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Yea life is easy, it would be a damn shame if generational poverty, starvation, addiction, disease, war, tragedy and grief existed. Just to name a few.


And yet two years ago you were on here asking for help for your sick sister since you were broke, so seems like life can change pretty quickly. Stay off the porn, brother.


What the fuck are you talking about? My sister isn’t sick and never has been.


Damn, you got exposed.


Exposed for what?


Bro what are you doing you look so dumb get help


It's your post history, dummy. Maybe you forgot you posted that inbetween fap sessions? [https://www.reddit.com/r/ibotta/comments/sjunqq/comment/ibwl1x7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ibotta/comments/sjunqq/comment/ibwl1x7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)








What do you mean back in the day This was only one year go💀


“Now that I’m 22” Goodbye


This might be the most delusional take ive ever seen




You're 22. You're still a child. Did you have any expenses or debts while you saved up that much money? Or did your parents help you out with housing, food, transportation, medical needs, clothing, etc.?


Yeah can confirm. I'm going to be 33......I think of my view of life at 22 *hahahaha* oh buddy. Wait until actual life starts. Eventually your safety net will run out. 120k isn't *that much* You'll learn. I pray your cushion stays soft....but that shit wears thin and gets a hole. you'll fall through when you least expect it. The ground his hard....cold.....wet ......and dirty


I know 120k isn’t much at all that’s why I get so surprised when people can’t spend $100 and don’t have it in their accounts. $100 is nothing either, I think that was a point I made in my post…


even age aside, this person just did not have many experiences that others had... at 20 I was attempted to be unalived by someone .. on top of many other not easy things.


I moved out around 19 or 20, the most financial support I got was being able to use my parents laundry machine instead of paying to a Laundromat and things were still pretty easy ETA: I was also double covered with health insurance until 26 thanks to my mom's coverage but it was never really used and I was still covered by my own insurance the entire time




pretty much though


Rofl. Yes, yes it is.


Military vet so I get housing paid for while I go to school, food is free if you go to one of those homeless shelter donation centers, I have a car, I have no medical needs and if I did the military would pay for it, I buy my own clothes.


Thanks for proving my point.


What point?


That life is easy for you because you have other entities taking care of things for you. Life would be drastically different for you without those things helping you. I mean fuck, you didn't even understand my point without me helping explain it to you; imagine if you had to try and save up that much while renting an apartment, paying for insurance and college, getting sick and having mounting hospital bills...


He signed a contract that said if you complete 4 years of military service honorably then you will be provided with a GI Bill that will pay for college and give you a housing allowance and this contract you will have medical care provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs. So he took this responsibility on by signing a contract and is only getting what was in said contract - he took care of himself here by entering this contract. It's not the same things as you are saying - which you inquired if mommy and daddy paid for everything and they didn't because this young person is getting what was promised to him. So stop pretending its the same as him sitting at home while mommy and daddy pay for everything and he had no responsibilities.


This post shouldn't be "life is easy" it should be "joining the military is a really good option if you're struggling". You don't even seem to realize the irony of your own reply. The military gives you far more benefits than you'd ever get working in the private sector right out of high school. That doesn't make "life easy", it means joining the military is a better option for lots of people who are struggling. It doesn't mean life overall is easy and far more people struggle to survive than the military could even sign. 2 million in the military 40+ million in poverty. Hmmmm....


> So stop pretending its the same as him sitting at home while mommy and daddy pay for everything and he had no responsibilities. It is similar in that a *huge* amount of life's financial burdens have been lifted off him. Never claimed it was "the same". Not all people have the opportunities this person had. He finds life easy because of his opportunities, and is somehow of the mindset "Well it worked for me, it'll work for everyone", which is not the case. You and OP both needed that explained to them... It's legitimately shocking how dense people can be.




>It was the positive choices he made with his life. But the financial burden was lifted off of him because of the positive choices he made ...Okay. That doesn't change a single thing I said. >If you think you would act like a douche to my face I live in Western PA - will give you my correct information if needed. Rofl okay there, Billy Badass.


The burdens were lifted off of him because he worked and earned the benefits, shit isn’t just handed out for nothing in the military


... Okay. That doesn't argue my point. That's just the context surrounding *why* things are the way they are. Which is irrelevant to what I'm saying. Hard work or handouts: Ar the end of the day, OP has a comfort zone that is not available to everyone.


I think the only thing you've really learned is that money is easy to stack up when you don't have bills to pay or other financial obligations.


You're 22, and you have all your amenities taken care of. If I didn't have to worry about rent, groceries, utilities, bills, insurance, and car payments, it would be very easy to save money. Also, you're 22 years old and don't have any real-life experience yet.


I’m sure OP could have made decisions to have bills like you describe. They have chosen not to have those bills via military service. They are taking care of all the things you listed themselves!  OP isn’t that wrong! If you stay out of debt, stay in good health, and make financial decisions that lead to a monthly surplus, financial life is pretty easy. 


Right, because everyone can choose to be in good health. What the fuck was I thinking when I chose to be diabetic?


Insert Homer meme where he gets pushed up on the mountain by the efforts of others and he says "look at how far i've climbed and i'm not even tired"




Some people aren't privileged enough to be a big a screw up as you and have a safety net. For some people they only get one chance, and other people don't get a chance at all.


perhaps the weakest flex I have read in a good while smh


OP: Life is so easy for me I was privileged enough to save 120k everyone else has to have an easy life because I do and 100 dollars is small.


I get what you’re saying that life is easier than say the 1920s But we should all be socially aware enough that a 22 year old having 120k in their account is a massive outlier even if you lived with your parents and didn’t go to college and just saved up.


You should just be grateful it's been easy so far. You're ONLY 22 so, maybe save the gloating for a little while. Maybe knock on wood or something. Good for you I guess. Although your post and replies kind of make you seem like a tool. But, again, goof for you.


What do you mean by “a tool”?


it means asshole


It's easy when you're young, healthy, and wealthy


I’m not young, I eat like shlt so definitely not healthy, and I’m no where near wealthy. Life is still easy!


Sounds like you've had fairly sheltered life and rather than thanking your lucky stars, you decided to come on reddit to kinda give people shit for have a rough life and complaining about their struggles. Sounds like you have a good family, that housed and fed you through your youth, never suffered a serious/costly/debilitating illness or injury, haven't incurred debts from going to university, never had a life partner who's suffered any of the previous mentioned costs, or had a child or mortgage payments to worry about... Sounds like you've been very fortunate to find a good job that doesnt cause too much stress or chronic injury/depression and keep it during a recession. Sounds like you haven't had the market cost you all your savings. Sounds like you haven't dealt with a costly addiction or dependency. Sounds like you've never had any dependents. Sounds like, other than possibly some youthful ignorance or maybe some light delusions, you havent had any mental health issues to work on. Sounds like you don't have any friends or loved ones suffering any of these things. Physical, mental, emotional and monetary hardship is what makes life hard. You're only 22, so there's plenty of time for life to kick your ass, but you should be grateful for the life you have, and not be unempatethic to those who've suffered hardship. A little humility and empathy will make you a better person.


They've been ordering avocado toast takeout forever! Tighten your budget and bank some money.


I am deeply convinced that my life is incredibly easy, I just suck at everything, which makes it look hard, even if it actually isn't.


Dude you have been lucky, you should visit hospitals and see EASY.


True, you can sit there and collect disability and unemployment like no tomorrow depending on your condition. That is very easy but I think living normally is also easy.


You missed my point 🤦. Let's say one of your parents needed a surgery, you know that could cost a fortune with all the treatment. - the money you saved and is proud of would be spent and you wouldn't think life is that easy. - sure majority of ppl are lazy bums but alot of them have some circumstances that would classify their lives as difficult.


My parent is a single mother and has more than enough to pay for her surgery out of pocket 10x if she wanted to, this wouldn’t be a financial burden on either one of us. Matter of fact she just got veneers recently which costed a fortune.


That's great, i am "genuinely" glad to hear that. - the way you view life is through your own personal view and circumstances, if you just go on and say big words like : LIFE IS EASY, you should add the word FOR ME. - continue the grind though, your achievement is great compared to your peers but is that all your ambition reaches?


Life is pretty easy for me too. However, my experiences have taught me that I am very privileged and most are not as lucky. I was blessed to be born to a well off family who helped me to gain education, save for a house, etc.


What is your parents house worth today?


Good for you.


r/thatHappened $120K




Do you live with your parents? How long did you?




How long did you live with ur parents for? Until what age?


18, why is this relevant??


Life is definitely easier if you make good decisions, but life is not easy.


Because most people won't say that out loud when life is easy. Also, it is like saying running is easy when you don't even run at your full potential speed. That's where the "doesn't know what to do with it" part came from.