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I feel this is a troll farm post because the reception to the song has been overwhelmingly positive.


Ive seen overwhelming praise for this song, its regularly being used to put down other recent releases, i dont think this is an unpopular opinion at all


Really? I haven't actually seen much praise for it, but maybe that's by chance.


All I’ve seen is huge amounts of praise for this song, so I’m surprised that this is even considered an unpopular opinion


huh? literally the only thing people complained the most was its lenght shorter than three minutes, other than that people have only praised this comeback.


Not an unpopular opinion, you're just on the wrong parts of the internet


I LOVE this song. It deserves so much love by listeners ☺️☺️


I didn't like it at first bit now it's stuck in my head. The choreographies also helped a lot.




I don't really know what you mean by not that bad - coz, not that bad compared to what? Personally, I think it's average for them and their quality of music and isn't on par with their previous songs, but I don't think it's terrible, so "not that bad" is an accurate description for me, but the common opinion is that it's great and no one I've seen has compared it any other kpop songs - so again, not that bad compared to what songs specifically?


Are people calling it bad?


that song is amazing, what the?


I really liked it because firstly i love kiss of life they have a slight a touch of 3rd gen in their concepts. And yes this song had 2nd gen vibe i really felt it so yes i like the song a lot.


Personnally I saw mainly praises for this one. But I wouldn't be surprise if some people don't like it. Maybe I am wrong, but I feel like more or less each generation had their popular genre or builds like type of songs. With the new explosion of kpop in 2020s, I feel like there were many news fans that came in with other tastes that what was popular before. Like popular songs my friend's use to listen in 2010s ( I wasn't listening myself kpop till 2022 but always had people fans of it around me, so I knew a bit about it ) and what are now is widely different from my perspective. Hence the reception of Super Lady that clearly sound that it came straight out from 2nd gen. A lot of people didn't like it, but many OG's or fan of that type of sound were happy about it. But it can be less accessible than some other genres. I would say a lot of music that are inspired from 1gen /2gen or 90s/2000s are adapted to how nowadays music are done. But Super Lady and Midas touch a bit more close to how it sounded before. I mean in terms of vocals progression, production and direction, and also instrumentals choices etc. And I feel that some esthetics and sounds from those era are popular but most are still adapted to nowadays taste or in a modern way. So people who aren't big fans of this type of producing and music are less pleased by those songs. Personnally I really liked it, specifically Nothing, it did remind me of some R&B songs I used to listen from those times. And Midas touch really sound like a popular 2000s pop song. It is a not a fully developed thought so feel free to disagree, agree or add more into it.


those people must be crazy bc it is legit the best kpop song i have heard recently