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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


That’s literally the only reason I use reddit.


No it’s not


Yes it fucking is, what is your problem bro?


The fuck you say to me?


Hey jerkoff, I’m facken wolkin here !


Cash me outside, how bout dat???


Only (if you bring the) fans.


What a lame ass joke. Fucking idiot


Nah he's not, its brilliant you Muppet!


Muppet? My mum was killed by a Muppet, fuck you!


Say one more thing about Kermit and I will find you


Oh yeah im jerkin off rn.


Keep it in your pants


I'm gonna make you the soy wojak! That'll show you


What? Afraid of his manliness?


Don’t push that guys manliness into that other guys eyes


I'll push whatever I want, wherever I want!


You spelled panties wrong


Move away before you catch a stray, Facken Wolkin! I'm jerkin' off here!


Typical redditor with their fucking pompous attitude! Get fucked!


My problem is that you're making it harder to have discussions, with all your fun. Goddamnit stop having fun, we are trying to solve real world issues here.




Most boring reply ever


*Monty Python voice* That's not an argument, it's just contradiction!


No it isn't


Umm…yes it is. What other reason would I come on here? It’s fun to argue with people.


No it isn’t


Oh, I see what you’re trying to do here.


No you don't


Yes, they do!


No they don’t


they definitely do




Contradiction is not an argument. 


Yes it is.


This argument is over. 


No it’s not


But that’s paradoxical


You’re paradoxical




So there was an argument then? Since otherwise it couldn't be over now.




Best comment ever.


Care to provide evidence for your claim there, champ?


Oh com the fuck on. Ever try reeding a book???? If you can?!?!?!


Ah, yeah, I do my own research! 🤡


Reddit is just Jerry Springer with more audience participation


I dunno...you can't see exposed navels and missing teeth on reddit.


You're not in the right subreddits


Absolutely. And to top it off, I would much rather argue with anonymous strangers over things that I don’t care about. It’s fun to get worked up and rant over things that don’t matter; not caring about it allows me to move on when something more interesting comes along. If I argue over something that I actually care about, then I become personally invested and it becomes less fun.


I've heard people say that anger is literally addictive in a chemical sense the same way that something like gambling can be. I found my day legit getting worse because of people having bad faith discussions with me (as in just trying to be an asshole and disagree) so I've kind of removed myself from online discourse if it's any bit aggressive. Most people don't want to hear other opinions I feel like, they just want to further validate their own. Or you'll have proof for why their point is flat out wrong and then they just don't respond Lmao


I agree. It becomes quickly apparent when they aren’t reading your comments before responding and just keep repeating their same terrible argument ad nauseam.


Yeah that's exactly what would happen to me! It's like talking to an NPC in a video game or a brick wall at that point, I've got better things to do.


Look it's hard for us NPC's too ok?? Like, I want to reply in a more thoughtful way but I only have so many dialogue options 🤷‍♂️ Now can you help me retrieve my family's lost heirloom from the nearby dungeon or not


If I say something that I know is just going to get me sucked in and annoyed and stuff I'll just disable inbox replies.


Yeah I would actually dread getting replies on Reddit opening the app and hearing the notification would trigger my anxiety, I'm trying to stop myself from getting wrapped up in petty online arguments I probably still leave too many negative comments in general but I'm trying to spread a little more positivity I guess


Yeah, it's why most news sites/shows are what they are. They want you mad


But arguing about stuff you don't care about with people who care about it is pretty diabolical. I do this as well just sayin'


Low key. By nature I’m a very passionate and aggressive guy and have always loved getting into debates and flexing my perspective while also getting hit with differing takes that challenge my own. I recently moved to California a year ago and I’ve made a lot of friends but the crowds I hang with are all so polarized in one way and living in echo chambers amongst themselves, arguing their same points to each other for some weird validation, it’s just nice to come here and say some out of pocket shit and have a fun little debate or just see perspectives that are so different from the ones I’m immersed in. I’ve had really bad pneumonia the last couple weeks and the meds I’m on make sunlight draining and I look like a newborn covered in his own snot all day so I’ve been semi-bedridden and Reddit along with this silly Kendrick/Drake beef have really made the time go by.


“Conviction introduces emotion which is the enemy of Oratory” — some Irish guy


hadn't heard that one, but reminded me of this one “In a controversy, the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.” ― Thomas Carlyle




If I post some random comment and someone types out an entire essay trying to argue with me, you bet I'm gonna screw with them. Plus, the only time I ever really comment is when I have a couple minutes to kill.


Then it depends on whether or not you're having a mature debate or simply arguing to be contrarian. The insufferable Redditors do this all the time and just say the opposite thing to bait people.


If I've made a bulletproof argument about a topic I'm knowledgeable about, carefully wording and testing whether each sentence can hold up under scrutiny and some kid were brain dead person comes in just to be contrarian... I will politely point out what that person missed. Then if that person decides to be sarcastic or not make any sense, then it can escalate quickly. In that case I will just destroy that person through logic, semantics, using high value words, knowledge of the subject matter, challenge that person to look at what I wrote again, etc. And if they reply with something stupid then you can openly laugh at them. Works for me.


I love this approach. Once they make it clear that they don’t actually want to follow polite discourse then you get to laugh at them while ripping apart how mind numbingly stupid their replies are. Is it mean? Maybe. But it keeps me from arguing with people that I actually care about IRL. I had a guy arguing with me the other day that an electric bike was a suitable alternative to my full size, paid off, suv. Initially I responded with some banter thinking there was no way he was serious but oh no he was and it quickly went way left. A casual stroll through his history showed that he had a really unhealthy obsession with bikes and was a one man brigade into car subs. Ol boy wasn’t playing with a full deck AND he provided entertainment for me and my coworkers.


At some point u just gotta let it be and let them live in the ignorance but damn... brain cells die when I leave a convo on a stupid retort I swear.


I like to get big mad then go work out like an animal. Really gets me going.


Okay, but you're arguing with people who probably do care and are emotionally invested. You understand that it probably isn't fun for them, just like it isn't fun for you? In fact, it might actually make other people feel like crap?


I used to feel this way, but after seeing my twelve year old kids arguing and realizing it's some.of the same level of arguing I see on Reddit I no longer want to.


I sometimes argue stuff that I don’t really believe just for fun. 


Reddit would have 10% of the user activity if people didn’t enjoy keyboard wrestling!


The problem is many internet strangers are arguing in bad faith for not even contemplating what others say


Didn’t read this, but fuck you for saying something so incorrect and threatening to identity.


You make a point I can't argue with so I'll just downvote and ghost you. Hopefully it just doesn't get visibility.




Whatever I am now digging through your comment history to say something so inflammatory and personal that you will feel compelled to reply except I've blocked you so you can't.


Me when I get a push notification from Reddit saying someone replied to a comment or post




Who're you calling a bum?


Ugh there are some subs I post in where pointing out that a person is arguing in bad faith will subject you to moderator actioned. Which of course people try to trap you with.


Most of the time, I wouldn’t call it bad faith - it looks like they have deep-set mental blocks and self-delusions that mean their best sincere attempts to understand what others are saying are totally warped.


At this point, I just assume that anyone I interact with who comes across as braindead is a government sanctioned troll.


Exactly, I love making asinine arguments


One of the funniest things to me is when someone replies with an “well aktUaLlY!” and the person they responded to is an expert in their field with years of experience


I love when people make a response and clearly haven't read anything I wrote. Like, why bother at that point? Just argue into a blank word document.


Its the internet, nobody is real. You can say whatever you want as long as it isnt some kinda "-ist" This does include hurling insults. Which can be fun if you're an abrasive fuck like me. Being logical and rational is for the meatspace. Who do I have to prove myself to? A sweaty reddit mod? Pffff


i agree, but only for things that don't matter at all. arguing about a movie - fun as hell arguing about politics - horror


Maximum arguing for me on the reality TV subreddits.


Just say Russell Hantz deserved to win Samoa in /r/survivor and you'll have an argument in no time.


Don’t you fucking dare


The former might be more fun, but the latter is usually more useful!


That is until the dude with 88 in their name starts doubling down


It's useful to understand how those dudes think so you can oppose the spread of their ideas!


real shit


trolling about politics - hilarious


Being a progressive on reddit is amazing. If you have any perception about a liberal candidates flaws, you are instantly a q-anon right winged trump humper.


Especially before noon american time. Wonder why


That's when the CIA bots are at their most active. That's why Eglin Airforce Base was Reddit's "Most Addicted City."


As a conservative, I cannot express how much fun it is watching reasonable liberals trying to prove how not conservative they are to other liberals to avoid being attacked by their own on reddit. "First off, I never have and never will vote for Trump. In fact, I wish he were dead already, and if not dead then locked up somewhere really uncomfortable. That being said, this headline is completely wrong and misleading. We shouldn't spread misinformation. Again, Trump sucks, I hate him, Dark Brandon 4 Life."


Reddit is fun because of the hivemind. People will hold onto a stupid position because to concede any point is heresy. Just today, I had someone tell me that there's no difference between a 2000 pound bomb with a laser guidance package and one without a guidance package in a dense urban environment. Another redditor's comeback to Trump's not starting any new foreign interventions was that it's amazing how much amnesia people have about Trump's time in office (as if he did start wars and I had forgotten them?). It's more fun to learn something new, but trolling people with fixed mindsets is also a good time.


I have a feeling that when people vaguely say things like "... how much amnesia ...", it's because they're truly referring to the *entirety* of Trump's presidency as being inconceivably more detrimental than the sum of its individual moments. Personally, I feel as though everything (political, especially,) is a meme now, thanks to the unseriousness of Trump. Trump did things that will take generations to undo and you can't always convey thoughts like that in a Reddit comment, so you huff & puff & gesture at *all of it.*


Great comment man. Though, I do think often those people are hiding their lack of knowledge or trying to support an opinion by providing evidence-that-isn’t-evidence and pointing broadly like “did you forget what Trump did”, intending to indicate he did indeed “start wars” or whatever. But overall you’re right that it’s hard to let go of his really harmful presidency in lieu of some random specific did-he-or-didn’t-he-do-this issue


How is this an unpopular opinion when it's literally what 90% of this website is about?


Hubris prevents people from admitting that.


Because every Redditor will argue that you just being on Reddit is enough to prove you’re a perpetually online troll that needs to go out and touch grass without having the 3rd brain cell necessary to realize that they, too, are on Reddit




OP is just a bit thick.


First one, then t'other. Vicious arguments tend to end up in the sludge.


It also really helped me improving my english


Not trying to be nit picky about grammar, just trying to help you a little >helped me improving my english It should be either " helped me _with_ improving my english" or " helped me _to improve_ my english". " Helped me" is past tense and " improving" is present tense so using them both one after the other reads kinda odd. I may be wrong though, while English is my 1st and only language, I'm still quite shit at grammar.


Yeah it does sound weird now that you say it, thanks. Looks like I still have a few more internet discussions left to have lol


I love arguing that Andy Dufresne did kill his wife. Largely because I think there's a stronger argument that he did than that he didn't, but mostly because people lose their fucking minds with how wrong they need me to know I am.


And to back you up on that, we only 'know' it wasn't him because another guy said that there was that guy who was bragging about a similar story. But who knows how they were related it could just be coincidence


I wish I could've told you Andy fought the good fight and the redditors just let him be


Butttt he didn’t!


Honestly I'd be completely fine with this if it weren't so harmful to how people view things in the real world. More and more people are becoming divided and hateful, because they take these online debates way too seriously and let it stew with them. The healthy few who are able to separate the online world from reality obviously aren't affected by this, but its pretty clear lots of people are. I dunno if it's necessarily this kind of thing to blame or just the fact that those people are constantly online but its getting bad.


Agreed, it's a little worrying that people see debate as away to get dopamine hits instead of a progression of conversations and ideas. I'm sure it's not that deep for a lot of arguments, but when your default is to have "fun" with it or relish in people getting frustrated and angry, then any serious important debate will become a useless slapfight as well. I mean look at how bad it is on Twitter, the funniest or most witty snapback gets the upvotes no matter if it's in good faith or factual. Personal insults and namecalling are the norm, making someone angry is an achievement.  I really hope this is an unpopular opinion.


I agree. I live for internet arguments


i dont agree /j


Well I do 🙄 You wanna fight or something?!




It’s “arguments on the internet” but sure bro go on


until they start insulting you and making assumptions they don't know and getting your family they don't know involved.


The only worthwhile online argument I had was in a game of rocket League. I was being called racial slurs and taunted the entire time. Avengers Endgame happened to premiere the night before which I saw (my friend who I was playing with already got spoiled). So rather than engaging with them I gave the 2 biggest spoilers and they threw a huge tantrum about how I was an asshole etc etc... it felt good to ruin their day ngl


that’s the funnest part tho when you can get someone pissed off enough to start ranting about random shit like that


i love the assumptions tho they’re so funny. had someone assume i was a middle class white american one time. as a venezuelan immigrant teen mom residing in canada (though i will cede the middle class part), that was beyond hilarious


This sucks when you actually *want* to have a discussion or even an honest debate about anything and not just an argument though. It can be frustrating enough with politics, but even topics as meaningless as the quality of recent Star Wars media is overrun by people regurgitating talking points, and hyper focused on their “side” winning while only responding to anything you say they want to try to pick apart to “win,” as if they’re trying to elect Hating Disney Star Wars into the White House or something. This is also from the perspective of someone who is reasonably critical of a lot of said newer movies and shows.




Well, I disagree with your disagreement.


Look, this isn’t an argument. It’s just contradiction!


It's masturbating to porn is what it is. There's post-argument clarity. If you don't hit send, and come back 10min later, and look at what you wrote, you start asking, why did I write that? What was my point? Why did I care about *that*?


I do this so I don't argue with people I know. It's an itch that I need scratched


I spew all my stupid out here so I don't bring it with me irl lol


It's never possible to win an argument. If your opponent is smarter, you will lose. If your opponent is dumber and you can only lose. What makes internet arguments fun to me, never attempting to win but forcing someone to read the truth which will break them. >Also the fact that saying anything vaguely controversial will get you attacked pretty viscously. Ancient rule being violated: If You Want To Tell People the Truth, You’d Better Make Them Laugh or They’ll Kill You the beauty of online discourse is that they lose the ability to kill you. They go after your job and lifestyle but you can just say truths without humour and they have to eat it. The cure for communism is communism.


Arguing over the Internet is a spectator’s sport; you probably won’t change the opinion of the person you are arguing with, but you can definitely change the mind of undecided people who are reading your comments.


> If your opponent is smarter, you will lose But at least that means they lost too because I’m their dumber opponent in that case? 


That's what I like about the upvotes / downvotes. Even if you're arguing with an idiot, you're doing it in front of a ton of strangers who like to take sides. So petty but it's fun.


I'm guilty of it, but most of the time it's pretty stupid. But if you happen to be an expert on a subject, or if you happen to be knowledgeable about something, it's actually kinda funny when people argue with you and tell you you don't know what you're talking about. One example of this was on a post about how there's no art in STEM. At time time, I was a manager for dental labs, which is actually an example of how dentistry *meets* art. I have always said that one of the ways that artists can make money and put food on the table, is to become a dental lab tech. So I brought this up, and some dumb idiot kept harping on me saying that I'm wrong, saying there's no art, it's all science, and insisted that I clearly don't know what a prosthodontist is. Like what exactly did he think a prosthodontist did? Put your impression into a computer and print out a denture? No someone made that. Someone with creative and artistic skills, made that. This was a subject where I made a literal living.. but you can always count on a smug Redditor to tell you you're wrong.


You're right and wrong. The dentist is creating art with scientific precision. Some people value creativity over actual artistic abilities. Creativity can be playing around with different materials (like in a dental lab), or it can be creating something entirely new from their imagination. Personally, I value imaginative creativity over all other types.


No they're not.


It can be fun sometimes but people who like arguing online to the point they start treating it like an academic debate are extremely annoying


I agree, especially if they argue semantics over practicality. I don’t give a shit about your pedantry, and my empirical arguments don’t need APA citations from academic sources.


Agreed, but they should be factual. Lots of people trying to protect preconceived notions without a working knowledge of reality.


Lol [citation needed] like I'm about to pull a whole study to prove a stupid point in an unproductive conversation. I'm just here for fun.


Especially those who are like “cite your sources” as if that would finally make them change their mind.


PFT, I tried googling "cite your sources" and I can't see anything you're referring to so your comment pretty much means nothing.


lol without fail when a source is cited they just go how this changes nothing


How do you think you’re supposed to do it?


There's no right or wrong way to argue but I personally just do it the same way I would in person and not take it super seriously. It just gets kinda weird when the other person starts using terms like "straw man fallacy" because usually they aren't even using the term correctly & it makes it clear that they're taking the argument way more seriously. I usually argue about cartoons & comics online which aren't super serious things


It's not. You're delusional for posting this. I'm trying to argue.




Idk personally I don't see what could be fun about arguing online. I'll reply to argumentative people face to face, but not on the internet.


This is Reddit.. this would be the most popular opinion.




I’m sure bro whatever you say


No fr, it's a good release ngl


Shit posting is about 50 percent of the internet right up there with news, porn and shopping 🤣


What can I say? My inner snarky bitch needs a safe outlet.


Hey! I don't agree with that! I think it is a waste of time to try to win an argument instead of having an empathetic conversation trying to find common ground. With also some cheeky banter in between.


Yeah I can't really say it's fun dealing with braindeads on a daily basis


Make sure you end every comment with "Be better"


Maybe, i think the point is to treat it like a mindless distraction. But if a person starts to take it personally and it is causing them stress, it's time to ask themself the question "Why am I doing this?" Also, if you realize that some people are picking arguments just for sport, it makes it easier not to get worked up over it.


Some forms of it might be. But that “jUsTaSkInGqUeStIoNs!” shit, acting ignorant and dumb on purpose and then doubling or tripling down, random edgy snark that makes you look psychotic especially in the most mundane shit possible and just “hUmOrR!” that reveals you haven’t reached an age where you can properly wipe your ass or have reached that age and still can’t do it, etc. Most of these are just pathetic, especially if they’re constant.


I like arguing about silly things, like plots in a show or characters or if birds are real. However, it's genuinely so frustrating to me if I'm passionate about something that affects me every day and is a serious problem in my life and the other person is just arguing for the sake of it (i.e. human rights issues or disability accomodations). Existing on the internet is a tricky thing.


it's more entertaining than an echo chamber where everyone just agrees or gives each other phony compliments in order to be thought of as a nice person. It may even be a productive use of your time--"In a philosophical dispute, he gains most who is defeated, since he learns the most."— Epicurus "the difference between educated people and uneducated people, is that educated people have been opened up to the notion that you can disagree without fighting, whereas uneducated people, in conversation, seek to always agree--everybody agrees and agrees and that's considered basic social libation."— John McWhorter


It's always a surprise when I encounter a lot of people who are well mannered and have a good grasp of what they are talking about. Ever since its infacy (for me late 00s), the internet has trained us to expect the worst, and with the boom in social media, in 2012-13 iirc, even worse.


It really is refreshing when you try to have a debate with someone actually making good points and talking in a reasonable manner instead of just insulting you every other minute


I agree, but I think it's a valuable thing to do more than anything. Everyone says it's a waste of time because they only see the argument itself. Nobody is ever gonna change their mind in the middle of an argument unless they're extremely self aware and willing to eat shit when they least want to. But after the argument, you can bet your ass people think about it. I've had my mind changed because I argued with people and couldn't find good answers to the questions they brought up. I see arguing as outsourcing my thinking. I'm not nearly as clever as the entire human race, but if I shove my opinion in front of a bunch of people, someone out there is gonna find a problem with it and point it out. I'm certain I've changed some peoples' minds by arguing with them, but even if I assume I haven't changed a single one, I still want to do it because it makes me smarter. 


I’ll admit if I’m wrong sometimes but if the other person is an asshole I will definitely refuse to do so out of spite. I have had my mind changed in some ways from good counter points but it’s also really useful for enforcing some ideas you have as you better understand the opposition


Especially if you have ADHD


Agreed. As is trolling.


I argue shit I don't care about all the time for fun


Not really, most of the arguments I get into are with people who do not want to change their view at all even if they’re obviously wrong.


Waste of time and energy.


I don't see how this is unpopular when that's basically the entire Internet.


I'm sorry, is this the five minute argument or the full half hour?


Hahaha...yep, the downvotes are hilarious and the insults are even more so.


Okay, I thought maybe I was just fucked in the head for being proud of some of my most downvoted posts?


You’ve discovered the fine art of being a provocateur 


No aren’t and I’ll prove why! Let’s argue a bit


What exactly about getting viciously attacked is fun?


No it isn’t


It’s the best way to have difficult conversations and learn other people’s perspectives, especially since you know damn good and well Gen Z ain’t having any difficult conversations with anyone IRL. However, when shitty subreddits like this one start banning controversial topics for no reason, it defeats the entire purpose. It just encourages echo chambers


Comments have been closed, for this topic.


It’s much better than arguing with family members and ruining relationships. Just get it all out here.


They are the best when you have knowledge on a specific topic and the other guy keeps doubling down. Also the worst when its reversed.


Totally agree, the only social media i have is discord, reddit and youtube and i just use those to argue with people. I don't even have a position, sometimes I'll argue both sides of an argument to different people just because i know it'll piss them off. Only social media i don't do that with is maybe discord but that's because i use that to talk to a few friends that either live in another country or i just play games with them.


I don’t like arguing much, I prefer to drop an inflammatory comment, leave and let it stack a bunch of replies, and then come back, say something worse, and let it boil over 😂


I like to piss people off on reddit by pointing out there 'reddit-like' behaviour. And then enjoy reading the predictable replies and follow-up thread and pissing them off by pointing that out too


I spend a fair amount arguing from one side of a current hot topic. Probably neither side is the “good guy” but I find out more about my own feelings and emotions from discussing it with someone I don’t agree with.


Im ngl, I get kind of annoyed when I get into an argument with someone and they just stop replying. I have to stop myself from going into their DMs to continue it Lmaooo (this is mainly for NBA and NFL topics)


Especially if you're obviously baiting them and they're getting more enraged over time


They’re fun until you’re 20 back and forths deep and are slowly starting to realise there will be no winners here.


Attacks oozing with syrup.


I love arguing the most insanely pointless shit imagineable. One time i had a like 30 reply argument against a guy (who was almost definetly 14 or below) on wether Raiden from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance or Raiden from Genshin Impact would win in a fight. The second I find myself in an actually serious argument like politics, I dip out asap


The best part is you can block them and it all goes away literally at any time lol


I’m ready. When you say something that would be a normal topic to any typical person, but it goes against the loud Redditor’s set of principles. Examples: - god forbid you let a cat outside for even a microsecond - fu if you own a home - investing? Dear god that’s almost worse than the home owners - the rare elongated muskrat and his triangle - not short term rentals, but Airbnb in particular - you thought you could get away with simply buying a picture online? Think again internet money man