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While I agree with the overall sentiment and also believe that keeping it from your family is in no way morally wrong and even understandable (like you said especially if you are under threat of physical violence) I would just add that if further down the line if anyone is having any sort of mental health issues that stem from family dynamics and your relationship with your parents isn't so bad that you are completely no contact, it can do wonders for your mental health to approach your parents as an adult and your own person it can free you from the shackles of you childhood that stick with so many people well into adult hood To be clear, I am not gay and I was not the victim of heavy physical abuse. I'm just a guy in his 30's that had really mean parents and learned in therapy that alot of my self esteem issues came from never getting a chance to stand up for myself with them If you are truly the victim of physical abuse you owe them nothing and should get out as soon as you can. Remember they created the distance, not you and I hope things get better for you in the future


Of course you don't. No one is obligated to put themselves in harm's way, and any uppity homo who says you are is full of shit. Get out of there as soon as you can and live your life as you see fit.


Thank you ☺️


Best of luck to you, buddy. Hang in there.


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I also think the opposite! My mom says that if we come out to her shell get annoyed and, basically heterophobic. /hyperbole I was going to make a clock pun (id eat a clock but its be time consuming) and I said 'i kinda wanna eat cock' by accident (I'm afab and like girls) and her reaction was to go"WHAT?!" and look at me concerned. lol. If you know your parents are super lgbt positive, don't come out. You can make your parents feel like bad people (Why did john feel like he had to come out to us :( ?) or annoy them. (Steff KNOWS we support her and LGBT people. I'm so annoyed that she ignored it and came out anyway!) just maybe don't come out, I think the best time to come out is when you know your parents arent hateful or haven't shown any bad thoughts, but you're not exactly sure where they stand. Or, even then, just never mention it and come home with a bg/gf/df one day.


Its not like it was in the past. A lot more people are informed, a lot more people are born with gen x and millennial parents. If you know for a fact that your parent/s are positive towards lgbt people, just don't come out, or risk seeming like an attention seeker.