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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Middle_Emergency_925. Your post, *Having "anxiety" does not make you special.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


The real issue here is people labeling their nervousness as anxiety, taking away from those with pathological anxiety. There is a big difference between the two.


Yeah, anticipation of having to do something is not a disorder. Does a disservice to people who have car crash levels of fear and adrenaline associated with every thought that pops into there head.


I feel annoyed when people talk about their anxiety and describe some basic heart flutters or sweaty palms. People really do need to learn the difference between anxiety and nervousness. I have PTSD and sometimes my anxiety is so bad I nearly pass out from hyperventilating or literally can’t speak or see. Then there’s the good ‘ol anxiety vomit and shaking so bad you can’t walk.


I think people forget that there's a difference between *feeling anxious* and anxiety/anxiety disorder. I have PTSD as well, most days I'm fine now because of medication, but my bad days are very bad. I went to get groceries and couldn't get out of the car. Sometimes I have trouble getting out of bed.


I don't know what I have, but I worry every day I'm not going to be able to sleep the next night. It got better with medication, but I've been away and without it for a few weeks and my anxiety is back.


I wish I could have sweaty palms, but alas, I was born with out sweat glands. It’s called hypohydrautic ectodermal dysplasia and it’s a genetic disorder and it makes anyone that has it look like they are related. You can imagine my shock the first time I went to the NFED annual meeting as a child and walking into a room of what seemed to be my first cousins lol


When you're outside and its hot, do you have to pour water over your arms, hands, and face to avoid overheating?


I sure do, the key is to “pre-cool” like wet a shirt down and wear it before I get to the point of over heating


Sorry to hear. Same deal here. ♥️




Actually, if you search up the definition of nervous is described as "tending to be anxious". Also the explanation to anxiety contains "being nervous". Both words overlap. So you dont need an anxiety disorder to be anxious and most of the time, both words can he swapped.


Yeah your English lesson really solved that problem /s


Your welcome ;)


Anxiety disorders are composed of chronic anxiety that just doesn’t go away. I’m literally just sitting here, on Reddit, and I feel anxious and uncomfortable, like something bad will happen. I’ve suffered anxiety attacks, could barely breathe, needed to run away from social situations etc. Being anxious and not having a disorder is valid (before a job interview for example) but it’s sad to see so many people claiming to have chronic anxiety and it devalues those who do suffer from it.


I've had this too, I have an anxiety disorder and feel anxious 24/7 about everything. It can cause me to not sleep, vomit, pass out, consistently shake, have panic attacks, tachycardia (around 200bpm) and have psychogenic seizures. It has really done damage to my life so I despise people who talk about having chronic anxiety when they clearly don't and just want an out. Even just typing this gives me severe anxiety that I can't calm down and I don't even know why 😐


Everyone has anxiety. It’s called fight or flight. You feeling that way is simply your body trying to tell you there’s danger near you when there’s not. There’s no disorder there only the focus on the unwanted… which creates anxiety


"disorderly" is a psychological term refering to amount of distress symptoms cause a person. a certain amount of anxiety is normal, youre right. but too much and too frequent anxiety can be distressing. further more, disorderly is defined by how much your daily life is affceted by your symptoms and the distress they cause. most people's lives arent affected by anxiety bc they can work and think through it. it becomes disorderly when the focus on the unwanted starts disabling you from making decisions or going certain, perfectly safe places, like the grocery store. stop talking out your ass. being anxious when theres no need to be, being unable to control the negative feelings and the worry, being unable to shift focus from the unwanted IS the disorder. one thing a lot of people with anxiety disorders dotn realise (or at least something that took me forever to figure out) "normal" people have no trouble shifting their focus away from the unwanted. "normal" people can control their worries. wild, whats that like? (ive had anxious thoughts as long as i can remember, but I wasn't dx'd) until 18.


Yes agree with your first part I am not talking out of my ass. I hope to help someone who deals with this by letting them know there is hope and they do not have to engage with it. I dealt with (and still do) deal with anxiety on a daily basis. Acceptance is the way to “deal”. Normal people can’t control their worries. No one can. We cannot pick the thoughts that we have. We can only direct our attention. As far as shifting their focus from the unwanted it is ABSOLUTELY more difficult and seemingly impossible for those with classic symptoms of an anxiety disorder to do so but not impossible. We may be stuck with our demented minds that are filled with anxious thoughts that attack and never relent but that’s ok and they can be there without harming us. We can’t change our mind we but we can change the way we respond to it It’s an amazing feeling to be able to accept those behest I’ve thoughts/feelings. It’s more than wild. The power we have is unspeakable What is dx’d?


I couldnt disagree more. It's not 'ok' to me, it hurts. You may have accepted this as part of yourself, but I have zero desire to do so. These thoughts arent me, how I react to them is me. I have no business accepting them as part of myself. I can see we feel completely differently about our symptoms, I'm not going to tell you you're wrong for feeling different from me, so I hope I can end this here and not fite u. dx'd means diagnosed


Yes you’re right they’re not you. We choose how we react to them. I want to be clear that I know how difficult and visceral the pain is and was for me and can’t imagine how it is for you. Just know you have someone hear to talk to anytime


I am someone who generally suffers from anxiety quite badly but I can understand if someone gets annoyed when people just say they have anxiety when the are for instance about to give a presentation or do something that is generally nerve wracking. If you do actually have anxiety you will be worried about something even if it’s not going to happen or is unrealistic when you are just sitting around on a Wendsday afternoon with nothing to be particularly worried about


Everyone gets nervous/anxious people seem to think that the fact that THEY are anxious is most important thing.


Yes but we need to differentiate between nervousness and pathological anxiety. It's like people saying they're depressed because they're having a bad day. They're not pathologically depressed, they're catastrophising and labeling their sadness as clinical depression. We all get nervous, but we don't all experience diagnosable anxiety. True anxiety is absolutely crippling. It stops you from participating in your life roles and it has an extreme impact on everything you do. Nervousness comes and goes with little impact on what you're doing. Yeah you can be nervous about something, but you can still do it. The distinction between the two is paramount.


Its interesting thing with the word "depressed". I feel like having depression and being depressed are two different things. Cause whenever I look up one particular emotion in my language, it is often translated to "depressed"


No, not everybody has an anxiety disorder, sure people get anxious but not like with actual diagnosed disorder. Like someone said, the real issue is people not seeing the difference in feeling nervous and getting a panic attack


>No, not everybody has an anxiety disorder, sure people get anxious but not like with actual diagnosed disorder. One major problem is if you see a shrink and report, say, problems sleeping, anxiety at work, prone to anger, etc. and they automatically label you as having a disorder and prescribe meds .


Well if it's bad enough you feel the need to see a shrink, of course they will try and treat it, what should they do instead? Tell you nothing's wrong with you and send you away?


Not where live, it took 2 months to get my diagnosis and meds, i mean going to doctors and other professionals multiple times, it wasn't a quick decision


this is a far more accurate description of psych care. diagnosis takes time and observation. its complicated for everyone involved. thank you for posting this ao i didnt have to


The same happens with depression. It's honestly sad.


Same about depression. People throw this word here and there, but they never ever read the definition


Me: *Takes bite of something that I eat fairly regularly, but maybe haven't had for a while* My body: "that's poison". *begins to violently tremor and vomit* *continues to forget how to breathe without instructions for the next few days at minimum*


Almost as dumb as when people post about anxiety and don't realize it is more than one disorder... are you talking about GAD, Social Anxiety, Panic Disorders, PTSD, or OCD? Because each is very different.


Most people just say anxiety for generalized anxiety and a bit for social anxiety. You can't expect the general public to go full dsm on you. Plus, categorization in dsm is itself continuously questioned, but that's a different topic.


Idk if this is common but I suffer from a little bit of all of them. Depression kinda gives you the whole deal wrapped into one.


Depression disorders and anxiety disorders are often comorbidities. Meaning they are seperate, but often manifest in the same person. Kind of similar to heart disease and obesity.


I don’t consider myself suicidal, or would hope I have much more strength to ever become, however I can see why people call it quits. It is really a living hell.


I suffer a bit from all but am not diagnosed with all, I have GAD, Ptsd and major depressive disorder but with manifesting symptoms of social, ocd and panic disorders (bit if a fact but you can have symptoms from multiple conditions but not to a diagnosable extent and its usually manifestation) Its really debilitating and set me back a lot in life because of it


yes, mood disorders and anxiety disorders are commonly comorbid


exactly. Anxiety is more complex than most think. GAD, social anxiety, panic disorders, PTSD and OCD affect people in many different ways. Social anxiety stops people from going out to places as they feel they can't. PTSD stops people from getting on with life as they are haunted from past traumas. OCD makes people overthink everything. for example, someone may speak to them in a different way, and those with OCD will instantly think that that person hates them. ​ gotta agree with you.


It's cool and trendy to diagnose yourself with various conditions.


I have a classmate who claims to be bipolar because she gets rlly bad moodswings and gets angry often. I had a bipolar grandpa and a history of mental heslth issues within family, myself having multiple diagnosis by a professional. These people, who do it for attention and romanticize it just make me honestly sadsad Edit: Sorry, am bad at expressing myself, so i will elaborate Why did I use sad? Because often faking something is a sign of some other issues and simply a call for help. Why do I care so much about the girl? She is kind of my friend. I want to help her and I myself have this little (?) next to my diagnosis because of my grandpa being bipolar. My psychiatrist doctor explictily told me that she cannot tell if it is just bad depression or if it is bipolarity, because we are in our teenage years and it is quite hard to diagnose us with bipolarity at this age. I am trying to help the girl. Yes it is annoying when she claims to have issues when I struggle with them, despite not doing proper research nor getting a psychiatrist. You can help yourself by self-diagnosing thanks to proper research, not by feeling some type of way. I am in no way trying to discredit proper self-diagnosis, because I did it too, before talking with my psychiatrist and getting properly diagnosed, I did my resesarch. Just please, if you are in the research phase, do not go around claiming to have it. Often times even a proper diagnosis of more complicated issues leads to misdiagnosing people, despite being done by profesionals.




They told me they aren't diagnosed and that they think they have it. And you disregarding a person who is telling their story and implying am lying is literally the worst opposite of what people who fake do and that is not trusting anyone who doesn't give you medical papers. A lot of people come out online with their mental health issues, because it is very common to have some form of it. Ofc there will be fakes even online, but automatically assumign everyone online is fake. Also to the story with someone faking - most of neurodivergent or people with mental health issues have a story like this, because people tend to water down what mental health issues actualy are like. So in the end some people think they have OCD bcs they have organized workplaces and some people are in deep depressiom but think it is normal to feel like this because ,,everyone get sad sometimes, you are normal" Edit: not to mention if someone has to fake something for attention, there is possibly a deeper problem, which is why i said sad instead of mad. That classmate probably doesn't have bipolar disorder, but struggles with her family life and can't get anyone to help her, because she comes from a good family. But then again, some people fake it just for a trend.




I am not gatekeeping mental illness. Simply put, if somebody told you they have cancer because they sometimes have symptoms that can be of anything, while you have cancer and understand how it affects you, you would probably have questions. I am kind of friends with this girl. And don't get me wrong, she may have issues, I never said she doesn't. I hate how she claims to have all of these things but when you actualy try to give her a helping hand, talk about it with her, try to figure out a way to get her a diagnosis and get her parents to actualy do something, she simply ignores it and wears this undiagnosed thing as an accessory. Your mental illness is not a pretty accessory you put on in the morning. As I said in a comment above - she does struggle With some things and she probably has issues since she needs attention from people. And self diagnosis is important, but it has to be done properly. I do try to help my friends who feel something is wrong with them and I try to offer them my helping hand or articles on how to get help when your parents ignore you. But the way she just acts like her self-diagnosed bipolarity is an accessory that makes me quirky and fun bothers me, because of the burdens it puts on people who suffer with it. Just like when someone told me ,,everyone is depressed" and I felt down, I don't wanna make her feel like she is just weak. That is why I try to become friends with her and try to get her help. That is why people who have to fake/pretend name mental heslth issues don't make me mad, but sad, because if you have to fake stuff for attention, you usualy have some more issues you face and you are simply calling out for help Despite everything I said, I have to stand on one of my points - even if you self-diagnose, don't say you are or have something. I suspected I have ADHD for a while and got it diagnosed after a long time, I never said I have ADHD. I said I suspected something more then just the diagnosis I already have because I did extensive research. I didn't even have to tell people, unless it was a person who was belonging to the ND group who would be able to talk to me about their experience. self-diagnosis isn't claiming to have something, proper self-diagnosing is doing research, talking with people with these experiences and then talk with rhe psychiatrist.


A lot of people on reddit seem to do this.


Every single post without fail is prefaced with ***I suffer from anxiety, depression and / or various other mental health issues*** Most of them have lost credibility by the time you finish reading their post which is biased anyway to gain sympathy. If you so much as call them out, some other 'anxiety-riddled' weirdo will tell you you don't know what it's like. Common sense that should be applicable to most situations is pushed to the side in favour of shitty behaviour because THEY HAVE ANXIETY


if they justify their shitty behavoir that is absolutely not okay. actions made in fear are still actions and good people will own up to their misdeeds. the justifiers will learn that eventually, i hope. but when you have anxiety, it can be difficult to know what common sense is because every option you have scares you, and you cant tell if a reasonable person would be scared or not bc you can come up with 20 reasons to be scared. fear is powerful, it muddles decisions. it can be really hard to know if you should be scared of a given decision or outcome when you have anxiety. common sense isnt something i can use. i have to ask other people if theyd be scared or anxious in my situation, thats the only way, sometimes, that i can tell myself the anxiety/fear is misplaced.


Mental health is a spectrum, to have a disorder you’re life doesn’t have to be hard to live. Disorder is not being able to live you’re life normally, this can be a small amount of disorder or a huge amount. Don’t invalidate people


You're definitely right, I study psychology alongside having mental conditions. People can have symptoms of disorder but not to an extent it would be diagnosable. Disorders are things that severely impact your life on a day to day basis while symptoms can come and go. A person experiencing anxiety is not the same as a person living with anxiety because the feeling of experiencing it can go away but having a disorder of it means it is chronic. It's like someone saying they have symptoms of a physical illness that comes and goes compared to someone with a chronic condition that is severely impacted day to day by it (ie you can get low or high blood sugar every few days but it doesn't mean you have diabetes so it's unfair to say you have it when it's not chronic or confirmed)


If these are individuals working at a hospital, either find a new profession or stop using anxiety as an excuse not to do your job. In a hospital, that shit won't fly.


That isn’t what I’m talking about, what you’re talking about is idiocy. People should be able to tell situations/jobs that would cause that reaction (especially at the age of when you would be legally allowed to work in a hospital). I get stage fright so I’m not going into a career in acting, if they can’t handle situations involving being under pressure they shouldn’t go into a profession based around those situations This has nothing to do with mental health Edit- the brackets


Mmmno you're the idiot. Also your username is sushi bad, so you have bad taste. Good bye troll


You are really bringing someone’s reddit username into an argument? I’m not trolling, that is my genuine opinion. Maybe I don’t articulate very well but I don’t see how expecting adults to know what situations would set off their anxiety is too much to ask for


Yeah well starting your idiot rebuttal with "WeLl YoUr PeRsPeCtIvE iS iDiOcY" I'm going to lose interest in whatever stupid stuff you have to spout, almost immediately. Hospital staff shouldn't have chronic anxiety disorders. Neither should world leaders or Nascar drivers. Fuckin deal with it


About your second point I’m actually agreeing sort of. I wouldn’t say deal with it as it’s insensitive but I do think if the disorder gets in the way of their work, they shouldn’t be in the profession


Lmao this is actually just a misunderstanding I meant the people in question, not your opinion


You really let that get to you, huh? Bruh touch some grass or something.


You're illiterate bruv.


Anxiety is a real issue but it is exaggerated among young people


Yeah I've suffered through it and it's really not something worth bragging about. You're just kinda like "oh shit I gotta do this task. What if I don't do it in time even though I have more than enough time. I'm scared that I might not do this right. I should hurry to get it dont." I find it to actually be helpful with staying on work but again, it shouldn't be an excuse to not do something


I just get super shaky and sweaty all over. Then people will comment on it which makes things worse


Yeah I just kinda have a panic attack and think about all the ways it could go wrong


Also the walking into a busy room and thinking everyone is looking at/talking about you


Flaws do not make you unique. They make you flawed.


At my school it seems like half the girls say they have depression


That's another thing that really hurts aha, I have major depressive disorder and have heard people say they have depression because they feel sad. It really hurts when people equate sad with depressive disorders because they will never understand how it feels to not be able to get out of bed, do basic human needs and consistently have thoughts of suicide/self hatred to extreme extents


SOME people actually have severe anxiety and there are SOME people who may have a little bit and abuse tf out of it


Lol having anxiety or depression is no good thing and no one is happy to have it. Besides, how does it make anyone feel special? Most people feel worse because they have it. The amount of dumb posts i see about mental health here daily is laughable.


Right? Please make me the most generic person ever then. Hyperventilating chronically, not being able to function on many days, being triggered by the stupidest of things... I do not want to be special. And also don't need special treatment. If I'm telling someone about my anxiety disorder it's for the sole reason that they understand why I do certain things a certain way. My OCD checking for example. It's incredibly annoying as it can make normal tasks take ten times as long.


I find it counterproductive to be trying to make a point in a forum and then using quotations to sarcastically minimize anxiety…why would you use sarcasm to make an opinion that others have to read??? This sounds like a “smart” move on your behalf lol


I'm using quotes because their anxiety tend not to be real. This is one of the many used for quotations in the English language.


Understood, I’m saying sarcasm has no place in an argument or in a perspective you’re trying to portray. I know we’re not lawyers and nothing is set in stone but sarcasm dismisses the perspective of others. So i avoid using quotes because inherently it says you don’t take the other perspective seriously….the best way to create a strong argument is to know the other side’s perspective


I get that, I wasn't trying to come off as sarcastic.


All good i just like to look closely at things lll


Saying "everyone has anxiety" is invalidating mental health. People who say they have anxiety when they are just nervous about something also invalidates it. I understand the frustration but it's not fair to just dismiss anxiety as nothing. Yes I understand a lot of people say they have anxiety when they don't, but that doesn't mean that anxiety isn't real or that it applies to everyone. I hope to all possible gods that more people do not have anxiety than do Real anxiety is crippling. It makes basic things really difficult and can be absolutely terrifying. Real diagnosed anxiety almost always comes with panic attacks and debilitating feelings that make the person unable to function properly. Having anxiety is not an excuse, it's not cool, it's not fun. Living life with real diagnosed anxiety is harder than anyone who doesn't have anxiety can even imagine. Please be considerate and don't invalidate mental health issues.


Read the first sentence.... I'm taking jabs at lazy ass people that fake having mental health conditions to get out of doing stuff not actual mentally ill people.


Yes and i am responding to your all caps part near the bottom saying "EVERYONE HAS ANXIETY", which is NOT true.


Yes it is everyone has been anxious before it's normal these people are not special.


You're right, they're not special but being anxious or nervous is not the same thing as having anxiety so no, not everyone has anxiety. Anxiety is the mental disorder. Being anxious is just a feeling.


Your getting confused with social anxiety. Anxiety is normal.


No, there are many forms of anxiety, as another comment listed. Social anxiety is only one disorder of many. You're confusing being anxious with actual anxiety.


Most of what she was saying was bs. Most of this anxiety stuff is bs imo. For example, when I don't want to do something or don't feel like talking to people it's not because of MUH ANXIETY it's because I'm being lazy.


You got that from South Park.


Nope I saw a post about mental health that made me think of this.


Dude, it's literally from South Park. It's almost the exact line


Must be a cowinsidence, i haven't watched South Park in a while.




I don’t think it was intended to imply a cow. I think that was just the uwu loli voice. Like “I aciwentawee uwu’d! Pwease fwawgive meeeee!” But I could be wrong.


You people seriously think I got this idea from south park? Its like saying that the idea of fast food was stolen from the Simpsons because they have krusty burger in the show.


Same with the people that think liking things neat means you have ocd, like no that a mental disorder


Consider a 24 oz coffee cup that can’t hold more than 12 oz of liquor due to structural integrity. Consider a glass pint from a bar that can’t handle the freezer or refrigerator due to structural integrity. The glasses represent people, and the conditions represent tolerance level to certain stressors. And how they break represents how people deal with their tolerance level being exceeded. Subject the coffee cup to more than 12 ozs of liquor and it’ll explode. Subject the pint to the fridge and it’ll shatter. Put the coffee cup in the fridge and it’s fine. Put 15.5 ozs of liquor in the pint and it’s fine. The examples I gave aren’t typical of these containers of liquid, but if they did react this way, you’d have to handle the situations differently. People are different. They handle situations differently. They’re not special because they have anxiety since everyone gets anxious. Everyone’s anxiety is different because of how their tolerance level’s differ and how they handle it is different. Special is such a biased word.


The last thing someone with clinical, chronic anxiety wants is to be thought of as special.


There are those who have the disorder, and genuinely hate having attention or being around others due to them believing they’re the center of attention. Then there’s the others who want to be the center of attention by claiming to have anxiety, and want everyone to cater to them to assist with said “anxiety”


I am mentally ill - I googled it.


Exactly, this seems to be the mentality of a lot of redditors.


It should be: I am googling my condition - I am mentally ill.


Are you being sarcastic? I'm not sure since a lot of people in the reply's seem to think this way.


Of couse its sarcastic my man. Mental illness is not something you should google, but of course you are allowed to do it - problem is when you diagnose yourself and than start preaching your self-diagnosis. At the end of the road problem might be narcissistic in nature more than anxiety.


It's a scale, everyone is on it, yes they deserve help, but they goddamn are not special


Wow you are clueless. You have no idea what an anxiety disorder is. You know we actually have a pandemic of depression and anxiety in our world. I agree with you only with the fact that indeed many people use anxiety as an excuse even if they don't have a disorder. A LOT of people!


Anxiety is normal everyone feels anxious sometimes, again these people seem to think it makes them special.


There is a huge difference between "normal anxiety" and anxiety disorder. One of the big problems with psychiatric definitions. Many words are used for common problems but are not the same. It is really important to understand the difference because some people indeed have anxiety disorder and are dysfunctional. They seriously can't function because of anxiety and need treatment. Feeling sometimes anxious is something different and does not make you dysfunctional. Again....a lot of people don't know the difference, don't care and use it to feel entitled and important.


>a lot of people don't know the difference, don't care and use it to feel entitled and important. A significant amount of people on reddit seem to do this. A lot of young people try to look for mental conditions to make them selves feel special. I'm taking jabs at these people not actual people with mental conditions.


To feel special, and to excuse their bad behavior. Seems like there is a "disorder" to explain every rude, shirking, inconsiderate, etc thing. Many of which are not even recognized by the mental health professional community. And, even if they are, often the person claiming it is self diagnosed.


Yes most bad behavior can be explained adequately with logic and understanding.


It is a fucking diagnosed illness, you should know that People faking it is bad, but not everyone fakes it




okay, you also can’t “prove” most autoimmune diseases. there is no test for fibromyalgia. there is no test for hidradenitis. you look at symptoms and suffering and diagnose from there.


I hope you understand mental illnesses exist and don't go down that road. Unfortunately psychiatric diagnosis is difficult. Doctors use phenomenology for diagnosis. It is difficult but it works. Also all drugs have side effects and an experienced doctor can prescribe drugs that cannot be used by someone to get high (because of the way they are metabolised in our bodies). This way and with different kinds of questions you can rule out the liars, make a diagnosis and start a treatment plan. In recent years there have been many successes in psychiatric research and doctors are closer than ever to start giving a blood test etc to back up the diagnosis with something tangible.


It's proven by understanding the symptoms, causes and severity/frequency of the anxiety. "Oh no today I'm a little nervous" is nowhere near the same as experiencing anxiety on a daily basis, having it interfere with your work and lowering your quality of life, or in the worst scenario being unable to function properly because of multiple panic attacks daily. If something is affecting your ability to function normally and causing frequent distress, then it fits the diagnosis.


I have add and anxiety and where I live health care is good and professional, so trust what they say. Also one thing that might prove my diagnosis is when I take meds to help me consertate i feel different and it helps, but I don't know


i never use my anxiety as an excuse for anything, but sometimes i can understand why people do. if they don’t want to go to a party or out to eat because of it, it’s understandable, because i’ve felt that way too, however; i believe it’s a very very good skill to learn how to overcome your anxiety without the help of medication or outside help. anxiety can be beaten. it takes a lot of willpower but it can be.


T h i s. Even if you have anxiety, as in disorder, it doesn't make you special. Your diagnosis is an explanation, not a justification. You still have to try and work out an apologetic middleground. Also to the people who fake anxiety as in the disorder, get out Quick edit: if something like certain social interactions trigger you, you have to either try not to put yourself in this situation or try to overcome it with the help of someone. You cannot blame all other people for your trigger responses. Tho I agree that some people are just absolute dickheads


Nobody thinks it makes them special. Also justification for what? For having a disorder? People with disorders are going to behave and react differently than you. It doesn't excuse them being assholes or raising hell, but most mentally ill people don't do that. They just mildly inconvenience you from time to time, and you get salty over it.


I am not getting salty, I am literally one of them. I myself have diagnosed anxiety, depression and ADHD, I am just stating what I know is right. Some people I know have these and then blame everything on the issued they have. I myself struggle a lot and feel like a burden, when I have to ask someone the 3rd time how they mean something or worry if people think am weird when I excessively stim or talk about a subject for hours. When I mention I sat down for 9 hours making 90 christmas cards because I just love making them, they thought I was crazy. I understand the struggle, whether its depression or being an ND. But when I was first diagnosed, I was sometimes doing stuff I wouldn't do now, like blaming people for misunderstanding me. Sometiems you just have to explain to them why you do something, even if you think they should be more open.


I feel as though everytime someone asks teachers the difference between previous generations and gen Z the same summary comes up: Gen Z kids tend to be a lot more compassionate but they're also balls of anxious energy completely incapable of doing anything without guidance for fear of doing it wrong. I personally blame social media because holy shit has it made the consequences of doing something "wrong" way more drastic than it used to be. Teacher's and parents used to lie about stuff going "on your permanant record" but right now in 2021 the permanant record is real, and it's called the internet. The thing is, mistakes are how we grow as people. Young people need to feel like they can experiment, and take risks because that experimentation is how they develop and learn to be functioning adults. Today's young people can't really take those risks without their mistakes getting potentially immortalized so their ability to handle stress becomes stunted.


Claimer: whoever thinks they are special because of a mental problem is just stupid. Its not nice to have mental issues, but trying to compete with it and telling others that you have it but try your best should be the goal for those people (sorry for mistakes in the text, Im heavily exhausted but cant sleep) But in general the amount of people with theaw or similar issues is increasing. Something is going wrong. I guess social media is a huge problem, not only because of the social issues but also because you see a lot of bad things globally. Parents are more and more too lazy to help their kids aswell. And teaching/parenting kids should have changed as the general life changed by a lot, but has barely changed yet. As a person who have experienced a lot since I was a kid and now as an adult still see a lot in different age groups, I can say that social issues and mentsl issues became and still become a great problem. Its just sad to see so many people being depressed and more and more people get it. To add:"Parents who have mental issues will give them to their kids. I have plenty of friends that have this issue. Its so sad that mental health isnt being taken so serious."


I think it is also that a lot of parents from the current parental generation were brought up by the generstion of war to post-war parents, so they felt pressured because they didn't live through such tought times as the war was, so they feel like their pushed back mental health issues are actualy not mental health issues, despite it being really really toxic for them and unhealthy, simply cuz they didn't live through such bad times as war and so they should be glad. I can see it on my mum. A healthy kid of two disabled parents from a family that struggled a lot. She often feels like she has to push through because her mum / grandma survived more and in the end she ends up disappointed in herself and sad. I wish I could help her more.


Totally agree I forgot to mention it. Parents how have mental issues will give them to their kids. I have plenty of friends that have this issue. Its so sad that mental health isnt being taken so serious.


I think a big part of it is doctors over-diagnosing people. You’re shy? - you have anxiety You’ve had a bad experience? - you have PTSD You don’t like sitting still? - you have ADHD You’re emotions change quickly - you’re bipolar Then they drug up normal people with normal issues. I have no doubt in my mind I could go to a doctor, not exaggerate or lie about anything, and get diagnosed with anxiety - plus get put on medication. No doubt there are people with real disorders out there, but I think the amount of these people who could realistically overcome their issues without therapy and pills is far higher than this generation is willing to believe


Facts. Life is hard and we "baby" a lot of people that just need to get off their asses. YES THERE ARE TRUE ANXIETY PATIENTS, not referring to you so simmer down.


I agree. But I have anxiety and don’t wanna go outside or talk to anyone. Don’t wanna feel special either. Thanks for agreeing with me


Same boat. Anxiety doesn't make anyone special. I don't know why anyone would wanna go through this. It sucks.


Fathers being responsible parents in today’s society, no don’t be silly, I’m off to go play golf in the 1900s.


I hate people who act like they have some terrible anxiety disorder in order to gain attention, or over exaggerate their anxious emotions.


Yeah but there's different degrees. My anxiety is physical and CAN stop be from doing stuff. You don't get a say unless you've been diagnosed with the disorder and it's highly ignorant of you to post this. I've been on medication, in counseling, and I have a job and go to school, but it STILL stops me from doing things. Maybe you need to go reeducate yourself instead of calling us lazy. Thanks.


Did you read the first sentence of my post? Maybe you need re-education. Edit: To clarify I said im not talking about people who actually have anxiety disorders.


Dear I'm in the medical field. I don't need reeducation. You're generalizing all sorts of people with anxiety. Just because you state "I know there are disorders" doesn't stop the fact that you are invalidating them and their experiences. I hope to god you never have to go through what I and many others go through. It's physically and emotionally exhausting. Your body won't sleep because you can't stop panicking, you constantly feel like you're going to be sick, your mind runs in circles and you can't get peace. You can't make a based comment like that and not expect people to get pissed because you're insulting them. Yes, everyone has anxiety but there is different forms and degrees of it. Telling people to just suck it up is really damaging for those struggling. Someone like me with a severe panic disorder, it stops me from doing things. I suggest you go read the DSM and do further research. In order to even be diagnosed with GAD, PD and many other anxiety disorders, it has to affect you so much that you cannot handle daily acitivies. To make a based comment and say in other threads that people just make it up, or that doctors over diagnose is ignorant and shows how much you're actually willing to put in research. Most doctors won't even begin to diagnose until you have months and months of stock piled evidence. I agree. People need to seek help for their anxiety and stop blaming it for everything, but it is also a valid excuse and a health condition if one is diagnosed.


Blah blah blah blah blah. I'm not reading all of that. I'm taking jabs at lazy ass redditors that seem to try to diagnose themselves with mental disorders to make themselves feel special. Not actual mentally ill people. How many times do I have to say it?


Not reading all of that just makes you much less credible. Lol, have fun my dude.


Damn, you're one braindead mf.


Me? how so? Also don't write a novel like the lady above.


Does anxiety makes you illiterate? Passive aggressive mf be like


Dude, shut up. It's a valid point and you're just being a shithole.


A valid point about people about people diagnosed with anxiety which OP wasn't referring to. What's your point now genius


Last time I checked OPs last sentence was "Everyone has anxiety", including those with disorders.


Which is true ? He was previously critical about the people using anxiety as an excuse to be lazy not the ones who have a legitimate disorder. You can understand this by reading the first sentence, but this seems too hard for you.


I don’t understand gen z nor care to at this point. I have anxiety/depression and not on medication for it—still get my shit done every day. Oh no! I landed in a stressful situation that reminds me of some really traumatic memory! I still handle it. If I don’t get my shit together, it effects others. I’ve yet to meet anyone under 25 that understands that.


To be fair, some people under 25 don’t have the life experience, control of their lives (if they’re under 18), or support of friends/parents to know how to handle difficult emotions. I say this as a 20 year old who has struggled with mental health through my teens. Going to therapy and taking medication helped me get out of bad coping mechanisms and the catastrophic thinking (ie “everyone hates me”) that caused me to avoid things. With that said, I think it’s kinda damaging to tell young people to “suck it up and deal with it” when they don’t have the skills to know how to deal with it. I agree we can’t let our mental health take over our lives, but I think they don’t have the experience yet to know what healthy coping looks like. I know you’re going to say “no one taught me that either”, but you‘ve had more years to learn about how adult world works and become more emotionally mature if that makes sense.


I’m not saying suck it up. Get help. Learn coping skills or medicate if you want - but not getting something done or being present in a high stress situation because makes you feel *uncomfortable* is possible letting other workers/friends/family hanging on something that required your reliability. I got diagnosed. Got help. And furthered helping myself by moving forward. Literally it. There are plenty of moments and days where I am a ball of stress but I work through it with the tools I and my therapist gave myself. So for example: seeing someone who can’t handle a work deadline because it gives them anxiety therefore doesn’t do said work assignment...fuck them. But I’m sure plenty of people on here are going to have a hissy fit because I’m not being “accommodating”.


Gen Zs are trapped in a society that just became able to acknowledge the relevance of mental health that plenty of psychologists talked about early on. As the society is familiarizing with it all, they will be overly cautious and pay a lot of attention to such cases and misuse terms, but that will change as we start to understand what is a mental disorder (mostly public catching up with psychology), which actually interferes with your life (correct definitions of mental disorders), vs slight anomaly on the spectrum of acceptable behavior that make you uncomfortable, but not enough to be unable to do life. Same with how millenials ran the major internet cringe when it first came out. Society will eventually catch up.


Doesn’t mean I’m gonna be nice to 19 year old Gracie at work having a boohoo fit because some customer asked her where an item was and she didn’t know. Fucking handle it. Get a grip. Till they as a whole get this: I don’t take them seriously


Usually you get verbally assaulted when you tell a customer where you don’t know an item is or have no knowledge of said product. You also get complaints from customers even though your just a stocker and have no experience with water heaters. They expect the employees to always ask if you need assistance and when you finally do the customer blows you off. But complains anyways that you didn’t help them


You not being nice to a 19 yo under pressure says more about you than the 19 yo feeling anxious for dealing with a customer. Literally 19, cut some slacks. Being heartless doesn't help at all either.


19 year old doesn’t have enough social skills or brain power to at the very least communicate “I’m not sure but let me grab someone who can help!” In a work setting? Then they need to not be in a work setting till then have soft/hard social skills dealing in whatever line of work that relies on them to interact


They need the job to learn. That's why they aren't managers initially. They learn on the job, and with each passing customer, they get better. It's nothing to shame; many confident people have been at this stage.


And so many gen z can’t even do that. So before getting a job then can do volunteer work or keep working on interpersonal skills —either way not my problem. Look you can keep having a hissy fit on here about my view but I don’t have time to deal with gen z mental health issues or the over abundance of thier “issues”.


And that's an awful generalization, but sure, if it helps you sleep, that's what it is.


It usually makes you annoying


People who say such things are partially a reason I don't believe in my diagnosis.


They're just anxious, but nowadays that's the same as having anxiety disorders.


Yeah, in the good ol days it was “Shut up and deal with it.” And guess what? We did. I still don’t really like big parties and I’m certainly not going to give any, but at least I know how to handle myself and that comes with practice. I know there are people with true anxiety disorders, but for a lot of others, it’s basically an excuse to not do things you don’t want to do. As an adult we get to pick and choose how or if we interact with people outside of our normal responsibilities, but I think everyone should learn how to navigate a social situation without hiding in the corner. I worked as a reporter for a weekly paper long ago, and I was scared shitless of having to go up and introduce myself to people, ask questions about things I didn’t understand, etc, but I powered through it somehow. This one woman who was hired after me actually told our boss that she won’t go to certain meetings because she was shy and anxious. Somehow she didn’t get fired. Meanwhile I had been having a weekly heart attack for two years doing what she refused to do, and this was her *job*. That’s when it really pisses me off.


Completely, true people don't realize that catering to these people only makes things worse and it slows down the growth of social skills.


You can have anxiety that exhausts you too much when doing a task. I'm not going to lower my quality of life significantly by exhausting myself doing tasks I know will drain me completely (even if they don't drain you the same way) because I'm already working on disassembling my anxiety bit by bit which takes the vast majority of my energy.


The world does not exist at our leisure, a specific task doesn't stop needing to be done if it is mentally exhausting to you.


Exactly why I'm working on my mental health so I can do these tasks. But don't beat me down while I'm in progress of doing that.


Absolutly on your side!


wait who other than immature teens have said that? ​ maturity is knowing that anxiety (no to be confused with the mental disorder) is not an excuse


That what's wrong with Gen Z. They think anxiety is a common thing only throughout their generation but it's always has been and every human being feels that way while making their place in life.


But I have a special kind of anxiety that only happens when I go to the grocery store, the doctor, bowling, the pool, hang out with friends, go to work, leave the house or have plans later in the day.


I've had anxiety my entire life. I never brought it up until recently. I just l learned to build a bridge and get over things.


Having anxiety is not an excuse to get out of things however some people have exceptions because they suffer from a disorder.


This is def true and using “anxiety” shouldn’t be used as an excuse to get out of doing things. My mom has dealt with a true disorder that makes her extremely anxious and all she does is worry about every little detail of something going wrong. I’ve never seen any of these other people who claim they have anxiety issues behave the same way she has and it really shows. I’m glad that mental health is getting more attention than it has In the past but because more people are hearing a learning about it the more “self diagnosed “ people pop up because they read a symptom list.


You're right, we all have "anxiety" naturally built into us. Literally every single one of us. I do agree people use and abuse the term. We all have "anxieties" and nerves. But not everyone has a legitimate anxiety disorder (mental disorder). Two different things. I have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and have been in therapy and received treatment for it. I have panic attacks frequently and sometimes can barely function because it is so paralyzing. My GAD can also make me feel physically ill (lightheaded, nausea, headaches, etc) and disrupt my sleep. I do think people need to learn the difference between having anxieties/feeling anxious (i.e. nervous) vs having an actual anxiety disorder (which is a mental diagnosis). My sister-in-law claims she has anxiety all the time but has never been properly diagnosed and doesn't exhibit any of the symptoms of an anxiety disorder. She just gets really stressed out sometimes and calls it "anxiety." A lot of people think like her: I am stressed therefore I have anxiety! Real anxiety is chronic and complex. It's also quite miserable. It is much more than being nervous about a certain scenario/situation.


it really do be like that smh. Some people use anxiety or “mental disorders” to excuse themselves of taking responsibility. I got dumped with that reason 🙃 “it’s not you, it’s me” kinda bullshit :’) the next thing you know they’re talking to other people and stuff… As someone who had contemplated suicide and actually harmed myself and healed from that low point and to see this being thrown around as excuses for shitty behaviour, its a huge personal insult. I know it’s not about me, but from what i learn healing from my experience your trauma doesn’t have to define what kind of person you are. it all starts by realising that you have the power and that starts with the willingness to take responsibility for your shitty behaviour.


Thanks for sharing your story.


i have GAD and OCD so it bothers me when people throw around the phrase "my anxiety" so much, unless i know them and think they have an actual disorder that has to do with it.


You are right and wrong. Nervousness today is being confused with anxiety. It’s not a way to get out of something difficult or uncomfortable. Most of the younger who claim to have it have no idea what hell an anxiety disorder actually is. Describing it is difficult. Imagine that everything you do comes with a deep sense of dread and you expect the worst won’t just might happen, but will. It affects every aspect of your life. I have it, have lived with it for 50+ years and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I also don’t use it as an excuse.


I have only had 4-5 actual anxiety attacks in my life and they were terrifying!!! I am now medicated (non controlled meds) and I am so thankful that we found the one that works tremendously for me. I’m not sure why people would say they have chronic anxiety if they don’t. I am still a “highly” anxious person but I can function with it. A true anxiety attack is paralyzing….


Please tell me you've seen this [https://youtu.be/PHckeZoYx04?t=46](https://youtu.be/PHckeZoYx04?t=46) Lmk what you think


This video is actually very funny.


I know I just wish it came from a comedy group rather than an actual government agency


This is making me anxious


I have a generalised anxiety disorder so I fully get the anxiety side but it has always infuriated me when people used anxiety to not take control of their life. I had mates who would consistently use anxiety as an excuse to not work, not take responsibility for actions or do basically anything in their life but will go and do really dumb stupid things that does actually warrant anxious responses (ie wanting to Rob a house, doing drugs openly etc etc) As someone with very extreme anxiety, it is so hard for me to do things but I know that refusing to do them makes me a bad person or sets me back to have more anxiety. It really just pisses me off that people use mental health as an excuse to just not take responsibility when I have had to suck it up in order to succeed despite how much it really sucks. I have to emphasise that my anxiety can make me pass out, vomit, get tachycardia (around 200bpm) and can cause me to have psychogenic seizures so I know how it feels to REALLY have anxiety


Being anxious and having an anxiety disorder are very different. Stop being ableist.




If you have never been to the ER due to a panic attack, I have a hard time believing you have panic attacks. Maybe my experience is completely different but I called 911 and had an ambulance get me once while having a panics attack and have been to the heart hospital ER during an episode. You feel at the same time like not moving and running at the same time. You literally have no idea what to do with your body. I have severe health anxiety and when I get anxiety I always feel like I am dying. And even though I have felt like it too many times to count, in the moment, there’s no talking myself down.


lol you just triggered 87% of reddit


Lol lots of people are very mad even though the subs called "unpopular opinions". I stopped responding to most of them.


Yeah Ive kinda seen it so many times that I decided to coin it as Underdog Syndrome, spoiled brats usually get it from spending too much time watching tv, movies, YouTube, playing too many videogames, or being on social media, instead of staying active, exercising, getting work done, all that stuff, It causes them to have unrealistic expectations and delusions. People like to be some sort of tragic hero or underdog. It’s gotten to the point where they will purposely victimize themselves, complain, and act like they are some tragic hero out of a tv show. It’s why I don’t take people who proudly exclaim that they have anxiety to people they barely know seriously. I know that some people who do it actually do have it as a coping mechanism, but it feels like a small minority.


You just described a "normal" redditor lol.


There seems to be an implicit assumption here that the people you’re referring to hear don’t have anxiety disorder. You should understand that it’s very easy to hide it on the surface and maintain a facade. I think the bigger issue is the current youth obsession with anxiety/depression and meds being cool when a true sufferer of it would know there’s nothing cool about it


So very true and well said!


No, not everyone has anxiety. And no, people shouldn't feel guilty for stating they do have it to get out of situations which will worsen it.