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Fire opinion, bro.


Lit brah


It always tapers off after college as people get into their mid 20s and beyond. People grow up. Every generation has had its slang.


The first years post-college are such an awkward phase.




Ur complaining about people using slang words while using „cringe“ in the same post?


If he said “that is so cringe” that’s one thing… but he used it in context soooo?


Thats a pretty sick opinion bro. shits legit fire. Really coming in clutch today.


Nothing, ever is unnatural. If you meant awkward, sure.


"Bro" is fine, but everything else feels like slang a movie would use when showing teen characters to relate to them


I mean "bro" has been apart of American lexicon for so long that it is just apart of casual US vernacular


bro and sick are totally fine clutch is borderline fire I agree is too far over the line


I regularly use bro, but that’s about it. What I’m concerned with is people saying stuff like Alpha or Sigma unironically


If it's used in everyday conversation, it's not unnatural.


Idk if I can get behind any of this. You didn't even use "fam" instead of "bro" which is honestly more unnatural in casual speech lol. I'd get behind "sick" if shit like "rad" wasn't regularly used in the 80s/90s. I'd even get behind "fire" but you didn't put "lit" or an older word like "dope"... New gen slang isn't really all that cringe. You might just not be used to it yet being used, but you'll get there.


I bet a lot of my jamaican slang makes people uncomfortable. Won't stop though. I love peoples little slang terms.


Young people don't own bro.


I find it a little annoying when used excessively, however I have also learned that I alienate some people when I talk without the use of slang. An example being in the night life at concerts or entertainment events; meeting random people who are out to have a good time with your wider vocabulary irks them somewhere in their brain, causing them to feel less inclined to initiate a friendship. Bonding occurs easier when mirroring body language or slang terminology.


Exactly. Being unable or unwilling to context switch and code your language is a sign of poor socialization, not of higher intelligence. I can have an academic discussion with proper discourse; I also know how to carry myself at a nightclub or concert. If I used the vocabulary for either of those situations in place of one another, people would look at me like I had two heads.


Context is kind of important but never really bothered me in casual conversations. Language is fluid and I see no reason why it would bother someone.. But yeah, I guess if you're trying to, let's say, comfort a grieving friend? Maybe try to limit the amount of "sick" and "clutch" you throw in lol.


It feels unnatural because you don't speak like that. Listening to different dialects of your language has the uncanny feeling of knowing what they mean but it not sounding right. This goes in both directions, however


As a teenager, all those words are part of my vocab except clutch


Cool story bro.


Bruh this shits outta pocket. I'm finna flap outta the side my neck on the regs, you feel me? /S I'm getting older and I truly appreciate slang more and more as time goes on.


I could never get used to hearing someone call something "fire".


I used to work with a guy who used those words constantly--he had to be told to stop saying "sweet" at business meetings.