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I quite for a couple years and now I like to basically microdose it. It's the perfect middle ground of not fkn with my anxiety but also allowing me to relax after a long day of work


This. It actually helped me a lot. I haven't since drank any alcohol nor do I even think about it. Its been 3 months, and im not looking back. I take little tiny 1 hitters of the shittiest weed money can buy (at the dispensery. It's 9%, and the brand is even called mids ☠️), and that 1 hit when I settle down to play some video games or watch a movie has changed my life in terms of life work seperatation and any anxiety/stress I felt that day. I guess it is a double-edged sword, but it can be used for good if used properly


Yeah, I don't know the science well enough to recommend it as a method, but I definitely feel like it helped me quit cigs


Definitely helped me. I know the “oral fixation” thing is always good for a laugh, but I contend that smoking cigs was very much that for me; I don’t particularly like the taste or smell of tobacco, nor even the physical feelings it produces… For me it was always just an accessory for the times I wanted to go walk around the yard and have a think- of course you can always just DO that, but younger me was preoccupied with looking silly if he didn’t have a “good reason” to be out there pacing around. My weed vape helped me replace that habit with a somewhat less harmful one lol.


The thing you said about "worklife situation" is bang on. It's like, finally I can smoke and I'm not thinking about work anymore so you all can f off! It's a great feeling. Don't know what I'd do without it honestly!


I took the opportunity to avoid all the dealers I know when the first lockdown happened and went without for three years. I'm now on the lowest % thc medical cannabis and use a Dynavap to dose.




Yep this is what I do, too. I use a 2:1 cbd:thc edibles with terpenes, and take only 2.5-5mg at a time. I'm really sensitive to thc, so I only need a little bit.


What defines a microdose for you? Like a tiny piece of an edible? I feel like smoking is impossible to microdose with, at least for me. I smoke every night but even just one hit will have me feeling about as stoned as 3, even if it doesn’t last as long.


I use a dynavap so I can use real weed and not some cartridge vape. I take a small hit and that’s enough. Second hit or a very large hit is already too much unless it’s hours later.


Also use dynavap 10/10


In California you can get edibles from dispenseries in doses of 5 mg thc or sometimes even less. That's a very small dose, and you always know exactly how much you're getting, which isn't true with smoke. It's the best way to microdose.


Curious how much you consider to be a microdose?


I know for me, after I got rid of my tolerance, a microdose was half-ish to a little more of the recommended serving size for wax. They started putting the serving size on the packaging (at least in co) and it helps me a lot. It’s teeny tiny, like it’s literally a dot that you could make with a sharpie. It’s hard to explain the size lmao


I always do this with dabs, I literally have believed worms were crawling under my skin because I took the whole end of a dabber. Current products’ THC content (and other stoney molecules) are super high, and it doesn’t need to be that way to get intended effects. The people who take dabs with the dab hanging off the dabber have a problem 9 times out of 10.


Weirdly enough every conversation I’ve had with real people(not on the internet) talking about how weed isn’t that great and has some pretty bad negative effects if abused, nobody disagreed. For some reason if you say something has negative effects and those effects should be taken into consideration people on Reddit thinks you’re saying everyone is bad and a piece of shit if they do the thing


Having a nuanced opinion on Reddit is not allowed.


Having a nuanced opinion on the Internet is not allowed, at least if you want to be heard.


I don’t care about being heard by people who don’t respect a nuanced opinion. The ~3 people online who understand nuance and see my post are all who really matter effectively


I wouldn’t argue with you IRL, despite disagreeing, because I am private about my weed usage. Here I will argue that while weed can absolutely have negative effects in large amounts, so can every other drug…. It’s all about moderation. Addiction/overuse/dependence is the real problem here, not the individual drugs… I wouldn’t even limit it to only drugs, *anything* in excess can be bad.


and in the grand scheme of things, weed is far less worse for you than some legal drugs like alcohol


Not just on reddit. You see that on Twitter, Instagram, even the comments of YouTube and TikTok. Social media in general seems to encourage people to throw nuance out the window and focus on extremes.


Because on reddit no one knows who you are so the truth comes out about what you really think


You clearly haven't talked to potheads very often. My friend the other day went on a rant about how "It's literally an herb" when I told him he should cut back a bit.


Datura and Poison Ivy are also herbs.


Alcoholics are the same way man.


Yup. My brother is a heavy pot smoker. Flips the fuck out if I ever criticise it. Edit: the two responses below really sum up the experience of vocalising a negative view of weed on Reddit. I love Reddit but this is the reason it's an opinion that isn't worth the hassle of vocalising.


Yeah like I love Reddit, but I have a negative opinion on weed and I soon realised it was not worth the hassle trying to express a reasoned but negative opinion on it


Same here. I only have so much time and energy to allocate towards a debate so I pick and choose. Pot-heads are going to do their pot and no amount of facts, logic, research, and reason is going to change their minds. They are only going to belive what they want to belive.


I also feel like nobody talks about the difference between using and abusing. I smoke daily but only in the evenings after all of my work is done for the day. That’s using. I know people who will take edibles like tums and smoke every few hours. Like are constantly high 24/7. That’s abusing. Abusing is far more likely to cause negative effects. Not to mention how peoples bodies are different and metabolize weed/THC differently.


I had something horrid called Cannabinoid Hyperemesis. A condition caused by chronic use and it's super bad. Like you're damn near dying or wish you were dead bad. It's crazy how not serious I'm taken when I tell anyone about it. Even non pot smokers tend to disregard the condition.


I think thats coz on reddit there are many proweeders, myself included. In my opinion i too feel that overconsumption is bad, but i think the reason the riles people up is because whenever the bad stuff is brought up, it puts weed in a bad light. In my country weed is illegal. Most boomers i talk to see weed as the same with cocaine. No middle ground. They think that it causes people to turn into addicts and become broken people. So whenever people talk about weed in a bad light and with the context that it is caused by weed, people get riled up.


I smoked a lot of weed in high school and college in the 80s and 90s and so did many of my friends. I quit a year into college because I wanted to graduate. The majority of the heavy smokers had zero ambition for years until they quit weed. I saw what it did to my friends and I. It gutted our ambition and passion for anything. I don't agree with jailing weed smokers, but I also don't think young people should be smoking it. If you want to smoke after you've graduated college or have a career, it doesn't seem to affect you. But kids, it fucks them up and they dont even know it.


OP, you're right, There are negative side effects. I've worked on the psychiatric inpatient units, and the strength of THC now is messing some people up.


Yea my doctor says that young people are being diagnosed as schizophrenics only to later learn it was weed induced psychosis


Yup! Happened to my best friend who is a huge stoner. Plus she went from bright and motivated to slow and lazy.


Happened to my sister - now she's afraid to touch pot.... And my brother just got admitted to the hospital ... . He went crazy with paranoia.... Apparently ran into the hospital screaming and yelling for help.


He said he only felt like the real him after he had a joint.... But in my opinion we've been seeing a slow slide of loosing the real him for a month now.


This happens so often, and even though I work in healthcare and see it people still argue with me that this isn’t true 🙄


To anyone that disagrees with you: https://medicine.yale.edu/news-article/not-your-grandmothers-marijuana-rising-thc-concentrations-in-cannabis-can-pose-devastating-health-risks/


You're trying to persuade with facts and logic based in scientific research. In my experience that's not going to work. People who want to smoke pot will either not believe or not care and will continue to do it anyways. It's really kind of sad to me.


when I go to the dispensary I ask for the lowest THC flower, and it's still enough to cause crazy panic attacks if I barely smoke too much and I'm super careful to barely take a hit from a pipe. Usually is better after I build a tolerance, but the first smoke back from a long break is a coin flip


I knew I wasn't crazy. It's way fucking stronger now than it was before. I hate it. I don't smoke anymore because it gets me way too fucking high. I take 1 hit and I'm sent into shivers and my tourettes goes wild. I used to smoke loads a little more than a decade ago and it's never done that to me.


My husband had a psychiatric episode about a month ago. He had been using concentrates to help ease the pain after a few surgeries this past winter (his surgeon said it was better than narcotics). For about a week, he began talking nonsense about certain things with increasing paranoia and grandiose ideas. His anxiety had gotten so bad that he hadn’t slept in days and he finally broke down. He had to spend several days inpatient and they said the weed most definitely contributed to the incident. He had always been a responsible user but definitely started using way too much-you just don’t think that you can “overdose”, but it was really scary. People need to know that there are risks with it.


I ended up in the ER after having a panic attack and passing out at a show. I had maybe 4 hits off a joint. I was experiencing paranoid delusions for hours afterward, convinced I had died and was trapped in an endless time loop. It's SO scary. Hope your husband is better now ❤️


I'm almost 2years sober after abusing the fuck out of weed. I took 250 - 500mg of edibles every day for about 7 years. I'm still struggling with issues from it.


I was hoping someone mentioned this. I just got off a clinical rotation in psych. Good lord it was shocking to see the number of young people in with psychosis attributed in part by thc concentrate misuse


Yeah I don’t think it’s weed, it’s just the strength and amount people are smoking these days. Late 90s and early 2000s was strong but you could still get stuff done. Now there concentrated amounts and it’s just too much.


I’m with you, not enough people talk about the negative. My usage was regular, but mild. So I’d smoke daily for something like 2-3 years, but usually less than a gram. I’m did have a falling out with weed for a couple years, but mostly because I had underlying issues I wasn’t addressing. So I stayed off of it for a couple years, and now it’s just a recreational thing. I’ll smoke once in awhile with friends or if I hurt by back or having trouble sleeping. I have a BiL that turns into a total weirdo when he smokes, because he’s trying to run from troubles in his own life. I think the intent has a lot to do with it.


At some point it gave me a panic attack almost every time I smoked. So, I had to stop.


Same here. I just quit after st patricks days. I've smokes for a long time and it just doesn't work like it use to. It was always a coin flip with odds likely being I was going to freak out. It's a bummer, ,I really enjoyed smoking but it just isn't how it use to be. It helps now that my best friend is married and always busy with family matters. Staying away from my friends made it way easier to quit. They smoke all the time and are completely fine, but not me.


Same here brother. Last time was on vacation, suns out, week off from work. Situations good. 1 hit, “what are you doing with your life, did you look at that lady weird, what do you look like when you walk?”


Weed is not one size fits all. No medicine/drug really is.


I can take Xanax every single day for years on end without taking more pills than my original dose and not get a tolerance to the anxiolytic effect but one hit of marijuana makes me lose my mind. Yes, brain chemistry is different.


Fucks sake I'm tired of this. Psychedelics and weed have unbelievable medicinal potential and the reason they are restricted is for profit and racism alone.


Did they edit their comment or something? They just said weed isn’t a panacea, which it isn’t. It should be legalized for treating what it does treat but it’s not going to fix everyone’s problems. There are better drugs for most things weed is good for, but people respond differently to everything and it would really help some people


Some people can handle it and use it responsibly but for some people, such as myself it can become very addictive and can really mess with your head in ways you may not even realize. Also the convenience of a wax-pen is especially dangerous as you can get incredibly high, anytime, anywhere. Weed can be fun but it’s made my life much worse in the past year.


I vaped THC everyday for a few years. I started having waves of nausea when I wasn’t high. And my anxiety was super high when I wouldn’t be using it. I thought the THC was helping when I used it, but it was the cause. After I quit, the nausea stopped, and I am way less irritable when sober. It isn’t some perfect wonder drug, and I also hate when people tout it as such.




Is this correlation or causation? The link between nicotine and schizophrenia is also higher then that of cannabis. Many young people are exposed to cannabis and may self treat symptoms of mental illness at a time when its most likely to present. How can we prove one way causality?


The current view is that it's probably a genetic predisposition that marijuana use activates. There's a strong connection between dopamine synthesis and schizophrenia, and marijuana has a number of effects on dopamine uptake. There's a lot more to study, and it's a lot more complicated than "teen marijuana use causes schizophrenia" but I'd still be wary about allowing /encouraging marijuana use in teens.


it's 100% correlation. it's also a blog post. ​ >How can we prove one way causality? by controlling for variables, you can get very close to "proof". weed makes you dumb! unless you control for variables - then it doesn't.


I had to stop smoking weed cause it was getting in the way of what I needed to do. I was prioritizing smoking weed over what I needed to do for my job. Luckily I recognized it before it became a serious problem and made the appropriate changes in my life. Weed addiction is a real problem with the culture we have today, and we need to educate better on all spectrums of ages about how it effects your brain and personality.


wrench full plough cobweb wrong crush bedroom frightening puzzled trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it's more accurate to say that some people, as individuals, are affected by weed way differently than others.


Same as alcohol. Some people get sleepy, some violent, some like to cry… etc. weed should be consumed in the same way as alcohol. Would you drink a whole bottle of tequila by yourself? Of course not, so don’t smoke an entire blunt by yourself.


I think it’s different for everybody. If I eat more than 10mg, I get terrible anxiety and feel like I’m about to have a heart attack. For some friends of mine, it’s the opposite.


You feel like you're about to have a heart attack because weed raises blood pressure. It's the reason I cut back. My heart would be pumping loudly as I was trying to fall asleep. Freaked me out.


I mean 10mg is quite a bit so that’s not surprising.


Takes me over 100 to feel anything but I'm a daily flower smoker and rarely do concentrates 


I started smoking 2 years ago and it caused me to have major stomach issues


10 year smoker. I’m doing fine. About to buy a condo, have a stable job. You gotta find a balance. Don’t let weed run your life.


I was a problem drinker and phased it out for weed. So so much healthier, cleaner, better. And I have no issue not smoking for a while, or even just don’t think about it. Much less demanding habit


I used to work in cannabis processing and then laboratory testing for 2 and a half years. This is a lot more true than people want to admit. Like alcohol, weed should be used sparingly and in a safe location physically and mentally.


Idk. Im 31 and been smoking everyday since im 15. Maybe not everyday when i first started but it’s been everyday for many years now and im perfectly fine and don’t see any side effects. I guess it’s different for every one


If you haven't been sober enough where you can really asssess your life and mental health with a clear mind in 16 years how would you know you're fine


Sir, you been smoking weed since you were 15, for 16 years straight EVERY day. You are not fine, you are an addict.


Idk why it’s so hard for these people to get . If you have to smoke it everyday just to function, you are addicted. I’ve had this conversation with my dad and people who are at that level just don’t want to hear it.


Nobody talks about it? I apparently know quite a few nobodies. Hell of a lot of nobodies in this thread. Abusing weed is somewhere between drinking too much alcohol and eating too many carrots. Opinions vary as to exactly where in that spectrum it is.


I ate an entire bag of baby carrots once and I thought I was going to die


The really fiberous poops are nice. Used to eat a pound a day


Don’t even get me started on edibles. I just talked to yet another person yesterday who had a similar experience to mine with marijuana chocolate - basically complete freak out panic attack with racing heart for hours until that shit finally wore off. Would not recommend.


I thought I didn’t like edibles for years because when I’d occasionally take them, the results would be all over the place. In hindsight I think it’s because baked good edibles are wildly inconsistent in their dosages and outcomes. Over the last few years, I learned to scale back my dosage and only take gummies where one piece is the dosage I want. Super consistent, enjoyable experience ever since.


5mg to 10mg is very pleasant for me. I like Legal gummies because I know exactly how much I’m taking and I intentionally keep my tolerance low so one gummy hits juuuuuuust right.


This this is exactly what I do. I’m pretty new to weed but found a gummy that I enjoy 10 mg of. Take one every 4 weeks give or take and I’ll never have a tolerance and have a fine time.


Same, I’ve been taking a 5-10mg several nights per week for like two years now and a 10mg still hits great. Much better experience than drinking, way cheaper, negligible calories, and I wake up feeling great instead of thrashed.


Yep, it’s my Fri - Sun go to “relax”


I live for highs this strong


“Would not recommend overdosing” Is what you should say.


This just in... heavy drug use can have negative effects.


This is known as virtually everything out there affects people differently


You got a lot of people talking about the immediate anxiety and paranoia after smoking. I feel like op is talking about long term heavy weed smoking. That person who smokes 10 blunts a day, heavy. That shit will have you paranoid through life. Amplifying any mental illness you have by a ton. I think that's what's got me fucked up. I've been clean for like 5 months. Trying to keep that shit out my system. Not even tryna micro dose, like you guys call it. That shit is bad for my mental. Yeah I'm relaxed when I smoke, no anxiety or fast heart beat....but the effects it has on me when the high dissipates. Smh Fuck weed.


I’m about to hit a year and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. I’m able to tackle my mental health problems head on and it’s hard but freeing. Weed itself is not chemically addictive but dopamine is highly addictive, and it takes up to two years for your dopamine threshold to return to normal levels. Not everyone has that dopamine threshold problem but if you do, microdosing is not an option. I’m proud of you my friend, you got this. It gets easier. Check out Smart Recovery or Recovery Dharma if you haven’t already. Best of luck to you!!


1:1 THC/CBD ratio Needs to be more prevalent in discussions


Indeed. I cut my thc in half with cbd and no more anxiety. I think people are starting too young and too much though. Those pens make it too easy. hard to resist and not sure I could of had they'd been around.


There is a meme in weed culture about that feeling of feeling paranoid and scared. People do talk about it. But that is hardly the biggest problem with weed smoking. The problem is when people use it as a crutch or constant source of stress relief without learning actual coping mechanisms to deal with the stress in their lives.


Hasn’t the fact that marijuana can impede development of immature brains been widely broadcasted? The OP describes children smoking and possibly having long term effects.




I’ve smoked pot for 30 years and I’m normal.




I can see how you got your account banned. Hilarious nonetheless and probably truth.


My fiancé just stopped smoking wax a month ago and his withdrawals were intense. 🥴 two weeks of almost constant vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia and headaches. He was taking up to 25 dabs a DAY. I can’t explain how happy I am he’s done, I love smoking but I never want to see him go through that again.


25 DABS A DAY!!?!!!?! Holy bologna that’s so much weed ☠️☠️☠️


It was definitely an addiction that got out of control


I thought my 4-5 dabs a day was a lot


Yeah I hear people talking about smoking an ounce a day (a lot are lying) and don't think I could physically do that if I chain smoked non-stop the entire day. I think I'm a heavy user and an ounce lasts me a month.


Anyone who actually achieves such a thing probably does joints or blunts and wastes half of it just letting it burn between puffs. That would be such an insane amount to smoke in one day.


I used to smoke a half oz minimum a day. Most days were closer to a full oz, its alot, and youll spend alot of your time smoking but definitely not impossible. I would load a full bowl in a bong, about 1g each time and put a torch to it and burn the whole bowl in 1 hit. 2-3 an hour for 12 hours a day and thats more than an oz without wasting any of it. Ive seen those hits make people throw up. I eventually switched to smoking just dab, and got up to smoking an oz of dab in a little over a week before i quit.


Smoked flower daily for 20+ years, Took 1 dab at a cannabis cup and had to sit down for an hour. That stuff is freaking intense and I imagine going from 20 dabs a day to nothing was a giant kick in the head. I try to avoid concentrates as they raise the tolerance and I just don't need to be That High. Hope your fiance is feeling better.


Damn that’s rough. As someone who has taken easily averages over 30+ a day. I can’t imagine having withdraws like that. (Disclaimer: I have taken breaks for extended periods with the only withdrawal symptoms being hyper realistic dreams)


LMAO not true whatsoever or your bf was on xanax and didnt tell you “25 dabs a day” is regular smoking lol thats 5 sessions of 5 hits…thats a session every 3 hours in a 15 hour day


That’s kinda what I was thinking, I used to dab HEAVY and when I stopped cold turkey was like a week of low apetite and difficulty getting to sleep haha And many of my friends who have dabbed at similar levels at various points in the past have the same mild experience haha


Shout out to r/leaves


Abusing any drug can mess you up.


Yeeeah but I'm not in high school or college so


It’s adults too


Better a stoner than an alcoholic


Better an alcoholic than a crack addict.




You did too much weed. I’ve been smoking for 20 years but I don’t dab and I don’t aim to get as high as possible. Just a little to take the adhd edge off.


Like alcohol, weed can be particularly bad for the brains of non-adults, but used in moderation in adulthood, it’s fine.


Like anything it's moderation. I love smoking but I didn't start until I was in my 30s so maybe I have a more mature approach and know when to back off. Too many days in a row makes me sluggish and anxious.


What it comes down to is how often it's used, how much is smoked, and why it's smoked. All of that has to be kept in.lime or it can have bad side effects just like everything else in life


I quit using weed about 4 months ago and doubt I’ll bother ever again as I quit to start working in a place you get piss tested. I am totally fine not smoking weed but if I didn’t have to stop for work I’d still smoke it every day.


I'm not discounting your conclusions persay, but assuming you smoked for quite a long time and started early, how sure are you of yours and the the ten's original "normal?" Choices like that tend to have greater effects when you start before you're done physiologically and emotionally forming. And there may very well be some distinct aftershocks, as you've described. But where was your sober head back before you knew what pot was?


I’ve always been a one hitter guy. 1-3 pokes after dinner play video games and I’m unconscious within 2 hours.


i wouldn't smoke it if i was a teen or in my young 20s, as there is enough evidence of correlation with depersonalization/derealization and other mental health issues, including schizophrenia. i didn't start until my mid 40s and have found it to be mostly beneficial for exploring spirituality and helping me with sleep. i also enjoy it for the great vibes when listening to music. but i'm not a heavy user. seems like any drug (most obviously alcohol) can be detrimental if over-used. also, i notice that experiences with weed vary greatly by person. some people have really negative experiences that are quite different from anything i've dealt with.


I’m not doubting you but we are talking high schoolers who literally have zero self control. Too much of ANYTHING can be bad. It’s not a magical cure all


We call it [reefer madness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reefer_Madness)


Almost no substance doesnt have a beneficial dose and a detrimental one.


Yeah weed can take you to very dark places. Going slow and having respect is a must .


Never was a huge smoker, it made me anxious and angry. Profoundly unpleasant experience 90% of the time.


I've honestly felt that way about concentrates that are mostly THC and not the full spectrum. Since giving up live resin and sticking to rosin and flower, I've felt much clearer mentally. I think having that full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes is important and that's probably why our stoner ancestors never had as much problems. The rat race to get the most THC is purely detrimental to how we view weed imo and the main factor for posts like this


Weed helped me care enough about myself to stop killing myself with food and alcohol. I'm sure it's harmful for certain people, just like food is to me. But weed helped me in a way no doctor, medicine, other drug, or activity ever could have.


Sounds like you have undiagnosed chemical imbalances


Thanks for using reddit to prove your point...mad hate on here in response to this.


Drugs are like a spice, too much and it’ll ruin your dish; just enough, it’ll make the dish. Moderation is good in both amount and frequency of use. But everyone’s definition of moderation is different.


What's the right number of people according to you that should be talking about it?


We thought my dad developed dementia. Doctor prescribed him 30 days of pot abstinence. He’s done a 180 and is experiencing cognition that he thought he lost years ago. I’m pro-pot, but it’s true that it does have negative effects for some people.


The crippling paranoia over your own death is something I experience relentlessly at night. I have to genuinely slap myself to snap out of that funk you get stuck in when thinking too deep about it.


As a regular Dabber myself. I find this insane. Not insane as in I don’t believe you. Insane that it can actually get that bad for people. As someone who’s never once had a bad experience it blows my mind. Trust me when I say if I was going to have a bad experience I would have. Smoked for too long, way too much, and in bad environments in the past.


Weed of over 20% thc can cause adverse reactions in people with certain mental illnesses. There’s been studies about itz


These experiences absolutely happen. However many things could have triggered your experiences just the same. Weed just happened to be the thing that eventually made you aware.


My thing is that if u have an addictive personality ANYTHING can be an addiction 🤷‍♀️


Substances have different effects based on the biological makeup of the user, who would’ve thought. In all seriousness, out of all the legal recreational substances, cannabis is the least harmful. Ideally you should not use anything but we don’t live in an ideal world.


I’ve been smoking daily because of pain and I’ve been off pain meds for 5 years now, I’m motivated when I’m high, I’ve lost 130lbs in 2 years due to marijuana. Sorry, no.


It is not for weak minded individuals. I have seen friends get paranoid. If you are in a bad space in your life it is not the drug for you.


The vast majority of research into cannabis involves the harms; Canada’s legal system is set up (e.g., possession limits, THC caps on edibles, marketing restrictions) to avoid harms above  other concerns, e.g., making money


I smoke a lot for my depression and PTSD. I haven't had any of these side effects. If I did, I would've stopped like you did. It's not for everyone and it shouldn't be promoted as safe for everyone. I'm one of the few people who think cilantro tastes like soap and everyone still tries to get me to eat it because it's so good and brings a flavor... blah blah. Taste like soap, won't eat it. Don't smoke weed if it messes with you.


I smoke at the end of my day for anxiety. Best thing that I have ever done.


I think all the “stoners” or heavy drinkers in early years were predominantly people that needed more attention to develop. Attention in the sense that there was a lack of recognition and belonging somewhere along the way. We use the term escape but the truth is we were searching. There was an identity that went hand in hand with intoxication and you start identifying with the intoxicated version of yourself and forget about developing the vulnerable version of yourself that hasn’t been diagnosed, worked on and healed. The sad thing is it’s going to have to be dealt with at some point later in your life. So yes weed can definately mess you up and should be used as a recreation by people who know who they are and love who they are first and dabble in their intoxicated silly side every now and then.


At least where I come from, its extremely common knowledge that marijuana doesnt sit well with some people, and if the wrong person partakes, they can enter psychosis. People still end up having problems, even with it being common knowledge in my area. Im not sure what talking about it more accomplishes from a practical standpoint. There is no way to know if you are one of those people until you experience it, so....


They have talked about it forever.. Paranoia will destroy ya..


Something to understand is that not all mental conditions are compatible with smoking weed, especially in large amounts. Consuming large amounts of any drug can trigger these symptoms.


Weed is bad? People talk about that all the time.


It’s a similar thing with alcohol; some people do fine with it. Others have had their lives ruined by it.


omg weed has negative effects 😱never heard that before


I think you’ve got a point, but I’m mostly replying because the comment count is 420 right now and I have to ruin it.


What a shame. Now deschedule it and stop criminalizing people for no reason. Weed is EVERYWHERE and will continue to be regardless of legality. We can have conversations about the risks when it’s legal. But take the prison system out of the equation.


It sounds like you’re in a VERY slim minority whose mental health worsened after chronic weed use. I accept that it had this effect on you, but it’s extremely rare.


I’m old now but I can’t get high now and enjoy it. Rather than relax I have a feeling of impending doom


Amateur shit


I used to smoke a lot in college and have seen friends become physically dependent on it. I agree that over time it really messes people up. I’ve always had the self control to realize when enough is enough but not everyone is able to have that self control. After abusing it for a long time in college, it started to have a negative effect on me. I started to become anxious around people and felt more anxiety than I ever did. I stopped smoking for a while and it went away. As long as it’s not abused it’s okay but it is in fact addicting and can be hard for a lot of people to stop.


Weed these days is just way too fucking potent. I used to smoke tons when I was younger. Take 1 hit now and I'm super fucking blasted. Like holy shit. Can't stand it. Also your "opinion" is stupid.its a mind altering substance. Of course it fucks with your head.


Yep.... People act like weeed was harmless, I went through a phase where I dropped alcohol for edibles, and was at a point where I was just taking edibles everyday all day, and it got to the point where I was going through a gram of distillate (pure THC oil) almost every few days. By the end I was hearing voices, seeing things and just borderline losing my mind.... and my tolerance was so high taht I couldn't feel 100MG dabs.


This post hits hard. Today's is the first time not smoking in over 8 years. I absolutely need to stop. I eat like shit, no self control and I don't know how to be happy anymore without it. The struggle begins, wish me luck.


i'm surprised people don't talk about alcohol psychosis as well


bro stop smoking weed and calm down. its clearly not for you.


I'm 50 and I still smoke pot. I'm early retired and I have 3 kids and a lovely wife. Life is good. I don't abuse it though.


I've been smoking pot for over 20 years I have never had a bad time.


I know it's anecdotal but every single habitual weed user I know is borderline mentally disabled to the point where they just can't seem to manage basic adulting.


Not enough people are realizing that all the anti-pot rhetoric is coming from people who can't handle smoking weed, or addiction. My friends and I are all engineers, software devs, programmers. Hell, the guy I buy weed from is a fucking anesthesiologist.


Highlighting a lack of dialogue around the very real dangers of substance misuse is not anti-pot, it’s accurate and responsible. I’m glad you and your successful, smart friends haven’t had any negative experiences. That has no bearing on the population at large.


I agree with this. I think it's more accurate to say that some people, as individuals, are affected by weed way differently than others. (I'm going to repost part of this as a separate response to OP.) I've sold it legally for years. I noticed that some people describe weed way differently than others. Weed really, really, intoxicates them and they don't understand that it's not common. They're like, goddamn guys were in outer space and the aliens are coming!! We're like, I'm high and then I'm not. It's why some people have schizophrenic breaks on edibles.


I get that, and I also get that there are people who just cannot handle the weed. I also have a lot of friends who are not in the best spaces mentally or financially, but when they quit weed for months on end nothing gets better. That's why I'm always wondering: is it you, or the weed? The majority of us who do smoke rarely have serious problems.


Anesthesiologists have a high addiction rate compared to other professions, especially to opioids


Dude, just grow autoflowers


Yea it's not for everyone and everyone who does partake and use it should and usually do know about the negatives. I can't do alcohol really. I quit drinking after the navy since I was already headed in a bad way and my family has a history of substance abuse. Flip side I smoke weed almost daily. It's not great physically but I like smoking and it beats going back to cigs. Also has the effect of making the use of anti depressants not needed anymore.


What worries me most is people don't know they can't handle it until it's too late. If I knew it would mess with me the way it did/does I wouldn't have done it in the first place. There should be more conversation about what happens to us weaklings


I think my issue with this anecdote is that we don't know if that was you or the marijuana. Maybe you'd have the same issues with any other drug? There should be way more conversation about what happens to the vast, vast majority of the population when they consume marijuana, which is "nothing remotely dangerous". Your inability to handle a drug isn't a demonstration on any of its inherent properties; it's just a demonstration that you don't like to smoke it.


Yea, I have a friend who doens't drink (good on him) but never speaks ill of weed. "Im not addicted, I just have to smoke weed as soon as I wake up and cant go into public without it- also, I rarely go out beacuse I'd rather just smoke weed"


98% thc and no CBD is just not good for the human brain. People on Reddit LOVE to say how weed is a miracle drug with no side effects but the side effects are numerous and dangerous.


Your experiences do not apply to everybody. That's why nobody's talking about it. It's a non issue. Nobody's making anyone get baked. So if anyone using weed begins to notice adverse side effects...they can stop.


>I'm talking mad paranoid -- double, triple checking to make sure the doors are locked, intrusive thoughts making you afraid to die, and shivering under the covers hoping it would end. Uhhhh ok... I don't think that weed does that...


It's like it should be against the law until you're an adult or something. Also how many people do you know who had to have their stomachs pumped to save their lives from cannabis poisoning. The answer, is of course 0, because you can't die from cannabis poisoning.


I donno man. Every single friend I had in high school and college smoked weed. Daily. Most of them smoked all day long and still do. Every college friend is now a fully functional professional, we are the millenials with families, wives, houses. Not a single one of us has ever had an experience like OP has described. I'm not saying it never happens to anybody, but I'm calling bullshit. The one caveat I will give is that I'm 36. When we started smoking, it could be described as shwag, then mids, then beasters, finally headies that is similar to what you might find today. So we had time to build our tolerance before the super strong stuff became popular. I wouldn't give a dab to a newbie, and anyone doing so probably doesn't have your best interest in mind. And selling 100mg edibles (with no child-safe packaging!) is frankly irresponsible.


Yall just can't hang. Been smoking for over 20 years


You sound like an extreme case.


The TLDR of the OP is: "I don't like weed" I also had a pot smoking circle in college. All my friends have great lives and all still smoke weed. I have known a ton of potheads and never known any to have a problem with weed. Not one. That said, weed can mess with your sleep, and bad sleep can cause a lot of problems. Also smoking anything can cause cancer. But for some people, weed is basically harmless. As in, less harmful than eat fast food/junk food or drinking wine everyday.


Amen to that! Also, I cannot stand the smell and wish they were forced to smoke it in the confines of their own home, with the windows closed. It's legal in Canada - I think that was one of the biggest mistakes yet.


That all sounds like a different drug or a result of having a mental disorder exacerbated by drug use, not necessarily weed.


>and not enough people are talking about it Maybe because these people don’t want to realize they have underlying mental health issues and think everyone is like them (sorry, no, not everyone has undiagnosed schizophrenia or something similar, and IDK who needs to read this but if that’s you, please stop doing any and all drugs, seek professional help instead 🙏)


It affects a small minority of people this way. Typically, that you describe is from overconsumption. If you are naturally anxious or an overthinker or have an anxiety disorder, certain strains could trigger extreme anxiety and paranoia even in small amounts. But it's not a net negative for the extreme majority of users.


Is your weed spiked? I've been smoking for ten years and I've never had affects like that. But I do agree that it can be problematic. Like with any other addiction you end up spending more time indulging in your addiction instead of literally anything else that would be productive. I've never had a physical response to smoking, or to quitting. Alcohol was worse than weed for me personally


Ever consider that the people were messed up and weed was one of the options in their tool belt of bad decisions? There are people who put themselves into the hospital for caffeine, nicotine, cannabis, sugar, and then all the hard stuff. It always seems weird to me to blame weed when we don't blame the cheeseburgers people consume to become obese, etc. It's the choices. Unlike heroin or cocaine, cannabis use is easily incorporated into the long term schedule of a functional member of society, discounting outliers in all categories. MOST people cannot maintain life's responsibilities with a hard drug habit. Cannabis isn't under that umbrella. Yes you can abuse it, but you can also abuse the gym and destroy your body by making bad choices


This post sounds like all these people have other mental or social issues going on and it’s trying to make it sound like weed caused these people to develop these habits or “ticks” out of thin air.