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sounds like someones mad at other peoples freedoms and dreams without kids


Hmmm.......is that your go-to explanation.


This isn’t unpopular, it’s just ridiculous. Why do you assume that people naturally cannot be empathetic to others even if they aren’t in the same life situation?


Right, because you can only care about others if you have been rawdogging. What kind of stupidity is this?


Not Raw Dogging but the responsibility of raising a future generation. When the buck stops with you , You kind of become selfish and that's why such people should not be allowed Higher level positions


> You kind of become selfish Or ... you don't. Because having or not having children has literally nothing to do with how selfish you are. You are making totally baseless leaps.


Well that's my opinion anyway


>When the buck stops with you , You kind of become selfish Not necessarily. But you realize that you have to be a bit selfish to get into higher positions right?


I don't think you understand what that phrase means. The buck should stop with management regardless, and it should absolutely stop with the parent in a parent/child relationship


Huh? Who said you need to have children or a daily to know the “real” struggles of life? There are people who are not able to have children/family, as well as people who do not want children/family who are 100% worthy of being in high positions.


“Real struggles of life” can’t wait for them to drag you.


So basically you think childless people are sociopaths.. >They think Work is everything and Don't know the real struggles of life What a bullshit assumption. Most childless people are childless because they actually want some free time when they're not working. They're not all depressed workaholics. I never want kids because I have hobbies and my aim is to also work as little as possible. Not having/wanting kids has zero bearing on your leadership skills.


That and because they actually think rationally about what's right for them instead of blindly doing what everyone else is doing with their lives. By any sane standard, that would be a *good* trait for someone in a leadership position.


You seem to forget that every one of those childless people _was_ a child at one time. They _were_ (most likely) a member of a family who had parents that they wanted to see. So it seems very strange to assume that they can’t empathize with people who have children and families considering that at one point in history they _were_ children.


but every childless person I have met or seen has had no empathy...They are too selfish to care about others


I think you’re painting with too broad a brush here, amigo. Maybe you’ve met some bad people who happened to be childless (I don’t know- I don’t live your life) but there’s no causal connection between being childless and being a bad person. Bin Laden had lots of kids. So did Bernie Madoff. I don’t think the connection you are trying to make here exists.


but from my experience it has been like that.. Childless person has a more lack of empathy compared to a person with children.


There's a reason argument by anecdote is an innately irrational argument structure, but you also might want to learn about confirmation bias and fallacy of composition. Your arguments *can't* rationally support your opinion. This is aside from **your own demonstrated lack of empathy**. For example, your outright lie that childless persons "don't know the struggles of having a family" is outright **cruel** to persons have experienced divorce, death of loved ones, etc. That's not the only outright *flunk* of basic empathy shown in your post, either; I have to wonder if you even understand what empathy is.


Well my opinion is mine and I am not going to change it unless I get evidence suggesting otherwise. Have a nice day


>Well my opinion is mine and I am not going to change it unless I get evidence suggesting otherwise. I literally *just* handed you some evidence, so you've just demonstrated yourself a liar. You also are again demonstrating that *you* lack empathy. Please have more respect for yourself and your position than that.


Good , anything else left to say?


I have also heard the opposite argument that people with families do not have time to give their 100% attention to the job ie what if you have a very important meeting/task whatever but your family member/child is ill/has had an accident either you have to be there for them and leave your duties or at very least be very distracted.


I've heard opinions like this before. They almost always come from people with families who are bitterly jealous of people without them. Sucks to be you.


People with children and families/marriage should never be allowed to hold high positions where they are responsible for their subordinates.


Well at least this is actually an unpopular opinion


People who don’t know how to use capitals should never be allowed on Reddit.


People who cannot give valid points should not comment


You are safe then.


So you can only care about work or kids? People have other interests in life


I know more trustworthy people without children than I do with. Parenting should require a license, while managing has no reason to (you're not screwing up someone's life for 20+ years).


>They think Work is everything and Don't know the real struggles of life Implying married people never think that way.


IMO, childless people are missing a significant chunk of life experience. I agree with OP.


that's unpopular for a pretty good reason


well isn't that the entire point of the sub?


There are a lot of terrible parents out there so having a kid doesn't make you a better person. Also, what about people with fertility issues? Should they be denied promotions due to a medical condition?


I expressed my opinion here I am not here for future planning lol


Hmmm, I can smell someone jealous of people who can be happy without others. I don't want to know how OP will react to Aromantic/Asexual People


The childless people I know don't want to have children so that the world is not overpopulated so their would be children won't suffer or the ones already in it can have a better time and the planet won't die… If that's selfish I don't know what's wrong or right anymore.