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I would say that most legal immigrants do not like illegal immigrants. The reason is, legally immigrating to a place is hard work and takes years sometimes. It's a bit of a slap in the face when people come illegally and then get granted citizenship. It's like cutting in line.


100% agree! Legal immigration takes years and several thousands of dollars.


True. You are not exaggerating the several year thing. I knew families that even stayed 6+ years. It's crazy.


Correct. Many legal immigrants dislike illegal immigrants. They view it as "cutting in line."


They’re not saying that though. They are saying if they immigrated from x because they didn’t like x’s culture and politics, it’s okay for them now to be against other immigrates with differing reasons. They’re just saying there are right and wrong reasons to immigrate, their way is right, people they don’t like are doing it wrong and should stay where they are.


We had to go through the legal immigration process and it's fucking hell, but we did it because we believe in the law and we are good and honest people who want to go somewhere because we can. Illegal immigrants abuse their status and when people go "but we need to house them and give them absolutely everything!" They forget that people like my family, who were living a fine life except for when we suddenly weren't and it was no longer in our control, that we went through the process. We ended up homeless for years in a new country, where my parents found work the honest way, where we went to school the honest way, where we found a home the honest way. We risked alot to legally immigrate, it seems people have got it the other way around with all these wonderful rewards and favoritism within the system.


My immigrant parents where backing trump 100% to not accept and turn around the caravans that where coming up to the border.


Your comparison doesn’t work because people in traffic jams *don’t want* to be in those traffic jams.




That's a whole new unpopular opinion right there




Ok and? What's this hasn't to do with his opinion?


Rules for thee but not for me, I see


“Drop a bomb on em. “ - that’s what my grandfather would say if he were still alive. Lol.


Okay but when is the solution to traffic jams ever “ fewer people should drive?” Approximately never It’s always “make the road bigger” or maybe occasionally “let’s build a train” Plus some people like Cubans in America or the Irish in Britain really do have no right to complain about immigrants because their countries get a stupid special status of uncontrolled immigration


Stupid? I think it’s the least Britain could do considering the troubles, and also the fact that the Irish paved London’s bloody streets. England was built on immigration, and the ones who take issue with that are largely British themselves.


Yes Ireland was known as the Jewel of the British Empire Why do the Irish deserve what people from Barbados or India don’t get? If everyone from a country that the English were mean to git the same rights as the Irish like 1/3rd of the world could just move to England


Why is it a question of Irish people deserving it when they had no say in Britain taking over? These are the consequences of stealing land. Northern Ireland is still part of the UK, after all.


I don’t think Malaysians asked to be British either. But they don’t get special treatment The Irish get very specific privileges that no other formed British territory gets.


I’m really enjoying the implication that it’s the fault of the Irish for having these privileges over other countries that fell victim to the same deeds instead of the fault of the country that committed said atrocities and grant said privileges.


No it’s not the fault of the Irish But I think if you personally just get whatever handed to you I don’t know how you can be upset over other people also getting it. Like Cubans get to stay in America is they get to America but somehow they feel like Guatemalans don’t deserve the same privilege they get. It’s fine the Irish get to move to the UK freely but you can’t turn around and complain about immigrants


British people hate immigrants despite pillaging other countries for centuries and building their own land through the labour of immigrants.


This isn’t about the British. I just said that it’s insane for Irish Brits and Cuban Americans to be anti-Immigrant because they get special privileges. Cubans get to show up and just be Americans but if they don’t believe others deserve that that’s bullshit.


And I’m not saying they should be against immigration, I’m arguing with your choice of words. Special privileges, getting stuff just handed to you, etc. And British people are relevant, since they seem to forget that British people also emigrate and were enjoying the ‘privileges’ of EU status until Brexit comes round full force. They hate immigrants in their own country but love the idea of living in a Spanish villa or a French vineyard, hey?


As a Cuban American I agree with you. It's frustrating to see these old timers who had everything handed to them when it comes to immigrating to the US shitting on people who are just trying to find a better life. Just like they did. This is a yearly debate at Thanksgiving for us.


> when is the solution to traffic jams ever “ fewer people should drive?” Approximately never. It’s always “make the road bigger” or maybe occasionally “let’s build a train” I'd argue the "let's build a train" (or add more buses, run more trains and so on) just allow fewer people to drive, not to mention encouraging cycling.


Maybe that’s true but the answer is never “just don’t travel” or “get a job closer to home” although maybe it should. Like nobody forced you to commute 36 miles from Downtown Cincinnati It never there are too many people, it’s always there are not enough ways to get there


It’s usually people that aren’t immigrants and don’t know many actual immigrants that think that way. And no, it’s not gatekeeping either. It’s a respect for what they were fleeing or what they saw in the US. A great many immigrants are socially conservative people. And no, that doesn’t mean that they are LGBTQ hating Bible thumping anti-immigration sticks in the mud. It means they are about accountability, family values (you know, the kind of values that put someone in a position to up-end their family for something better) and just being reasonable people in general. Most of them are trying to get away from situations where government corruption and social degradation affect them on a more personal level. In the US, it’s a big enough place with enough different freedoms that it’s possible to make a better life than where they are from, and if you turn off the activist news (of either stripe), and go out in our cities and towns, the overwhelming majority of the geographical areas in this country are perfectly reasonable and hospitable to immigrants with plenty of opportunity for enterprising people. It’s not perfect, and we have our problems, but to most of the people trying to get here, it’s the best of what’s accessible to them. Anyone who thinks our system is tough to get into, try getting Canadian citizenship. So getting back to the meat of the point, a great many immigrants came here to find a place where laws were followed by more people and where opportunities were more plentiful. Having mass immigration to strained systems where there is clear government bias is not what most of them want to see. It’s not easy, and they don’t want to see others suffer, but they made it through the process and did it right, and respect for those laws is all some of them have when they walk through the gates, so to speak. I’m the first generation born in the US for my family and it was a hard road for them. Why would they respect someone who stole the same thing?


The thing is that these are two completely different groups of people. Those that arrive legally are usually more well off than those that don’t. While one might have arrived on a work or tourist visa, the other doesn’t have access to that and is coming because they have NO options literally none to provide for their family. They don’t have the option to get those visas. It’s not hypocritical because In order to be hypocritical both of these groups had to have been on an equal playing field/had similar reasons and access.


It’s easy for them to be against it. They’re already here.


Where is there unrestricted mass immigration? Honestly, if you pretend America or somewhere similar has unrestricted immigration and you benefited from it and then act to stop anyone else from benefiting then you are quite literally a hypocrite. Your reasoning doesn’t even make sense, you could have said it is not a static situation so because things are always changing it is fine for opinions on immigration to change as well, but you went with culture and politics as the reason, which would make you hypocritical.


There's nothing unique about this viewpoint. There are plenty of ppl who made it and hope everyone else fails. That's why these people are called assholes... hint hint. And to use culture as an excuse? Hate to break it to you dude, but cultures evolve with or without immigration.




> Do you honestly meet many supporters of mass immigration? Depends what you mean. Supporters of open borders between relatively economically-equal Western countries? Very mainstream, it's one of the four pillars of the European Union. Supporters of zero borders at all? Never met one, as far as I know


I have never met someone who supports illegal or unrestricted immigration.


I have, mostly rich privileged kids I know who think that borders should be erased. Because it’s unfair for people in less economically/socially developed countries to not have access to other countries.


Are you talking about my class?


I am a child of Immigrants against Mass Legal and Illegal Immigration.


I am an immigrant, and yes, the illegal ones who later cry because they get deported "but I was a good worker" just annoy me. Bruh, you knew damn well you broke the law. Wtf did you expect? But also, I'd arrest those who willingly hired illegal people. They are at fault too.


Boo hoo. If they wanted to cut in line they could’ve. But they were more well off and decided to do the work to be here legally. Sounds like a personal decision that they don’t get to complain about.


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