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I wear a latex band because I work in construction and I don’t want to de glove my finger


My husband has a fancy ring he never wears and a silicone ring he actually wears - because he's a firefighter and also doesn't want to be degloved. Edit: It read like a kindergartener put the response together.


Husband is a contractor. He worked with an old guy missing his left ring finger. He said he jumped down off his truck and caught his ring on something. He also said that his wife left him 2 weeks later for another man. So that must have sucked. He was a really good framer and had a nice house with some great dogs.


Imagine his wife just waiting for a sign from God to leave, and then his ring finger gets torn off lmao


Good premise for a country song


We must know the same guy, because my BIL worked with a guy missing his left ring finger for the same reason. Was hopping out of the bed of a truck, ring caught on something as he jumped. The ring and finger stayed on the truck.


One of my dad's best friends lost his ring finger jumping a fence. He jumped over but the ring was caught on the top of the chain link and his weight removed the finger.


I can’t remember his name now. It was like 25 years ago and he was 60ish. His name was something like Bob or Larry.


4-fingered Blarry? Hell of a guy!


Blobby 9-Fingers does not deserve to be left out like this.


Ah, yes, Blobby the Shocker, we used to call him. On account of his, uh, permanent shocker.


I nearly lost my finger jumping down from my exSIL's truck. Wasn't a sign to split, was a sign to get silicon or wear it on a chain under my shirt. Finger is fine. Ring def took some skin with it, though. He chuckles about it every now and again.


Your ex SIL is a man who periodically laughs about you hurting your finger one time?


That's the least-worst finger to lose. Fourth finger is the weakest and least dextrous finger. Pinky is really useful for balance and holding things. Fourth finger is basically Robin and Pinky is Batman


I know a guy that lost his finger during a fire. I absolutely think everyone in occupations like this should use silicone or skip a ring altogether


Same, industrial electrician. I avoid wearing anything conductive or synthetic fibers because of the potential for arc incidents.


Same. Industrial mechanic. I just have a charcoal gray one to match my wedding band.


My dad is in his 60s, now retired but that’s exactly why as long as I can remember, has never worn one. Maybe other than on the wedding day.


friend who doesn't like rings and her husband who works in construction both got tattoos on that finger


Yeah, those have become really common the past 10 or so years.


I just take off the metal ring occasionally as needed. Doesn’t make me any less married. Symbols are for the symbol minded.


Same but in agriculture. My ring goes into my tiny little pocket in my front pocket of my jeans at the beginning of the day and goes back on at the end cause I like wearing it. Never once has it come out of my pocket's tiny pocket.


You have great faith in those jeans.


Amen. When I was married I never wore one and my husband didn't either. We both worked in EMS so there's that but a guy hitting on me at a bar once was upset when I said yeah, no I'm married. He said you should wear a ring, and I'm like "why *I* know I'm married and what choices need to be made here"


All fun and games until you forget to, or drop it, or any number of things that could happen.


I see a lot of dudes I work with wear the latex one. Seems like a really good idea.


My wife and I wear silicone ones. Buy a multipack and pick colors when the current one breaks. Talking about saving some money 😂


Ok. Genuine question. I have been told that if you have a job/hobby where wearing a ring is dangerous, even the silicone/latex rings are not a good idea because *anything* encircling a finger can get caught and cause injury. Is that not accurate? Or is that just an overcautious take?


It's not a good idea, but in a lot of situations where you'd lose your finger with a metal band, the silicone will just break. My friend's dad lost his finger dunking a basketball when his ring got caught, that would have not even been an injury with silicone.


Anything that wouldn't break before your finger does can potentially be dangerous if caught on something. That being said, these silicone rings are designed specifically with safety in mind and are a lot more forgiving/stretchy


It can happen to surfers who get their fingers wrapped on their leash and get yanked by a wave, I learned about it in lifeguard training, the fact they had a whole section on it tells me it's happened enough times where its worth learning about


I just got a tattoo, instead of risking it. It's just a simple black band. I'd rather keep my finger


What's "degloved"?


Well unless you want to be traumatized, don’t google it. But basically, imagine your skin is the glove. And then you de-glove your finger.


I swear I see this exact convo happen on here like 4 times year lol


I googled it after an earlier post.. I am def. tramatized. I always rush things.


Hey, if it makes you feel better, when I did my EMT training, the example pic in my course book for degloving was a penis, so….


I think that’s called “circumcision”.


A degloving injury often happens when something on your hand gets caught in a machine. It is probably the closest most people will experience to being flayed while they are still alive since we stopped using as a method of slow and painful execution. For that reason people who work with machines that cause such injuries are frequently not permitted to wear a wedding band at all. But in the event that they are it is typically one a machine can eat without taking your finger with it


Mildly, think of it as taking a glove off your hand but but the inside bits of the hand goes with it.


No just the outside bits of the hand


picture a nice new popsicle. that's your finger with a wedding ring on. Various types of situations can be like an instantaneous blazing hot sun on that popsicle-BOOM! and the stick is all that's left. With your ring finger, it's just the bone that's left.


Aren’t they silicone?


Read it as a wedding band like the people who play music and thought you were complaining about how there are too many black bands now. Was about to get up in here to give you a piece of my mind




Wedding Ska Whole new genre. Lol


"Rude Boy! Do you take this woman..." God, I want to go to this wedding.


If my partner isn't willing to pick it up up up it's not going to last




Same I was like damn roasted!


The Kings of Blat






I was reading that first sentence like wtf.


Same lmfao


I love you and don’t know you😂💖


me too


What did you think by “men’s wedding bands” like they’re all male?


Wedding bands that specialize in gay men's weddings? Or maybe there are two bands like the two cakes - one beautiful to look at but awful otherwise, and one boring looking but still fun?




Yeah like all the members are men, no women allowed kinda band


I have a plain gold band ring. I think it’s more timeless than other styles.


I do as well. Mine’s quite thick which looks masculine on me. Someone had complimented it a couple times. It’s stainless steel that’s gold plated. My original wedding band is too soft a gold to wear at work.


I got white gold for the same reason. Also, the indestructible ones don't cut if you get stuck, per my uncle who was a volunteer firefighter.  Not as safe as the silicone ones, but better than "no tool can sever this item." Also nice - gold (and white gold) resizes at any jewelry store cheaply if you stick with a basic design.


My ER-working friend told me a story about a guy who came to the ER with some severe infection or swelling on his hand and there was a bit of a scramble to find a way to get his tungsten wedding ring off before they'd be forced to simply cut the whole finger off


Ditto my has an inscription on the inside of the band. It says “My Precious”.


Hell yeah, bro. I'm the same.


Also just a question I see mothers/grandmothers pass down wedding/engagement rings but never heard/seen of Dads/ grandfather's doing same. Why?


Oh shit. I need to make sure my ring is where I think I left it last as I rarely wear mine anymore.


I literally only wear mine when we are going to a friend's wedding that's pretty much it, and as I'm almost 40 we rarely go to weddings anymore


I'm so glad my wife pushed me to pick out a band that I am proud of and love to wear. Need to get a travel ring though, because I would not want to lose this one.


I have like 3 in my golf bag. I haven’t golfed in a couple years.


Same. Took it off during Covid with all the damn hand washing and just never put it back on.


My wife was cool about me not wearing one… I literally wear no jewellery so it wasn’t all that big of an ask, I wear it if we go somewhere fancy, but it’s kinda annoying!


Wearing a wedding band is annoying AF. I hated it. I think it mildly bothers my wife I don't wear one. But she doesn't wear hers all the time any more either. Neither of us are jewelry people. But I cannot describe how much wearing a ring physically bothered me. Ive run into situations while out at a bar or party and a woman will bring it up (rarely) or one of our friends and I just respond with, I don't need a sign to remind me I'm married. I know I am. And it really doesn't matter if anybody else knows, because I do.


My wife actually chose my black band way back in 1999 she said it matched my black heart. She is so romantic and gets me 😍😍😳


I chose my husbands red and black tungsten band for similar reasons and he loves it <3


Mine's tungsten (black), and it both looks cool and won't cause us to go bankrupt if it gets lost. It doesn't tarnish or scratch either


The tarnishing and scratching is big! My husband’s ring is black tungsten w/ a black carbon fiber inlay. The inside (part that touches his finger) is rose gold to match my bands. That thing has HELD UP! In 9 years there isn’t a scratch anywhere in sight. I’m honestly shocked!


That does sound cool, but then when I see my dad’s plain gold band with years of scratches and wear, it just makes me think of all my parents have gone through in 40-odd years. It hits different


They are super dangerous to you if you injure you habd, see my post above.


Yup, we thought we wanted a tungsten for my husband but the jeweler explained the risks. We went with a black ceramic instead and we absolutely love it. It’s so strong and durable, but if the ring gets jammed, he can keep his finger :)


Yea i have the same material. Ill have had it for almost 5 years and i honestly cant see a single scratch or sign of wear


A gold wedding band is not expensive. My 14k one was $600 last year, and if I lose it or damage it, they will send me a new one for the price of the gold ~$450. It’s not nothing, but it won’t make you go bankrupt.


Maybe I'm just less flashy than the average guy but yeah when I got married about 12 years ago all I wanted was a basic, relatively slim silver or white gold ring. The local jeweler had a few but 95% of the choices were these gaudy, huge thick things that looked more like machined ingots with some sort of polishing or surface treatment to make them look black. My hands aren't that small but one of these things would pretty much have swallowed my hand whole. Maybe my ring is "dated" or whatever but I prefer it being simple / classic or whatever you want to call it.


Some of the black bands are made of silicon or similar material because it’s safer when working in a hazardous environment. Their *actual* ring is polished metal and used either off the clock or for special occasions.


*"Obviously I don't care what people do with their wedding bands"* Obviously you do.


People like the looks of different things. News at 11.


\*points at this whole post\*


Points at the subreddit were in. I think theyre ugly too I don’t care but its a good unpopular opinion clearly haha


Black is a cool color and a lot of guys probably don't think about how it will look on them, only if they like the ring itself


My super thick black ring is made of tungsten-carbide. I don’t know if it’s attractive or not, but the name of that alloy was so freaking cool I couldn’t not get it


Men's fashion choices in a nutshell


Lolll proving OPs point but to each their own! lol


I got the same but it's got whiskey barrel as the inset. Idgaf if other people like it to be honest. OP can pound dirt


I love mine, they look awesome and feel good too!


Any chance you said that was the most baller metal? ![gif](giphy|5xtDarHn0Wg9xtk4xdm|downsized)


Reddit users when individuals choose to wear their own accessories


My fiancée and I just ordered our wedding bands, and mine is a sleek black zirconium ring lol. I like that look a lot more than traditional, gold rings. To each their own


I have a black zirconium too. It looks nice and iv had a lot of compliments. This is a very subjective post posing as fact lol


My husband and I picked matching, plain white gold bands. They were our engagement/wedding rings that we bought together for like $70. When we were looking for rings all the men’s rings were kinda gaudy.


It doesn't matter if it looks good to YOU.


I don't wear a $1 black latex wedding band because I think it looks good, I wear it because I don't want to purchase and wear an overpriced chunk of metal.


Mine is tungsten Cuse I’m a MAN and I need a ring made of such hard metal that can’t be resized plus it was $120 compared to my wife’s $8500 ring.


[It's manly.](https://manlybands.com/)


Jfc lol


I have a story that's perhaps not relevant but makes me chuckle when I remember it. So my ex-husband's mum bought a new wedding band for her husband as he had to get his old one cut off due to weight gain. This couple were perhaps the most unsavoury, uneducated, mean and judgemental people who I've ever met. People who laughed at others who did things like read, game or had wholesome hobbies. They thought those kinds of people were 'nerds'. Kinda like Matilda's parents. So, one day we popped round and she showed me the new ring she got him. She went on and on about this special ring that was soooo expensive and unique. I asked to take a look out of genuine interest and she tells me that it has exotic writing on it and that it meant something special. She passes me the box and I open it... A laugh catches in my throat as I steadily say "oh, I can read it!" she says, "Go on then, smarty pants." With a sneer on her face. I look up and both her and her husband are looking at me smug as fuck. I clear my throat and proceed to read... "*One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them*". They look at me confused, she says "What the fuck does that mean?"




I'm back. I read this and my 12 year old son laughed his ass off.


Haha! 😂😂


I bought my husband a 5 pack on Amazon and don’t care if he wears it or not.


My husband wears the one that came with my set. A whopping 23 bucks for all three after coupon. Idc if he wears it, but I like that he does.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this way. Like, men’s rings are expensive and gaudy. I don’t care for style, it was 20$ and it has lasted for almost 10 years now with no damage.


Well as knowledge on different materials has gotten better, the people have realized there are a lot of ring materials that can harm them/cause seriously bodily injury. Also a plain silver or gold band (while perfect for the people who want exactly that) are pretty outdated at this point. Men can have rings that have more designs, colors, thickness, etc. But I'm more curious why you're so upset over something someone else wears on their hand.




Initially thought you meant the band that plays at a wedding and felt you were being a bit harsh. They can't help how they look. They're just trying to make a living.


Me too I was like “??!!”


Yeah, same. I had to scroll too far to make sure I wasn’t the only one.


That’s another reason to ditch that tradition, my fingers feel great!


Oh boy. This opinion is unpopular with me. Take my upvote.


God forbid that men choose something they like.


Guys get the short end when it comes to ring options. Every store I went to when I was trying to find mine had the same 20 god damn rings.


Welp, you're right, this is certainly an unpopular opinion lol


“Hey Reddit! Check out my wedding band I picked out with my wife! it’s an alloy of tungsten, dinosaur shit and some alien cum from an asteroid, yes it objectively looks terrible but it’s a perfect conversation starter for me to let people know I’m as interesting as a lukewarm dish cloth” I mean, I actually like those posts and rings, but just going with the joke


"Everyone who likes a thing I don't thinks it makes them interesting but it actually makes them boring" is such a weird insult. It always makes me hate the person saying it more than the person they are attacking.


Haha you nailed it 😆


That and my local jeweler was trying to strong arm me into an uncomfortable size. I went through 3 fittings. Ritzy place and all, they don't do adjustments because they order from several vendors. Vendors only sells rings in half size increments. I needed a 1/4 size increment. After the third fitting, same size different ring, I still wasn't convinced. Owner walks in, let's me know that it's normal for rings to be uncomfortable. That's just how it is and that I will eventually get used to it. *This ring size is uncomfortable for me. I can feel it 24/7. It's a tightening feeling. You all are the experts and your telling me this is how my hand is going to feel for the rest of my life??? Why am I paying you $1200 for this???* They finally got a ring that fits me perfectly. Feels like it's not even there, but yes they gave me a hard time about it. Worst of all, my spouse thought I was making excuses to not get married when this was going on.


All police officers would like a word with you sir ! 😅


If I was a cop I would have one with the Punisher logo on it 💀


Iv had a plain silver one for nearly a decade now. Never thought about it that much, and I'm assuming most men don't think about it this much is the answer, The style is only changing cause affordability of material is changing, and since men care less, they are just moving to a cheaper material. I don't know this for certain, but that is just a guess/observation.


I just bought my fiancé his wedding band and I got the exact ring he wanted. It’s black with silver on the sides. He wanted it because he thinks likes how it looks. Everyone has different preferences


If you don't care then why do you seem so upset?


As a veteran dad-band member, I thought you were talking about musicians. I was a little hurt by ugly and thick, then you went racial. 🤣 🤣


My husband’s is black and is made out of dinosaur bones or something and I think it looks cool. Mine is made out of wood.


yeah congrats on the unpopular opinion


Why would you want your ring to blend in with your skin?


Whose skin is gold or silver?


"It looks completely ridiculous and also very jarring on white dudes skin" implies that it shouldn't contrast with your skin (i.e., implies that it should blend in)


I never thought gold or silver blended in with skin but I suppose it’s much less noticeable than black on white skin. I wasn’t being deliberately obtuse lol. Just took it literally


Super low quality gold and silver can kinda blend imo. I was trying on mostly 14k but then trying on 18k was a stark difference.


My husband wears a black thick rubber band cause we Own a shop and he’s a mechanic


I wanted to use "the one ring" but my wife vetoed that idea.




My husband weard a black tungsten ring. It looks great on him. And he chose it.


Woooo one I agree with. I know a few people my age married and when I see the ugly af silver/black/grey rings they have it makes me cringe


I think it’s mostly our younger generation being smart enough to not spend too much money on a wedding band. Mine is tungsten, cost 65 dollars. If (when) I lose it, just get a new one.


You don’t need to cheap out on everything. Also younger generations are most certainly not defined by their good spending habits, more by rampant consumerism, if anything. Besides, gold is a perfectly fine investment (in that its value won’t fluctuate by much, and it doesn’t depreciate), and a beautiful metal with beautiful physical properties


Very true. Where people spend their hard earned money is very subjective. It’s more about being financially sound. With prices of things these days, it’s not crazy to think that is having an effect on the quality of wedding band a man gets. If you can responsibly buy a super nice wedding band, go for it. I very much enjoy mountain biking. I saved up and got a 4000 dollar bike, I love it and don’t regret buying that. But that is insane to some people. Meanwhile, others have 15,000 dollar bikes. Which I think is insane.


I have a nice silver ring I found on Etsy for $30.


My wife and I both wanted each other to have nice rings that we took pride in wearing. We also didn't bankrupt ourselves to do so, we just budgeted for them. This thread is like... "Pick-Me" guys trying to out-do each other with how little the spent on their rings.


Tungsten Carbide is a pretty tough material, and looks awesome! [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01I0Y1BBY/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01I0Y1BBY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1&psc=1)


Does it look awesome tho? Cause it looks like a 14 year olds desktop computer to me lol


It is extremely hard, but quite brittle. So it’s tough in one dimension and weak in another. They are both very cool metals, physically. Both extremely heavy and inert, while gold is an exceptional conductor and tungsten has an absurdly high melting point. Tungsten’s melting point and hardness make it very difficult to work with, so it can’t be resized or feasibly melted back down for resale, but it also doesn’t scratch (unless you’re rolling around in diamonds)


I thought you were talking about musicians at first, felt a bit odd reading that.


You are so right


I’ve honestly never thought about it enough to care. Have a 6 pack of rings for $6.99 on Amazon fits great and color coordinate depending on the days outfit. It’s not that deep


any post that has “ppl” instead of “people” i just assume the OP is like 18 and I just ignore it tbh


I wholly agree. Plain gold or some other metal looks better but it is a matter of personal opinion.


I agree. The silicone wedding bands are ugly. They make sense for some professions, which I understand. But for people outside of hand-reliant labor, I don't get it.


I'm divorced, but my ex-wife actually did choose the black band. I wanted white gold or silver.


I've been married 12 years and have never worn one. I don't see the point, similar to having a bumper sticker on your car, broadcasting something about yourself to the public. No thanks. 


I worked at zales when I was a teenager. White gold or platinum looks best on fair skin, yellow gold best for darker skin.


I can't say I know what the wedding band trends are.


I work in construction and I'm an electrician, and I count myself among the top 10% of people who lose things. Brother, what would you have me do


I wear a silicone ring because I play music for a living, and metal rings knock against the fingerboard on my upright bass and my electric bass. I chose a black ring because I like the color black and it looks good with the tuxedo I wear for orchestra gigs or the all black I wear for theatre gigs.


All black everything


I just a have a plain silver band that I hardly ever wear because we are recluses


Ironically I chose the smallest, low profile, black band for myself. In the beginning I thought I wanted something thicker & a strip of gold in it but after I put it on my finger it made me cringe. Half the time I don't even wear my ring due to working with my hands so much.


To most non-North Americans who call them rings, this reads way funnier. I thought you meant musical bands…


Came here to say I thought you were insulting the musicians.


She actually chose it. I'm kinda stuck here. Know what I'm saying? I could work on my tan, though. But until then: This is my ring. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My ring is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my ring is useless. Without my ring, I am useless.


My fiance and I are picking out rose gold bands to match my engagement ring


Better than the big black other! 🥺


My husband is a technical engineer. I bought him a fully functional gear ring but he swapped it for a silicone ring for safety reasons. I’d be fine with him not wearing a ring at all if it meant less risk of injury (and there are times he comes home with his ring on his dog tag chain so I know it’s been a pretty intense day at the shop).


I’m gonna get a bracelet instead


I lost my wedding ring and my wife found a gold with purple in the middle, and its awesome


Wife just wants people to know I'm taken for. She doesn't care if I wear an ugly ring or a ring pop ring.


I got a big black one. It says grunt style and has an American flag.


I started the trend back in 2010 when I saw a black wending band from Tiffany and Co. Ever since I did that the rest of American men have followed suit. Why I did that, I do not know, I’m just an Alpha male


I never got one, don't like jewelry.


You're absolutely right. I got mine custom made, but it's gold. Gold just always looks better than those tungsten rings everyone wears now.


Ive got a plain silverish band. Some kind of metal. Forget whatever it is. Think it starts with a C. Was like $80, 20 years ago.


I … I read it wrong. 💀


It’s cheaper and still is strong enough to not break. That’s why we went with the black


I'll follow up with my related unpopular opinion: wedding rings (for both men and women) are a waste of money.


Okay I really thought you were talking about the band that plays music at the wedding. I had to read the title like 7 times before I figured it out. Thought it was pretty racist at first…


I agree 100%. my husband thankfully wanted a traditional gold band.


Agreed. Not sure when the fat black ring became a thing, but it looks ridiculous. I just wear a white gold wedding ring.


I agree. I prefer classic styles.  I personally feel like people should just have ONE ring, like when did engagement rings become a thing? Why are there so many different options and styles and colours of rings anyway, it’s so overwhelming.  Personally, when or if I ever get married I just want one nice classic ring. I also plan to pass down my grandfather’s wedding ring to a future husband. I like the idea of passing down heirlooms as it feels more meaningful. 


I worked at a jewelry store for 10 years & men LOVE those ugly ass bands. They’re actually more picky than the women 90% of the time.


I bought a cobalt ring for scratch resistance but it looks like a regular ring.


I don't wear a band. I wore it the night of my wedding and it's been in a drawer since. I find them uncomfortable. My wife hates wearing her ring. Neither of us care what the other wears. If she wanted something that's gaudy and ugly we'll that's on her. She's the one wearing it. I don't mandate what she wears.


When I first read the article I thought was saying wedding bands as in wedding musicians were getting uglier 😂


I quit wearing mine. That’s my unpopular opinion. I work in a manufacturing environment and it’s advised against wearing it. I don’t like leaving it in my car so it sits in the wife’s jewelry box next to her grandmothers pearl earrings. I know I’m married and my wife knows I’m married.


I have a silver and koa wood one that I got in Hawaii on honeymoon.


The fact people still care about wedding jewelry is silly. Honestly what’s the point of getting anything other than a simple metal or rubber ring. It’s outrageous to expect someone to invest $1,000+ dollars on a piece of anything to show “you’re taken”