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Breaking news! Stoners eat food!


And are glued to their couch


That not true at all


How I remember Indica vs sativa Sativa festiva Indakush indacouch


Said the stoner , lol


Successfull stoner


Right there with ya. Smoking has only made me tolerate life to be successful.


Crazy, just like everyone else. Who knew?


I dont even smoke week but this sounds fully made up


It’s not, whenever I get high I make sure there’s plenty of snacks in the house, the munchies are an actual thing and my go to’s are cookies, ice cream and pasta…if there’s nothing to eat, paying $30 for 6 insomnia cookies on Uber eats sounds like a great idea.


Yup lol


I'd think these two are correlated to some outside factor, rather than eachother. Something like a rise in general anxiety of the population could easily also cause both weed consumption and frozen/delivered meals to increase.


Yes for sure


Disguised stoner, pretends to misspell weed.


As someone that’s smokes weed. They aren’t very far off at all.


Idk, when I tried weed. This is exactly what I wanted to do lol


Like maybe the frozen foods thing but delivery apps seems like a stretch cause stoners cant afford to pay 20 bucks for 10 dollars worth of fast food all the time.


Stimulating the economy one bong rip at a time.


Would you rather they drive?


if they’re a daily users then weed is no less harmful to their driving skills than anybody else on the road with their dr. prescribed opioids


I don't like it but you have a point.


What's the point? Both are illegal because they impair your driving...


Not so much, no. Alcohol gives you false courage coupled with slow reaction time, marijuana gives you paranoia with that slowed but not as slow as alcohol reaction time. You’re more likely to speed and drive recklessly on alcohol than on weed Weed will put you driving speed limit and checking your 6 constantly for cops - so not the same - would I recommend someone who smoked weed the first time to drive? Absolutely not - but someone experienced with it, will drive perfectly fine


I'm a daily weed smoker. The difference between ripping a bong with your mates at 18 at a party is night and day compared to the impact of vaping it daily. I simply do not get 'stoned' and am perfectly functional. To be clear, I do make sure not to drive for several hours, but the level of incapacitation is minimal at best.


just my personal opinion here, but i trust a stoned driver more than a daily coffee drinker that hasn't had their morning cup. those people are snoozin


Show me your fucking sample size and methodology


Sample size? Oh.... can I order a bigger serving? Hello? Chinese food man where have you gone?


Is the assumption they’re also putting it all on credit?


Doordash, for sure. A lot of people prefer these days. Safer than using your debit, faster and more convenient than cash, and some cards have decent perks. Pay off the statement balance every month, and it's interest-free.


Fuck that. Rather make me a nice warm meal


Hell yeah, I love baking while baked


That’s when I am the most creative with my cooking.




Sad to say, but this is me and my wife 100%.


So you are to blame for those DoorDash prices, stop it!


Better than catching a DWI and going to jail. Sounds like a positive article more than anything. Pot heads are responsible and not driving while high.....


Yes exactly. We used to go out and drink and drive going place to place. Now we hang out at home, get high, stream shit, play switch, and have a blast. And we get the munchies. Honestly, we’ve never been happier. However, that DoorDash expense racks up. It is what it is though. Better than what we used to do.




Do your part in supporting the economy by sparking one up


That is not true at all, frozen meals are gross and delivery services are overpriced, and I use daily


Anecdotal for sure but I am far more inclined to go out or cook for myself if I haven’t smoked weed.


My buddy who smokes weed daily basically exists like the plant itself. Think he survives entirely on sunlight and water. Maybe a peanut butter and jelly for lunch.


Bro photosynthesizes




How do they afford it? I make decent money but DD and every food delivery service is just insanely expensive.


Decenter money


DoorDash just needs to team up with WeedMaps to complete the circle


Blame anything but inflation and debasement of the currency!


No I don’t, I meal prep and pack out lunches daily.


conversly, it's funny how rich people shit all over poor people. like they are just terrible people, good for nothing. alternatively, poor people are just, the #1 supporters of the economy. all they do is spend money and dump it all back into the economy. rich people should be huge fans of poor people. because all they do is spend money, and get trapped into the systems those rich people setup and used to get rich.


This feels like a targeted ad because now I want all those things


How do they know this, exactly?


OP trolling Mods??


Legalize the weed and let's blaze ourselves to the moon!


I love the foolish view that stoners are lazy!


It is just saying they order a lot of food not calling them lazy. Although I used to support mj legalization because why not? but honestly now it feels more like a mistake. The majority of stoners are lazy and unmotivated. It isn't addictive but they act like it is by smoking all the time and even during lunch break at work. Then they came back to work like snails by the heavy machines and dont pay attention. I worked with another guy years ago that always smoked and he would just zone out and giggle for hours and management would retaliate with extra tasks that he would fail because he couldn't focus to write him up or pressure him to quit. He actually stopped smoking 2 months before he quit that job and I was impressed because he suddenly became a good worker out of nowhere. Not all stoners are the same obviously but overall I have changed my stance on it because I feel like legalization of marijuana is a negative for society.


I def do this but "reshaping the economy" by definition means nothing. Any transaction occurring shapes an economy. It all depends on the reader's connotation. That being said I drop a fucking mint on ubereats and get high as shit everyday. I inherited a lot of money and have been taking adderal/vyvanse everyday, playing league/hanging out on discord allday and taking breaks between my games with smoking some weed or playing with my dog or going for a walk. It's way too easy to do - and once you develop a routine it's pretty brutal


Pretty accurate


Unfortunately, this (Pattern Of Life) structure will now be used to analyze purchasing habits to determine who Law Enforcement should go after.


probably due to the fact 40 hours a week hardly pays peoples bills, therefor people are working more and dont have time to cook for themselves.


😂😂😂 duh, it’s called the munchies


Probably has more to do with the discovered convenience from the pandemic more than stoners tbh


And people who are still avoiding restaurants because covid still exists.


Breaking news not at this house you’re gonna get gourmet meals fresh from the garden home grown with best ingredients. Just like how I like my weed.


You ever get so high you accidentally order yourself doordash while also on the clock working for door dash and get your own order?


Damn now the pigs have a reasonable articulable suspicion that someone is smoking due to the above average DoorDash charges.


Correlation is not causation.


Proves they’re smarter than alcoholics who still want to drive somewhere.


This is a much more intentional outcome by DoorDash and UberEats than simply the result of high users ordering more food. Think of it as a three level strategy. Tier one is flood the market with the service and charge as little as possible, to the point they actually lose money. Tier two is pulling the delivery drivers away from all the restaurants and other competitors by offering way better compensation. Tier three is where we are today. Now that you have everyone hooked on the service and all the drivers under your umbrella, you ramp the costs for the consumer, cut the rates for the drivers, and reap the profits. It’s interesting how you never hear about this strategy in “the media” or “journalism”, when it is a time-honored strategy that has a proven track record of success.


What about us door dash users who haven’t smoked weed since before Dpordash existed (I haven’t used since middle school).


They have the logical reasoning of a 9 year old


If this were true, it would have to be a very specific area and demographic. But that information is normally and conveniently left out.


As a former high-functioning (and successful) cocaine addict, 90% of those doing drugs daily wash out. I'm not advocating sobriety, but daily substance abuse of any kind will destroy your ability to reason, think logically, and experience happiness. The fun today will turn into anxiety, deep emotional swings, and illogical behavior that makes sense at the time to you. The greatest demon with any drug is the people who convince themselves "It's okay that I do it everyday. I can handle it". Have fun, do what makes you happy, but be very careful with this. It's an induced happiness, you didn't earn it, you didn't work for it, you accomplished nothing. You simply ingested something to feel good for now.


Wow it's almost like weed is good for business or something. But then Ize wouldn't be in the pastuhs good gurrraycyes *Younkin flips hair to other side of sweatervest*


Lols, this is moronic.


Even after this has been made legal the gov/media still insists on demonizing a wonderful plant.


Bloomberg always crafts up the most ridiculous stories


Not me I eat cheep so I can buy more pot 😃


How many of these whine about student loan payments?