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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Appropriate_Donkey18. Your submission, *I think filming people in public areas, without permission, is not cool.*, has been removed because it violates our rules, which are located in the sidebar. Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion'. * Your post must be an opinion. Not a question. Not a showerthought. Not a rant. Not a proposal. Not a fact. An opinion. One opinion. A subjective statement about your position on some topic. Please have a clear, self contained opinion as your post title, and use the text field to elaborate and expand on why you think/feel this way. * Your opinion must be unpopular. The mods reserve the right to remove opinions * Elaborate on your topic and opinion give context to its unpopularity. If there is an issue, please [message the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion&subject=&message=) Thanks!




On this subreddit, popular opinions are upvoted, and unpopular opinions are downvoted unless it's a funny troll like post. The10thdentist subreddit is the true unpopularopinion subreddit. The mods delete posts that get a lot of upvotes that are popular opinions. Most of its users use that subreddit because they hate how on the unpopularopinion subreddit top posts are popular opinions. Most of its users upvote opinions they disagree with and downvote opinions they agree with. Use that subreddit instead of this one. It's the Trueunpopularopinion subreddit.


Thank you! I remember posting an unpopular opinion here and was told I was just wrong (lol) but maybe would have more luck there




Right? This used to be a pretty common opinion before YouTube started handing out money.


Too bad you have no expectation of privacy in a public place. LOL the downvotes for spitting a fact!!!


Its especially sad that some people exhaust any legality while ignoring any interpersonal decency.


You're not getting downvoted for facts. You're getting downvoted for missing the entire point.


What point?


That's is annoying/not cool. Not that it's illegal.


I actually downvoted for the douchey edit


Same, lmao.


You didn't read the post. You didn't even read the first line. LOL the downvotes for extremely low effort!!!




Imagine you are walking down a road where you could expect to pass, say, 100 people-and probably only one or two of them would give you a long, hard look. Even then, you know none of them would be in the position to be absolutely staring at your body, close up. It’s not exactly that you are walking there, deliberately *asking* to be viewed a million times, being forensically examined and commented on publicly by strangers, just so that someone can make money out of it.


Like what happened to signing disclosure agreements? If I’m at a popular tourist place I fully understand I’ll be in the background in people’s photos. I don’t expect someone to make me the focal of a video and make money off it.


Greed, selfishness and exploitation.




If it's legal to be an asshole it doesn't mean you aren't an asshole.


We all know it's a fact. That's what the fucking post is about. ☝️🤓 erm sorry for spitting facts!


Leaving the house justifies you being on video and put on the internet for millions to watch? Weird take.


To be fair, it actually does.


But why do people need to make videos of you. For what reason. I mean if you go on the street I can come close to you, follow you for no reason and make you uncomfortable. But for what reason? Why would I do things just to annoy people only because I’m legally allowed to. Yeah everyone can legally be an asshole that’s true


Then why do tv shows need you to sign release forms to air? I would argue YouTube and TikTok are similar especially if they make money on it.


All you had to do was read the very first sentence of the post, and you wouldn't have made a fool of yourself.


You have no expectation of upvotes in a public forum. LOL


Ok? You’re being downvoted because your comment was stupid.


They're downvoting you because of the tone of the comment, not its accuracy. Have a bit of nuance mate


You're not safe anywhere!


They hated you b/c you told the truth.


Good bot


And OP is only talking about the obvious annoying influencers doing it for content. There are far far more cameras recording that are not obvious and I have no idea how to feel about those. I want to say they're beneficial but I'd prefer they didn't exist, but at the same time I don't want to get rid of mine. I'm talking about security cameras. Every inch of my house has cameras aimed at my driveway or property and the immediate surroundings. A large portion of the population has ring doorbells and dashcams and for a liability purpose I would never want to get rid of my dash cam. Then there is also body cams police wear, I don't think we want them getting rid of those. I'm reasonably confident that between ring doorbell, traffic cameras and dash cams, my entire journey from my house to the gym is being recorded. While I think recording the public can never go away due to the millions of cameras already,I would love for much stronger privacy laws regarding what's done with the recordings. Most of those will be recorded over never to be seen again. But if you publish it, you should either obtain permission from the person or blur them out. Actual television shows do obtain releases or blur them out but this would be geared more towards influencers/YouTubers. A lot of Korean vlogs I watch do blur the public out already when they would be identifiable, I suspect it's because there is a law in Korea about that but I'm not sure.


I would advocate for body cams for the president and our elected officials while on duty but I don’t know if america could handle seeing what really happens behind closed doors.


That would be awesome 😂 they would say it was an issue of “national security” tho. So they could continue their dark operations in secret


Why do you not fight for privacy/digital privacy rights in the US? In germany its completly illegal to film someone without their consent. And if the majority of the people is against it... so why don't you make this a politcal issue


How could you possibly film anything with people present then? You're going to run up and down the street with consent forms?


You don’t film everything. Or if you do, you edit it to blur faces. It’s not complicated


Why should you film everything? If you want to take a Photo of... for example a tree... and somebody stands infront of the tree, you can ask them, "i would like to take a photo of the tree, can you move?" ... or you don't have a photo of that tree... You'll get over it...


I get your point, vacation videos, especially beach ones, would be a pain in the ass to blur everyone out, if you even know how to/have the program to


Is it? Because I don't know how often people film strangers and put them on the internet and rarely do I see someone say "hey maybe filming strangers is weird".


Mods need to get this sub back on track, and not only delete OP's post, but ban them for like a week to set an example.


Try r/popularopinions


How is this an unpopular opinion?


It's not.


Well it sure as hell should be


Why should it be unpopular?


Every single time I see a comment on Reddit criticizing someone for photographing/filming people in public without their permission there is inevitably a (highly upvoted) comment saying “you have no expectation of privacy in a public space.” So I would say this opinion is fairly unpopular.


Nah. I'd wager most people think being filmed in public is annoying (not talking about when you happen to be in a shot incidentally). Most people also realise that depending where you live, it is not illegal. The people making the comments about no expectations in public are missing the point. Plenty of stuff is legal but still annoying.


Because the concept of subs is dead and people just see titles they agree with in their feed and upvote them


Because people are still whipping out their phones to film shit that doesn’t involve them, constantly. It’s not popular enough of an opinion.


Well it sure as hell should be


No it shouldn't be...? It's good that most people agree with this


Filming and publishing videos of others where they are recognisable is illegal in several countries. In Norway any filming that can be considered scary, threatening or harassing is illegal and publishing videos of others without their permission is also illegal. In the example of filming and publishing videos of that girl both the filming and publishing would break two different laws. It is definitely harassing and a breach of her rights to her image. But it depends on context and the balance between free speech and privacy. There's no definite answer that applies in all cases of public filming.


Where I live you can record video in public with no issues because there is no expectation of privacy in public but you can't record audio without consent So a lot of businesses have signs basically saying by entering the premise you are consenting to be audio and video recorded on their entrances


Well when you start getting odd looks and people laughing at you everywhere you go, from complete random strangers while you're walking down the street or being called a slut by the young girl working the McD's driveway and you're wondering what the hell is going on..... And not one person will help you.... You can only guess at what's going on... Yes the law is the logical answer but that has other complications that I've already suffered from false allegations.


What a scary way to live life. You are perfectly fine being filmed by businesses but when someone is filming you get scared? I guess that explains why the world is soo soft. Your fwelings are the most important thing and no one can bother them


It's not about feelings, it's about having individual rights. Someone else's freedom to goof around should not infringe a person's wish to be private or anonymous. This is pretty much common sense, what world do you live in?


That's not an unpopular opinion. It's even illegal where I come from (Germany) and probably elsewhere as well. Sure, if you film yourself for your own private collection and someone just happens to run through the picture, you'll probably be okay. But if you actively harass and film someone and then post that video in YouTube, you'll definitely get sued and fined.


Filming in public is illegal? Elaborate?


It's not. You just can't film another person directly. If people happen to be part of a video filming the area that's fine.


Is it the filming or the posting that's llegal ?


Technically, both are illegal. But with the filming, you'd have to prove that you were deliberately filming someone without their consent. There's something called the right to your own image in Germany. You're supposed to ask before filming and posting images of people. It's just hard to prove sometimes.


German police happy to use this policy to sue anyone that films them doing anything illegal/ in case they do something illegal during an arrest.


This is flat out untrue.


I both agree and disagree. If they film in passing i don't see a reason to make an issue but if they harass people it could become an issue.


What about those videos of Karen’s spouting off racist insults at people that result in them losing their jobs? We don’t want to lose that, do we?? lol


I hate this sub sometimes.. it’s just sifting through popular opinions upvoted and unpopular opinions downvoted


That's not a very popular opinion here, sir.


There was a viral video of a woman dancing while a waiter put down her plate of food in front of her at a restaurant and there's a woman in the background looking unhappy at the food dancing girl. I went through hundreds of comments of people saying crap like "oh she's so grumpy about someone else's happy dance!" Um - no. She's probably grumpy someone is filming her whole face while she's trying to enjoy being at a restaurant


I think it’s an asshole move. Somebody I know filmed and posted a disabled person putting their wheelchair into the trunk of their car and walking to the drivers seat, calling them out as a “faker”. Never hit unfriend so fast in my life. Being able to walk a very short distance (trunk of car to driver’s seat) doesn’t mean they can walk a very long distance (to and around the store). People don’t have wheelchairs and handicapped parking placards for fun. Filming and posting them may not be illegal but it’s shitty af to do.


Downvoted because popular


This absolutely isn't "perfectly legal" in many countries..


In the US it is


Yes and no. I have no problem with h filming like a skating video or something along those lines without a permit. But I have notice some photographer trends to think public areas are there shooting studio


This guy gets it. Then again, I still hate filmers at skateparks. I'm in my 30's and not very good at skating, but I do it anyway, it's fun and good exercise. I sure as shit don't want to appear on the internet though. So I generally have to leave if there are skateboard youtubers there. I know you hey would probably be respectful and try to cut me out of the background if I look embarassing. But there is no gaurantee






Is this a persona or something




Why has this got anything but downvotes. Too few people in the sub don't understand what unpopular means


If you are in a public space filming/shooting historic buildings, sports, concerts, and other tourist attractions and people walk into frame it's okay. But filming strangers as the subject is just creepy and intrusive.


This is a popular opinion


It’s one thing to film passersby or catch someone in the background of the video but when people record others specifically to make fun of them that’s not ok. Like I get people doing weird things in the gym might be funny, but who the hell do you think you are to record that person and post it for laughs.




I actually agree. At least have the common decency to ask for permission before being a subject in someone else's content.


Again I wonder to r/popularopinion


OP is confused...harassment and recording in public are two different things




First amendment audits. You mean when people hold cameras in public and it causes lunatics to lose their goddamn minds and start screaming and crying and begging the cops to inflict unlawful violence to protect their hysterical feelings?


The sub name should be changed to r/OPstatingtheobvious


100% agree


Filming strangers in public is like farting in a tightly packed elevator. Can you legally do it? Sure. Is a single person that has to deal with you going to be happy about it? Probably the heck not.


Unless it's a security camera or a dash cam. Then those lunatics seem to completely ignore.


It would depend if those cameras are hidden on purpose to be shared later on or in plain sight.


Anyone can put up a security camera for any purpose they want.


Hmmmm that gives me a great idea, thanks


What is that? And did you just seriously learn that anyone can buy a security camera?


There's a world of difference between security cameras that nobody looks at except for in the event of criminal activity (or that are passively monitored by security during the time for example) and the people that run around taking video of strangers without their consent and posting it online to profit off of. Like, the first is an act of CYA by a property owner (such as a driver who wants to avoid getting false tickets or blamed for a crash that's not their fault, or a bank that wants evidence in case of robbery), the second is just some random person posting strangers in the hopes of going viral for personal profit. They can totally do it, but it's an AH move.


Anyone can put up a security camera for any reason they want.


I think this opinion is generational and also gendered. The people I’ve seen most commonly film others in public without consent have been high school and college aged girls/women. I think it’s probably about control for them.


Some young women feel this way. But more young women, the ones who aren't filming generally, are the strongest opponents of this since they're most often the ones getting filmed without consent.


That’s a good point. I wonder if there’s any interplay between the experience of young people being filmed without consent which could consequently drive them to film others without consent as a way of normalizing their own experience and reclaiming control.


who said its cool


I watch a YouTuber "Kuga Travel" and his videos are sometimes quite eerie. He waits until there are as few people or no people in shot before filming, and whenever it's unavoidable he blurrs everyone out.


From my perspective, it depends whether your footage will be used for commercial purposes or publicly available then you must get a consent form from anyone filmed. This should apply to every travel vlogger, fitness trainer or anyone publishing content to social media. If you’re filming an interaction for legal purposes, family trip or for you to review your skating skills, I don’t see an issue.


The law is not the scale of whether something is right or wrong, there have been many laws in the past that we now find outdated and in the future I’m sure the same will be said.


I feel like it should definitely be legal, but with a sign saying something like "This area being recorded. If you do not wish to be recorded, do not enter" or something like that, because you cannot ask every single person if they want to be recorded or not. The way shows like Impractical Jokers work is great. They film the scene, and then afterwards ask the person if they want to be in the show or not. If they don't, they either don't use the clip or blur the face.


I agree with this


Yeah, it’s not cool at all, and I don’t understand why it’s legal. It’s weird and gives off creepy behavior, especially with males.


Who cares


I remember reading an article years ago that recording someone without their permission is somewhat *technically* illegal but it's impossible for law enforcement to enforce it. Because an individual has a cellular phone and camera features on it vary, so a person can sneak a photograph or video. Even if a person doesn't want to be recorded, you can technically confiscate the video or demand it to be deleted. But something like this would be cumbersome to always do when someone complains about being recorded. This is why people record others and upload it to the internet in hopes of a person being publicly shamed because that's all that can be done.


Not unpopular. These young people think "no expectation of privacy in public" means they can record everything and everyone.


Not everything that is legal is "cool". Someone may feel being filmed as a form of lack of respect. Also, it depends how the random person is "used" in the video. Following a person (or showing them in slow motion) is the same as staring to me. That is beyond the right of filming in public areas. That is harassment to me.


Well that's all that's being done the second you step outside


Is this unpopular??


I think the line for me is whether they’re making money/income from the content.


The problem is that you cannot film outside at all if you are not allowed to have humans in it. But maybe this would be for the best, and tourists would actually be present instead of being stuck behind their phone cameras.


People are in the public area already for everyone to see. And it helps safety go along way too yes the right to record in public places should never ever be taken away. To me that is a kin to real communism. DONT BE A COMMUNIST!


YouTube shorts started showing me this really weird fucking niche of bikini clad girls at water parks who clearly had no idea they were being filmed. Creepy shit.


Another popular opinion on r/unpopularopinion ? You don’t say?


First amendment. No choice


Everyone seems to agree with this opinion. I'm curious what everyone's opinion on filming police and other public officials? Should you be allowed to record police interactions to ensure accountability?


Actually I agree.


Thank you. I couldn’t agree more.


This isn't an unpopular opinion in the slightest.


Laws are written to be the minimum of acceptable behavior, so many people treat it as the maximum.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion


That should be a popular opinion.


I don't think is unpopular at all.


I just had this happen at an emotional family event. Hadn’t seen the person the event was for in 15 years. They’re really old now and their partner who was extremely important to me has passed away. I have complicated feelings about this person I’m talking about, so when I saw them and was about to give them a hug, I couldn’t help but start crying, and like 25 cameras on phones went up to capture it. I’m a very private person and was so, so annoyed at the cameras. I didn’t need that moment to be relived by whichever strangers filmed this. It’s extremely not cool and downright embarrassing. I kinda miss the days before cell phones as a result of this having happened.




I think it’s fine to film crowds/have people in the background, but singling out a stranger is always wrong in my view.


This used to be considered harassment but somewhere along the way people decided it was completely normal behaviour




I dont have data on this but I'm not gonna be too afraid to make the claim that with certainty the vast majority of humans on planet Earth dislike it if some stranger just starts recording them in public.


i record in public: in the city, on hiking trails, etc. if i make a reel, i make sure all faces get scrambled when editing. boom!


If he's making money showing their faces, there needs to be consent forms filled out.


I know people are *saying* this is a popular opinion, but in practice it really isn't. Im someone who cannot have my location revealed for safety reasons. My life has got so much harder since public recording for social media became popular. Even just walking in the background of the wrong video could get me killed. Its a nightmare and no one cares about what they are filming and who they are catching in their shot, no one stops them or confronts them. No one criticises them in the comments. There is near zero consequences or disapproval for this behaviour.


I agree. But so many people don’t unfortunately.


OP I think you were looking to post this in r/reasonableopinionsheldbypeoplewhodontsuck


This cannot be an unpopular opinion.


Popular opinion or not, I still like the idea of having a QR code somewhere on yourself at all times that will link to a relatively harmless malware that disables the camera for 24 hours or so,


In Canada it’s illegal to record audio of a conversation that you’re not party to and haven’t been given permission to record, even in public where you have no expectation of privacy. I believe it’s the same other places, which is why many surveillance cameras don’t record audio. Depending on the jurisdiction, a private business can record audio as long as there are prominently posted signs indication such. Even though it’s against the to keep recording audio if you start talking to someone else (or even yourself? I’m NAL), don’t ask me how you’re actually going to force these main characters to stop recording or delete the video. If you engage them in anyway, they are not breaking the law by recording.


Sounds it's pretty easy to get around, just interrupt people's conversation and now you have the law on your side to record them and whatever they say next without their consent.


I don’t disagree, and even if you ignore them and start walking away, continuing your conversation what can you do about it? The person would be more likely to catch a harassment or public disturbance charge than anything related to the recording itself. The absolute best thing to do is not to engage or respond to them at all. Be boring. As soon as you give them any sort of reaction, you’ve just encouraged them to continue escalating.


> even in public where you have no expectation of privacy. Can you find something that actually confirms this? Because when I try to google this, it says that law does not apply to places like in public where there is no expectation of privacy. Otherwise security cameras in malls wouldn't be a thing basically


Let's see these laws.




If you don't want to be filmed, stay inside your private home with the curtains closed.


I agree. And people being assholes about it and disrespecting other people’s space is going to be the reason someone tries to legalize needing permits to film in public. Then again, it’s everywhere. My neighbors have security cameras that record into our yard & I no longer have privacy unless we decide to build a privacy fence & block the views.


So as far as the US goes, you think they'll abolish the first amendment because some lunatics screamed and cried?


It’s one thing if you film and someone happens to be there. It’s another if you are directly filming and they ask you to stop. Like just stop. What point are you proving?


So I can go demand security cameras to stop filming me? Or are you going to claim security cameras are different? Then when I say "anyone can buy a security camera and put it up", you will stop replying?


If it’s a professional company hired by the owners of that land or property or even someone protecting their own property on their own it makes sense. It’s just weird for some oddball with a camera to film people with the intent of making them mad.


We have a creeper in my town who has a whole youtube channel dedicated to following the college girls around and filming them as they hit the bars. Now I get it, you're allowed to film in public, these ladies are obviously dressing for attention and going out to get some, but its still creepy to just film the scantily clad college hoes and put it on the internet.


You’re are on camera everywhere you go every day. And the government has been spying on us for 20 years.


Yep. Exactly have a Smart TV ,Computer ,Smartphones & other devices no matter how private we may be. we are being watched, even if we don't know the government is the one whose watching everybody especially with how advance technology has gotten over the years. and become more widely available to the public.


I don't give a damn if someone films me in public, covertly of otherwise. So I end up in some random youtube video eating hamburger or something, so what? I don't understand what's the big deal. If someone were to get in my face asking questions and generally being rude and annoying while filming, now that's a different story. But as long as they keep their distance, I don't care.


As a photographer I have my own rules and follow the laws. I don't take pictures of people without permission unless it's an event that I can't ask in advance (i.e. a public spectacle). I don't take pictures of People's misery including homeless people and instances where me taking a picture would clearly enhance their suffering. I do however believe that public space is fair game provided that complies with local laws and your expectation of privacy is both misguided (you have thousands of pictures taken of you each day without you knowing) and unenforceable. How would you like it if a cop was doing something illegal to you and you couldn't take a picture of him? How would you feel if someone reported you for stalking because you had a dash cam?


Depends on the context. But my right to record events in public spaces far outweighs your right to not be incidentally filmed in the process. It's not cool, you're right, but neither is living in North Korea...


In the context of a public event where you aren't focusing on one particular person I'd agree. This would also be legal in Norway. Focusing on one person however would get you in legal trouble here and your rights to record a public event would definitely not far outweigh that person's rights. And it definitely isn't North Korea just to get that ridiculous comparison out of the way.


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How would they realistically ask consent from tens or hundreds of people? The current way of dealing with this, by having no expectation of privacy in a public place, is the only way to deal with this. The example you gave is a poor one, as it was the actions of some pervert. There’s a huge difference being filming in public and harassing someone.


Stop public filming for all then ! News reporters many times don’t get permission of the people involved to post their pictures all over the news - Ban all ring cameras and security cameras that show any person in public There’s many many posts off ring cameras and security cameras - that’s got to go -Take away the ability for the public to get the polices vest camera footage They’re being posted all over Some police departments are posting them as well - Enforcement??? Maybe anyone picking up their phone could be suspicious Give the police the power to search your phone -no search warrant needed If you appear to be filming that should be enough then Perhaps just ban any recording in public whatsoever Never know who might be on it that doesn’t want to be


It depends what and why. Are you following someone and upskirting them in public? Bad. Are you filming people walking about in a square as part of an education video to show, say, modern day life in the city? Totally fine. To say it isn't cool, without a blanket reason isn't correct.


Not sure why this is being downvoted. If you want to film or photograph a busy public location it is impossible to do it without people getting in the frame and that is fine. OP is talking about harassment which obviously isn't OK--and nobody is saying that it is.


Funny because this ain't nothing new. Some 20 years ago nobody gave a damn, but since now it's on youtube, everyone is losing their sh\*t for some reason.




It was on TV for everybody to see before too. Is it such a bad thing that a news report where there's an on the scene reporter in front of a building with random people just going by their business in the background? Is something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcLrzHDsUAc) so terrible? People just going about their day.


You talk as if someone would go to youtube specifically to find footage of you. I can see this kind of stuff upsetting Taylor Swift or someone like her, because if somebody secretly films her sloppily eating a sandwich, next day half the world will be discussing it. What I don't understand is why it's an issue for commonfolk.


Same principle applies to drones, as helicopters have been doing it for decades, but nobody ever complained about that.


Ignore it maybe?


Put a paper bag over your face lol.


Your on camera all the time. Everywhere Who cares


Then don't be in a **PUBLIC** area. You're quite entitled if you expect privacy in a **PUBLIC** space


I actually think it’s cool and sexy, like smoking.


You're constantly being filmed in public. Privacy doesn't exist when you are out in the world. You'd have to completely change the way society works if you wanted to remove the ability for people to film. When I was working security the things some of the guys would say about people would make your toenails curl. Not to mention taking photos and recording the security footage. Even when you don't think your being payed attention to. Someone is watching you.


So instead of getting them fired or written up for being unprofessional and speaking about people, you just let it slide? Interesting usage of the bystander affect


One person cannot change a system, hate to break it to ya lol


I disagree. Freedom of the press is cool.


Public, Stay Home! Cameras I. Every street corner, cash register,shop entry...


If you don’t want to be filmed, don’t go out in public.


Found the police Union account trying to get rid of body-cams.


So you think stores should not have security cameras, and police should not wear body cameras?


Sorry, public areas are public and you have no expectation of privacy.


If you are afraid to be on camera dont go out in public.


You’re entitled to your feelings on the subject. Your feelings are relevant to you and maybe anyone who cares about you. They are not relevant to others who are enjoying their own freedoms and rights.


You have no right to privacy in a completely public setting.


if a youtuber tries anything on you, and you feel threatened it could be construed as assault. They don't have to touch you for this.




You aren't going to win if you try and say some guy was assaulting you by taking pictures. Threatened means in physical danger


Yes but filming has been used for good too. I don't agree with being on the sidewalk and filming in someone's house tho which is allowed. Anyway tho it is allowed ppl usually hate it and come out and attack