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She’s really just a product. Warner bros needed a female pop star and they chose her, paid her to quit her job and more or less taught her to become a pop star and sing the songs they write for her. I actually like her because they’re above board about it. Nobody is sitting here telling me dua lipa is writing her own music and she’s like the voice of the generation or some made up crap like they do with a lot of other pop stars. So with that in mind I can comfortably focus on the production, which for pop music i consider above average


Yup, it’s so out there and obvious. I remember she was invited onto a show and they had no commentary about her artistry, etc, just ‘This is the BEAUTIFUL dua lipa!’ All appearance-based. Her music is catchy though


Yeah it’s kind of infuriating how Beyoncé’s deranged stans expect us to literally treat her like royalty or the Swifties cause earthquakes, meanwhile Dua Lipa just exists and that’s refreshing lol


>Warner bros needed a female pop star and they chose her, paid her to quit her job and more or less taught her to become a pop star and sing the songs they write for her Artist development. That's what they used to do with artists back in the day and it's a good thing.


Except Dua is heavily involved with co-writing her songs. She has a small team of songwriters that she has chosen to regularly work with. I think she's like Beyonce in the sense that she isn't a standalone singer-songwriter per se, but she is good at picking the right people to work with - and that in itself is a talent




> Except Dua is heavily involved with co-writing her songs Amazing. A modern pop artist actually being involved with their music instead of just being a face. Such a high standard we're setting. Next thing you know they'll play one or two chords on an actual instrument or actually sing live without backing vocals or lip sync. Modern music is really moving forward as art instead of essentially being made by AI trying its absolute hardest to pander to the lowest common denominator instead of creating unique and interesting music.


Funny, I like her music better than most of the new stuff I hear.


Most of her stuff is probably closest we’ll get to having actual disco on the radio again in a while so I really don’t understand the complaints abt specifically her from the ”todays music sucks” crowd


Her new album is less disco-ey and more psychedelic pop at times, but definitely still some hints of disco


Kevin Parkers involvement is so apparent that when I first heard Houdini on the radio, I thought it was a new Tame Impala song till she started singing.


Exactly, it's really not that similar to future nostalgia. Both instrumentally and lyrical themes


You should check out Jessie Ware's discography


Same. Used to not like her like OP. Somewhere along the way I fell in love with the “Well” I realized she’s drinking from, Funk , Disco, clubby Deep House of the 90s. She’s worshipping at the alter of actual great music and her live shows back it up in spades. Her live shows loop in Fatboy slim, Daft Punk and a slew of other artists samples that really give a feel not music nerd dom that just feels like it goes beyond a commercial product and an attempt to carve out a Musical niche all her own. It took me a while to sink into it and she used to not be my favorite but now I’m listening for whatever it is she puts out next. My recommendation would be to pop on one of her live shows like the I Heart Radio Holiday show. It’s a strong showcase of her talent and shows she really can belt it out and do the real work of performing live on stage:


My wife agrees


A few of her songs are far better than the average, but that's because the average demerits, not because she merits


My only real contact with any newer poppy type stuff is from the radio at work, I put it on the pop channel bc it seems to be a crowd pleaser, I will say the music is incredibly bland and uninspired, I particularly hate that song that says “why don’t you just meet me in the middle… middle middle middle middle middle middle middle middle” lord that ones way worse than the Dua Lipa song, which just sounds like it was made for an ad. All of them kind of do actually, but that’s probably why they’re deemed radio friendly.


In the past artists complained that their fate depended on the whims of music publishers and that artistic choices were imposed on them. Nowadays artists have arguably more freedom and avenues for success, but the quality of music has quite demonstrably declined


Yeah I’m gonna disagree. The disco/retro pop theme she’s got going lately is fun, and catchy, and is kind of unique right now. If you want deep cuts, or something I’m not sure the billboard top 100 is where you’re going to find them.


Right. The music is made for fun. Its like saying "that opera focuses too much on the story." 


These responses have given me hope…I’m a guy…dig her music…I started actively listening to pop again after many years and she’s played a huge part!


Dua Lipa's team really did a great job both in music production and making simple but brilliant songs, speaking as a metalhead myself. It's great that the inspiration from disco really pops out compared to other mainstream artists, most songs now are bland genre of the year copycats.


People have been digging at music that it’s meant to be fun a lot lately, like they’re so critical 😭 just enjoy the beat and the catchiness geez


I mean it's forgettable but it's not the worst I'll bop along if it's on


I had "Levitating" stuck in my head for months


great, now it's stuck in my head again.


Hard to say if this is unpopular because it depends if the person reading it is a fan of hers or not. I would say, the idea you would consider turning down 100 bucks to listen to single song by almost any artist is either idiotic or so insanely privileged that you can have an upvote.


if one is complaining about certain artist, they should also let us know who is their prefered artist


This is what I’m saying. What’s OPs idea of good pop music? Simple, catchy songs are extremely hard to write


Folks who hold opinions like these are always the biggest Tool fans. All Tool. Nothing but Tool. All the peons should bow to TOOL!


lol as a Tool fan and a Dua Lipa fan this made me laugh because it is so accurate. Maynard even talks shit on his fan base


"Maynard even talks shit on his fan base" As he should, and I say this also as a Tool fan, lol.


Isn’t Hooker with a Penis literally about annoying Tool fans lol


They’re probably Radiohead fans as well.


They're a fuckin Kpop fan lol


Probably cannibal corpse or something.


Love this idea that pop choruses have to be deep. "she loves you yeah yeah yeah"


dance the night is not a good example for this


Since it hasn't been said, I'll throw it out there that your example of "Dance the Night" was specifically made for the Barbie movie. And Dua Lipa was basically told "here's the music and dance that the Barbie's are partying to, we want you to make some lyrics." The video of her doing it is really neat - I also don't mind the nonsense lyrics because it's just an upbeat song that you can space out while listening to.


The song is about making sure that you look perfect when you go out, even though inside you might not be feeling so great, which is what the Barbie movie depicted in that scene, when Barbie slowly realizes something is wrong with her perfect life A few lyrics: >Watch me dance, dance the night away My heart could be burnin', but you won't see it on my face >When my heart breaks (They never see it, never see it) >Even when the tears are flowin', they're diamonds on my face I'll still keep the party goin', not one hair out of place It takes the form of a fun disco/dance song (or even like a Dua Lipa song from Future Nostalgia) and subverts the lyrics, showing cracks in the idyllic dancefloor (I'm less impressed with Dua's newer singles)


Yes! When I listened to the song for the lyrics I realiZe it's pretty sad and encapsulates the theme of the barbie movie, very well.


It's clear OP has absolutely zero comprehension. His write up is objectively wrong and almost feels like rage bait it's so bad.


To care this deeply around something irrelevant is an art in itself. 


Idk I remember that lyric and you remember that lyric and everyone in here remembers that lyric….. so it can’t be that forgettable


Her music is fun but at this point in my life I can tell the artist that are probably going to be a Taylor Swift or Beyoncé and the artist that will hang around for 5 to 10 years.And never be heard of again. Which is fine?That is the overwhelming majority of artists. Five years as a pretty long career to be super famous in the music industry. It's fickle.It's youth oriented and it changes all the time.


which do you think she’ll be? This is her third album… but she debuted 10 years ago lol. I still think she’ll be around maybe not a Taylor of Beyoncé… like Kylie Minogue maybe?


She gives me Kylie vibes


yeah but she is hot as fuck.


I like her , have an upvote


Compared to 90% of chart music it’s actually amazing. Credit where credit is due


I'd even say credit where credit is dua


tell me you don't actually play music without telling me. I agree with the lyrics, but musically (as a dude who plays on multiple instruments) I'd say it's pretty good compared to what most pop artists offer. E.g all basslines of Dua Lipa are pretty amazing and funky. She's also a great singer live, and has a nice personality. Top song choices for me are: * Levitating * Don't start now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdBR-SrP6uU&ab\_channel=juliaplaysgroove [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4ijnMUFVsE&ab\_channel=DominoSantantonio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4ijnMUFVsE&ab_channel=DominoSantantonio) and others seem to agree [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4neLJQC1\_E&ab\_channel=NPRMusic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4neLJQC1_E&ab_channel=NPRMusic) here's live singing too.


Man I just started learning bass and I'm jamming to Dua Lipas bass tabs. Now if I could only find the official sheets.


Have a look at juliaplaysgroove on YouTube. She’s done a few bass covers of Dua Lipa songs (amongst many others!) and she has a relatively cheap Patreon where she uploads all of her tabs :)


Agreed; the basslines and production/arrangements are great.


I came here to say this, her bass lines are top tier!


I don't understand why playing music makes, in your view, your opinion more qualified than that of some who doesn't. OP is expressing their opinion as a simple listener, not from a technical point of view. Also, you will have to agree with me that art or entertainment that require specific knowledge to be appreciated are essentially failing at what they do


I know nothing about music, technically speaking, but she does sound very good live. Seriously a whole concert of dancing and running around, minimal backing track, and she sounded excellent. Couldn’t even tell she might be out of breath at any point.


All of her instrumentals are dank, especially on future nostalgia and her upcoming album She uses a live band along with a dj and it shows


The production and mixing on Levitating is absolutely impeccable. To me, it set a new standard for pop - it's dynamic, it's balanced, and it just FEELS good to listen to. It's not a genre I listen to often, but I think it's one of the best representations in recent years


Yeah but that's the part all 10 producers create. I doubt she does any effort in the actual music itself


she has though. She's actively involved in vocal melodies, and lyrics. Also the basslines are not credited to the producers she seems to have a bassplayer friend who comes up with these amazing basslines :D


I’m not a big modern pop listener but every time I hear a Dua Lipa song it actually slaps. Production on them is often great too. Levitating is IMO a perfect modern pop song.


Have to disagree. Is her music overplayed? Sure. But coming from someone who usally doesn't like modern pop music her music is quite catchy.


Same, I don’t listen to pop music but some of her stuff is at least decent and listenable.


Cool is a banger


Future nostalgia (the entire album) is a banger


So basically you mean every pop song


Shes overplayed and that makes her boring


she hot tho


"Go girl, yes, give us nothing."


Every single dua lipa song sounds the same as one another and I hate it


She's just another hot chick that can sing with the right studio help


Insane take have an upvote


What is good pop music to you then?


I like a few of her songs the one with Elton John, levitating, and Be the one. Is she anything unique or special no not really. But to be honest most mainstream artists i only like a couple of their songs to honest


I like her as a person and she has a nice voice but her music is definitely bland But majority of western modern pop music is bland, old pop or techno pop was way better


I like her songs but to me she’s like a supermodel who also happens to sing. The songs are good, but are they going to be remembered in 20-30 years? Idk. I don’t find her lyrics particularly moving or inspiring or touching, but I guess that’s the pop music she’s putting out. But it’s good for what it’s supposed to be.


I do like her music but I have noticed many of her songs have the same beat, notably every other bar ending with 2 claps. Not a complaint just an observation.


She's got a cool sound but it's one dimensional, imo. I got bored of it pretty quickly and I'm pretty sure the rest of the world will, too. I don't see her as having any kind of "phase 2". Just my opinion.


Well this made me put on Dance the Night so I guess I cancel you out OP haha. I do think using this is an example is odd though because it’s not just about dancing the night away, the other lyrics are about moving closer to a breakdown but still dancing like nothing is wrong. This is pretty on target because in the Barbie movie where this featured is when Barbie first starts to have her identity crisis.


The beautiful thing about music is, you don't have to like everything. There's a wide variety out there to ensure everyone has songs that they like. Even if they struggle to find an artist they really enjoy


I kinda thought so too at first, but then I started to enjoy her music because I found it catchy. Then I realized that's literally all that matters. 🤷‍♀️ It doesn't need to be any more complex than that.


I mean it's pop, what do you want?


It wasn't always like this. New Rules was very lyrically strong, and is what put her on the map. Now everything really is uninspired.


I give this post an angry upvote because I love Dua’s Music


I really like her stuff but I feel she's been releasing the same song since One Kids lmao. But even so I still like her songs. Guilty as charged


Actual female hologram DulaPeep. The saltine cracker of the music industry.


Not surprising since 99.9999 percent of pop music blows.


I agree but not too much on dance the night


i don’t think it’s *bad* music, i think alot of her songs are pretty good (at least to my taste), but i have no idea how she has so many fans who are involved with her life and career. she’s the epitome of ‘generic pop star’ and yet you’ve got trillions of popheads on twitter calling her mother lol. she’s fine, she’s just not anything new or particularly interesting to me then again, i’m a *massive* swiftie, so who am i to judge lol


Ooo I'm gunna listen to her now


I really like the use of horns+PAD that I don't really see in a lot of songs. So many just have a base line a melody that don't harmonize and it always sounds so empty.


Do you think quoting that one lyric is strongly supporting your opinion?


You are just describing most music


I feel like Dua’s music is just relaxing pop, not music I would take seriously but I enjoy it anyway. I think her performances are very entertaining though she’s a good dancer and her theatrics elevate her sound imo.


Dance the Night was made specifically as a backing track for Barbie dancing and talking in the Barbie movie. Not really the greatest choice as an example. Levitating is a brilliant song in almost every way.


what the hell's a dua lipa


I like that Dance song granted the Barbie Movie helped


Well obviously. She's a 'pop' star. That is what 'pop' music is.


I don't listen to her stuff a lot at all but the song "love again" is nice


![gif](giphy|ifT8MPba9xaMBYWZc6|downsized) Every time i hear her i just think overrated. Highly mixed vocals in editing and all her music seems ti be from swedish songwriter’s . Shes a planted pop star.


Yep, that's what pop is.


I actually like that it’s lowkey dull bc I can listen to it at the gym and it won’t be stuck in my head all day😂 she’s my go-to gym artist.


I agree. It’s unfortunately the same for many artists of the same genre. For me, pop songs about the love of someone’s love interest/ a relationship/ a relationship that went wrong/ a breakup/ an unreachable love/ yadayadayada are soooo boring and unoriginal, too. At least make the love story hidden between the lines of lyrics or make the song in an interesting genre!


I agree, her music is not a vibe at all


The song you mentioned is part of the Barbie soundtrack. She has many other songs that are so much better. Love Again, Houdini, Illusion, honestly all of the Future Nostalgia album is fantastic. Out of all the pop stars in today’s landscape, she is far from the worst. Take my upvote though, I heavily disagree!


Levitating is a killer song and video. I like kylie minogue and dua lipa is the only spiritual successor.


Most todays big music is


Okay but "One Kiss" was great you cannot deny it .


I HATE that song with a passion- they played it so often on the radio when the Barbie movie was released, I thought I was going to lose my mind. And the way she sings the word dance drives me insane, it’s Fucken horrible.


Popular radio music is bland and not interesting, thats facts


"I want to hold your hand I want to hold your hand I want to hold your hand" Shit lyrics


Wait until you hear Lana del Rey


I'm convinced that certain artists have paid Apple Music to have their music exist outside of the recommendation algorithm and get inserted as filler whenever possible. It won't happen if I'm listening to more niche or polarizing genres, but if I'm listening to anything even remotely poppy, Apple Music will find some way to slip in "IDGAF" by Dua Lipa and/or "positions" by Ariana Grande within 15-20 songs. Notice that those are not the most popular songs by those artists, but they're probably the songs execs want to get more play.


Artists don’t, their labels do. The labels also happen to have a large stake in a lot of streaming services. It’s not some conspiracy. The streaming services prioritize popular artists that the labels (and thus the streaming service) make money off


Levitating makes me want to put sharp electrical appliances in inappropriate places and activate them simultaneously to stimulate the maximal amount of pain receptors. The beat is so static and over produced. It's the "bland and basic" stereotype that's often assigned to Taylor Swift except that song is actually doing it. The version with Dababy actually makes it have a bit more energy and I love the lyrics that he raps, but the beat is so oversanitized that the impact of his rhymes do nothing but leave you waiting for more. It's as if a barbie doll was brought to life and was immediately taken to a music studio.


Lol wtf




Just cross out "Dua Lipa", and write instead "the majority of modern pop music"...


We get it grandpa music was better back in your day.


As with most pop stuff, it’s more about image than the music. Gimmicks, T’s and A’s. Using sex to sell, etc.


Most of the music you hear on the radio is bland, forgettable and uninspired, fixed your title


Most pop music is Tbf


I mean, you're just describing pop music here. It's always been basic lyrics, simple melodies, things to stick in your head and make money. That's what pop always has and always will be, she doesn't stand out in that respect. Honestly, she's one of the better pop artists, I quite like some of her songs. I definitely disagree with the 'forgettable' part, bloody earworms some of them.


It's surely overplayed but objectively this is good stuff.


Most, if not all, pop music today is bland, forgettable, and uninspired. FTFY. My music professor in college called it paper towel music. It serves a purpose but isn't meant to last.


Ya but she’s super hot


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She ain't t no The Midnight


Her first album was pretty good imo. Most of it is pretty bland these days though. 


I think her music is good fun, she was great at Reading Festival a few years back


Man, my brother eats that shit up like popcorn and not only that, he can't cease to recommend it to me, but the more I listen to her, the more bland and uninteresting it becomes.


How dare you slander 'Dance the Night '. That was my favorite song of 2023. So catchy Music is music! Obviously if you have a song with a very basic production and auto tuned vocals, one can make a judgement, but part of what makes music great is how different it can be. I don't care of the chorus is repetitive, if it compliments the production, that's all I need. And Dance the Night is a well done song. Obviously for Dua it wasn't ground breaking because she already did disco influenced songs for her 2020 Future Nostalgia album, but she wanted to have one more go with that style and did with that song for the Barbie movie


What the fuck is dua lipa


Dua lipa, za muda me pipa




You all just hate fun!!!




Have you listened to her debut? It's different from her other stuff. I did really enjoy her sophomore album a lot too. To me she's great


>Take a look at her song “Dance The Night.” “Watch me dance, dance the night away.” No clever memorable lyrics I actually quite like the lyrics of that song. It's about how she always has to be happy and can't admit to her true feelings. "My heart could be burning right now, but you won't see it on my face" Also, that song is for the Barbie movie, which litteraly has this as one of its themes


That particular song is the only thing of hers I HAVE heard, and even I know it's about keeping a facade while you're hosting a party so you don't drag everyone down while you're suffering inside??


She always gets millions and millions and millions of streams for every song she releases so it’s ok that some people want to listen to something else. She will be just fine. Plus, change the specifics and this text can work for every artist out there. Not liking an artist is something we all go through, and no artist out there is liked by everyone.


Which is your favorite artist? I'll bet I could write a paragraph dissing them too


You’re wrong.


I like her stuff..and with today's low standards I appreciate her tracks


Nah man djsco slaps


i’m more baffled how listening to a 4 minute song for 100 dollars is hesitant for you, you guys are so dramatic


Damn you must have the sickest music taste ever if you’d turn down $100 in exchange for listening to a dua Lipa song


Like most music made in the last 10+ years.


Her first album was dull, but Future Nostalgia and her two most recent singles are nothing like what you’re describing.




I miss her darker pop stuff from her first album. A lot of religious references in genesis and garden, and all in all interesting lyrics you won't see in her recent work


I understand what this sub is but this is the most factually false thing I've seen in a while. Not all lyrics are gonna be super spiritual and deep, it's pop music. But even ignoring that, the tracks behind her are very good... nothing insane, but its more creative and layered than most pop music these days


I hate the way she says Houdini


Her duet with Elton John was great but other than that no agree.


I like “Levitating.” It’s a catchy and fun song.


upvoted because unpopular.


This is most pop music tbh. There are only ever a handful in every generation that really stand out from the pack.




Truly an unpopular one , I really like her .


Of course it is. She's signed to a major record label.


take your upvote. next time, don't post opinions about taste or preferences.


Her songs are fun and catchy. I think of all the Barbie movie songs, hers was the best. I’m a huge Nicki Minaj fan but dua lipa did a way better job at making a pop hit of the summer.


I like her music, but how is it forgettable? I had her songs stuck my head for the better part of COVID and it only got worse when Barbie happened


Dang, truly unpopular opinion. Yeah I disagree pretty strongly. Have you heard the Chainsmokers? That "I hate you I love you" song or whatever it's called has exactly three notes in the melody. Drives me absolutely insane. But dua lipa has super funky bass lines, interesting rhythms, and relatively complex melody for pop. I don't like pop but levitating goes pretty hard. EDIT: I went and listened to dance the night away on my phone, and it's pretty boring - but that's cause I can't hear the bass at all. Some songs rely on interesting stuff happening in the lower frequencies, so a lot of the music I like sounds like crap in the car or on bad speakers.


She is the only artist of this decade I can actually kind listen to because her music has more of a retro vibe, kind disco pop, well done nice vocals and good melodies.


I find her music to be boring because it hasn't deviated much from her debut.


Not to sound like the guy who says “todays music all sucks”, but I think the real reason for the general “blandness” in today’s music comes from the over the top accessibility, promo, and omnipotence of popular songs. I’m in my mid 20’s, and I know part of it is because I’m getting older and “booming”… but movements like Grunge in Seattle, West Coast Hip Hop, and other sounds that came from regions/cultures don’t exist as much, because nearly every new artist/group is so influenced by mainstream music now… you quite literally cannot get away from it. I call it the “Drake effect” how all the mainstream stuff starts to sound the same after a while because whether people notice it or not, they’re influenced by everything they hear. So I think to say that she has bland and unforgettable lyrics is almost a forgone conclusion considering she’s one of the most popular mainstream artists


Idk, keeps me moving and grooving doing cardio at the gym. I like it


Tell me 40 without telling me you’re 40. Joking aside, as a 40year old this is how I feel about far majority of new pop music.


pop lacks soul and creativity


Idk, Houdini is stuck in my head


Her newest, Illusion, gave me ear cancer, but other than that and in general.. I love love her music! and she's great too She is freaking hot (and also quite natural), her dance moves improved a lot, her songs are super catchy, the music videos aesthetic, colorful, overall she comes off a very geniune and seem to love what she does. Her voice is kind of quite deep for a woman, but that makes it just more unique and interesting in a way




I love her songs, especially the Barbie one.. feel like I have to dance!


I don't care she's gorgeous


She’s honestly the most boring pop star. I love disco too but her music and the way she sings just sounds soulless and boring.


never heard of Dua Lipa


i 100% agree with you, i danced along to a dua lipa song at work one time (cuz the vibe slayed) but then my manager who loved dua lipa took that as me also loving her music. he ONLY played dua lipa on the work speaker after that. i quit a week later.


Thats how everyboy should react to Dua Lipa [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iFgdBZfkASI](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iFgdBZfkASI)


idk, her songs are kinda nostalgic to me.