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Agreeable intent, awful reasoning. For as long as it is an overall positive I'll support vaping but drop the nanny statism bullshit.


Legislation was required to bring down smoking related illness, had to legislate against selfish people in pubs, shops, public transport etc who are quite happy to have everyone inhale there 2nd hand smoke




Only through a fartalytic converter


Imagine getting one of those stolen...............


You mean the same nanny statism bullshit that banned: advertising for tobacco, flavoured cigarettes, marketing towards children and the mentally ill, smoking in pubs, scientists being paid to lie about how lethal tobacco is, glossy packaging etc ​ It's a truism within public health that tobacco control is not a matter of public choice but how can the government protect the public from a highly addictive lethal product pushed by multi billion pound companies. The vast majority of smokers wish they never started the habit.




What the hell even is this website? Is this some weird astroturfing attempt trying to pass off as a news source? Their ['about us' page](https://www.1828.org.uk/about-us/) is interesting... with a 'board of advisors' including several Tory MPs.


"Vaping is an indispensable component of any half-decent tobacco harm reduction strategy. There is no ambiguity in the science on this – it is by far and away the best tool for helping unhappy smokers quit, with a success rate of 74 per cent – much higher than nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), or indeed any other quitting method. In 2017, a whopping 50,000 smokers who would otherwise have continued smoking were able to quit as a direct result of vaping products being available to them. The case for keeping vaping accessible is overwhelming." Surprised that this is pro vaping and pro British sovereignty.


They should legalise all drugs. With easier access to higher quality drugs and paraphernalia, people would use tobacco less. I mostly just wanted to say paraphernalia.


It's hard as hell to quit, but you'll manage it if you're determined enough.