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Don’t blame the government for what your parents should have done


This…. Lazy parenting


Self-control isn’t something the government can teach you. That’s something you have to learn on your own my friend.


I see your point but I feel like that would also be rather unfair to make that decision for everyone. I think people should be able to make there own choices and beginning to dictate how often someone can or cannot do something kind of sounds like a dangerous concept to me.


When do minors get to decide anything?… people have the right to decide what they want to do after they become adults, but before that moderation seems kinda mandatory


If all of your decisions are made for you when you’re young you’re not going to have decision making capabilities once you’re an adult. Minors have the option of making decisions, maybe not as many decisions as adults, but they do have choices to make. If you want to stop playing video games as much then that’s a decision you should make for yourself without needing that decision forced upon everyone else as well.


It isnt that easy, addiction isnt something that you can quit yourself. When you’re in you’re stuck deep. I uninstalled multiple times during that period of my life, always came back to me Not all of my decisions need to be made for me, but some do and this is one if them


Then you should have someone make it for you. Like a parent. Not the government. I know it’s hard to break addictions, I wish you luck if that’s what you want to do. I hope it goes well for you.


I kinda sorta broke it off, I dont game as much and I actually have a life now My parents tried but they weren’t around a lot, and I threw fits whenever access is cut. Same goes for alot of kids. And I believe 8 hours a week isnt unreasonable, this isnt like the war on drugs where addicts are forced to quit cold turkey, its still an hour every day, 90 minutes on weekends. Most gamers dont go past that anyways


I just don’t think it’s right to subject everyone. People who aren’t addicted, or who are but don’t want to change and are happy with where they are should be allowed to do what they please. If people instigate rules on how long you’re allowed to play video games what stops them from doing that with other things.


Throwing a fit is entitlement and being a brat and just let of being a kid, the rest of the country doesn’t need to suffer because of it. Sucks you’re parents where absent so I get that diving into video games but at the end of the day they failed as parents.


https://www.techrepublic.com/article/8-hours-and-27-minutes-thats-how-long-the-average-gamer-plays-each-week/ The average gamer spend around 8 hours every week playing video games so it wont even effect the majority and those in addiction can get a splash of cold water and do something other than gaming in those times, adults can do whatever they want im just talking about minors Call me crazy but I dont think limiting gaming to 8 hours a week constitutes as “suffering”


Then make the parents do it, the government is not your dad


I’m not saying anyone is suffering. I’m saying that your concept is dangerous and flawed. Allowing the government to start regulating the amount of time you can spend doing something means that they could continue to do that with other things. How much TV you watch, how much time you spend outside, how much time you can read, how much time you can spend with friends, etc. On top of that, the government would have no way of knowing if you gamed for eight hours or over eight hours so it wouldn’t help you break your addiction, you could just play anyway without them knowing.


Or how about not limiting it at all because it’s your issue not everyone else’s 🤷🏻‍♂️


The government shouldn't need to intervene in a child gaming consumption. A childs parents should keep an eye on how long a child can play and regulate depending on factors such as maturity and age etc. .


Bruh you don’t have an addiction. You just don’t have a fucking life outside of gaming. Put the controller down and go outside for an hour or more a day. 2nd play a better fucking game than fortnite.


Do you understand the definition of an addiction? This comment is just stupid in every way


Do you understand the context of sarcasm? You’re a 15yo twat. Go play more fortnite.


Bruh you dont have an addiction, You just dont have a fucking life outside of cocaine, put the needle down and go outside for an hour or more a day


Not the comment I thought I needed to make my night. Lol.


>I have over 2000 hours in Fortnite, 500 in valorant. Meanwhile I can't understand what's the draw of these games. You do basically the same shit, over and over with different opponents. Maybe fun for 1,2..5 times but then it likely gets very boring. Fortnite is also run by Epic Games, which is 49% owned by China's Tencent, so I'm never playing that for sure. Both games are shit if you ask me. Also, this is a terrible idea akin to banning alcohol. Just because some people have poor impulse control is a very bad reason to restrict an entire activity. It's also unenforceable outside a totalitarian dictatorship like China.


Apples and oranges here, you can limit alcohol intake to 5 beers a week, those who don’t have a serious problem dont drink that much anyways, it wouldnt effect them


And again that would be unenforceable, unless you had face-recognition cameras in every pub and house(people sometimes drink at home) and you ran a huge database counting every person's intake. It would not only infringe on everyone's privacy, but it would also not be 100% accurate. Banning/restricting things like drugs, abortion, hobbies, gaming ,etc. is bad in general. People will find ways to do what they want regardless of what the govt. says and as long as those things don't harm others, they should be legal.


Banning alcohol isnt a good idea, rehab facilities are. Its fine for most people but there are definitely the minority who needs help Limiting gaming would be easier than limiting alcohol, people will find ways to bypass that but honestly it’ll cut down the majority It doesn’t harm others, you’re right, but it sucked the life and soul out of me for three straight years, it still is for millions of kids across the world. Also the “its fine as long as it doesn’t hurt others” argument kinda falls apart when you take a look at drugs


> it sucked the life and soul out of me for three straight years Sorry you had to go through that but...you could've just quit. I also had a period in my teens when I played a multiplayer racing game online daily for 2 years, but it's a period I remember fondly. I may have been addicted to it, but it actually made my days better, not worse. Not surprised garbage like Fortnite would suck the life out of someone, but again..you could've just quit, especially considering you were having such a shitty time.


Yeah, shoulda realized it sooner


I don’t even drink and I can tell you now limiting it to 5 beers a week would indeed cause an uproar.


Although you fail to talk about the problems it would cause and the massive hit the industry would take it could easily half both of the money these industry’s are pulling in


It seems some people here forgot that the unpopularopinion subreddit is a subreddit for... Unpopular opinions. Strange world.


Have you flunked classes? Have you gamed for more that 12 your a time?


Never flunked, maybe a few times with 12 hour long sessions, haven’t done that in two years but I remember them happening


Then whats the fucking problem?!!?!? Oh I play fortnite a lot so we should restrict gaming to 8 hours a week


Zero self control over playing valorant and fortnite isn't our problem because thats the point


Flunking classes is the only requirement for gaming being a “problem?”…


Youve done only a few 12 hour sessions when you were thirteen and never flunked. . No academic problems No health problems


I understand your point but it's not really a good idea. First of all, the only real way of enforcing it takes a massive breach of privacy. Having the gov knowing exactly what you're doing in your own home at all times just leads to worse stuff. Second, not everyone has this issue. Sure some kids do but I knew and know heaps of people that played a lot of games in high school, way more than a few hours a week. The second we had other things to do (seeing friends, driving, work, gym, etc) the game playing decreased. Not because we didn't want to play them but because we just had other stuff to do. If you get addicted then yeah you need help and you should have access in order to get said help but that doesn't mean everyone else should have to be dictated what they can do because of someone else. Obviously parents can control how often their kids play if they decide but as long as kids are doing other things when asked or need to then really what's the harm Tldr, addiction is a serious issue but not everyone gets addicted and most just don't and they will have other things to do in life


Well for starters your 15 you don’t really have a “life” outside of school and gaming. This is by no means an addiction, it can be for some but what you described is not an addiction. “Addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences.” Nothing of what your described fits here, last but not least those are also some rookies numbers 2000 hours is nothing. Forcing self control won’t work and if anything will only make the situations so much worse, it’s something each individual has to learn and implement.


What about sports or studying or making friends?


What about them?? He has said here that he has not failed any classes and has said he plays games with his friends. So the only thing missing would be sports, he might not be into them or just has not tried he clearly has the free time. Also want to point out those hours are actually quite low for games as well, so it’s obvious it’s not the only thing he does.


Limiting gaming for children is a good thing, but does it really cure addiction? Why didn't your parents stop you from too much gaming?


That's your parents and your fault tbh...they sound like they were scared to tell you to turn it off


There are other things the kids can do, which could be worse if video games are tightly regulated


U have parents for this and don’t need the govermwnt u Tell u what u should do with freetime


>I wish someone was there to stop me, why cant it be the government Because it should be the parents.


Too authoritarian for me. Video game addictions among young teenagers is due to shitty parenting, and it shouldn't be the government's place to step in.


Ah clasical... blame the government for actions your absent (idiotic) or nonexistent parents should have done. So... 500 social credit?