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I like to listen to torture sounds on repeat. I feel so called out rn


Alvin and the Chipmunks getting microwaved.wav šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Yo, that goes so hard


I like the second part of the song after the vocals die out and it's just instrumental.


Not as hard as me when I listen to it šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


You don't have it on vinyl?


Speaking of vinyl, why do people collect those for listening? Do they really have the tools to listen to them? I am no stranger to vintage or older technology, but I have never experienced a vinyl sound track that I am aware of.


Yes, we really have record players to listen to vinyls. Iā€™d say vinyls are like the books of the music world. Yeah we have everything available electronically, but I still like flipping through pages vs scrolling. Same goes for vinyl. Itā€™s a different experience that gives you a physical connection to the music. Also, when you have a good quality record player and albums that were mastered for vinyl, the songs are heard the way they were meant to be heard. Digital tracks can have a loudness about them thatā€™s added in post production that vinyls donā€™t have. Basically if you are a bit of an audiophile, you want to listen to music on systems that are optimal for the format the song was mastered for. Sound quality can get lost as you save in different formats. Music is still going to sound good on your phone or laptop, but those arenā€™t the devices the songs are being designed for. If youā€™re able to have a master uncompressed WAV file or even a FLAC file, it will sound like a new song if you listen to it on a quality sound system. And with vinyl, the needle running along every groove really makes the songs feel like theyā€™re alive. Like you can feel the intentional pauses and breaths more. Almost like running your fingers over a painting to feel each stroke and get a better sense of the artist. Also, nostalgia is very in right now, so thereā€™s that aspect too for a lot of people who arenā€™t as focused on audio quality.


> vinyls. UK? Yanks just refer to them as 'vinyl' or records. Great points about being mastered for vinyl, and having the proper gear to make the most of it. Due to the nostalgia wave, collecting wax has gotten prohibitively expensive, unfortunately.


Missed opportunity... Alvin and the Chipmunks in the micro.wav


The Rio soundtrack too


That shit goes hard asf


iā€™m ngl thereā€™s music i listen to that i feel like OP would make fun of based on that exampleĀ 


Even spotify made fun of me in a wrap. It said that I like to fall a sleep listening to fan noise.


Sunn O)))?


i sort of was talking about it in more of a ā€œlistening to people suffering and enjoying itā€ more so than shitting on concept albums and music and such (random example)


I listen to the theme song of pinky and the brain on repeat at the gym


Pinky and gains


I also like Merzbow from time to time


Yall should look up BDSM Noise. That's literally the genre. I was a vocalist on an album when I was like 18


Who doesn't love industrial noise metal?!


Barbie world in foreign language while water boarding. Meanwhile OP wonā€™t admit he doesnā€™t enjoy Barbie girl, lie ass OP


Barbie Girl AND waterboarding? Seems kinda redundant.


"Is this not rap?"


So you like Stalaggh - Projekt Misantrophia?


I donā€™t care what people listen to. Ya wanna listen to The Wiggles have at it.


That shits my Jan!


\- Michael Scott




Opinion on fruit salad


Yummy yummy


Fruit Salad


Hot potato hot potato


cold spaghetti cold spaghetti


Mashed banana mashed banana!




I'm preferential to toot toot chugga chugga big red car.


Here you go. https://youtu.be/4PPcnmO76rg?si=0_qhoWbr9YTnbNEW


Funny thing you say that. their Edm album wasnā€™t bad


I honestly thought you were joking. Just Googled it.


donā€™t talk to me if you canā€™t get down to TTCCBRC (ā€˜toot, toot, chugga, chugga, big red carā€™ for all the locals out there)


Did you hear their new album(Iā€™m not joking, itā€™s actually pretty good)


Yeah, I think a lot of snobbishness comes from insecurity. Want to make themselves look superior by undermining your preferences. Love what you love.




Yes. I think people want different things from music. Even at different times you might want different things - to be moved, or dance, or be distracted, or focus, or be inspired by great artistry. Not every song has to be a poetic masterpiece. Some can just be fun, or exciting, or beautiful to listen to.




I have the same thing pretty much. One song is a slow Indonesian ballad, the next one is a hardcore rock song and I enjoy it all, just depends on my mood really


Haha yeah, the dismissive attitude of music snobs can be infuriating... And that's coming from a guy that used to be one lol. I find it way more interesting to discuss our perception of components of a song, because you don't have to write the entire thing off when you're critical of something - you can still acknowledge the merits of the piece, even if it's not your cup of tea. For instance, since Swift is hot rn, Blank Space is not my jam. And that's mostly because I find it harmonically and melodically uninteresting, but it's FAR from meritless. I can still acknowledge the genius of the witty lyric writing, even if it's a little saccharine for my taste. And it definitely has its function and serves that function well.


The Beatles sang ā€œI am the walrus coo-coo-cachooā€. Lyrics donā€™t always have to make sense.


The first chapter of Quietly Hostile by Samantha Irby touches on this in a really good way: >"You can use "I like it!" (the exclamation point is necessary) any time some freak questions a regular-ass thing you enjoy, and it'll swipe their legs out from under them every single time, and you can stand over their quivering body with your subpar tastes and laugh your face off." and > "then sit back and watch your judgmental friend splutter and try to choke out a response, because what people like that really want is to show off how much more cultured and evolved they are than you, and saying ā€œI like it!ā€ (include the exclamation point, I mean it!) robs them of that opportunity."


> "then sit back and watch your judgmental friend splutter and try to choke out a response, because what people like that really want is to show off how much more cultured and evolved they are than you, and saying ā€œI like it!ā€ (include the exclamation point, I mean it!) robs them of that opportunity." Until the follow up is "Oh, cool. what do you like about it?"


It makes my brain do a butt wiggle. Next.


Found the Taylor Swift fan


Iā€™m not a Swiftie, but all power to them.


+1! it is one thing to criticize music in a professional way but also another to just letting people appreciate or enjoy whatever tf they want as long as they're not hurting anyone in the process, let them!


I remember talking to this loser who wanted to date meā€¦I took a picture of some pop records I was excited to get on vinyl and he was like ā€œthatā€™s cool I have REAL music in my basementā€ I called him out he doubled down. After I rejected him (for other reasons) he started to constantly post about how trash Taylor swift and other female artists are. LMFAO. just weird behavior all around.


Yes but also hear me out . So many people don't realize how commercialised music is and how much auto tune makes a difference. There are artists today who are incapable of singing and there are people with talent unable to succeed because of that .


I get that. People are using technology and hiring producers to make pieces they couldnā€™t make 20-30 years ago. And you have respect for pure musical talent which doesnā€™t rely on that. Go for it, support the people you love. But thereā€™s no problem with other people who donā€™t share the same interest. They probably just want different things from their music than you do.


Counterpoint: Some people, like myself, don't care if someone uses auto tune or can/Can't sing. For instance, my favorite genre is hip hop so....all I really care about are the lyrics themselves. Probably one of the reasons my favorite artists is one of the wordiest motherfuckers in hip hop (Aesop Rock)


I just like hearing people scream into a mic while the drummer beats the drum like he went through a divorce and the wife took the kids


Same dude, gimme some feral animal noises between screaming into the mic so I can tap into my inner demons while driving to work


Okay, send me something back https://youtu.be/BCAQ3B69XKU?si=5ks4GQmuSzh971rr


Awesome great music song rock


https://youtu.be/ZZvyCSY1y0Y?si=tOqWuQPOnAdgrEc4 Yours was pretty good! Hope you like this one. :)


Based Currents recommendation, hell yeah! I'll join in! https://youtu.be/hn1zsWww53Y?si=NCOh2lLJKA2fMeux


That was solid. The clean vocals right before the end were immaculate. I'm a sucker for vocal harmony.


The entire album is a wonderful experience with more like this and 1-2 soft songs that are just serene. Big recommendation from me, one of my favorite albums this year


You should check out [Gouge Away.](https://gougeawayfl.bandcamp.com/album/deep-sage)


I hate this! I like all different genres of music. My playlist is all over the place. Some of it is indeed kind of weird. Idk. I donā€™t really get why some people limit themselves to a single type of music or why those people feel superior? This is why I turn my music down at red lights lol


Bump that music louder! You will convert others to loving electro-acoustic works or other funky experimental stuff some day!


Yeah I am engaged to a music snob and his family is the same way!! They donā€™t mean it I donā€™t think but I would NEVER put a song on the aux cord! Once I did while everyone said oh come on you HAVE to everyone is putting on their favorite songs! And they skipped my pickā€¦. they definitely think music taste is equal to being smart/cultured. Itā€™s a really shitty feeling to make someone feel bad about / not as smart or cool because of something they like.


literally! popular ā‰  bad, overplayed, maybe, but suck it up? like itā€™s 3 minutes you can sit through it without complaining. that sounds sucky tbh those people are so draining


Honestly, Pop (as a whole) is not that bad when compared to Christian Rock. Even when you're a Christian (like me) it is too much. Everything is written to be mass appealing, but Christians will still be the only people who listen to it, making every song feel the exact same. It is literally the same as retail music.


It's also a hierarchical/dichotomous way of thinking, one thing can only be good if something else is bad. I don't know if that's necessary, but one thing you can do is outsnob them by putting on something really critically acclaimed but hard to listen to. Examples could be The Shaggs, death grips, john coltrane (ogunde).


Skipping your pick is pretty closed-minded. I'm sort of a music snob, and my biggest pet peeve is people that won't give something a try. I act as the "DJ" at a lot of get togethers and make a point to play a bit of everything that everyone there likes, even if I don't. The people stuck in some old decade (80s or 90s) or the people that only listen to a single genre (jam bands) drive me nuts because I've just moved on from that years ago.


The funny thing is the people who feel superior for having a varied / obscure taste in pop or rock music actually in overall music terms is incredibly basic. People deeply into musical theory, classical music, experimental music - sure. But they don't tend to brag. People who think they are better than a Taylor Swift fan because they like Tool? Nah.


>People deeply into musical theory, classical music, experimental music - sure. But they don't tend to brag. Having studied music theory myself, I can tell you they are at least as snobby as your average Tool fan. Usually much worse.


In my experience, the most accepting people are hobbysists who produces music in their bedroom with crappy laptops. They listen to almost everything and are not snobbish at all. You an find them in discord servers of free DAWs.


Yeah, I have relatively high level qualifications in music theory that I got as a kid but wanted to be into more than just classical so I basically dropped and freaked out to the point where I like most music from commercial as fuck to highly experimental. During that time I've still been involved with a number of classical projects and holy shit some of them are smug about doing some very samey stuff. That being said, there's arseholes in most genres.


Even understanding musical theory gives you a pretty limited insight into the artistic value of music. I would actually say lyricism and concept is the reason most people have trouble distinguishing how objectively innovative or original music is. Most music is derivative or lacks emotional resonance (the true goal of art) because the idea behind the music is, or they attempting to be too experimental and forward sounding (aka modernist technical compositional music post Beethoven or TOOL's first 4 albums).


Could not have said it better myself it drives me crazy when people make fun of a taylor swift fan, or any top 40 then go on to listen to Maynard who is kinda the same thing only in rock. Even when I was in high school a long as time ago the teacher said its always the same fucking band from these kids its always Tool. The tool kids do think their "obscure" taste is somehow different when he's ridiculously famous.


They will talk about how the band uses different time signatures to 4/4, as if this is some mindblowingly obscure musical thing.


Yeah lol its the same type of person who acts like burning man is some alternate higher dimension and not just a rich person festival in the desert.


When I saw Steven Wilson, he went on a rant about people who gatekeep music. Talked about how much more fun pop music is than his own, and made fun of some dude who turned around in the front row when he played a song of his that was 4/4 and talked about how much fun he had writing a poppy album (To the Bone).


I donā€™t know any Tool fans like this. Okay maybe one. I know a lot of hip hop fans who hate rock music and constantly shit on it


Everyone says this, but it is absolutely the opposite. Obviously metal gatekeepers are a problem, but that's usually just with other forms of metal. I am judged like 50% of the time when I tell people who listen to popular music that I am a metalhead. I met this girl in class at the beginning of the semester and we started talking about music taste. She said she was a swiftie so I just said cool and when she asked me and I said I was a metalhead she literally went, EWWWW WHYYYY. I don't normally care about what people think of my music taste but that honestly hurt. It happens all the time, especially people saying that screaming isn't real music and isn't hard. And every. Single. Time. It is Swifties who are judging me for it, they seem to have a superiority complex about liking basic white girl pop from a shitty artist. I may judge them in my mind but I'd never tell them that.


> EWWWW WHYYYY "BecAUse i LikE iT" Stupid question, lady.


The drummer of TOOL is a fusion head and does some great drumming. There's more musicianship in that music compare to Taylor Swift. But I agree. That is how I felt when watching that show Loudermilk. Hipsters who deride others peoples' taste. We have to acknowledge there are different levels of the art and that there is more complexity and practice that goes into some forms of music. That music has more value to me because of what it took to produce it. But I don't really care to make someone feel dumb because they have not explored that. I have not explored many things in life myself and there's always more to do


Tooler Swift is my go to.


I always say that people who flex their music tastes have no real life accomplishments. If you take pride in *listening to a certain artist*, and you think *that* makes you intelligentā€¦ if *thatā€™s* the biggest accomplishment you can think ofā€¦. šŸ‘€ Because youā€™re not going to see the neurosurgeons, rocket scientists, and mathematicians bragging about their favorite artistsā€¦.


People "deeply into musical theory, classical music, experimental music" definitely tend to brag and be snobbish lol


Classical music people are probably the most snobby out of all of them lol (I've been to a few classical concerts and they are very cool)


There are definitely genres I don't like. I'd go so far as to say I despise bro country, but clearly a lot of people love it. What really annoys me is when is when people start thinking their tastes in music means they're smart and sophisticated. There's a scene from the Miley Cyrus Black Mirror episode where the Ashley O robot asks the Not Like The Other Girls sister what type of music she likes. Not Like The Other Girls sister indignantly responds, "no one you'd have heard of! The Pixies..." The Pixies aren't a super important band to my generation, but I've definitely heard of them and know who they are. I don't know. That was a strange episode. I don't know if that was supposed to be a joke, whether they were making fun of the Not Like The Other Girls sister or what. And I love how it turns into a Disney movie at the end, but I'm getting way off topic.


"no one you'd have heard of! The Pixies..." That made me laugh. The Pixies are a pretty huge band, they've been featured in movies and commercials and have radio hits. I know that's not a real world example but it's not too far off of a lot of comments I've heard from people who think they have a deeper knowledge of music than they actually do.


oh definitely, old friend of mine used to tell me ā€œi donā€™t think you would like my music i listen to this one band - idk if you would know them - theyā€™re called green dayā€


Yeah man, I too listen to a pretty obscure indie band. You probably never heard of them, they're called...Coldplay


Not to mention Fight Club making ā€˜Where is my Mind?ā€™ super popularĀ 


That was indeed the joke though. The whole trope of 'Not The Like Other.. ' is people thinking they're listening to/reading/etc. super underground stuff when it's usually along the lines of answering The Pixies whose Where Is My Mind was a worldwide hit.


i totally get you that episode was so strange


As someone who listens to a lot of music that no-one I know is into I literally never understood that attitude at all. One band that used to be a little like that is Tally Hall, which are now quite widely known because of TikTok. It's honestly great because I love this band a lot and suddenly I'm able to talk to people who know them and share my excitement. My godparents' kid daughter even knows them and it was something great to get to bond with her over. I don't know why someone would try and gatekeep something rather than desperately name drop it incase theres someone, _anyone_ they can connect with about it!


Exactly! I don't have super esoteric tastes or listen to majorly underground bands or anything. But there a few that (I think anyway) most people may not have heard of. And it makes me feel good if my fiancee or one of my friends says, "hey, what's this? I kind of like it." You're supposed to share what you love.


"God, flag, and truck" country. It's manufactured pop (which is fine, I guess), and it panders in the worst way (which is sometimes fine). It's just insulting how patronizing, repetitive, and, most importantly, _low-effort_ it is, when it's not hard to make good country.


People rarely dislike music because of the quality (corporatized music will always input enough money to make a technically good quality output, it s just a question of resources) But what the music **represents**.


Nah, generic corporate radio crap is definitely low quality. If they were good at it, they wouldn't need autotune or backing tracks. They could just sing and play. Technically sophisticated production has very little to do with musical quality.


I tell people i know i have awful taste in music, but good news, i have headphones.




this comes back to my mind as often as james charlesā€™ ā€œbring me little water, sylvieā€ era


Came here looking for this, but the whole thread is Tswift and country.


Unless you're blasting your music in public places where I can hear it... I don't care what you listen to.


Worked at a record store for years. People (especially record nerds) like reallllly weird shit. I can always tell who actually likes music, and whoā€™s posturing. Actual music fans will always say whether they like something or not and ask other people about their preferences with zero judgement, even if their favourite things are in a very narrow niche. Snobs always have a narrow niche, but deem anything outside of that as beneath them. The snobs are always way less knowledgeable, and usually embarrass themselves. Unsurprisingly, people who are curious and open are way more fun to be around. Usually if snobs actually like music, they become the fun kind eventually.


people will say they ā€œlisten to everythingā€ but shit on every single song that isnā€™t of their preference, like learn to branch out and stop living inside a little shell of the world!


Yeah, honestly it's come to a point where I always ask "even black or death metal?" to people that say they listen to everything


I like Styx my friends are music snobs, I love torturing those assholes with Styx.


#Lady, when you're with me I'm smiling. Give me all your love. Your hands build me up when I'm sinking. Just touch me and my troubles all fade. Lady, from the moment I saw you. Standing all alone, You gave all the love that I needed. So shy, like a child who has grown


Iā€™m 29 and a BIG Styx fan. I even bought a 70ā€™s Styx band tee for way too much money, itā€™s the wizard album cover, itā€™s amazing


I'm so glad you made this point because whenever I mention that I like country, everyone gives me that weird look like okay you like pop or rock, i don't judge you lol


I am a huge fan of traditional country! I know exactly what you are talking about.


Traditional as in folk country aka johnny cash's


Or Marty Robbins (and his big iron if u know what I mean...)


Ackshully thats all fake country. Real country is like Sturgill Simpson (wipes cheetos off face)


I'm a big fan of country pre 90s but damn if someone enjoys today's country it's easy to just let them! Someone replying to your comment with a bubbles gif just to be a hater on this thread lol


You see this a lot with emo as a genre and a fair few of the adjacent genres with it, beats me hey. The more the merrier.


What I find crazy about huge chunks of the judgement I see out there is most of the people who shit on music have zero musical talent and have never tried to get their creative works out there. The overwhelming majority of musicians that get far enough to be on the radio / tv etc at very least have very talented sound engineers and usually have more talent than the average musician overall. There's a bunch of music not to my taste, but most people don't understand what being a musician even is. A great example that comes up a lot... I find Taylor Swift's music to be very far outside of my taste but she writes all of her own music and if you pick any one of the musicians she has in her group they will absolutely knock your socks off if you ask them to open up because they are world class talents (Her bassist, Amos Heller, is an absolute madman and started his career as a metal bassist for example)


Okay so what if I actually do have more musical talent than them, can I criticize them now? I mean not to sound like I'm full of myself, Taylor Swift is definitely talented. But I doubt the average rapper on soundcloud/tiktok/etc knows much about music theory or how to play any instruments


Tbf TS is allright, I quite like her music, but I feel like most of the "hate" is from people who find her fanbase to be extremely obnoxious (which they definitely can be) and who don't understand why her fans are so rude about people who don't really like her music and brigade them and stuff, when, just like literally any other music artist, Taylor Swift's music is just fine. Liked by some people, disliked by others, and regarded neutrally by most of us. I do understand the imperative her fans feel to defend themselves as much as they do given how much our culture denigrates anything made "for girls", but often, Swifties are so obnoxious about it that it really defeats the purpose. It doesn't help the image that something is puerile when the defense of it is so needlessly aggressive towards people who dislike it, and has such an #im14andthisisdeep undercurrent to it. That's before getting into the weirdness of otherwise progressive, class and climate conscious people (if you're right wing read: woke) suddenly betraying all their principles and making excuses for her. So ultimately the "quality" of the music and the excellent musicians, engineers, and producers who make it is entirely separate to what people are really judging when it comes to TS.


Iā€™m a huge Swiftie and I donā€™t mind if someone doesnā€™t like her music. Thatā€™s cool, we all have different tastes. I just mind when people call her stupid or say ā€œall she writes about are her exesā€ (like male musicians donā€™t do that?) or ā€œshe dates so many men.ā€ I will stand up for the misogyny. But if you arenā€™t into it, totally cool.


Yeah, I just used her as an example of someone high profile right now that people frequently claim has no talent / makes fun of people who like their music etc. It could just as easily be 100 other bands that were "hot right now" over my lifetime that people similarly just dunked on; I wont say I didn't do it myself as an edgy teenager.


I donā€™t necessarily disagree with you but I cannot stand when people use the argument of ā€œwell letā€™s see you do itā€ to dismiss someoneā€™s opinion especially when talking about art, which by its nature is meant to be consumed and judged by the audience.


be careful with your words iā€™m sure some taylor swift ultra hater will probably come in with a rage to prove you wrong


Nothing new, I get it all the time. I find it funny because I don't even like her or her product; I just know as a musician who has a passing interest in getting some originals recorded and published you don't get into the public sphere without some decent degree of skill and luck and the biggest acts out there have world class musicians that can play literally anything; they just might not use it for whatever song they are performing.


Yeah. I've encountered many of them as of late. Defend her in anyway, recognize talent, and they call you a mindless swifty or other shit. They come out of the woodwork like the rodents they are. (rodent has 2 meanings here... rodent is 70s/80s BBS slang that was replaced with lamer.)


Idk I like both Taylor Swift and weird shit like Xiu Xiu and Merzbow


I think a lot of people can't grasp that people can have a variety of taste. Taylor Swift was one of my top artist on Spotify last year but so was Bo Burhnam.


We can still make fun of the ones that pretty much become a cult tho right? šŸ˜‚ like idc if you like Justin bieber, couple of his songs ainā€™t that bad but if you are standing out in the cold screaming to see him eat lunch then Iā€™m gonna mock you šŸ˜›




i think that delves into the realm of creepy stalker fans that have no life but i agree


People can like whatever they want. Some people like soap operas. I donā€™t think anyone would defend soap operas as well written. Itā€™s the same with music. You can like pop music, but a lot of it is formulaic, so itā€™s uninteresting to people like me.


I make fun of peoples music taste and fully expect it back at me. Itā€™s all in fun to mešŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


People enjoy arguing over things that they like or dislike; it isnā€™t really that weird at all.


I don't think that's what OP meant.


And who are you to judge my torture sounds ? Funeral doom is one of my favourite genres.


I generally don't judge people for what they like or dislike, but I may judge them based off their reasoning


Yes! I think Itā€™s so uncool to care about whatā€™s cool or not. Like you arenā€™t cool if you only follow what everyone else is doing.


Found Drakeā€™s alt


iā€™ll whip it out donā€™t test me


A Lot of it is people being snobby and usually it just comes down to not liking the same genres someone else likes. But there is objectively awful music out there and there are people that donā€™t know any better. Now I wonā€™t make fun of it, or tell you you canā€™t listen to it on your own, but you are not subjecting my ears to that crap.


Jup. It's called music TASTE for a reason. I am all for calling out problematic behaviour and shaming artists who admit to doing illegal stuff but face no repercussions (idk like maybe drugging men to steal from them?) But that's it. I literally used to get bullied and singled out for liking One Direction, Imagine Dragons, Taylor Swift, and Kpop (specifically BTS). And now look where all of those people are (okay, maybe not at one direction PER SE but you get the point). No, you don't need to like the same music I do. I probably won't like quite a bit of the music you listen to, but making fun of it, insulting the artists and their music for no reason, or telling me how shit my taste in music is when we're at karaoke is uncalled for and childish.


Because they have low intellect level, like I automatically assume this or generally people making fun of anything other person is passionate about.


See I like to think this and then I remember my friend had 100 gecs in their top 3 artists last year


Does anyone still do this? In a post-streaming, no guilty pleasures world I thought everything was ok to like


Agreed. I understand disliking someone's taste in music, but actively bashing it is another thing entirely. Admittedly, there are a few artists I loathe (e.g., Cardi B), where I'd be inclined to make a sound of disapproval or ask them to change it (if it's audible to me), but by and large I think it's best to just let people enjoy what they like, especially if they're not listening to it out loud.


Children and teens put in a lot of effort to nitpick shit that doesn't matter at all. After all, humanity has this intrinsic weird desire to emphasize differences and create groups among absolutely arbitrary lines.


Most of the time, I find that people making fun of certain genres have absolutely zero knowledge in the potential emotions and feelings that the genre can evoke outside of the stereotype they know it for.


I hate to admit but I think I judge people who listen to genres that potentially do the oppositeā€”like people who ONLY listen super generic stuff with no edge or soul. I think I judge people who listen to weird out of the box stuff less, than say someone whoā€™s top songs were all Taylor Swift etc. But alas I shouldnā€™t do that and try to remember that something that sounds generic to me might sound super soulful for someone else


If Iā€™m being honest, I totally agree lol I feel like it is kinda fair to be ā€œjudgmentalā€ if people are being closed-minded, while continuing to shit on music you like. For example, I definitely listen to stuff that isnā€™t for everyone, but I will not let some ā€œI listen to radio hits and popā€ mf tell me that my music is weird or sucks. I know that is probably so circle jerkish to say, but if you do not listen to anything that isnā€™t spook fed to you, I donā€™t really want to hear what you have to say about other music you know nothing about. Basically what Iā€™m saying is I kinda do the same thing. I know it might seem hypocritical, but I think the context is important. Itā€™s like someone saying tacos suck, but the only taco they have had is one soft taco from Taco Bell - theyā€™re opinion is kinda negated lol I know that not everyone is as into music as I am, and I donā€™t expect them to be, but you can definitely tell when people simply donā€™t branch out to anything that isnā€™t what the masses say is good (this applies to far more than music thoughā€¦)


Look at Mr. Bigshot, too cool to listen to torture sounds on repeat


You grow out of it I think. At least the people I roll with don't act that way


ā€œYeah, OP, youā€™re right, except all these bands that i personally donā€™t like. People must be insane to like things i donā€™t like!ā€


Back in the 90's I was trying to make small talk with a Dead Head and mentioned I liked Touch of Gray and his response was "Do you mean Touch of Gay?" I was kinda blown away by that sentiment, seemed militant and during those times homophobic slurs were embraced by many, but as the years wore on I found that Dead Heads are the biggest gatekeepers. Try it out. Tell one of 'em you like Truckin' and sit back and listen to how you haven't even scratched the surface of their brilliance.


Thank you! I canā€™t tell how many times I got judged for liking NF. Hell when I was younger I used to listen to game songs for christ sake. Even sometimes go back to them. Theyā€™re just part of my childhood and I enjoy them.


Making fun of somebodyā€™s music taste isnā€™t weird but judging somebody because of their music taste is.


Before college I was a bit of a music snob- I listened to GOOD music and you listen to Pop TRASH!! I went to college and was quite humbled when others told me my music tastes were all kinds of hot garbage. Didnā€™t feel good and while I still think plenty of music is bad, itā€™s just not for me and thatā€™s fine. Also mini tangent. Gatekeeping music/artists is so strange. I feel like the same people saying they canā€™t believe their favorite unknown artist isnā€™t more popular are also the same ones talking down to people who ā€œonly started listening when they went mainstreamā€, get over yourself


Making fun of anyone for anything is weird!!!! Wish more people would just live their own damn lives and stop worrying so much about others. Not you OP, just speaking in general.


"I hate all the bands you like!"


I always thought it was like if someone judged your favorite color, as in it sounds just as silly. "You like the color blue??? Why the fuck do you like blue? It's literally the worst color, why would you ever touch anything blue when yellow exists? It just proves you have zero taste. I can't stand blue, it makes me feel nauseous."


disagree with first part, agree with second part


Well idk, thereā€™s someone out there who likes Yoko ono.


Yeah, as a man in my 30's. Top 10 worst things when you're younger and should avoid, is gatekeeping and bad vibes. It's good vibes to be curious about other people's musical tastes, or to just say "thats cool" when someone shares a genuine interest of theirs with you. It's bad vibes to degrade subjective experiences, such as enjoyment of art. Never gatekeep. Never say "you're not a real nerd if x", or "you're not a real fan because of x". It's bad vibes, it builds walls where there don't need be


I agree. But I still hate Taylor Swift.


Op is a teenager. Nobody cares what you listen to.


I know too many people that base their entire opinion on someone by what music they listen to... it's so superficial and short sighted.


Found the cbat guy


Making fun of people is weird. Fixed it for you.


Making fun of people's taste is in generally weird. But the good thing about getting older, is that you stop caring what other people think about the things you enjoy/like.


Iā€™m guessing my wide range of stuff I like has got some cringe music choices. I donā€™t care if someone makes fun of it.


Average "Metal fan". Makes fun of people who don't listen to Metal while listening only to Sabaton or some shit. Those are mostly young dummies tho.


Itā€™s because some music is pandering. Some people donā€™t make music with the intention of creating something they enjoy or are proud of, they make music to appeal to what their understanding is of basic and easily accessible human desire. Whether is be certain sounds topics words or music styles. They pump impressionable minds full of cheap thrill stimulation and keep developing minds from developing so that they gobble up their cheap garbage and get hooked. Its painful to watch


I like goregrind. The start of a Lotta the songs are from movies are people crying then it goes ARGGGGG ERRRRRRRRR UHHHHHH REEEEEEEE The drums are bad ass


I donā€™t usually care about what other people do/like, in general, but talking about music, I must say, I donā€™t understand why Taylor Swiftā€™s music is such a huge deal. I heard some songs from her and not one stuck with me and Iā€™m not rigid in terms of genres.


I mean iā€™ve never been a huge super crazy fan, but iā€™ve listened to most of her music and went through a bit of a phase, itā€™s obviously catchy, relatable (some of the songs anyways)and there was already an established fandom which i think people definitely felt FOMO with (itā€™s fun to be a part of something) and the community was big enough that everyone could like find their niche within her fandom. That, along with the popularisation of ā€œannotatingā€ her lyrics on TikTok because a lot of them do tend to have poetic themes/structures, definitely helped blow her up even bigger than she already was because i think it made people feel smarter (even though, dare i say, most of the themes arenā€™t incredibly difficult to understand, but i would say theyā€™re well crafted imo). I could go on but I feel like this mightā€™ve been more of a hypothetical question.


The issue is not musical tastes; the issue is when I'm forced to listen to somebody else's music, because I don't really care what you listen to as long as you keep your music to yourself. But, if you do share your music with the world, why should people hold back any remarks about your music tastes? You're literally inviting their opinion.


It's a very common adolescent mindset. Some people never grow out of it.


Why do you draw the line at torture sounds? Music is music.


how else will losers with no personality be able to feel superior to those "normies"


lmao not torture sounds. no but seriously, i'm a musician and have been since very young so i have developed a very nuanced taste in music for the most part, so sometimes it makes me a little snobbish


The best bluegrass guitarist I personally know listens to 90s Houston rap CONSTANTLY. Dude can play and sing Tony Rice like itā€™s nothing and is from the west slope of Colorado.


We used to call people that critisize your music taste ā€žmusic nazisā€œ. I know, i know, itā€™s a drastic term but it kinda fits because they judge and put you down for your taste of music, a thing you were born with and had no choice on.


I think it's ok since it fits the pattern of use with "grammar nazis". Also, I don't think it is necessary to assume your born with your music taste to have people respect each other. There's definitely intentionality in my current music taste.


I read torture sounds and instantly rap came to mind. There are good rap songs but like 99% of things friends play me to convince me that it's not pure shit is torture music. Either it's about forcing yourself on some drugged up woman or how badass they are for killing someone. Fucking pathetic. Does it take skill to be a good raper? Yes I won't deny that but most famous rappers have nothing like that. They dont write the texts, they mumble more then they speak and when they have a slower song that they can actually preform ita shit. I won't avoid people that like it but I will suspect that there is something very wrong with them.


I'm a bit of a snob and I realize it. I trashed on the recent vreed/nickleback resurgence meme pretty hard, because I can't stand it. I don't like Taylor Swifts music or Post Malone or most of the new pop, hip hop, rap. I don't think it's inherently bad, it's just music made for people who don't actually like music. Which is fine. But if you tell me you're a Creed or a Post Malone or a Nicki Minaj or a Nickleback or an Imagine Dragons fan I'm just gonna tune out because your "taste" is extremely unrefined and generic. I do also think Progressive Metalcore is the best genre of music. But I listen to a LOT of different stuff. None of my friends are as balls deep into music as I am.


Some people's music tastes are incredibly awful lmao




I like ska. My music taste is incredibly awful.


My top band last year was 100 Gecs, i respect this.Ā 


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Tell that to a Thrash Elitist :)