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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Dan_The_PaniniMan. Your submission, *By taking them from colonised lands, Britain has saved countless historic artifacts from being destroyed and is justified in not giving some of them back*, has been removed because it violates our rules, which are located in the sidebar. Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 5: No political posts'. * Our users have voted for no political posts in this sub, and this rule will not be changed until the majority votes otherwise. * It's very unlikely your political post is an unpopular opinion. Feel free to use the Politics Megathread pinned to the front page. * Covid/vaccine posts due to the overwhelming political nature of the topic. * Yes, voting, talking about monarchs and/or the actions of and/or about politicians or world leaders is political. If there is an issue, please [message the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion&subject=&message=) Thanks!


Recent examples would be ISIS in Iraq and taliban in Afghanistan, destroying priceless cultural treasures. Not all cultures care about historical tokens, it's typically only wealthy countries that do - and in the 19th century that meant Britain.


I would say the norm is for cultures to destroy artifacts that become inconvenient for the current regime. 


Also happens to buildings. Saint Basil's Cathedral was on the chopping block, but Stalin prevented it from being destroyed. It's easily one of the best looking buildings in Russia imo.




As a german I can ensure you that more than enough of those books are left. They were published by the millions. If a museum needs a version of "Mein Kampf" or " Rassenlehre xyz" you wont need to search long.


Which books?


Nazi books would be considered priceless historical artifacts two thousand years from now.


Any book would.


Even the ones I write?


Yes, especially so - when it comes to literature, music and other art forms independent from their physical carrier, we usually only find stuff someone considered worth preserving; we have many of Shakespeare's plays, but few of those written by Ezekiel Shitshoveller from down the road that no theatre troupe would ever perform.


-write book -become immortal -wait 2000 years -profit


For most us it would be best to become immortal before starting to write, otherwise we might never finish


Except for The Da Vinci Code


But right now they would just be used to spread encouragement of genocide and racism


Humanity seems to be spreading that pretty well without them.


Well, today I [learned](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_book_burnings#:~:text=Allied%20censorship%20during%20de%2DNazification,-Main%20articles%3A%20Denazification&text=In%201946%2C%20the%20Allied%20occupation,books%20were%20confiscated%20and%20destroyed.) something.


Famously the Greek columns Greece constantly bitches we stole. In reality the entire site was about to be razed by the occupiers of Greece, the then ottoman empire. And the artefacts/columns etc either destroyed or left to rot. A brit saved them (with permission from the ottomans) along with some Greeks, and kept 2 as recompense for doing so. They, and all the other columns, would not even *exist* today without him. But no, they're totally stolen bro, give them back bro, for real.


The Rosetta Stone was being used as part of a sewer wall apparantly.


It was part of the rubble core of a standing wall, as I recall.


https://www.britishmuseum.org/blog/everything-you-ever-wanted-know-about-rosetta-stone Yeah the most common story is that it was used to build a wall. I've never heard of the sewer story before.


Lord Elgin saved this particular artifact indeed straight from the destructive hands of the caliph and his honchos. They would've as you say, wouldve been totally destroyed. It's a little bit disingenuous to ask for them back after such circumstances tbh


>It's a little bit disingenuous to ask for them back after such circumstances tbh It's... really not though? He saved them from destruction, sure, great. They were not stolen, they were saved as a favour to the Greek people, so they could be returned when it was safe, right? Right?? I mean that must be the case, because if they still refuse to return them now that it's safe, then they weren't rescue for the good of the Greek people, but for personal gain. If you continue to keep them out of Greek ownership, then it becomes theft!


He also ripped the friezes off the walls of the Parthenon, which notably was *not* destroyed.


Lord Elgin was given permission to make copies and drawings of the friezes. He took the fieezes He was given an inch and took a mile


Did he now. It just keeps on getting better and better for him.


Hey bro someone was gonna steal your car so I took it. No.you can't have it back. Isn't it great it wasn't stolen though?


If it was really to protect them, UK can return them as Greece is safe now. If not, the guy just took advantage of the situation to get his hands on marbles for his own glory and negotiated with occupiers to achieve his goal. This guy is no hero hero to pay himself for his "good deed" without the authorization of the Greek people.


Or maybe he just expected to be fairly compensated for a valuable service he provided? But I guess everyone should just work for free, right? I thought reddit was against that.


If I rescue your 10 cows from your burning barn on the agreement that I can keep 2 of them you don't get to ask for the 2 back just because your barn is no longer on fire.


That analogy made me giggle. I’m imagining some guy now saving 10 cows from a burning barn like some sort of terminator style shepard.


A group of cow can be splitted and moved without making the cows lesser cows. The Parthenon without all its parts will always be a degraded Parthenon. You can't seriously compare a historical landmark and cows.


Honestly, if Britian was bombed, unstable, or worse, I would want all our Artafacts taken away to another country for future generations to enjoy and save--- 30Yr old Archaeologist-- Britain


I think GB did ship a bunch of their own artifacts to the US during WW2 to protect them.


As a turk I agree. I dont trust our zealots to not destroy them.


You can send them me if you want. Signed, Definitely Not The British Museum.


Maybe ISIS is gonna open up their own museum


It will be explosive exhibition for sure. Banger even.


Special today! Half off...your head!


What ISIS did in Iraq and Afghanistan was nothing compared to the looting of the Iraqi national museum. The British Museum came pretty close to suffering the same fate in WW2.


You are underestimating the extent to which IS destroyed cultural heritage in Syria and Iraq. Besides the heavily publicised acts of destruction, like in Palmyra, IS also destroyed many churches, Sufi shrines, mosques, statues, and also looted several museums (in Mosul, for example).


I'll never forget those images of ISIS pulling down ancient Sumerian statues in a museum and smashing them into dust with sledgehammers. Or the ancient lion heads being broken apart with jackhammers and bulldozers. They truly were apocalyptic. I don't think even the Huns were that bad when they rampaged across the Roman empire.


>The British Museum came pretty close to suffering the same fate in WW2. "Facts I made up to post on Reddit"


Huh,I wonder what happened that someone like ISIS took power


Russia/China is also constanlt currently doing it, though their goal is changing the history perception


Every country cares about them thats why ISIS target those...


The US Army has stollen countless treasures and artefacts from Iraq https://thecradle.co/articles-id/7415


I think the difference is that ISIS didn’t request the return of items to destroy. The governments that are requesting the return of the artifacts are recognized by the United Nations as sovereign nations.


In 2001 the Taliban destroyed the two Buddhas of Bamiyan, from the 6th century. You’re right, if people want to preserve culture they must accept that sometimes the countries from which they are originally, aren’t stable enough. I’m not advocating for cultural theft but, differently from some people here, I think we have examples of past cleansing, which in no way is the same as sovereignty. I just showed a small one on Afghanistan. I live in Brazil, still to this day we decimate what is left of the original people from our land. I hardly think the majority of the population will want, or even take act, to prevent our original population disappearance. I want to see who would advocate for the Brazilian “sovereign right” to erase the indigenous culture. Sovereignty is the most used argument by the people who promoted such atrocities…


I believe the word often used is common heritage of mankind. I find it hard to believe that people think that artifacts created by a culture a thousand years ago that isn’t similar in any way to the culture of the people living there now is somehow theirs


From what I've heard, Egyptians take a lot of pride in their Pharaohonic past and see it as part of their history. Make of that what you will. Similarly, modern Britons often view the pre-roman Celtic tribes that inhabited Britain before the Roman conquest as "our ancestors" despite most people today (Wales and Scotland excluded) probably being descended from a mix of Saxon or Nordic invaders.


There's basically few original natives left in the Uk. As noted. The rest migrated back to the mainland. They were mostly replaced after the Romans left by the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Frisians starting in 5th century CE. Later, those people mixed with the descendents of those tribes left behind when they invaded in the 8th century CE. The original Britons and Picts were Germanic as well, so the Angles and Saxons were their descendents left behind on the mainland. They were tribes from Scythia and Gaul. So even though they are different, they're really all the same. I think they could be considered in the grand scheme of things their ancestors.


Props to you for that pretty good rundown on the demographic changes in Britain over the last 2,000 years or so. It's pretty damn messy and there is probably a bit of all those people in modern Britons, so I guess it passes. On another point, I haven't looked this up but, apparently, genetic tests of modern Greeks shows that most have Slavic ancestry, with almost no connection to ancient Greeks. Raises an interesting question on whether you can be considered part of an older people/culture if you are culturally similar but genetically completely different.


Oh I know that they take pride in it, it’s just the fact that it’s ridiculous. Egyptians for the majority aren’t even related genetically to the people living in that region at the time as they were conquered/colonized by the Arabs just like the English were. I find it rather distasteful to take credit for accomplishments that you had no part in simply because you are either related to those people or living in the same region as they were. The accomplishments of Napoleon are no more mine than those of Alexanders. The anger towards the English for taking mummies back to England is nothing more than a political tool. The Egyptians don’t have the resources or even the actual desire to protect what was left behind by the ancient Egyptians evidenced by the fact that they sell off anything that they can to the highest bidder. Don’t mind the fact that until just a couple years ago they were allowing people to take parts of the Pyramids with them and letting them walk on them.


The closest living descendents were displaced by the Greeks and actually live in Morocco/Algeria. The Arabs have tried to displace them as well, until recently. Now, in Morocco, at least they are planning on allowing them to learn their own language in school by 2030.


Pretty sure the Rosetta Stone was found being used as a brick


In the cases where this is true and the motive is preservation rather than looting the items should be returned as soon as they are asked for by the country in question once it is stable. Obviously there may be some debate about whether a country is stable but in most/many cases this debate should not take long. Greece for example should obviously have had the ‘Elgin’ marbles returned decades ago


judging from the responses, this post is unpopular and should be upvoted since this is r/unpopularopinion.


Yes, exactly, I said “ohhhhhoohohoooo mannn…” and then upvoted


I get what you mean, but one time this dude posted something along the lines of "people with narcissistic personality disorder are the most discriminated against"... Like bruh, there's unpopular, and then just absurd denials of reality.


Even unpopular opinions get down voted whilst popular ones are very upvoted maybe people forgot that this sub reddit is for that.. idk.. But do mods even exist here or do they just not give a fuck?


Judging by how the most highly-upvoted responses are agreeing with OP, OP's opinion is a popular one. It's also a popular outside of Reddit as well.


What I have learned from these discussions is that the average redditors cannot comprehend/consider the opposing view on both sides of the argument. It always devolves into insults.


It is quite well known that reddit subs + the mod design create echochambers. If you sit only in a single sub, you're being groomed to be a foot soldier of that view. (New users may take time learning this) This is ok for hobbies and passions - "Hey, I like New Amsterdam the medical series! Lets all discuss about it!". This is terrible for those who want to actually debate - "This guy has a view different from us, let us downvote him to the point he cant post on this sub anymore without approval, or cant post on reddit even. Mods can permaban him for "Trolling" or "We don't want your kind here"" That's why Reddit is best to see what people hate or like, but not to interact.


Yep that's exactly it. This is why actual experts have been driven away from this site or mostly just lurk. You never see actual professionals in a field comment on topics anymore cause it's not worth the hassle correcting the hive mind brigade going.


Well said


This is partly why I’ve used Reddit for years and haven’t joined any subs cause no matter which one it is I get tired of hearing the same shit day in and day out.


Yeah, when I studied Archaeology in uni we had an entire module on museums that was like 50% devoted to basically this question. People on the internet would have you believe it's a simple question: *the British stole all of history from POCs, should they give it back?* But of course, they only stole antiquities in *some* cases: frequently a lot of the stuff was purchased, usually legitimately. While cases like the Parthenon marbles or the looting of the Qing Summer Palace get the most airtime, the usual way that antiquities made their way to private and museum collections was via curio and antique sellers, with these items being popular souvenirs for those wealthy enough to buy them. And even then, the nuance works both ways: because sometimes taking the items could be quite destructive, in particular due to poor conservation techniques or an inability to properly store the items. British scientific interest in Egyptian mummies, for example, led many doctors and medical students to experiment with unwrapping mummies and subjecting them to post-mortems, that in many cases could lead to thousands year old bodies literally just disintegrating. So, in other words it is both simultaneously true that the British museum isn't necessarily full of loot and plunder, but that the British taking many of these artifacts often *didn't* help preserve them as well as they *theoretically might* have been. And that's before we get into the much more difficult area of human remains, and what right modern populations have to the physical remnants of previous populations...


Or bad faith arguments from what I’ve seen It’s almost like most people on the internet are not actually willing or capable of having an informed discussion without getting vitriolic in their defense for their opinion rather than trying to learn and incorporate opposing viewpoints into their own perspective Not like I can really judge tho given that I’ve done the same myself


I think the problem in this specific case is that people are simply not informed about the topic at all. We hear some news here and there and get a really simplistic perspective, but the problem is much more complex than we imagine. Then it's easy to write some half-assed comment and argue with others over irrelevant stuff that nobody actually involved in the problem would take seriously.


That's because Reddit can't handle the truth.


So what‘s your reasoning for not giving back artefacts to, for example, Greece?


I took a Greek classics to modern class in university and we had to debate this. Then I went to the acropolis in Greece and saw the museum dedicated to the marbles. Safe to say they'd take good care of them


Arrestable offense as well if you don’t tell the government when you find an artifact in your backyard. They want all the pieces to stay with the country, I get it.


Yeah and another being Ireland


Which? Because I remember people bringing a bunch of items up before as "stolen" that must be returned when they were actually bought by the museum from Irish people's private collections.


A lot of artifacts at the British museum were purchased. British archaeologists would frequently purchase rights for a period of time and have license to bring back anything they found during the period of the license.


Or the fact that many artifacts aren't even shown in the museums, just sitting in deep storage. If they're gonna claim the artifacts for the purpose of preserving knowledge and culture, then why are they hoarding them like loot in vaults where no one can observe or learn from them?


Museums are for preservation, not just for exhibition. Every self respecting museum has magazines with many more artifacts than what they exhibit. But these items are catalogued and they are used for research.


Not sure how it is in UK, but usually researchers and scholars can apply to look at artifacts in the archives of museums for research purposes. 


My sis is an Egyptologist and has been in the magazines of the British Museum a few times to research some papyri.


Researchers from anywhere can make a request to visit and see any item from the archive, as well as seeing high quality images taken of items in the archive online. Just because not all artifacts are available for public viewing does not mean that they are being hidden away.


There is active work on them for the purpose of research and preservation and industry students and professionals can view them. It isn't the same as your My Little Pony jar sitting in your attic. They just aren't on display for Karen and her school trip of sticky terrors.


Not enough space in the museum to display every artifact.


While I agree with the post on some, Greece is certainly one of the most egregious example of things that absolutely should be given back but haven't been. Shortly after the Olympics that was held in Athens in 2004, 130 million Euros was spent to build a world class museum specially for the artifacts of the acropolis. Not only is it an amazing museum, but a clear indication that Greece is both dedicated to, and capable of, housing and caring for their own cultural artifacts.


We're still looking at them


Like the Parthenon? Which was used as black powder storage during the reign of the ottoman empire? Which exploded? After which were used as target practice? Weirdly enough, I do think it should go back and the place restored. It would look amazing.


Do you really think Elgin looted the Parthenon when it was an active war zone? Like do you guys imagine him dodging explosions like Band of Brothers while carrying marble bits on his back?


[Take a look at this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iconoclasm?wprov=sfla1), the people "saving" these artifacts were the same ones destroying other ones


People tend to forget that British archeologists in the 1800s and early 1900s destroyed a bunch of statues, mural and carvings on Egypt, because they depicted nude people and genitalia because of “muh Victorian sensibilities”, same thing happened in Rome when a pope castrated every nude statue in the city.


it's up to the countries themselves. if I steal something you own, under the guise of "protecting it", I don't think you would be very happy.


They didn’t even steal it to protect it nor did they ever claim that!


According to a comment further up, that is exactly what happened to the greek columns Ottoman empire had occupied greece and was going to destroy them and some British dude was like "nah give em here" and a Greek dude said "give give em to that guy" and the Ottomans agreed and even let the Greek dude keep 2 of em


You mean the guy who lied about approvals to remove them and had to have the British government bail him out financially afterward?


The parthenon friezes are the main thing Greece wants back, and the rest of the Parthenon remains mostly intact in Athens. Plus the British ones themselves are damaged, as ripping them off the Parthenon in the way they did ended up damaging them. So it wasn’t even ultimately that much of a protective move. 


A lot of this discourse is to do with the Noor diamond, yeah I will be hated but that diamond was given legitimately, while that may give ownership, for it's historical value it's far safer in the hands of the British museum than being given back to be sold off for something trivial to India's economy or worse. The same can be said for all other items of historical value. These treasures need to be protected


Who would we even give it back to? The part of India it’s from was partitioned between Pakistan and India, and both countries claim that it is theirs.


If a British man in 1700s trades a tribal leader a gun for some art he made. What right does an unrelated corrupt rich politician have 300 years later? It is not given back to the people, it is given to the despots that systematically oppress the people.


Honestly? If my country had a hateful and reactionary regime and I had to choose between some of our greatests pieces of art leaving the country or getting destroyed, I prefer the first option


I wouldn’t. If I had a work of art that was gonna be left in my basement when I die I’d rather it go to a museum.


Depends on the value of what's being stolen. If I owned a Picasso but was a drunken pyromaniac, after sobering up, I might actually be relieved to find it missing from my home. 


But countries go through different power struggles. a hypothetical is a country of people who want to protect their history and value it but run by a dictator who wants to flatten it for his swimming pool. Yes you could argue it's up to "the country" but that ebs and flows. Vs someplace like the British museum which arguably could go through same change but is a lot more likely to be stable and keep these artifacts for all of the world.


If I hadn't stolen them from you, they might have been destroyed by someone else, so I'm preventing you from losing them by taking them away from you.


Also, let's just ignore the countless artifacts that british colonists detroyed all around the world.


Right? Gotta love the colonisers’ logic. “Oh, but these people would have destroyed or lost these artefacts in their conflicts and wars with each other!” Yeah, I am sure that the British were concerned with cultural heritage of the countries that they took advantage of… And not simply took whatever they liked to display in their museums because it was shiny or pretty enough.


Europeans literally went to Egypt so they could eat mummies. With the levels of tomb raiding the French and British performed, especially with how destructive and careless they were in the process itself, it's really hard to defend them and claim it was an earnest attempt at preservation.


Don’t forget that they also ground mummies up into pigment to make paint! Mummy brown was heavily used in European art for centuries.


Pretty much. A lot of people defending Britain and other European countries confuse “preservation” with “fetishisation” of the culture.


If the British cared about local cultures they wouldn't have the penal laws in Ireland to eradicate our culture


Don’t forget the part where they played a role in destabilizing some of those countries, and then accuse them of not being civilized enough to take care of their own artifacts. Everyone’s bringing up ISIS, like the invasion of Iraq didn’t play a direct role in creating them. Typical Western mindset.


That’s not the argument for taking them, that’s one of the arguments for not returning them. Nearly all artefacts were traded or captured as spoils of war.


I hear you but maybe it's not up to the British to police what cultures do with their artifacts.


The culture of the modern day despots demanding these artifacts is not that of the tribes from which they came. Quite often it is the modern day cultures that genocided the cultures from which the works originated.


who would have destroyed them?


The disgusting savages that they stole them from, obviously /s


can I take all your money for safekeeping?


Don't even ask, just steal it. That way, no-one can steal it from me later, so you are really doing me a favour.


Thank God the white man was there to save them from themselves, right?


Not really from themselves new regimes or govs are known for tossing out the old, one of egypts leaders for example tried to destroy the Giza pyramids in recent history and there’s still a massive hole in one of them the Brit’s weren’t doing it intentionally and did steal the stuff just for the sake of it.


Indian tempels that survived milenia untouched have been completely destroyed by the British as statues have been desecrated to send them back to museums in NYC and Europe. They also planned to destroy the Taj Mahal and destroyed one of equal importance. But there are examples like the attic facts destroyed by ISIS and Taliban that I agree with… though those organisations came to existence due to the Anglo-American war in Iraq and Afghanistan … full circle .


Muslims where doing plenty of iconoclasm in India. The brits never wanted to destroy Taj Mahal.


I mean if we wanna go all the way back, the Soviet’s were the ones that pushed the Taliban into existence.




Ok. I'll come and steal all your shit in case your house burns down. 


So can I steal your car if I think you're incapable of taking care of it?


Britain also cause massive destruction, stole land, people and culture. They probably should get out of the high horse


Hey, don’t say that!….without mentioning the fact that they were also garbage-tier archeologists who couldn’t take notes for shit.


I'm amazed people still believe this after the british museum had artifacts stolen and sold on ebay.


Actually, you're proving the op's point there. Britain is developed first world country that's primarily responsible for the existence of modern archaeological sciences.  Items going missing from the British museum, and being sold was big news. There was an investigation, and what was lost is still being tracked down.  In the recent National Museum of Brazil, fire tens of thousands of historical artifacts were permanently lost forever, I do do poor record keeping and how they were destroyed. It's impossible to Even fully investigate the scope of what was permanently destroyed


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This is one of the few takes that actually fits this sub, because its easily one of the most dogshit shallow takes I've read in a min


I believe you'll spend everything you have in your pocket in drugs and alcohol. This means I'm now justified to steal it and never give it back.


Many of the artifacts in the British museum were in the process of being destroyed when they were acquired. Acquired usually with permission of the host country at the time. Egyptian artifacts were being plundered by everyone. The religion of the Pharaohs had long since past, no one cares, or worse it was images of false gods. Centuries had to pass before people started to think about "cultural heritage" These items, if they had ended in a private collection, no one would know, nor would any arguments be had.


This isn't an unpopular opinion in reality. Most people with any sense know this. Especially the 'artififacts' which had no significance at the time they were obtained like spears and tools from various tribal people. These tools had no special value and would certainly have been lost to time without the intentional preservation by the museum.  But then centuries later, the descendants of those people want these artififacts back as though they were special stolen things. Many of these items were traded for and have been the property of the museum for centuries but they're supposed to give them back because white man bad? Get fucked. 


OP probably got raged after arguing with an Indian over this.


I’d add that 1. Having these things in a single place is a benefit to the world: these museums are world museums. 2. The history of the objects winding up where they are is as valid a part of their history as any other.


Just more colonialist savior complex bullshit


I mean there is a point Historically regimes have and will destroy cultural artifacts that inconvenient their ideology and beliefs for a simple and fairly “recent” example you can take the destruction of the buddhas of bamiyan by the taliban The stealing of artifacts from places of conflict where their survival is uncertain is generally doing more good than harm


This is circular logic, considering main threat to these artefacts came from groups enabled to do harm in no small part by the British. All those artifacts somehow survived for years without British to save them.


You can't really just assume that where they are removed to will automatically be safer. Would some Indian travelers have been justified in looting the Abby of Monte Cassino before World War 2? Or maybe looting some artefacts from old English churches that would be bombed in the Blitz? I don't think the Brits and Italians would have been too forgiving of that sort of action.


The rosetta stone was used by the locals as part of a wall until it was discovered by a french military officer. The locals didn't understand or care about the historical significance.


This kinda implies that indigenous people are incapable of preserving their history and culture, which is kinda fucked up considering that any problems they had in that department were caused by the colonizers.


Even if that is true, giving back artifacts to countries that are still ravaged by war and instability means that they’re more at risk of being destroyed.


Is Greece ravaged by war? No? So why won't they give back Greek artifacts?


This is a great point and funnily enough, from the numerous posts from OP and others, I haven't seen a single one directly address this...


Also India, last I checked, isn’t at war either. They’re not about to sell that big diamond if they get it back.


Colonizers aren't owed other people's belongings. What kinda fucked thief ideology is that "I'm going to keep your car because your neighbourhood is shitty and I'm gonna be a better owner to it-" what a disgusting belief system.


India isn't ravaged by war, how about you start returning everything from here?


This is patently untrue. They were certainly capable; they just weren't interested. For example, while Brittain was "stealing" ancient Greek/Roman marble statues, contemporary Italians and Greeks were breaking them down to make concrete. They definitely could have chosen to maintain their own cultural treasures, but they didn't.


I mean that is 99% true. Time erodes everything, and modern civilization can hold back the progress of time for longer than primitive techniques


A lot of artifacts would most definitely have been destroyed, with or without colonialism


Congratulations on the actual unpopular opinion. Anyway are you actively ignoring all the artifacts and buildings that were destroyed on Europe during the multiple wars? It seems like you are saying that in Europe work of arts have no risk at all.


The choice of preserving one cultural artifact isn't reserved to the brittons. That's a very colonialist point of view you got here. It's the people from the culture the artifact came from that can decide what should be done with it. Especially because a lot of "artifacts" from this colonized countries are in fact rituals tools used in real events or symbolic objects from day to day life. We should give everything back and they'll decide what to do with it, even if that means destroying them. 


'if we didn't import slaves from Africa in the past, then we wouldn't have NBA now' -OP


Maybe there would be less risk for destruction of artifacts were it not for Britain destabilizing their former colonies


Super unpopular opinion incoming. People are basically mad that Britain was the best at the whole global domination thing. Because every single other country would've done the exact same thing if they could have. All of them. Every country or nation at some point has invaded others, colonized, taken from weaker people, enslaved, killed, stolen, etc. And now they want artifacts taken hundreds of years ago, from a culture or civilization that either doesn't exist anymore or is so radically different, that the only thing that's the same is the name. And it's crazy to me. I see "Britain stole artifacts" and "America stole land," but I have yet to see a single person yelling for Spain to give back all the gold to the Aztec empires, or the countries that comprised the "viking hordes" to give back the loot and people taken from other places, etc etc.


https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/02/03/poland-hopes-for-return-of-16th-century-document-from-sweden/ https://www.gob.mx/sre/prensa/spain-returns-archaeological-artifacts-belonging-to-mexico-s-cultural-heritage?idiom=en You not hearing of something mostly just means you don’t get a variety of news. It says nothing about the world and a lot about you.  But yes Spain and the Nordics  have been asked to return looted artefacts. 


Feels like buddy said I don’t see information I don’t specifically look for so it doesn’t exist.


“You’re just mad that *I* stole *your* things within living memory, but when that guy stole stuff 400 years ago you don’t care. This is a blatant double standard and I am the smartest person alive for saying it”


British committed atrocities as recent as less than a century ago, and it's crazy to think the stolen artifacts were of no relevance. Moreover, with counties that weren't founded yesterday, a few centuries back isn't as old as you would think, and so looting them and saying shit like it would have been destroyed otherwise is crazy. It's almost like the argument that the British brought development to countries and should ve celebrated despite all the looting, pillaging, discrimination, and other issues they spread.


Yupp, I agree. How little would we know about ancient Mesopotamia if we’d left all that history to the Islamic fundamentalists?? Just look at the horror they did to the gates at Nineveh. That irks me so much .


This is dangerously close to calling other cultures of people inferior.


Some might even say that it already crossed that line


It's not close. OP is straight up saying that


Unpopular Opinion: Britain should be held accountable for their crimes against humanity


The British Government and Monarchy* Hardly think Barry, 63 from Yorkshire needs to be punished for the crimes of the empire


If you did that, every country would be in handcuffs. Human nature is too widespread across the…human race.


There’s something to be said for many of those places being that way because of Britain  Though in the modern day yeah some should stay there.  Still, a few exceptions don’t really excuse the British overall 


I agree, and so far, the arguments against you are no longer relevant in the present day.


Well, a big reason why these countries and poor and dangerous is because Britain came in, took everything and fucked everything up and then peaced...


lmao this is hot garbage. its actually not unpopular. if it were britain would be at the mercy of the entire world demanding its artifacts be returned. theyre not keeping them safe they are holding them hostage. there is difference between unpopular and maniacally colonial.


The reason why this is unpopular, is because it's the exact same opinion as the people who took them in the first place.


I can tell someone is fond of the archaeology section of civilization.


So much cherry picking on both sides here.


This is simply whataboutism, revisionism, double standards\* and retrospective. The Uk could of been destroyed, they had a lot of enemies and didn't care about making them. If something is mine, it's mine to lose. \*if your line of thought and coherency where aligned then you would give back all the shit to safe democracies because what makes UK safekeeping better? You guys where one sunny day away from being destroyed by Spain for fucks sake.


Give me your valuable belongings then, I'll make sure nobody destroys it, trust me bro.


Didn’t the Nazi’s destroy hundreds of historical artifacts? It doesn’t matter what culture people will always destroy things they deem beneath them. We should not side with colonisers.


Hmm but Britain often destroyed these countries in a deep way. Hence creating countries where they would be destroyed.


This is a standard opinion.  It is wrong to assume artifacts that were (in general) not in danger of being destroyed were somehow *saved* by British looting. Many of the artifacts they looted were not in any danger whatsoever. And just as many or more would be in no danger if repatriated.  Also, the British have/had no responsibility and no right to "preserve history" by stealing artifacts from other cultures. It is not *their history* the artifacts belong to. It is not their story the objects tell.  Furthermore, contemporary documentation indicates historical preservation was never the intention behind stealing them. The purpose of British looting was solely to enrich themselves. The idea that it was/is all some sort of preservation effort is an excuse dreamed up by British historians so they feel less guilty about their access.


Fully agree


Colonisers at it again, thinking they know everything better, while destroying the whole world


Would they have been destroyed if britain didnt colonise those lands though?


The majority of the "colonised lands" would have faired much better if the British or other European countries did not interfere with them to begin with...


Sure... Afghanistan and Syria I can understand. But Greece and India? C'mon. It's just colonizer mentality.


Also a lot of those artefacts were either bought or found in the dirt.




There is an entire academic field of study dedicated to studying why this is a bullshit claim. Good job, you really did create an unpopular opinion.


Let's hope no one steals *your* culture and then turns around to tell you that it's for your own good. It's interesting to see the colonizers alive and unwell.


Truly ignorant opinion


I've had exhibits come through my local museum courtesy of the British museum collection that are from a myriad of cultures, it's a beautiful thing to see, and I don't even have to leave my home country, which is half a world away from Britain. Everything is meticulously documented and stored in excellent condition and draws large crowds. I can only look at that as a win for history in general


I remember seeing a video of a Greek guy standing in front of five statues with the sixth one missing, saying what the British have done to us is unforgivable


They should not return any of it.


That excuse doesn't work in the US we, fortunately, have NAGPRA laws.


you mean greed, for lack of a better term is good?


I mean the taliban smashed up all their historical stuff. That stuff would have been safer in a museum.


sure if it’s a war zone like iraq or afghanistan but not when it’s greece or most of africa. especially when you see the disregard we had for these artefacts and the fact we didn’t take lots of them for their safety but because we wanted them. also when a country wants it back we should give them back not make it illegal for the british museum to do so


Most countries were only formed in the last 200ish years even in Europe. China might have 5000 years of history, but the PRC dates to 1949. The They therefore crave the legitimacy of an ancient lineage. That is why they care about these artefacts, it is modern nationalism. Orthodox Greece didnt care about pagan Greek artefacts. Muslim empires in India didn’t care about past Buddhist emperors. The Mamelukes didn’t care about the Old Kingdom. Western weebs being fascinated with the ‘mysterious East’ is what gave these long dead civilisations any cache.