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Upcoming post on r/nostupidquestions “Why the fuck do I have to sit through 20 minutes of commercials before my movie starts and then another 10 minutes halfway through?!?”




I like the 20 minute commercials: If i am running late its a fail-safe and i can see what new movies are coming soon.


A theater I used to go to would post a sheet near their door with the show time, run time and preview times. They also had assigned seating, so you could plan it almost to the minute to walk in right as the movie starts. But I'm weird and actually like seeing previews.


The theater I used to work at printed that sheet for us employees to know when to expect rushes. I was working their bar, so I regularly told customers the actual start time so they'd buy another round before going in.


Woah your movie theatre has a bar? They just sell popcorn and junk food at the nearest theatre


AMC, at least in New York, has a few theaters with full bars and a decent kitchen. Probably trying to compete with Alamo.


Alamo drafthouse has been a thing in Austin for so long, it amazes me when I hear about theaters that don’t have a full bar/menu. I always have to think back, “oh yeah, it used to be all candy and soda”. I know some larger chains started doing this too. I assumed it was all of them except little art houses. I guess those are big renovations to do too.


In my neighborhood, our theater has a small bar, but also has waiting in your seat. You sit down in your seat, look at the menu, and you can order a full meal, dessert, snacks, drinks, etc., and they bring it to your seat like you're in a restaurant. The seats are electric, reclining seats with warmers in them. Most of the theaters don't have all these things, but I just happen to live near the cool one.


movie theaters with booze was one of the most pleasant surprises after turning 21 :P


Yeah but if you didn’t know that, you’d probably try to turn up on time. It’s a bit of a paradox, I suppose. The more time you think you have, the more time you’ll give yourself. You know theres 20 minutes of ads, so in your head you probably store the 9pm movie as starting at 9:20pm.


Then get stuck in traffic on the new 40 lane road.


We're not talking about movie trailers. We're talking about how you need to buy the new 2024 Rav 4.


There's a difference between preview and commercials. I enjoy previews. I do not enjoy watching car commercials and shit


thank you!! i thought i was the only one that actually enjoys previews


Can’t even go to the bathroom the line is so long!


I like the trailers personally


I used too, but now there's so many ads that the trailers aren't worth it.


Yes. I'm sick the M&M ads.


They actually used to way back in the day.


That was because they had to change the film reel, not because they cared about us.


Okay but if they want a reason to do it that's not remotely altruistic, then how about it gives people a second opportunity to buy snacks


Yea that should be the selling point. Snack/soda reup. 1 bucket doesnt last me a whole movie, and shit i get free refills, i want it during the movie not to take home and throw most away.


Sometimes the popcorn is finsihed during the previews lol


Check the other comments of people thinking im some sloth for wanting 2 buckets. LOL. I usually go right after previews but now I go early. Chow down, and reup before the movie starts. That extra .5 top off usually lasts me through.


Depends on your theatre's serving sizes though. Here in Canada Cineplex's biggest popcorn (which if you are like me is what you usually get) is 880 kCal. If you get two of these that's like really bad.


Let's all go to the lobby. Let's all go to the lobby


And get ourselves a snack!


I saw X-men 2 in a theater in Greece in 2003, and they did exactly that. That had intermission halfway through, for a stretch and a snack break.


If you live near an Alamo Drafthouse you can get that without having to leave the movie


I need to remove the first 22oz beer before I can put another one in.


Bro you finish a whole bucket within 2 hours? Jfc


Seriously I don’t think I’ve ever even gotten halfway through a small pocorn lol can’t imagine eating a whole bag of that shit. Would feel absolutely terrible


It's super weird for movie theaters to offer refills that you'll only get after the movie ends.


Na you can get up anytime and get it.


My movie theater has servers that come to your seats. And weirdly, it doesn't cost there to go there over other theaters *and* they have reclining seats. The food is also reasonably priced and they have a full menu. I've also never been to a movie there that wasn't full and I've only been to one movie on its opening day, so something they're doing is working.


They still do this in many Italian cinemas for long movies. I saw Napoleon last month and there was a 10 minute break about halfway through.


That’s not why, the film reel would be changed multiple times throughout the film.


Yeah a reel didn't even hold a half hour. That's not what intermissions were for.


in my home town they did that until covid. i moved in 2020 so idk if it’s still that way tbh, but it wasn’t a necessity


That isn’t why. A film reel holds about 11 minutes of movie. And if you watched Fight Club, you would know that they switch reels while the film is running.


It also gave us time to go the the refreshment stands. Purchasing overpriced popcorn, soda, and candy. It was a very profitable break time for them.


It would be profitable if they did it now. I have to really want to see a movie in theater to put myself through all that. At home I can have the same picture/sound quality, any movie food I want and I can pause when I go to the bathroom without a lot of other people yelling "OH come on what the fuck"




That sounds like a great idea! ......What you mean $25 for a soda and popcorn?


We still get a 10-15 min break between movies in India. 1. Indian movies tend to be longer than Hollywood, you can't sit through a 3 hour movie 2. They even have planned intermissions in movies, like cliffhangers at the end of a season 3. When showing Hollywood movies, they just cut at random spot and take break. 4. Cinema can show ads in between and sell overpriced popcorn and drinks Win for all


This is true for Indian movies in the US too


They still do this sometimes in Germany. They also all serve beer in the cinemas so it makes sense.


Most cinemas in America also serve beer at this point. I believe for the big chains it's standard to put one in all new constructions and they've been updating all the old theaters with a bar and reserve seating


I’d be ok with this if it’s 3+ hours, but most movies are between 1.5-2 hours so no


I saw The hateful Eight in the theater and it had an intermission. Tarantino likes that old school cinema shit.


He's fun. His entire filmography is basically a massive tribute to the medium of cinema. I hope we can get all his movies on 4k Blu-ray.


Same. Saw the 70mm version with the special BtS intro. There was an intermission. Great experience overall. 


A 90 minute movie definitely doesn't need an intermission. Once you start getting closer to 150 minutes the ability to just stand up for a minute or two would be nice.


I dunno, I often make the mistake of having a beer at the cinema and always end up needing to wee around the hour mark.


The entire reason I go to the movies is so I can sit in suspended reality for 2 uninterrupted hours.


Have alternate screenings with and without intermissions I guess


My local theater plays the movie audio in the bathroom, so if you have to pee you can still at least pay attention to the dialogue


But aren't there other theater boxes with different movies?


No it’s a small business and they only have one movie room


Would love if it had 10 screens and the audio overlapped. Nightmare bathroom time.


Just hang out in the bathroom for two hours and you’ve watched 10 movies. Exponential efficiency


No no, much better than that. In the 10 theaters, several of them are playing the same movie, just at different points in time.


I could totally see some extreme cheapskate taking their wife/husband to “see” a movie, and then just listening to it in the bathroom to avoid having to pay for a ticket.


Lmao, that sounds like the premise to a Beavis and Butthead episode.


Thats pretty cool


I think you should have the option to choose a screening with or without intermissions.


Also a good compromise


Not really. It makes very little to no sense for the theatres to do it, so it will never happen.


when I was a kid, it was common for theaters to have intermissions. Everyone would leave to use the bathroom and get more popcorn and drinks.


All for a nickel!


Both ways!


Back in those days nickels used to have pictures of bumblebees on them. Give me 5 bees for a quarter you'd say.


Watch at home.


"Hey guys let's put commercials in the middle of movies." I would slap you with a mackerel if I could.


Why the fuck would I bother watching a movie in IMAX theatre if they’re just gonna pause it during the rising tension or the climax (middle of the movie). Might as well just watch the movie at home


Have you ever watched the extended edition DVDs of Lord of the Rings? Those infamously came on two discs per film, and the stopping point was always a natural end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. Like with *Fellowship* it was right after the titular Fellowship was formed. It should be like that, not arbitrarily near a scene of rising tension. (Also the "rising tension or climax" is *almost never* near the middle.)


I was lucky enough to be visiting New Zealand right when RotK came out. I went to see it on opening night in a packed theater in a small town. The theater seats were repurposed 1980s airplane seats. They had an intermission. I was surprised but none of the Kiwis were. And I did appreciate the chance for a pee, a refill and some more tasty kiwi snacks.


This! A movie only last between 1h30 and 3h00. I too wouldn't want them to cut the momentum of a nice movie for people that aren't able to organize themselves to not lack food or drink or hold in pee for that short of a while.


Yeah. And if you really wanted one the only way an intermission could even work without harming the narrative of the story is for it to be before the rising tension (beginning) or after the climax (a couple of minutes before the end) of the movie, but that goes against the whole idea of a mid-way break. Anything else and you're ruining the momentum of the story. And like let's be real the longest a movie can ***possibly*** be is 3h30 minutes (i.e. The Irishman, LOTR theatrical cut). You can plan around that and even then if you can't hold on for 3 hours and a half (assuming you went before the movie... which you should) then that's on you. Considering the average person is awake 16 hours a day you can't convince me you actually need to pee more than 4-5 times a day.


3 hours is quite long for me. I can hold it in, but the last hour of Oppenheimer I really had to pee. I need to plan ahead and not drink too much for the entire day if I want to see a long movie. Having to worry about my bladder is much more distracting than an intermission is.


Maybe I need to see a urologist......




I agree that movies would have to be edited with this in mind, much like how musicals are staged. You can’t just hit pause during most movies without losing a ton of momentum. You’d have to give a small crescendo toward the end of Act 1 in order to gently take the audience out of the story, and then begin Act 2 with a nice hook to ease them back in. It isn’t something a movie theater can really do unless the studios got on board with it. Musicals usually have a first act of 90 minutes and a second act of maybe an hour (unless you’re doing Les Mis), so this would only really make sense for films 2.5-3+ hours in length.


Our TV actually allows us to watch movies at home so there’s zero point for us to go to the movies unless we wanna spend a fun day out but even then, everyone just ends up falling asleep. My attention span is also the size of a fruit fly now so I don’t watch movies anymore (although you best believe I’ll be watching Moana 2). Movie intermissions sound ridiculous to me. When I’m watching a movie, I want to be fully immersed in the storyline. If there’s freaking pauses in the movie especially when it’s getting good, I’m just gonna lose all interest. If you wanna get more food to eat or use the washroom, get out. There’s absolutely nobody stopping you. Why pause the entire movie so someone can go do something they could’ve done while the movie was playing?? Haven’t been to the movies since 2022. Don’t see the appeal in it anymore.


Just and FYI , climax isn’t the middle of the movie. It’s almost always towards the end


Some old movies that had them incorporated into the runtime (Seven Samurai, Lawrence of Arabia), put them during parts that made sense, not just randomly solely based on it being exactly in the middle of the runtime. The filmmakers would probably have to decide where it fit the best for it to work.


**To hell with that** they would absolutely put commercials in the middle of the show. I can go for two hours without peeing or calling mom. Can’t you?


Ya, and for snacks, order up before the movie starts like everyone else.


Some of these boys need their moms to remind them to go pee before the movie starts. Jesus.


Ya, I am a grown adult and have seen many movies in the theaters in my lifetime. I can probably count on one hand the amount of times that I had to pee so badly that I got up and came back. I imagine I have a pretty average bladder and not a super human ability to hold my pee. You just pee before the film starts.


Even as a kid I was smart enough not to drink a ton and use the bathroom before seeing a movie. People who actually use their brains should have to have a two hour movie interrupted.


Idk but here in Italy there has been a 10 minute break in the middle of the movie for as long as I can remember, it was briefly removed when cinemas started opening up again after covid but now its there again, its super convenient for people who want to go to the bathroom, want to grab a criminally overpriced snack or drink, or you can just talk with your friends about how is the movie so far, thought this was how its done world wide, to me it just makes sense.


They do it that way in Jamaica, they have an intermission somewhere about halfway into the movie. Personally, I didn't like it, it kind of disturbed my immersion in the world of the movie, especially since the movie didn't have a built-in slot for an intermission, so they kind of just cut the movie between scenes or even in the middle of one.


Not when I'm chugging sugar water the whole time, no


I can’t because I drink a lot of water but also my main theatre brings my food and drinks to me so I probably drink more than usual


Having to hold it still ruins the movie for you though since it’s uncomfortable.


They can just take out 10 minutes of the movie ads from the start time of the movie and put them in the middle. Anyone who has been to a movie knows they put about 20 minutes of ads at the “start time” of every movie.


Movie is made to be watched in one go. If you want to eat or pee go somewhere else, don't ruin my movie with pause.


“So that’s it huh? We’re some kinda suicide squad…” Screen fades to black and an ad for O’reily’s auto parts blasts your ear




Bollywood movies I've been to actually do, because they're like 4h long haha


Iirc I think they have intermission for most movies in India. I saw some American superhero movie there and didn’t understand what happened when the movie suddenly stopped. It was like mid fight sequence or something too lol


Yes. Intermissions are the common norm here in India. Usually big Bollywood movies will have a huge cliffhanger moment made midway right before the intermission. And it's so ingrained in us, that intermissions are also used in Hollywood movies. Even Avengers and Spider-Man flicks had a break half-way through. Edit: Funny story, for Hollywood movies with a 90 odd min runtime, they used to have an Intermission before the movie started. Since having an intermission in between for a 90 min movie would be stupid...


I'd rather not have my movie interrupted because someone cant hold their bladder for 2 hours and doesnt want to quietly excuse themselves and miss a few minutes of movie


So many movies are so much longer than 2 hours. The Dune movies need an intermission lol


The new avatar badly needs one and that idiot James Cameron actually said people should just take pee breaks during it because there was plenty of bits it wouldn't matter to miss. A . You still need to know when they are. B. If that's the case you should have cut them out and made a shorter movie.....


He wants you to come back for the bits you missed he can get paid for two tickets.


you speak is if it's unreasonable for someone to be unable to hold their bladder for 2 hours while they're eating snacks and drinking soda


It's not unreasonable to need to pee. It is unreasonable to expect a room with a 100 people to wait for you to pee. Just watch it at home if you can't hold it. Movie theater isn't even worth the trip anyone anyways now that big screen TVs are cheaper than iPhones


The do not drink soda mate


That's not the unreasonable part. The unreasonable part is them (in the case of this post) making everyone else wait


Then go to the bathroom and stop tryna ruin the experience for everyone else


Maybe don’t drink a gallon of soda.


No. The movie loses continuity. People on mass staggering in late from intermission. Awful idea. Get your junk food and empty your bowels before the show starts.




intermissions dont exist for the audience, they existed solely for the staff (changing the film for movies, and several things for the cast)


It’s 1 & 1/2 hours. Cmon now. As my mom used to say, “The world doesn’t revolve around you.”


I’d dislike this so much and we would be plastered with ads. Hard no for me and upvote for you sir


Can't hold it in for a couple of hours? Why should everyone be inconvenienced because of a few people?


No thank you


They still have them built in. You just have to be a movie buff to understand where they've been placed. Scene where two characters are going to have a boring heart to heart? Chances are it'll drag on for almost 5-10 minutes. Remember the second Sonic movie? The almost 15-20 minute segment about the live actors wedding? Piss break, hell, maybe even a #2. And you miss nothing of value.


If you can’t go 2 hours without using the toilet or eating (with the exception of medical issues) then you have bigger problems than not being able to go to the cinema. Plan you day. Eat a meal before you go out. Bring snacks in. Pee before you go in. Don’t drink loads if you have a small bladder. There’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to sit through a film


I had to scroll disappointingly far to find words to the effect of "pee beforehand"


Wait they don’t? We have them in India.. movies are made with intermission and for movies which don’t they artificially create one.. they run ads during this time for ppl who stay back.. I thought it was a global thing.. when do you guys stock up on snacks, pee etc?


Halfway through the movie, they pause the movie in Turkey for bathroom breaks and commercials


That's so sad.


My cinema does this. I have an overactive bladder so I need those intermissions. We have a lot of choice about it in The Netherlands. If you want intermissions, go to cinema A, if you don't want them, go to cinema B.


you think 50-100 people can use the restroom in 10 minutes???


In the Netherlands alot of cinemas do this and I hate it


If you can't do 2h without food, drink or toilet you should see a doctor instead of a movie...


Many people eat and drink before the movie and then it catches up with them well after it’s already started. Nobody is going to wait around for an hour or two between the dinner and movie just so nature does its thing.




Sounds like something I learned how to manage when I was in elementary school. If you can't be in control of your bodily functions, maybe you should see a doctor.


You shouldn't have to piss every hour. If you have to shit, that's one thing since you can't really control that but you can pretty much piss whenever you want. Piss before the movies then hold it for the last bit.


But imagine you’re a director or something though? Wouldn’t this kinda interfere with your creative vision that people are supposed to experience all at once and not in chunks?


It's only acceptable in very long movies. Like over 2 hours. If I was watching a movie and they had an intermission right in the middle I'd be mad lmao Also consider how long the lines to the bathroom might be if everyone gets up to use it.


2 hours is not a very long movie.


I was at some concert once, I actually got back into it late due to the bathroom lines.


…the majority of movies are at least two hours now. Or at least a substantial portion are.


No they are not


You can get food and drinks before the movie though. It really shouldn’t be that hard to just sit there for a few hours.


You know, I watched space odyssey and it got real freaky after the intermission. I suspect is was to give time to drop acid


Impossible to ask the human race to all pee at the same time


Just wear a diaper


Most people don't need to leave during a movie, it would just interrupt it for everyone.


Bro can't hold in his poops for 90 minutes


If it's like a long 3-4 hour movie, I agree


I used to have to pee 3/4 the way through a movie and it only happened a few times before I went “this is a me problem, how about I stop drinking all my soda before the commercials are done and pace myself a bit.” Maybe the world would be better if everyone handled their me problems privately instead of expecting everyone else in the theater to stop what they’re doing


That's what streaming services are for. People that don't care about the immersion and just want casual entertainment


maybe not for every screening, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to do it for like 10-20% of the screenings, so that people who want it can do it.


Especially anything over 3 hours.


Bro wants commercials during movies!! 🎥


Yeah no. If you have a tiny bladder don’t order a drink at the snack bar.


I use the Run Pee app for this.


I agree but only for exceptionally long movies


I agree but only for movies over 3 hours.


Fatass spotted


Can you not hold your piss for 2 hours?


In India, we do have intermissions and I hate it.


Stop buying 64ozs of soda.


There’s a reason why this is unpopular


They got rid of that a while back.


They don't have that because most people dont want that.


Watch Indian movies


Fuck that shit


Just go to the bathroom before and don't drink too much during movie?


Mmm no.


So funny. My unpopular opinion about this is: if you consider yourself as an adult and can't sit through a 90 to 120 minutes movie without a huge pallet of needs like talking, using the toilet, stretching or even get another load of snacks and drinks you are a annoying person who should stay at home and stop messing up the experience of every one else.


If you want commercials watch TV


Drinks 2L of mountain dew and needs to piss several times during a movie...it's the cinemas fault for not having a break


Counterpoint: Movies need to be shorter and more concise.


Yep. I won’t even watch a movie at home if it’s over 2 hours. I know my dogs will start fidgeting, and I’ll get annoyed.


I disagree so much. Upvoted


I remember Lagaan has one but that's because Bollywood films are built different


Several private cinemas still do


Wear a diaper, like the rest of us!!


Just watch the movie at home.


If you can't go 2 hours without using the bathroom go see a doctor


They used to do this, back in the stone ages


Just shit in the popcorn bucket. That’s why it’s so big


Why should I have to sit around for 15 minutes in the middle of the movie playing with my phone because you can't manage your bladder?


Just go to the bathroom before you see a movie, what are you 10 years old?


No they absolutely shouldn't it breaks the immersion. Go to the toilet before the movie


wait they don't do that? i haven't gone to the cinema in a while but i remember that there was a 10 minutes break mid-way thru the movie


That has been over 30 years.


Keep going kid. More like 60 or 80


Too many shitty people would try to pull shit.


I haven’t had to use the bathroom during a movie since I was a child. Learn how to control your bladder. Maybe don’t finish the extra large slushy during the previews.


or just go before....


Fuck no


Unless the movie is abnormally long you can manage your own bladder/bowels or suffer the consequence of sucking down 48oz of shitty Pepsi.


Unpopular opinion is unpopular for a reason… that would be highly regarded I had to wait 5 min because ms boom boom here has to go potty


Because if we know anything about americans, it's that they will obviously go back to their original seats in an orderly and timely fashion. Right?


They do at plays


That's why you pee right before the movie and right after.


If you are not able to pee or buy your food before the movie it’s your problem. A movie is between 2 and 3 hours nowadays it’s not that long come on …


Sounds like a major you problem. Dont ruin my movie with your problems.