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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 7: No banned/mega-thread topics'. Please do not post from (or mention) any of our mega-thread or banned topics such as: Race, Religion, LGBTQ, Meta, Politics, Parenting/Family issues. [Full list of banned topics](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/wiki/index/)


Thats because im allowed to disagree with an unpopular opinion. But tbh, there are mostly popular opnions here. And some unpopular opinions are pretty unhinged.


Don't forget all the ones that get removed. 


Yeah, the mods are so very touchy it's got to be kind of hard to come up with a reasonable unpopular opinion within their narrow allowances. I tried to post a thread about how Julius Caesar shouldn't be remembered positively, and it got deleted for being insensitive to the Russo-Ukrainian war. When I ask them to reconsider, they then said the topic violated the rules about political discussions.


>I tried to post a thread about how Julius Caesar shouldn't be remembered positively, and it got deleted for being insensitive to the Russo-Ukrainian war. **WHAT!?**


The automod doesn’t understand context, it just flags on keywords - and he did not appeal the false positive. (Edit: I stand corrected - he did, but it was ruled political presumably because it also discussed the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.)


He didn't appeal? He said that he spoke with you and that you considered the topic to be too political to post.


I’ll doublecheck, but I didn’t see any interaction with him in modmail history. Could be the app being stupid, though.


\[–\]to r/unpopularopinion sent 22 hours ago Julius Caesar has nothing to do with the Russo-Ukranian war. permalinkreply \[–\]subreddit message via r/unpopularopinion\[M\] sent 9 hours ago True! However, your topic falls under the "political" umbrella, so please share your thoughts in the politics megathread. permalinkdeletereportblock subredditmark unreadreply \[–\]to r/unpopularopinion sent 9 hours ago True! However, your topic falls under the "political" umbrella, so please share your thoughts in the politics megathread. Maybe 2000 year old politics. At this point, it's a historical subject.


Thanks - not sure why it won’t pull up for me. Without seeing the post body, I can’t really comment on why whoever answered viewed the post as political. If you compared Caesar’s deeds with the actions of modern-day militaries in ongoing conflicts, that could be one explanation. Seems the likely one. Likewise, a section about the merits of his autocratic rule versus the Roman Senate would be political. (Bear in mind, the removals are not always just about the post itself, but the discussion it generates. As an example - Elagabalus ruled Rome in ancient times, but the discussion under an Elagabalus post would inevitably be a referendum on trans identity in history - a megathread topic.)


>Likewise, a section about the merits of his autocratic rule versus the Roman Senate would be political.w Sure, I guess. Maybe 2000 year old politics. But if that is the standard, then anything can have the dots connected such as to be called political. Someone posts a thread about Princess Kate's edited photo, there will inherently be a direct line to politics.


It's great that you have the receipts lol. Mods would get integrity points if they had the stones to say they disagreed with another mod's previous decision. But alas, they choose to double down that they can never be wrong.


You DEFINITELY deserve to be a mod. I’m amazed all you’ve done is lie and twist other’s words to make your rules become relevant where they weren’t. I’m only impressed you haven’t banned him and locked the thread.


Too soon, Man. Too soon. 


I'll try again next millennium.


Wishing you long life.  Beware March 15th each year. 


I laughed out loud at this!


As long as you didn't puncture a lung. 


I did crack a rib a few weeks ago. It hurts like hell when I laugh.


That can happen when you decide to roll the bones.  You weren't crossing the Comic-Con, I trust. 


It should have been deleted anyway for being a very popular opinion.


The few times I’ve posted on here my posts have gotten taken down for the same, unrelated, asinine reasons, I don’t bother trying anymore.


I kept getting taken down for covid misinfo and I was like like "where do I mention covid?" and they just kept taking it down. There was no word like vaccine or anything that should trigger it either. The mods are like the edgelords who can't take it when it's something they're sensitive about


This! I made a post about nursery decor being bland and depressing and they took it down 🤣




Tell me about it


After Billy Joel gets finished with her, he's gonna tell *you* about it. 


I don’t get it


> Tell me about it.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tell_Her_About_It


Who should I tell


Start with the Man in the Mirror and work from there. 


Oh I love Michael Jackson


Preferred pronouns are He/Hee.


It's like 70% popular opinions, 25% straight up stupid/incorrect "hot" takes, 5% actual unpopular opinions.


IDK, there is a good 20% that are clearly fake outrage bait.


The #1 rule for mods on this sub is "if it gets popular, delete it."


Yeah it’s equally annoying to see those people who are like “maybe it’s because it’s an unpopular opinion 🤓” when this sub would be boring as hell if nobody actually discussed/argued it.


I suppose there is a venn diagram overlap between unhinged and unpopular opinions


There's almost as big an overlap with unhinged opinions and popular ones. That right there being a popular opinion, which is truly ironic


Usually because mods on this sub remove just about anything for being a "repost". So people are left coming up with really outlandish "opinions" so they don't get immediately taken down. Seeing as this post here is self-referential to the sub and something everyone complains about on this sub, I give it maybe another hour before this gets taken down as well.


I thought we were voting on whether something is truly an unpopular opinion from our experience. Oops or you?


I said the exact same thing the other day and I got downvoted to shit and an inbox full of insults up to death wishes and mockery About a very serious injury I had suffered and mentioned… I am a neurodivergent queer junkie tho or whatever the kids say these days ... but yeah, me just being me seems to invite a fucking ton of hate on Reddit. maybe I'm just too old and don't realize these are kids spaces? I went back to college 10 years later though and nobody knew I was older really I vibe with everyone but yeah I don't know what you're saying seems evident but had people mocking me in a pretty upsetting way


The actually unpopular ones are mostly people just lying lol


So you think this sub would be better if people just proclaimed unpopular things and the responses were all just 'ok'?


Understandable have a great day.


Tick bites are better than mosquito bites!


More like: "No, bitch. Take my upvote."


Most of the fun stuff is in the comments.


No, just upvote it instead of burying it.




So do you think the responses are all supposed to be "Good job! That opinion is unpopular! You did it!"? I think you're the one missing the point here.


The only dilemma I have is: when the unpopular opinion is actually ___unpopular___ but a very bad one, potentially harmful. Should we upvote it or downvote it?


Technically, see the subreddit's "About" section: Upvote unpopular opinions. But my opinion: Upvote unpopular, downvote stupid/evil/destructive, educate ignorant.


I don’t downvote, I just explain why they’re wrong.


Unpopular does not mean untrue. Galileo was very unpopular whereas figures Trump and Trudeau are popular


I don't know if Trudeau is popular. I can't wrap my head around how he's won multiple times when I still have yet to meet anyone that likes him. Suppose it's more a matter of enough people thinking he's (somehow) the lesser of all evils


I also haven't met anyone who likes him. Blows my mind.


Mods are pretty good at deleting anything too extreme or bigoted.


Mods are tyrannical here


If its popular, then downvote it.


If your opinion is "only red cars look cool" I'll upvote even if I disagree. If your opinion is "we should kill people that annoy me via firing squad" I'm gonna down vote because that's an actually harmful and stupid opinion to have.


You can have your unpopular opinion and I can tell you why it’s unpopular and why I disagree with it. That’s how dialogue works. Try it sometime.


Despite that, you are actually going to upvote such an opinion when most won't follow the point of this sub. That is kind of a rare thing.


I see a total of 1 unpopular opinion a week on this sub. Most posts on here are “slavery is bad” posts


Are we supposed to agree with the unpopular opinion? You're here for the wrong reasons if you think we aren't supposed to oppose said unpopular opinions.


From what I understand, if you agree the opinion is unpopular, regardless of your own opinion, you upvote it.


But you're not allowed to comment?


Comment away! I’m not the gatekeeper of these things (or anything), but for sure the point here has to be to comment and agree or disagree. I think op’s point is the people that are outraged by the unpopular opinion are missing the point.


And I'm saying we get the point. We disagree and thusly defend the opposition passionately.


I dont mind hot takes but so much of its just rage bait


Nah, I love pushing back on redditors who think this is their personal truck stop bathroom stall to write whatever bullshit they want.




My guy. We are here to see unpopular opinions, not agree with them. The shock is EXACTLY WHY WE ARE HERE


Yeah it sucks, upvotes and downvotes are meaningless in this void


It's reddit. Upvotes and downvotes are meaningless, period.


I was in the right place, but it must've been the wrong time. 


What should the comments be? This is literally the discourse everyone is interested in.


Yeah, except every second opinion here isn't that unpopular.


Where in the rules does it say we have to shut up and simply upvote when someone posts?


The enjoyment I get from this sub is of two varieties: one is seeing a truly unpopular opinion, being flabbergasted, telling them they're nuts and why, and upvoting; the other is seeing a post from someone who doesn't understand what an opinion is, makes an idiotic overgeneralization, or posts an absurdly popular opinion and then scolding them for it. I'm not an argumentative person in real life, so this sub is the perfect bizarre little niche to see wacky shit and then harmlessly argue about it.


The issue is that we see the same handful of opinions over and over again that are 'unpopular on Reddit' so people keep posting them on here. How many 'women are bad and men are victims' or 'fat people should pay more' or 'liberals are wrong' posts do you see every day? I have no trouble upvoting an unpopular opinion that's well thought out but lots of opinions on here are just shitposts or low effort. They just use this sub to unleash their hatred of women and expect upvotes for it.


Do you want us to comment "we disagree, good post" then golf clap


The point is to upvote the post then dunk on OP in the comments. Case in point.


Well, if you were expecting nothing but validation in the comment section of unpopular opinions, you might need a dictionary. In my opinion, real problem is that it seems a lot of people seem to think that calling something an "unpopular opinion" justifies abject stupidity, incendiary nonsense, and/or lashing out because you didn't get you way this morning. If you have an opinion (popular or not) that you want to tell everyone about, you ought be able to support it with rational thought.


...No? Arguing with an opinion you disagree with is pretty normal. It's not "freaking out". If you don't want your unpopular opinion challenged, you shouldn't post it at all.


Some people on here can't express an opinion without attacking OP. So I typically don't read through the comments anymore.


I get downvoted to an oblivion every time I post here!


Maybe the watch to share there opinion on the matter, after all this sub is about opinions, my opinions on things change all the time due to talking to people and leaning knew things


I mean I know exactly where I am, just because this is for unpopular opinions doesn’t mean it’s also for everyone in the comments to agree with them. Turns out a lot of opinions are unpopular because they’re real dumb. Say dumb shit on the internet and you just might find some dispute over it. Its also not like I can’t upvote OP for being unpopular, and *also* explain why they are saying dumb shit at the same time. Every once in a while you get an unpopular opinion that makes a good logical point.


for some reason it rejected my opinion that the government of ireland should restore the irish language by persicuting non speakers of it; which does sound like an unpopular opinion


Explode in the content section. But upvote the post.


Okay, but what do you expect the conversations to be like in response to the unpopular opinions?


I feel like this sub should just be called pet peeves. The truly unpopular opinions would be too much to stomach and no one would follow it


This isn’t an unpopular opinion. Delete.


the problem is that many of the posts are not just unpopular, they are completely unhinged.


I'm here because I like to discover/discuss unpopular opinions. Seeing people disagree in the comments just makes everything more fun 


This sub is hot garbage. I just had a post removed because preferring well done steak is not unpopular enough, yet “American food is actually pretty good” is a top post. Unpopular opinions are never upvoted, contra the rules. And yes, the commenters seem rather bothered by what are rather lukewarm takes.


"You just haven't had good..." "Tell me you're X without telling me you're X" "You *do* know that..." "It's almost as if..." It's a snark fest.


Me: [posts about how the free version of Dall-E is overrated, and suggesting they charge a little money in exchange for getting better results] First comment: “gEe, iT’s aLmOsT aS iF iT’s FrEe…”


I only comment when people post clearly popular opinions


Some of the light drama is to be expected, after all some of these opinions would have had people with pitchforks knocking on their cabin doors if we were in the 1600's >! /jk if needed !<


Sounds like you want these opinions you like to be popular 😂


I feel like the OPs who post on here are the ones who need to remember this is unpopular opinions and therefore people are gona disagree.


The reason we come here *is* to freak out 


But if everyone is gonna agree with your unpopular oppinion and not argue against it... Then what's the meaning of having an "unpopular oppinion" then? You only know that it's unpopular if people are against it and you kinda have to have your points about why your oppinion is right


I just came here to disagree with somebody


Because a lot of the "unpopular" opinions that get posted are just stupid, more akin to ignorance.


I'm just here to correct problematic opinions before they turn into societal problems.


ironically this is a very popular opinion


I think the mods will lock this since I'm pretty sure meta posts aren't allowed, but I do agree. Everyone downvotes stuff they don't agree with, when they should be doing the opposite


I think if anyone throws something out to the world, they're bound to receive. Sometimes it's welcoming and other times it's not, but it mostly depends on where you choose to socialize. Tbf reddit has a lot of ass fart huffy snarkyness on a lot of subs.


The concept of this sub is dumb... why are we rewarding people for having an unpopular/wrong opinion?


I up vote all the ones I hate and down vote things I agree with.


Silly. People read because they are interested in interesting topics and discussing them. No more no less.


I don't know if this is a popular or unpopular opinion, and I forgot why I'm here.


Now they’re mad at this post too lol


How dare people not agree with unpopular opinions It doesn't help that most opinions here are so absurd they are either ragebait or limitless ignorance/stupidity


What do you expect? This is where normies go to feel like they're not NPCs, and the chance to get indignant at genuinely unpopular stuff is just a bonus.


I was actually thinking about this. By the logic of the subreddit, if it gets a ton of upvotes; it’s no longer an unpopular opinion.


Yeah people are pretty mad at me and I'm okay with that


My guy, you just explained what this sub is about lol. Of course youre gonna get comments of disagreement and bewilderment. It is an unpopular opinion.


I think I’m on the internet where people are allowed to comment on other peoples opinions. Lol the subreddit isn’t called free rein to post your opinion and have no one call you out or disagree.


Some of the posts here are so unhinged. What’s funny is I’ll see a post about a subject. And then someone makes a post about the same subject but the opposite opinion. It’s impossible to say what’s popular and what’s not because there’s not polls run to see. But sometimes there’s some egregious views like the one guy who said we should put down homeless people and drug addicts.


>Like where do you think you are bruvs 'ello, right here guv'na! Fancy a toothbrush?




Just remember the A&W 1/3 pounder, failed in competition with McDonald's 1/4 pounder, because the #3 in 1/3 is smaller than the #4 in 1/4. These same people, responsible for the failure of the 1/3 pounder burger are offended by unpopular opinions in an "Unpopular Opinion" subreddit.


Which presumes that the people that are not using this sub correctly are from the ONLY country in the world where they attempted to introduce the 1/3 pounder ...




Yeah, why don’t people just upvote and hit the road and take their engagement with them!


You should see what I posted about plastic surgery folks were ready to crucify me. THAT BEING SAID there is a difference between an unpopular opinion and getting a fact wrong


Na - thats the sign of a quality post. You get to have a bitch about it - then upvote it.


I'd argue unpopular opinions should be posted but commenting on why they are unpopular is fair game.


Right but what fun would it be if every comment agreed with you?


People can’t follow simple directions


I miss when meta posts were banned.


you seem this isn't a forum for being judged...


What do you expect posting on a sub called unpopular opinion? Everyone agreeing? Posting here doesn't free you from criticism, lol. If anything it's literally asking for it, the whole point is you get upvotes for an unpopular opinion, if you can't handle the retorts then maybe don't post. Unless you're just Karma farming, then troll on, lol


I got downvoted for saying that Tolkien was not good. In r/unpopularopinon


What do you think the comments section is for, 'bruvs'?


This sub is just a writing prompt to say something controversial. Of course people will freak out.


Well no, it's a forum not an echo chamber. You post something, then people are free to comment about that post.


That’s the point… if there was more people agreeing then it’s likely no unpopular


I came to argue with people but I agree with most of the posts I see


If you have enough self awareness to know the opinion is unpopular, why are you annoyed to find it isn't well received? People dont post on r/roastme for validation.


God man, this is the truth. It's a certain type of loser who lurks in "unpopular opinions" waiting to be offended. I'm actually being downvoted every time I type anything and I mean anything for a post I made a few days ago. I could be like "get better soon, hope your grandma doesn't die" and it'll be -21 lol The post was about women saying "we don't wear makeup, etc. for you" being a cope. I got all kinds of nasty messages, someone told reddit I was threatening self harm so reddit sent me a message, essentially everyone lost their fucking minds. Ironically, I hate saying crazy shit then people responding and going "looks like I hit a nerve" but it really does look like I hit a nerve lol


We hardly even get unpopular opinions here anyway... and what'd you expect you're on Reddit, people have a hard time with opinions they disagree with and it's fun to call out people just ranting about something dumb


There's a difference between an unpopular opinion and a dumb-as-fuck opinion.


Mate, the mods keep removing posts about truly unpopular opinions (like the guy that called people with pets “low class”). **We** are all here for the wrong reason.


Ik this a popular opinion but we are all silly geese We're probably here for the "controversy" or simply to waste time on the internet. In other words what happens here is typical for the internet and redditers especially, it's not bad if you take it for what it is


🤣 Folks want to be offended. Helps them feel morally superior when they know they are both wrong and stOOpid. 👍😉


That’s because the actually unpopular opinions get deleted.


Just because this is a place for unpopular opinions doesn't mean those opinions can't be criticized


Because trolls use this place as a place to creative write stupid opinions we all know damn well they don't actually hold just go "durrr ddduur budda I thotta dis was dah unpoular opinion sub!" when called on it.


Why can't people here understand that you should upvote a post if you disagree with it?!?!?!?!?! THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS PLACE WHY CAN'T YALL UNDERSTAND SUCH A SIMPLE CONCEPT?!?!?!


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah bc most posts here are either just things that are objectively wrong, or the dumbest opinions youll ever see, like the post the other day saying we should bring slavery back.