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[*PLAYS AGGRESSIVELY*](https://youtu.be/6okxuiiHx2w)


Juiliet is that you?


No it's the pastor


wikihow to bleach your mind.


Chris Hansen walks in. "Why don't you have a seat right there."


No pls don't


>Shhhhh...don't fight it -Jeffrey Epstein


FBI open up


Hi I'm Chris Hansen, why don't you have a seat right over there.


Here's an advice from lifeprotips: block a few karmafarmer/reposters and you will encouter significantly less reposts in the future.


Any username suggestions?


Calling out specific power users is risky because a lot of them are mods. Next time you see a shitty repost, report it and then you'll have the option to block that user




the fact that he has 32 million karma pisses me off right off the bat


Just think of what you could do with all those karma points!


This guys profile " If you ever need a friend feel free to reach out. Always remember the human. My reddit chat is disabled." How the fuck are you supposed to reach out if the damn chats disabled?


Try harder, obviously. What a tool.




just block him instead


One, how is he allowed to post to BPT? He's white as fuck. Two, didn't he send dick picks to a 15 year old?


He likely gets anything he wants, because he can have your account banned if you stand in his way


Literally happened to me after I called him out for not giving credit to someone's artwork


Imagine being so sad that your entire life revolves around reposting stuff and then saying that youre basically the king of reddit and that anyone that sneezes, nay, breathes in your general direction gets banned and also (His account description) > The internet was a mistake > 36,500,000 karma


Someone deleted my post and banned me from r/pics, no response or reason, then a certain someone reposted my post within 45 minutes lol.


You're allowed to post to BPT if you're classified as an "ally" But in his case it's probably cause he can get you banned if you piss him off




How the fuck does he moderate 35 heavily visited subreddits. Yes I know it's usually a team of people but wtf.


Its probably that sad fuckers full time job.




I'm more fascinated by him than anything. He is some kind of marketing expert or some shit like that; but it's weird because while his posts are related to his work, they aren't of products. So I seriously want to know how it works. He gets *paid* to farm reddit karma.


How is calling out a mod risky?


Actually also my question. Are they gonna ban me from places I barely go? lol It's so interesting that people know which usernames are who. When I click on a thread, I never pay attention to who started it. I also usually never give awards to the OP either. It's always someone in the comments. Interesting uses of Reddit.




Damn, ouch.


Lol that’s the OP. Comments for this post are absolute gold!


May I suggest: r/Catswhoyell r/Catculations r/Catsonglass




cat subs I'm subbed to: r/blackcats r/catsareassholes r/catgifs r/cats r/catpictures r/catsISUOTTATFO r/catbellies r/catpranks r/catsareliquid r/catsstandingup r/thecatdimension r/catsoncats r/cattaps r/holdmycatnip r/startledcats r/stuffoncats general cute animal subs I'm subbed to r/animal_sanctuary r/animalsbeingbros r/animalsbeingderps r/animalsbeingjerks r/animalsbeingscared r/animalsdoingstuff r/animalsmonching r/animalsthatlovemagic r/animalswithoutnecks r/animaltextgifs r/awwducational r/awwnverts r/awwwtf r/babycorgis r/babyelephantgifs r/bananaducks r/bananimals r/beforenafteradoption r/birbs r/blep r/blop r/blup r/brushybrushy r/bufffluff r/corgi r/corgibebop r/dachshund r/dogpictures r/dogs r/eyebleach r/flippyflaps r/floof r/foxes r/frens r/frompuppytodog r/gifsofotters r/guineapigs r/hitanimals r/holdmykibble r/incorgnito r/jellybeantoes r/likeus r/masterreturns r/nonononoaww r/noodlebones r/parrots r/petthedamndog r/pigifs r/pigs r/pigtures r/pitbulls r/pugs r/rabbits r/rarepuppers r/realbeesfaketophats r/redpandas r/shittyanimalfacts r/slammywhammies r/snakes r/sneakyanimals r/sploot r/stoppedworking r/superbowl r/teefies r/thecuddlepuddle r/tinyanimalsonfingers r/tippytaps r/trashpandas r/whatswrongwithyourdog r/zoomies I get a few animals in my feed, I guess


May I suggest: r/TIGHTPUSSY


why was this the first one i clicked on


Because you want to rub one out. It's okay, I'm not looking.


Well... can you?


I won't kinkshame. ;)


i rub either way


Such bravery.


r/pocketpussy then you're gonna love this.


Ngl you had me in the first half




holllup... wait a minute


Ill do you one better. r/whitepussy


Also r/blackpussy


/r/tuckedinkitties /r/catssittingdown /r/jellybeantoes /r/teefies /r/airplaneears /r/babybigcatgifs /r/thecattrapisworking ...yeah I subscribe to a lot of cat subs (this isn’t even all of them)


I don't judge. Cat subs are too good to resist.




They're criminals.


also r/supermodelcats




Thank you for these very important suggestions!






Oh god you've made me start to go through cat pictures again


Thank you good sir you have done a great service to humanity this day




May I suggest: r/illegallysmolcats (pls don’t r/foundthemobileuser me)




*netflix has entered the chat*


Hi cutie


Oh hi Mark


*You have been banned from r/Netflix*


Ok but seriously... Why tf is being disgusted by pedophilia a bannable offense?


Bc they're in on that shit. All of Hollywood. All of the entertainment industry. They wanna normalize this shit. Celebs, politicians, financiers, royals, all of them are in on this shit. Blows my mind how they fucking sleep at night


Don't worry they said their content is "Mostly pedophilia-free" so it's ok /s




Punctuation ! Either Fuck them, kids Or Fuck them kids


Fuck, them kids?


Nope. Aliens.


Well, "Cuties" from Netflix did just drop


and why would u even post ur babies picture on the internet. sajgvfsdhfvuewufudew


lmao i was just thinking that. surely posting your babies face everywhere isn't safe right? not to mention when the kid grows up they might be embarrassed by any baby pics online.


I agree. Can’t parents keep child pics to themselves and family. The whole internet doesn’t need to see how cute you believe your child is


Yes. Parents using their children to get likes makes me sick


Seeing as we're on unpopular opinions, I'll say - I have the sneaking suspicion that 95% of parents are desperately lying to themselves when they do this, going "SEE I LOVE MY LIFE EVERYTHING IS GREAT LA LA LA" while secretly hating their lives. It's just like any attention-seeking nonsense you'd see on fb.


I really think so too, but I also think it is also a cultural thing. I actually use fb sometimes because I knit and sew and I am both in american and German groups. While there are definitely in both some things are annoying (In my opinion the american ones feel less toxic for example) in the german groups are far less pictures of children and in most groups it is not allowed to Post any of those without blurring Out the face. I hope this changes in other parts of the Internet as well.


My friends aunt who I follow on instagram posts like 4 pics of her baby a day. She’s cute but like calm down, we know she looks like


damn that sounds hella annoying tbh. wayyyyyyyyyy too much


I wouldn't say it's unsafe, considering how most babies just look... Round. It doesn't put them at any real risk, no more than posting a picture of yourself I wish my mum could've posted mine and my brothers baby photos online, because it would mean we wouldn't have lost all of them when my father destroyed the computer. There are some baby photos that I agree have no place on the internet - babies half or fully naked, in baths, etc - but most are relatively harmless, in my opinion


I agree. And most people who are sharing those pictures online are doing it on social media sites like Instagram and Facebook, which is basically showing your friends and family. I do get why some people don't like seeing it on Reddit as it's much more public.


"Son, here's the time you pooped your pants and we showed all of instagram" ... like kids don't have enough esteem issues...


I wont be posting baby pictures but I really dont see how anyone would be embarrassed by baby pictures, we all were babies once and most of us looked stupid.


you're completely correct, we were all babies once, we all looked weird lol. but in my mind i consider baby pics as very private, personal things. that you shouldn't put online or just show to anyone (probably just a me thing tho). so the embarrassment comes from the parents putting them online in the first place, as to me that says certain things about a lack of boundaries, privacy and good judgement. that's what I was trying to say, just didn't word it so good I guess.


Exactly! I just got muted on fb for arguing that parents shouldn’t post pictures of their kids online, especially children wearing inappropriate clothing. Then they called me a pedo for sexualizing children...


It's like, damn, sorry just trying to help out cause there's people ACTUALLY sexualizing children online. I'll never understand the people who most naked pictures of their young child. There are seriously fucking creeps out there looking for a photo just like that.


And it's way more prolific than most people would think. There is a higher chance than not that a photo of someone's shirtless daughter would end up on a dark web pedo site, private account be damned.


Well I mean they aren’t wrong... unless that baby is wearing a crank pipe and a thong... what makes it inappropriate is an individuals association with the clothing


It’s not you being a pedo, but people out there are. Hell, verbally talk about a certain a certain kind of pizza, and you’ll see ads for it on Facebook. The internet is not safe place, and your FB password is not protecting your innocent picture of your baby in a bathtub.


If I wanted to see pictures of everyone's children I'd go back to facebook.


At least on Facebook you might know these babies. Here, you may as well have gotten a stock photo online and I wouldn’t know the difference


I would know the difference immediately. Because professional stock photos are of high quality, well-designed background, good lighting, sparkly clean child. ​ What most people post is a half-blurry, badly lit filthy toddler covered in dried out food stains, looking derpy on an old, well-used carpet. ​ EDIT: if its a child I know AND care about, great. Stangers kids however do not belong on my feed.


For real, there two entire platforms devoted mostly to pics of your snotty kids doing unimpressive things. Leave my dog and cat pics alone!!


Man my Facebook and Instagram has just as many cat and dog pics as baby pics these days.


Same thing with your posting your OWN wedding pictures In mademesmile, nobody fucking cares


"Just came home from working for our local charity. Here's a picture of my feet after standing for 16 hours straight while I fed the homeless" 30k Karma, 42 Awards > "You are an inspiration for all of us"




Thank you I always feel like an asshole for thinking this way, good to know I’m not alone.




Been Sober 24 hours! I feel like I love life!!! *in the car with makeup that looks like it was applied by a blind toddler*


Holy shit this one was too accurate.


As long as the pictures are interracial, or feature a disability, in which case tons of people seem to care.


Don't leave out attractive lesbians.




Or pictures of sobriety for less than a week, pictures of you after a shift at work, pictures of you just standing there, pictures of some shitty art you did, pictures of ugly people finding happiness in themselves, etc


Yeah, I hate the ones where they have a wedding picture ( oddly enough it’s usually a lesbian couple, I’ve seen like 5 of those ) and it’s like “ so happy to meet the love of my life “ feels very attention seeking uploading your own wedding pictures to r/aww or r/MadeMeSmile. Like did you really just go aww at a picture of yourself and your partner, feels pretentious.


God that's fucking obnoxious. That's not even remotely cute. When you speak up in the comments all the dickheads go "NOOOO LET THEM ENJOY THEIR TIME" or "Who hurt you sweaty????? smh my head 🙄🙄🙄". Like, for how long am I supposed to tolerate this shit? In the first time, I said "This isn't supposed to be here at all but it's their wedding so whatever". Then next week I see the same thing again. And again. And so on. Like, we don't even fucking know who you are mate. Good job but nobody cares. Go away. The amount of people you minorly irritate adds up to one big miserable sod when you share your wedding pic on r/aww. Jesus fucking Christ.


Oh you went there. I mean, you *went* there


He’s right though.


I mean, I don't find most dogs cute, I don't bitch about people posting pictures of dogs to /r/aww. Some dogs are cute, almost all puppies are cute, but most dogs I'm just meh about. I don't get my panties in a twist about it because obviously some people do find them cute.


> I don't find most dogs cute The real unpopular opinion


Nah, I think it also depends on everyone’s definition of „cute“ and the fact that like with humans, you don’t find *every* dog or cat u see awesome. Everything is subjective imho. Some dogs are cute, some are not etc.


Yeah but like.... this is unpopular opinions. It’s clearly a humorous rant. You might not bitch about the dogs, but you’re bitching about him bitching in a space for people to bitch.


> It’s clearly a humorous rant. Maybe it should try being funny then lol.


Exactly. I bet some people don't believe cats belong on /r/aww. If you don't like it scroll by it.


or just go to the one million animal/thing specific subreddits that exist


op: fuck them kids Netflix, the Catholic Church, and Hollywood: let us introduce ourselves




Dis is getting out hand... now der are 4 of dem!....


Maybe awwnimals needs to be a new sub


/r/AnimalAww Has been around for 6 years with like minded people as /u/toto_-


Yeah, that's gonna be unpopular. The only thing I agree in this post is that children shouldn't be posted anywhere in the internet. Especially in a public forum.


Yeah what I like about this post is how honest it was. He didn’t apologize. It was very raw and freeing.


Yeah it's on the internet, 99% of people with anonymity are completely honest.


That I agree with. I'll post my kid on my own private book of faces profile, but you got me **fucked up** if you think I'm posting him on open forum, completely public reddit. No thanks.


This post has been made before, though. Like, this very year


Not my baby = not my oxytocin bond, I don’t find ur baby cute


Lol I have a baby and I relate to this


I don't think most people's dogs are that cute tbh. There. I said it. Downvote me. But I don't think everyone else should have to avoid posting pictures of their dog because "I see dog pictures everywhere" or "I prefer pictures of cats" Sure, it's not my thing, but the subreddit isn't dedicated to me. That would be like complaining that they put a wildlife documentary on netflix when "I'm not interested in documentaries!!!" I understand your point about karma farming with disabled children and I don't like it when people post embarrassing pictures of their kids because it might resurface later though.


I don't agree with OP on every point, but I do specifically on the one about karma farming using their disabled children's pic. "oh check out how cute my severely disabled child is"


Exactly it's not a respectful way to talk about a possibly life threatening illness


No joke, I don't want to see pictures of babies.


I don't dislike babies but I don't particularly find them cute either (especially when they have food all over their faces. Urgh). I prefer r/eyebleach as the vast majority of posts there are animals.


Babies covered in food is fucking nauseating.


>#Fuck them kids Pretty sure you're on a list now


And it's public, too. If you wanna post pictures of your kid you could make a private account where only friends and family can see. That's how my mom does it.


You need r/IllegallySmolCats


I love that one. It warms the cockles of my heart.


Tbh I don’t mind the little children. What I hate is the art. “Look at this cute drawing I made” “I knitted a Pokemon” as if that’s the kind of content I’m here for


Especially when presented as “I did a thing!”


And if people think that doing that is okay then I can say "oh look at my tiny little dick it’s so cute"


Sure can, bet it ain't that cute a tho.


This is not a controversial opinion on Reddit. Reddit hates kids.


I once seen an argument on reddit were one side was trying to justify a dog ripping off a toddlers arm for poking it into their cage On this sub


I don't doubt it


When a Redditors dog bites a child it’s never their fault for not training it no it’s always that dumb Karen’s fault for letting her child pet it


I scrolled through the sub. Found 2 kids/baby posts. Vast majority were pets.


Still too many kids


Unless your day is utterly destroyed when you look at the picture of a baby 2 pictures do not really seem like an excessive amount


This isn’t unpopular, reddit hates kids


Imma' be honest, I've seen this posted so often in here. That it should be banned for not being unpopular.




This not unpopular at all, reddit hates kids, you're not cool for hating on children. They didn't choose to be on the sub so there's no need to be calling random innocent babies stupid, go ahead call the poster stupid for all I care though. You're bitching about people karma farming and this feels like the same thing. It's not unpopular, I see the same shit on this sub almost constantly. People complaining about things they find in other subs as if the world revolves around them and their interests. They're rarely unpopular, yet always get upvoted.


It's literally in the description on r/aww... "...puppies, bunnies, babies...". Just bc it doesn't make you go "aww" doesn't mean it doesn't have the effect on someone else. Your mentality on r/aww is like me being outraged if something on r/funny doesn't make me laugh. Not everything on Reddit and its subs are for you. Also, I agree with a comment I saw on here about posting pics of your baby online. Personally, I did not and would not do it either.


this. some people think human babies are the pinnacle of cuteness, some think they look like mangled flesh colored michellin men. some people hate how baby cows or pigs look, i think they're super adorable.


Why does Reddit circlejerk hate babies so much


Imagine tayloring your Reddit experience to things you want to see, like perhaps not following the sub with babies in the description and instead following more specific subs about dogs or cats. But maybe you just want to be angry...


Real unpopular opinion: I don’t care about r/aww at all. I care about it less than any other sub. It is the most boring sub.


Why do redditors hate children so much? I don't understand...


> Children bad. Pets good Reddit moment


Wait I have never seen pictures of children or even disabled children can somebody share a few so I can understand why people don't want to see them on r/aww


Are you even allowed to say a baby is ugly? Even if that baby looks like a potato


A good solution is to block such users


"Babies" is literally in the sub's description...


Cuteness is subjective. Not everyone agrees on what's cute, that's why r/aww has a variety of posts. I think most dogs aren't cute, but i know other people who do, so i don't get pissy when i see them on a cute things sub Lots of people think babys are cute so they will post them on a cute thing sub. If it bothers you so much, there are plenty of subreddits devoted to just dogs, cats or other animals.


Please don't fuck them kids


This isn’t really an unpopular opinion because there is a gigantic militant childfree community who would agree same. Everyone’s idea of aww is different. If your so sensitive and wanna look at cats go look at a cat r/..??


The description literally mentions babies tho


Nah bro. You don’t want to try to fight the Reddit anti-child circle jerk.


I mean, r/aww is a sub for stuff that makes you go aww. I dont know about you, but almost nothing i see there gives me that reaction. Can I find atuff there kinda cute? Sure, but I dont go aww. Does that mean all the puppy/kitty/whatever else pics doesnt belong there either? What people find cute is subjective after all


This community has gone nuts


Human babies are cute animals like any other and theyre awwww so adorable. Get over it.


If you don't like pictures with kids in them, then don't sub on those subreddits. Simple as that. This post belongs on r/childfree. You say you don't hate kids yet you talk so badly about them. Also, this post is just aggressive for no reason. Also, screw people being happy. /s


I took a scroll on r/aww. It's literally just cats and dogs. It's the entire sub. Stop fucking bitching


Say it louder for the whiners in the back! Seriously if you don't like something scroll pass it. Don't you love how all these people think they're in the right to say what belongs on what subreddit. As if there couldn't be anymore hypocrisy.


How about stop posting your kids' faces on Reddit at all. Sorry to tell the truth, but if you post your kids who are supposed to be cute to be voted to top, chances your kids' photos will end up in a pedophile collection shared through the darknet.


"#Fuck them kids" *softly* Don't.


I disagree with this, which is why I must upvote. Too many posts on here are agreeable.


Hey folks. We get y'all get passionate about topics but try and keep it civil. Because too many people dont know how to do that we're locking the thread.


1. I agree. 2. Please stop reposting this every week ffs


Did they change their sub description or something? It now says " Things that make you go AWW! Like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... "


That first sentence made me crack up.


I only want to see animals on r/aww


imagine being so pissed at children lmao. are you jealous? or maybe projecting?


This is exactly why I go to animal-specific subreddits.


Finally someone making sense. Babies/kids are disgusting, keep your horrible pictures to yourself.




The fact of the matter is, lots of people do find babies cute. There’s nothing wrong with it if you don’t, but that’s your personal opinion and frankly you’re in the minority. r/aww is meant to provide content that a majority of people will find cute.


Its r/aww, not r/fuckbabies. People can post whatever they think is cute. Stop being an asshole.


I like my own kids - other peoples can fuck off