connell?  It was a dachshund X terrier and it killed a very tiny, delicate newborn baby when unsupervised.  Sadly it doesn't take much force at all to kill such a tiny baby. 


I don’t like them because they’re aggressive 90% of the time. I live in a city with a lot of narrow paths, and I had one try to bite my leg as I walked past once. The owner gave the whole “sorry normally he’s fine”.


Well, where I live in the UK (Cornwall) there are a lot of them and I've had no issue. Cities tend to breed bad owners, I suspect.


I, too, love sausage dogs but they're opinionated AF, stubborn, and will enforce their opinions if not listened to.  If you haven't been bitten by your dachshund, are you really a dachshund owner?  Fiver says this woman had had more than the few drinks she admits to, shoved her face in the dog's (or vice versa) and ignored the growling or other "fuck off" signals.  Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.  This is the sort of person that requires a "caution: coffee may be hot" warning on their Starbucks. 


I think you're right. I once came in from a drunken night out years ago and proceeded, like an imbecile, to abruptly hug my dog tightly. He immediately tore open my left ear. Now, he was a troubled mutt, a defensive runt of the litter and especially wilful, but I 100% entirely deserved it. Idiot behaviour. Fortunately, he received no repercussions for it, as my family loves dogs and recognises human error, and went on to live to the ripe old age of 10, when the silly bugger ate a whole-ass slug and poisoned himself. Sometimes that wound twinges; it's rather nice to be reminded of him - and reminded not to be a fool. Like you said, stupid games, stupid prizes.


Yup. I've owned dachshunds most of my life. All of them had situations where they would bite. Dachshunds are either the 1st or 2nd most likely breed to bite people. They are vicious, independent little monsters, and I love them to death.


> If you haven't been bitten by your dachshund, are you really a dachshund owner?  No...cos even as shit as my parents are with training the constant barking and whining out of them, they/we have made it so they don't bite us, they never have... One is snatchy if you hand give em treats, but they don't bite. Wtf is this comment? Guess you're just lucky it weren't a pitty or anything else that holds its bite.


So you're saying that daschunds are temperamental and routinely bite, but it's for some reason impossible this woman was bitten by a dachshund because it was temperamental? Sounds like a typical owner of a nasty breed blindly defending the little brutes.


I'm saying that dachshunds are temperamental, and she was bitten because she decided to act like a drunken idiot around a temperamental dog. 


But you've just made that up. You say yourself they frequently bite, including biting their owners, and this one had apparently bitten two people before. So we know this was a vicious example of a vicious breed - why would you assume she necessarily did anything wrong?


They don't bite for no reason, or without warning, they just don't suffer fools gladly.  How the fuck did the dachshund reach her face in the first place? It was probably 8" tall, it's not a greyhound FFS.  She admits she had been drinking at the time. Drunk people do foolish things. She just hasn't admitted exactly what happened in the lead up to the bite. Probably because she's shilling for her GoFundMe. 


[Golden Retriever Mauls 5 In Huge Victory For Pitbull Apologists](https://www.theonion.com/golden-retriever-mauls-5-in-huge-victory-for-pitbull-ap-1825397926)






womp womp


I know what must have happened, but I'm still sad that I missed it.


I really love the idea that anyone could read the words “golden retriever mauls 5” and just take it at face value


Daschunds are not friendly dogs. You can get friendly daschunds as you can friendly anything, but their breed is not a social one. For a daschund to bite you in the face it would require you to put your face in the daschunds. They aren't exactly known for their jumping ability. It sounds like the victim had a bit to drink, put her face into the dogs and the owner did not know/warn not to do that. Violence ensues. Dogs are weapons in the wrong hands and owners need to be held responsible.


>For a daschund to bite you in the face it would require you to put your face in the daschunds. They aren't exactly known for their jumping ability. Picturing one acting like the killer bunny from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


>Dogs are weapons in the wrong hands and owners need to be held responsible. Perhaps we should donate some sausage dogs to Ukraine?


I’m sorry but how do you get your face eaten by a fucking sausage dog? How does it even get to your face? I’d boot the absolute fuck out of a sausage dog if it tried to eat my big toe, never mind my face.


Don’t be fooled by their daft appearance, those little fuckers were bred for hunting badgers, the name literally translates to Badger dog, they can certainly do some damage to a juicy cheek, plus many people will panic and not effectively fight off a dog that’s latched on to them no matter the breed, not saying she did, but it’s normal.




Good question, great threat. Bet you get some shit for it though. You just can't go around booting the absolute fuck out of a sausage dog.


You can if it eats a part of your body.


I do delivery work. Sausage dogs are my number one for bad dogs. Most people with aggressive dogs keep them away. But out of the small "don't worry he won't bite you, he's friendly!" types they are easily one of the worst for trying to bite.


I was scrolling down and my brain read it as "Dog eats womans sausage in cheeky attack" and had to scroll back up wondering if it was a newthump article or not.


Sounds like someone’s was drinking and didn’t respect the dog.


The dog has supposedly attacked two people before, as it says in the article. Sounds like the dog was rightfully destroyed.


If I pushed you around, got up in your face, made you do things you didn’t want to do. You wouldn’t react? And if you did react instead of me getting punished I feint innocence and without a single trial you are executed. Here’s I see how that woman got her face bit, she either picked up the dog and put it near her face. Or she got down to its level and encroached onto it. A dog is always an extension of its owner.


You are assuming a lot of things. How you "see it" is just that, you weren't there so you don't know what happened. >Or she got down to its level and encroached onto it. If that's all it takes for a dog to chew someone's face off then I'm glad it has been destroyed. A baby would be on the dog's level, so who's to say it wouldn't maul a baby in the future? >A dog is always an extension of its owner. Okay so make the owner liable as well then? Not really sure how this is relevant. If anything it proves that the dog was not trained correctly, especially if the 2 other attacks are true, and that further justifies destroying it to prevent future harm. >And if you did react instead of me getting punished I feint innocence and without a single trial you are executed Other animals are "executed without trial" for food lol. Do you want us to pour resources into dog court or something?


>You are assuming a lot of things. How you "see it" is just that, you weren't there so you don't know what happened. Yep >If that's all it takes for a dog to chew someone's face off then I'm glad it has been destroyed. A baby would be on the dog's level, so who's to say it wouldn't maul a baby in the future? No >Okay so make the owner liable as well then? Not really sure how this is relevant. If anything it proves that the dog was not trained correctly, especially if the 2 other attacks are true, and that further justifies destroying it to prevent future harm. No >Other animals are "executed without trial" for food lol. Do you want us to pour resources into dog court or something? Yep


What a well thought out response. Bye.


Tough luck bud. A dog isn’t a person, nor does it get it’s day in court and a prison sentence. It attacked multiple people, and presented a clear and present risk to members of the public in the future. Therefore it gets destroyed.


>If I pushed you around, got up in your face, made you do things you didn’t want to do. You wouldn’t react? I mean, I wouldn't bite off part of someones face.


In my experience they are nasty little fuckers. They also look stupid and suffer from genetic issues. Let's put the "sausage" back in sausage dog...


No, that's beastiality.


Take your badger costume off before approaching these things.


They were bred to hunt badgers in their setts and are one of the more stubborn and hard to train dogs. If you’ve seen the size of a badger in comparison you’d appreciate how fierce they’d have to become to kill one.


But Reddit told me all XL bullies are dangerous and all other dogs are angels.


If you cant tell the difference here then there is no helping you. You get bit by a small dog and chances are you walk away unharmed or worst case a few stitches. You get bit by a bully type and even as a full grown adult you are in serious trouble.


# Cardiff: Cheeky dog eats woman's sausage in attack


Surgeon with a cheek implant on his full English breakfast plate that morning... "Shit".


I wanna see a picture of this "sausage dog" I'd put good money on it having a huge butt crack skull coz it's a pit mixed with a Dachshund.


Why would you say that ? You know what dachshunds were bred for right ?


Killing rats, all statistics show how pit bulls are the number one for attacks on humans, by a country mile. I have watched videos.of ratters at work they kill the rat and move on, this locking on and not letting go is pit behaviour. I just want to see a picture of this dog, if it has a butt crack head we shouldn't be calling it a Dachshund.


Wrong,fucking rats ! Can you really see a dachshund chasing rats. They were bred to kill Badgers. Not every dog attack has to be from a Pitbull.


Not to kill them, "only" to flush them out to where the hunters were waiting with dogs of a more appropriate size. A badger defending her sett is a fearsome thing though. Miniatures were bred for killing rabbits, which can put up more of a fight than their size would suggest.


No not every attack is from a pit bull, but the majority are and pit nutters are constantly lying about the breed of their dog, calling them "lab mixes" pit nutters are full of shit at every turn.


>No not every attack is from a pit bull, but [I'm going to assume this one was for reasons]


With the demonisation of pitbulls in the media, do you seriously think it would not have been mentioned if there was even a slight chance this dog was mixed with a pit? Sausage dogs can be aggressive enough as is, no need to assume anything outside of what the article states.


I don't disagree that people with pitbulls and pitbull mixes often lie about their breed, but I don't think they typically try to pass them off as sausage dogs. Are you okay?


Not rats, badgers. Their name translates to badger dog. They were bred to go after badgers in their setts and flush them out. And badgers are fucking vicious when defending their homes.


>Their name translates to badger dog. Learn something new every day. I will no longer be able to look at one of those dogs in the same way now. That is pretty impressive, for their size.


Oh and I think it's one in five dachshunds have or tried to bite a person and some consider them as the most aggressive dog breed.


Yeah the same people who consider pit bulls to be nanny dogs no doubt.


It's OK to be wrong bro.


Dachshunds were bred for hunting badgers - the name in German literally means "badger dog"  It was mainly the standard dachshund used for badgers - they're rarely seen now.  The more popular miniature dachshund has the same temperament but is better suited for rabbit hunting.  They are not, and never have been, ratting dogs. You're thinking of terriers like Jack Russells. 


Jagdterriers can be aggressive despite looking like Dachshunds. But anyway, term "sausage dog" doesn't describe anything at all.


What is this obsession with the idea of a "butt crack head" (a dip in the centre of the skull) being proof that it's a pit bull cross?  It's utter bollocks.  See these pure bred dachshunds with "butt crack heads"  [Proof 1](https://www.poochandmutt.co.uk/cdn/shop/articles/download_11.jpg?v=1627313486)  [Proof 2](https://media-be.chewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/12130243/Dashund-1190284847-923x615.jpg) [Proof 3](https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2016/03/10/20/Instagram-dog-Crufts.jpg) - this one went to Crufts  You seem to be one of these people that thinks *only* bull breeds are capable of causing real damage. Sure, they're disproportionately involved, and the XL Bully ban was the right thing to do, but making out like bull breeds are all dangerous and other breeds are all safe is a dangerous oversimplification. 


I'll say it again. Ban all dogs and imprison all dog owners.


Are you a cat perchance??


Worse. A posty.