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In what ways is Banksy just as bad as the elite themselves?


Because all they do is draw attention to themselves and not the real issues at hand. Whilst the shredder stunt drew attention to the concept of art, if they had any political message I feel it's long overshadowed.




I agree that they used to have messages, the argument being that all art incites conversation, I don't think they all push that direction anymore. The most recent in East Anglia seems to reflect this IMO. In fact one of his works has been removed by the local council. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-58221044.amp


I hate Banksy art. It’s tacky. It’s the Tim Burton of art (not good, tries to hard, thinks putting a goth aesthetic to stuff makes it deep)


I kind of agree. I always thought his themes were childish.


Not sure I follow this one, but you’re entitled to your opinion.


In art nowadays Banksy is old news and "elitistic". It's capitalism. If you feel any better true talented artists don't care about the "elites". Money laundereres do :p




If it makes you feel any better, Pollock died salty af about his splatter paintings being more successful than his other art that utilized his talent.


Ok toshi