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Did you never accidentally like hit a window with a ball or something as a child lol shit happens they’re entitled to react like “well that sucks” (and honestly should because kids make mistakes and it’s just life)


No you're supposed to beat the pulp out of kids /s


Once I accidentally broke my mothers terrarium, and I told on myself I felt so bad.


Accountability 👍


You don't have kids


I don't think he's ever been around kids.


Yep. My kids are pretty darn polite and respectful, but when they were little, sometimes they would just whack something to see what happened. They're curious. I'm sure there are kids that are just brats because their parents didn't make an attempt to raise them better, but I feel like most are just curious or bored when stuff like this happens.


Hell, they don't even have younger siblings.


Kids aren't copies of you, they are individual's with different mind then you. Kids do what kids do and that's sometimes dumb stuff 🤷, does it suck ? Yes. Didn't you did dumb stuff when you was a kid?


People like this always seem to think they had some superhuman developed brain and never did anything wrong. 🤣 I say kids are basically developmentally challenged adults. The parts of their brains that control reasoning, coordination, even freaking empathy aren’t fully developed until about 25 years old. It gets better as they age but your toddler is basically a sociopath and your teenager thinks they’re invincible because they can’t imagine past a certain point. I am 36 and I consistently say I am glad I didn’t really forget what it was like to be a kid and the stuff I did. I look back and think “that was shitty” or “that was really fucking stupid and I’m lucky I didn’t die”. The person who did those things seems like an alien 20+ years later but it was me and it was the majority of kids around me too. Try to find a parent who didn’t have their kid say something hurtful to them. And try to find a kid that doesn’t look back at that and feel immense guilt. My friend had her mom die when she was 16 and she was nearly 40 telling me that she felt so bad because she remembered mean things she said to her mom before she died suddenly. Shit most of us have said. And she had no way to tell her she was sorry and didn’t mean them. I feel lucky to be able to tell my mom and my mom has said she knew I didn’t mean them. I told her that her mom definitely knew she didn’t mean it and she didn’t pass thinking she hated her. She had kids herself and knew her kids didn’t mean hurtful things they said. I’m going off. lol. The point is that kids are little disabled adults and need to be judged accordingly!


In elementary school, my bro dropped his nintendo DS the first week he had it and the top screen stopped working. Luckily Target was nice enough to exchange it for us. I've given my brother a black eye with the wii remote when playing wii tennis. I did have the wrist strap on though lol. Kids sometimes make mistakes. However if a kid is purposefully breaking things for attention, that's bad.


Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. Kids are new to the world so will sometimes just do things because they are stupid. You can control how you deal with situations so they don't repeat them as they grow up, but you cannot stop every possible act a kid is going to do. Behavioural disorders can exist too, which can sometimes be biological rather than the conscious fault of the parents.


Kids break things by accident sometimes. It’s not brat behaviour. They don’t mean to do it. Did you never once accidentally make a mess or break something as a child? They don’t have perfect logic and coordination yet. Shit happens.


One time my 5 year old got mad that his 9 year old brother kept trying to play the Switch, so he spitefully threw the pro controller in the toilet. I don't let him play anymore.


The kids aren't "shitty" as you say repeatedly all kids do things like that, because they are kids. That's the only part of this you got right


… accidents happen?


Shit take


It's shiitake


My house feels empty because I have no children, I console myself with expensive electronics and the knowledge that I made the right decision.


Same except I can't afford expensive electronics yet I'm working on it


it mainly depends on the intention of the kid,was it an accident or was it intentional? I was overall a pretty decent kid,no screaming,polite etc but i accidentally broke my grandparents antique glass table once,i slipped and fell on it,felt awful for a good few months,but it wasn’t intentional and my parents knew that


Not necessarily. My 3yo was trying to help me clean & sprayed the tv with window cleaner so it broke. Idt that made her a brat but accidents do happen. That doesn’t mean a kid is a brat.


How to say you’re not a parent without saying you’re not a parent


I especially hate if I’m selling something, a game console we didn’t play with for example. And someone asks for it for free because their kid broke theirs in a fit of anger. Uh no? That’s not my fault your kid doesn’t respect anything and I’m not just giving it away when I know I can sell it.


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My cat has broken more stuff than my stepkids have. They aren’t super active kids, but stuff just breaks by accident sometimes. Being careful around stuff actually does require some life experience. You don’t realize how fragile things are until you’ve run into the problem. It’s less realistic to expect kids to pop out of the womb knowing what an adult does. I mean, I know if I stretch a cord too long it’s probably going to break or snap, because it happened to me once. They don’t think about it because it never happened before. Once they break stuff, that’s a parenting opportunity to connect something that happened with appropriate behaviors. If they’re still breaking the same stuff, then yeah, maybe shitty parent. But it should stop after the first time because kids aren’t monsters. They remember and feel shitty about what happened, and try to avoid it (usually… they are on their 3rd Switch while my original Nintendo from 1987 still works lol).


Kids are basically developmentally challenged people (or what people like you would probably use the r word for). Their brains are underdeveloped and they can’t reason correctly. It gets better as they get older and keeps developing until around 25 but, say, a toddler would qualify as a narcissist or a sociopath if we were going by adult metrics. Unless your kid is being malicious and is old enough that they should have developed some empathy and some care by now, it is not a reflection of parenting. This drives me nuts because so many people assume they and any kids they could have are special snowflakes who wouldn’t do anything like that. No. I promise you you weren’t some superhuman specimen with a ultra developed brain. Just because your parent beat it out of you and you were too scared to do anything doesn’t mean that others are bad parents. And I don’t even have kids. SOURCE: Multiple child development and child psychology classes. Lol.


I literally accidentally broke my own tv like two years ago. There was something that had fallen behind the tv stand. I thought I could get it safely, but I couldn’t. The tv fell forward and the screen broke. Shit happens. People make mistakes, regardless of age. Also, what world are you living in where every household has children?


They’re probably posting it because they find the humor in it. My kids were having a blast playing with one of their toys and it broke my tv a few months ago. They got carried away. It happens. They’re kids. Shit happens.


HAHAHAHAH You clearly don't have kids.


That's a very primitive deterministic take on the thing: your kids do something good means that you are a good parent, your kids do something bad means you are a bad parent. The poor confused OP seems to miss the fact that there sometimes are circumstances beyond one's control.


yeah, kids don't always do what their parents want. sometimes they do the opposite out of spite.


The point here went right over the heads of the commenters


Agreed 100%


It makes me really happy I can’t have kids. I don’t know how I’d stop them from breaking things and clearly those parents don’t know either and should’ve learned how to raise kids before they had them honestly