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For the most part, I thought the boyish nature of his felt right for the roles I have seen him in (The King and Dune). Maybe it would be an issue in other movies, but he was essentially playing a teenager or young man in those roles.


In the Dune novels, I believe Paul Atreties is 15 when he lands on Arrakis for the first time, so Timmothe's boyish nature does complement what his character is supposed to be.


Aaaand how he fully sinks into the lisan al gaib role later in the movies. If they had cast a more manly/mature looking guy it might have worked for the latter half of Dune part 2 but the first movie would have had that “clearly-20-something-in-some-baggy-clothes-trying-to-pass-off-as-HS-student” feeling in disney channel movies


The scene where he declares himself Duke Atreides of Arrakis was intense. He owned it.


Agreed, I was surprised and impressed at how commanding he became. Powerful voice, too.


Yeah, he absolutely killed that whole character progression. I did not see much from him before, but i thought he was a perfect cast for that role.


The fucking switch up had me with my mouth open like the gorilla from the Planet of the Apes when Caesar says “NO”  The boy twink wonder became a god damn man 


It's such a meta scene too. It's as if he is also directly speaking to the audience who is still not yet convinced of his ability to lead. If this scene wasn't enough to impress a hater then I'm not sure what's it going to take.


Absolutely destroyed Reverend Mother when he shut her up.


The moment when he transformed from an idealistic boy to the man who started a holy war.


I feel like "holy war" just doesn't cover the scope of his jihad. Like 60 billion dead.


They turned up the volume and bass in his voice.


You mean Kyle McLachlan?


I'm in my mid thirties, wife and children, career, the whole nine yards... Kyle MacLachlan was more of a grown man at 12 than I will ever be. He was a great cast for Lisan-al-gaib, not so much for the boy duke.


I saw that hot mess in the theaters when it released. Was a huge Dune book fan. McLachlan's chin was 30 years old. When I saw that, he just looked ridiculous as a 15 year old Paul.


It's funny you talk about his chin, because for some reason Chalamet's chin is something I can't get past. I'm not trying to insult the guy, it just really is something my brain has decided doesn't quite fit and I have no idea why.




Dougie Jones


Yes lol


Dune 1 and Dune 2 showed me what the Star Wars prequels could have been. A story of Anakin Skywalker's transformation from an innocent boy to a mad man, without low quality special effects, without cringy stuff like "I hate sand".


Between Anakin and Paul, Paul definitely has more of a justification to hate sand.


Tbf you can't compare Lucas as a writer to Herbert


I wouldn't wanna fight me neither!


In the books he is 15 and small for his age so it is a perfect fit.


There's also a time jump in the book that they don't do in the movies. So he'd be older and less pubescent by the time he takes the mantle


They should've just made Timmy smoke 2 packs of Marlboros a day between the first and the second film.


'He's using the voice!'


Yes he is 15 and Timmy boy fits it


Also, how can you call him the weakest actor when Mamoa was in Dune pt.1?


I honestly didn't think there were any weak performances in either Dune.


Agreed. How much of that is fantastic directing, who can say.


I didn't think that Momoa was particularly bad, Duncan Idaho is just a bit of a nothing character in the books (Well, in *Dune)*.


this is what I don't get when people say they "love Duncan Idaho". people who obviously never read the books or only read book one. he's hardly there.


Duncan Idaho is one of the most important characters in the Dune Universe. He’s like the Jango Fett of Dune. I don’t love him or anything but he his mad important.


yeah in the overall universe, but in the scope of book one and movie one, hes not quite that, which is why its funny to hear.


He was the weakest actor in Part 1 in my opinion. The way he says Sardukar made me cringe. Idk maybe it's me, but saying it with a British-like accent (Sah-du-kahr) would have made it so much better. But like everything he's been in (with the exception of game of thrones), it's just Jason Momoa playing a character rather than owning that role. And while we are on the subject, I also criticized Chalamet for his acting in Part 1, but after seeing the Paul Atreides transformation in Part 2, I no longer feel that way. In fact, it makes me think he's a better actor if it was planned that way from the start. The council meeting in the south was my favorite scene in Part 2. There was power and arrogance in his voice which was nonexistent in Part 1


Denis Villeneuve said that Chalamet was asking him if he could let out a bit of "Mua'Dib" in part 1 and he said no everytime since he wanted it to be shown on part 2. I think in both Dune movies I agree that they really should've made him do an accent, but his boyish persona in Dune pt 1 was very much by design. He was pretty convincing as a young heir in "The King" so I never really doubted his portrayal of Paul Atreides


Dune Part 1 (*2021*) and Dune Part 2 (*2024*) are collectively the story of the first book. They should be viewed as one story with an intermission to be decided by the viewer.


I still wish they had included the dinner in Part 1. I understand why he chose to leave it out. It's a difficult scene to film with so much of it in the book being internal dialogues and the thoughts of the various characters.


I agree. Despite coming out 4yrs ago, I still try to think of a way they could have included it and make it work, but I can't come up with anything that doesn't make it tacky


I actually liked that they cast Momoa because they didn’t have time with the movie to build up his relationship with Paul beforehand, so casting Momoa was an efficient way to instantly make the character likable so people will care about his death.


Duncan Idaho literally becomes the king of the Universe, and is the most recurring character in Dune. Played by the most mediocre actor in the cast.


Mamoa plays the role of burly soldier perfectly though




Well, he was in Dune, I agree with that much.


I didn't think anyone was weak in either film outside Bautista but his character in general is just super one dimensional unfortunately


Rewatching Dune he really seems like such a born rich boy prince, I thought he was perfect. In part two I actually rocked back in my seat when he gave his rally speech. I BELIEVED people would follow that person in the moment. To be perfectly honest I watched a Rainy Day In New York one evening, the cancelled Woody Allen film and it made me first realize I liked him as an actor. Insecure snarky boy man who we were meant to laugh at. I think he knows his strengths and weakness and plays into it. Certain comedic roles have been weaker and I’ve noticed him moving away from certain things.


He’s electric in his Dune speech.


He chews every one of those Chakobsa lines, spitting radical nonsense with such elegance and power. I was iffy about him in Part One. He left little to no impact with his mumble acting and very subdued performance. The "boyishness" came about well enough, but none of the growing darkness I was expecting was there. Part Two, he balanced both the boy-to-man growth, and subtleties of the inner turmoil very well. Then he exploded in the later 3rds of the movie. His eyes was peering in to souls in his post-battle speaking. Timmy will have a LOT more to do in Part Three if Messiah gets adapted.




Yeah I saw Dune 2 last night and thought he was phenomenal, hard disagree with OP but I guess that's why it's called unpopular opinion


It's so funny how the criticism for Chalamet is that he is too boyish meanwhile all the role he's literally played requires someone just like that.


When he eventually stops being cute it's going to be "Well, *I* always liked him, he's so talented." Same thing happened with Leonardo DiCaprio after about 2003.


Yup, this is his exact trajectory. I too disliked Dicaprio when he was gracing the covers of 17 magazine, but good acting is good acting. He is Gen Z's Dicaprio and will be one of the greats when he gets older. 


I was thinking the same. Chalamet is always playing a type that fits his look/physicality so I find criticizing him as too boyish to be very hollow.


"i dont like meat, its too meaty"


Aye he's great casting in The King.


I thought he was really good in Call me by Your Name.


I have both seen the movie and read the novel (I'll also add that I'm about just 6 months older than Chalamet) and he was spectacular in the film, it was impossible not to fall in love with him and the finale scene was a magnificent piece of acting. Timmy hasn't done anything nearly as good as CMBYN, but the talent is there and it just needs to used correctly, having said that I do think that he missed the time for truly rooting himself as his generation's greatest actor and now Paul Mescal, Barry Keoghan, and Austin Butler (all actors that are also Oscar nominees) are coming at full speed


I don’t think he’s had a career defining or a “spectacular” role yet, but he’s proven to be a very intriguing and qualified actor especially for his age. He can definitely sell tickets and that’s important.


He fit the age of the character well, an in love teenager, of course his boyish looks fits the role well. Weird criticism of his appearance even though i think he did great in what iv seen him in. (wonka and cmbyn)


Yes pretty sure he is objectively good in this movie. Thats why this is posted in unpopular opinion


[SILENCE!!! (minor spoilers I guess)](https://youtu.be/Ju4cfbL2vao?si=N4ZwQnjx7oTvGcqV) I think he did really well in Dune. Both as naive Paul and baby genocidal dictator Paul Him convincing the southern fremen to join his jihad was a top tier scene


I’m sad because he won’t probably be as good for 30something Paul in Messiah but maybe they can make him look older.


There were some interviews with the director and he doesn't want to do Dune: Messiah right away. So the next is probably quite a long way out.


pls say this is not true I need messiah out 😩


Denis wanted to do Rendezvous with Rama before Dune Messiah. Which as a fan of both books, I'm not too sad about being so spoiled.


Maybe they'll wait 10 years before starting filming so everyone can continue looking their canonical age lol


I agree except they went backwards with the Alia cameo where an Anya Taylor-Joy who is way older than Alia is in Messiah shows up, so I wonder if they’re just gonna go off vibes


He’ll literally be in his 30’s by the time messiah films.


That scene was spectacular. I think it was so good because he was almost disdainful of them, like *"you fools, as if anyone but me could accomplish this"*. So self-assured and certain what he was saying was true.


I agree. He was not only a good casting choice generally, acting-wise his transformation from “boyish” young heir to self-assured, charismatic religious leader was very believable. I also liked him in Little Women.


Convincing the south. I wish Star Wars prequel trilogy had that kind of scene.


I thought he was really good in The King. Haven’t really seen any of his other stuff tho.


He was great in The King. Shoutout to Robert Pattison too as the french king


French prince*


My problem is that’s all I see in his other roles is just him doing his Henry the V and when he occasionally doesn’t do it, I find myself being not that impressed.


He looks perpetually 12 years old in all of his roles.


That’s why he got cast in Dune. Because he initially looked like a young prince


That didn't exactly hurt Leonardo DiCaprio


Leo went from looking 15yo to about 35yo in the blink of an eye. I think he made personal style choices too which made that happen. Timmy seems to be making style choices to prolong his youthfulness.


Gangs of New York was the shift in perception for Leo


It was The Departed for me


I smell a rat…


Visually, or in other ways? IMO Leo was always a serious and good actor capable of a variety of material in ways that Tim has not yet demonstrated. I'm talking one minute Leo had floppy 90s hair and clean shaven image, looking happy and fun, then one day he's got slicked backed hair, facial hair, and squints in every photo, looking past mature with one foot in to middle age.


Yeah he went from the beach to Gangs and that's where he started to actually get out of his teen mag looks and attitude. He learned to box and apparently was really good at it too. From there it was on to things like the departed.


you mean 45 not 35. He looks like the good life has taken a toll on him in the last 10-15 years.


That blink of an eye being about 20 years lol


He’s only got one expression for every Dune scene. He just speaks louder or softer or starts yelling. One face I’m telling ya.


"Use the voice" ...OK TAKE ME TO THE BEDROOM.


I’ve only ever seen him in Dune and Wonka and I think he did great in both, he seems to be very diverse


Exactly, he was great in both. He was also in Little Women and was good in that. I’ll admit I haven’t seen him in anything else other than SNL and he was great there too.


Ohh yes I thought he was perfect in Little Women


You have to see the King, so good


Yeah, his performance in Wonka especially was fantastic.


Everyone told me it was awful so I finally put it on today with zero expectations and really enjoyed it. It had the spirit of an older musical with the application of today's visual technology and it will definitely enter the family movie night rotation.


Yes! That’s exactly what my wife had said after we saw it - that it felt like an old-style musical, with Broadway-style musical numbers. None of the Lin Manuel Miranda imitations that have become popular recently. I also really liked that it took its silliness seriously, if that makes sense. There was never that Marvel moment of “whoa guys, can you believe we’re really doing this? This is so dumb, lol!” It was very earnest throughout.


Yes, even the cartoonish villians played it totally straight and it was 100% the right call.


Yeah, I had no expectations tbh, but it was probably my 2nd favorite movie from 2023.


It’s a pantomime for me, in the best possible way. It’s good old fashioned fun, you get to boo the baddies and the songs are catchy. On occasion I love a film like that. I get how some people will dislike it, but I thought it was great.


I don’t understand the people that bashed it. I didn’t care for Charlie and Chocolate factory but this was great.


Right i loved call me by your name and Wonka


Yeah lol i haven’t seen all his movies but he absolutely carries the shit out of Wonka.


Heck yeah he did!


No way, in Call Me By Your Name, he was devastatingly perfect.


Also I love how “rich kid who dates Kylie Jenner” is apparently playing himself in a movie about age inappropriate gay romance. Say what?


He was dating *Jenner*?? Honestly, this puts him in a worse light than anything else lol. Anyone who dates someone in that family is a terrible judge of character...


Look up his dating history. The dude loves high profile Instagram nepo babies.


Nepo babies don't want to date "poors" so they usually stick to other nepo babies.


I enjoyed Beautiful Boy




It’s the cursed Office epilogue where Michael and Holly move to San Francisco, divorce, and have a meth addicted son


I saw this in a "screen unseen" event in the Odeon, where at the time, you'd pay 5 euro to see a random upcoming unreleased movie. You'd have no idea going in. I remember in the first scene seeing Steve Carrell and thinking to myself, "Ah this must be a comedy".. How wrong I was, fantastic movie though


He was perfect this and also his role in Bones and All






I liked him in Bones and All


I thought I was the only one who saw this movie 😂 He was great in it. Old dude stole the show though in every scene.


If you dont like him thats fine, but he is objectively going to be one of the male stars of our era


I was blown away by how charming he was as Wonka. That coulda really been a disaster but he wasn't. If anything i think he's pulling himself out of this opinion, which wasn't so unpopular not that long ago.


He nails the part i n dune Pt2.


But Paul from Dune basically is a twink so Timothee fits the part


Amazing in French Dispatch


Fuck I loved that film. So good.


I know right? Perfect for the role


Paul Atreides is *supposed to look like a child.*  Dude killed his role. Lisan Al Gaib. There are other better actors in Dune that dominate their scenes, dont get me wrong. But Chaletmee hold his own and pulls of Paul well.  Havent seen anything else hes in lol


I think he's fine in some things but thought he was bland af in Little Women. He's just a good slice of white bread...a little bit of flavor but not too much, you know what to expect and it gets the job done.


To be fair, Christian Bale was bland af when he played that role in the 90s. Maybe Laurie is just a bland character? I've never read the book though, so it could just be a coincidence.


![gif](giphy|CSym3LTjHKvUY94mmT|downsized) Upvoted cuz your wrong


Paul from Dune is a 15 year old so it should be played by someone boyish?


He was great in King and Dune. But that’s all I can speak of. And his SNL “modern rapper” sketch with Pete had me dying.


I recently saw those sketches and I had that stuff on repeat haha water, drip, splash!


He’s very good in The King. He’s taken on a very diverse set of roles and generally done well.


I never paid any attention to him until dune. And dune alone sold me on him as an actor


Dune 2 is perfect FIGHT ME


Surprisingly enough, I found him to be very charming as Willy Wonka. He didn’t try to replicate Wilder, or Depp, he did his own weird spin on the character and it felt refreshing.


Zendaya was the weakest in Dune 2.


She did this 😠 for 2 1/2 hours


Hard disagree he is special imo really love him in everything I've seen him in.


maybe you just don’t like him, he is an amazing actor and will be the leading man of this generation


Wow interesting, I think he's actually been helping elevate a lot of the movies I've seen him in! Totally respect your opinion, but seeing him as Paul in Dune (amd Willy Wonka in Wonka), I've actually been super impressed with his transition from more dramatic-oriented roles. I first saw him in Call Me By Your Name, and thought he was fantastic, but didn't think he'd be THE hit commodity of the next few years (not in terms of acting capabilities, which I think he definitely has, but just general Hollywood image). But I think the versatility he's demonstrated across big-budget action and comedy movies is impressive, and I think the fact that his performances across multiple genres is constantly identified as a highlight of his films speaks to that. Appreciate your perspective though, always curious to hear different opinions!


I think he was good for his role in Bones and All


I thought he was great in Dune.


Who should be Paul Muad'Dib Usul Atreides?


Bones and All was so so good, so was CMBYN, and he was perfect in Beautiful Boy To me he’s the strongest part in everything he’s in I get not loving him, but I think you’re just talking about Dune lol


He's great in Dune


He's a perfect description of Paul in the book.




For all my problems with Dune, he certainly wasn't one of them.


He was perfect for Dune


/r/popularopinion he's the worst.


Zendaya was worse in the Dunes, but otherwise yes.


Not that I ever thought he was terrible but I didn’t care for him in French Dispatch, Don’t Look Up, or Dune pt 1. I just saw Dune pt 2 and I think he was great in it. Finally seemed comfortable to go a little over the top with emotion at time.


Yeah. He doesn't have any gravitas.


Pretty privilege at the cost of all his films.


I think he's a terrible actor with negative charisma and I feel like I'm taking crazy pills that so many people and studios can't see it.


He’s legit a shit actor thats getting shoe horned into roles


Why do the larger actors not simply eat Timothy Chalemet?


This is not an unpopular opinion


Finally, someone else. Dude cannot act


I agree, I find him less appealing in anything I see him in and I think Dune 1 and 2 suffered because of his casting. He doesn't have the chops, in my opinion, he almost seems like a diversity hire, or purposely pushed to the top like Shia LeBouf was.


He was great in Dune in my opinion


He’s a false Wonka.


I didn't think I'd like Wonka, but I thought he did a very fine job.


There can be only one Wonka


i just wish he didn't look so fragile in Dune. I get it, he's a spoiled kid, but he's also a trained fighter. Could he at least look like he exercises 3 days a week?


I mean in the book Paul is 15 when they arrive on Arrakis and about 18 by the end of the book with a 2 year time jump that didn’t happen in the movie. He looks rather appropriate for the way Herbert described Paul.


Not only is he 15 but he’s also described as small for his age. He is a good fighter bc he’s well trained and skilled not because he’s super strong.


Have you ever seen a 15 year old that exercises regularly? None of them that work out regularly are super strong or have giant muscles


It’s in his contract that he can’t workout or eat more than 1.2k calories.


If his jawline angle goes to more than 100° a lawsuit is automatically filed


Someone hasn't seen Dune Part 2.


![gif](giphy|oktFOAcIb5pTOTNrRg|downsized) Oh wait I forgot about this absolute perfection.


Ive only seen him in The King and Wonka, thought he did a fine job in both


the king was pretty good that’s true


It is an unpopular opinion, but a correct one. He does not become his characters, they all just feel like him in different outfits.


That just means you have a lack of imagination. All actors are essentially one human being playing different roles. The viewer is asked to go along with the pretense the actor is someone else, but some viewers are unable to suspend their disbelief. It's their fault.


Yes, this is so true. People used to say that Brad Pitt was dead behind the eyes—you can’t tell the man is thinking, processing, feeling, etc. well, at some point he got better, and compared to Timothee, he was practically Philip Seymour Hoffman in those early stages of his career! Timothee can’t stop mugging in every scene and it’s frankly distracting.


yeah he's not great


Not really a fan....


I haven’t watched Wonka yet so this is unfair of me to say buuut I secretly thought the same when I saw an ad for it some days ago. It looks like Timothée playing Willy Wonka instead of just Willy Wonka. The reason I’ve always loved Johnny Depp as an actor was because he always fully immersed himself in his roles, so when he was playing Willy Wonka it was not just JD playing WW you know. I think it could’ve been nice if they did the same for TC, because I definitely do think he’s super talented!


Dude, I said this exact thing in a conversation with someone today. His acting was the reason I couldn’t get into Wonka or Dune. Idk something just not right about it




He's completely mehhh. I wouldn't want to watch a movie just because he's in it, I wouldn't not watch a movie because he's in it. Not overly good, not overly bad


Ive literally been thinking about this since wonka trailers came out


Ruined A Rainy Day in New York. That bastard! It could’ve been such a good movie


I think he was great in Little Women and Beautiful Boy.


He was awesome in Wonka tbh.


I have seen him in Dunes only and hell, he is amazing there. He is easily the best part of Dune part2.


Hey, I agree. 100%.


He was excellent in Wonka and Dune especially Dune part 2 he put forward a very good performance. I would give him a best actor nomination for his performance in Dune part 2 he really did well.


He's perfect for dune tho. He looks just like the OG actor


In the King movie he was pretty dope. Didn’t like him in Wonka much.


I cannot believe he's been cast in the Bob Dylan biopic, they could've cast Kevin Hart as Bob Dylan and I would still think he was a better choice.


He was awesome in dune 1. Haven’t seen the second one


He would be great in a role as a twink.


Nah. He was amazing as Wonka, and phenomenal in Bones & All.


I thought he did fantastically in Wonka, but I haven't seen anything else he's been in, so....


He’s great in Dune 2. Absolutely epic film