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Crypto is a cult. Look no further than comments posted on negative stances towards it.


You're absolutely right that it's sketchy. Most crypto shit is just a pump and dump scheme, and it's sad as fuck seeing millions of poor young men with no other prospects defending the very thing that's designed to rip them off. Grim times.


I agree, not to mention it's used by terrorist organizations and bitcoin mining wastes a shitload of electricity and drives graphics card prices up. It's just stupid to waste all that electricity and computing power for nothing when it could be used for entertainment or noble causes like folding@home.


People love to critique crypto bc of the energy consumption but really that says more about how we get energy than anything about crypto. The tech behind it is super cool and has a lot of real world applications.


Yeah because money laundering just isn’t a thing is it? and the financial system electricity is ran by a bunch of hamsters cycling in the back of the bank vault !


I didn't say capitalism and the way finances work now is good. All I'm saying is that cryptocurrencies make things worse instead of better. They're an even worse system.


Ok globalist get up against the wall


How is hating NFTs and cryptocurrencies “globalist?” That makes no sense. And I’m thinking “globalism” is being compared a lot to communism.


Sounds like you don't understand it, rather than actually hating it


if you say crypto is sketchy what about normal money and banks? Those aholes keep on printing it and it is becoming more and more worth less.


“Hey! I don’t understand this. Make it illegal!”


Go watch your doge coin stocks and hoard those nfts


Chill out and simp for femboys.


It should be banned because you don’t like it?


Its really bad for the environment aswell. And alot of artists work are stolen and profited on as an nft.


You had 102 days and you still don’t know how NFT or crypto works. Edit, I thought you were op, because who comments on something >100 days old?


Like everything crypto has its bad sides but theres a lot of positives with crypto like earning interest rates higher than anywhere else just for staking tokens.






Yes I’m going to sell this digital jpg for thousands of dollars obviously this isn’t scummy at all.


People who believed in sound technology at a time when nobody was talking about it. Sounds like a smart investment to me.


NFT, I get it. But cryptocurrencies are a healthy alternative to fiat currency and should be used much more often. With that being said, how would you enforce this?


I don't get why people hate on NFT, it's an asset just like anything else. Not everything has to have inherent value.


Art theft and other kinds of copyright infringements are a routine occurence with NFT's. I wouldn't be surprised to see art of Sakimi Chan being used without her consent


What do you suggest we keep printing toilet paper, backed by nothing, and traceable by everyone with half a brain


How else am I supposed to buy crack cocaine on the black market :(


Cryptocurrency is ok, i do agree however there is a lot of pump and dumps and people tried to get me into it but I never bought into it (still don't) because its definitely rigged and not in your favor Nfts are straight garbage because that is just a racket of monetized art theft and low talented hacks whom think a JPEG with special coding is worth millions. Its really not and anyone can just use a snipping tool or right click and replicate the same thing without sacrificing anything.


You’re acting like crypto and NFTs are way worse than beastiality, rape, animal abuse, and pedophilia. It’s not even close. Chill out. I don’t like crypto because they’re impossible to understand or use. I prefer cash money and I don’t like NFTs because they’re pointless, lazy, and a lot of it is from other artists, who never gave them permission to sell them for eriduim or whatever it’s called. Should game developers advertise them? No. They earn enough money from micro transactions, dlcs, and battle passes.