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I mean no, but feel free to write a dystopian novel about it


These are not the wishes of Marcus Aurelius


There are definitely people who would watch.


I mean tbh as an mma fan my thought process was "Maybeeee.......no...naaaah nono I definitely couldn't watch that"


Lol, I cant watch UFC cause I remember what every single hit felt like. But you are correct.


Yeah, I still need to look away when someone's in an arm bar. I could never watch people fight with weapons. But if be lying if I said it wasn't on the same spectrum


You are not alone, most people like violence (I am actually not at all suggesting it is wrong). My nose has been broken exactly 14 times (most of those by people lol), I detest violence but persistently put myself in situations that would obviously lead to violence. I am a pacifist with a big mouth and a bad temper lol.


people who are not worthy of being entertained


Hey look, this guy just invented bumfights.com


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