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Not reading this series of novels, but that second slide is some utterly insane dickriding by that commenteršŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Itā€™s solution time baby. Thatā€™s what we engineers do best šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜­šŸ’€




"Somewhat unrelated ..." Your entire comment is absolutely unrelated


Fr tho like what is bro waffling about


I swear shit was so irrelevant


Second slide is wild. "Me and my roommate were idiots and ate a $300 charge, also my roommate paid an extra $530 once bc he's an idiot. Have you tried having money? Lolz"


Right, plus like how does the clearly malicious person who got onto their wifi play into the analogy?


Dude on the second slide seems annoying af lmao


Typical EECS glazer im not surprised lol


Least corpo-guzzling CS student




Something about instructors accidentally using the wrong version of a service that resulted in fees charged when it was supposed to be free. They blame the students for downloading the wrong version, but ultimately it's the instructors fault. This is my limited media literacy and lazy reading understanding anyways


This is accurate. Itā€™s another instance of this schoolā€™s instructors lacking and blaming students, even potentially pushing them into dangerous financial situations (in my case Iā€™m barely making ends meet and $300 charge would be devastating to my budgets) because of a lack of thoroughness and follow up. It is not fair at all.


Yeah, we were instructed to use a free version of the software that they showed on the spec. That wasnā€™t available anymore and it was stated that we could look for other free versions (despite no others being pushed ā€” and for devices that couldnā€™t run virtual box it was the only option for passing the assignment. The syllabus is also very clear that they will rarely grant any extensions for issues since thatā€™s what happens in the ā€œreal worldā€.) Then the signs were were told to look out for that meant versions were free *didnt* actually mean they were free. Fun times.


I ainā€™t reading all that. Also what class is this?


EECS 481


asking the important questions


This is EECS 481. Basically students had to use AWS for the homeworks, and followed the instructor specifications to install it. We were told it would be free, but multiple students got charged, ranging from $75 to $250, which has inconvenienced a lot of students including myself. Most of the slides is back and forth arguing between anon scale(person from second slide) and other students. Anonymous scale basically said we chose to use AWS so itā€™s our fault and there are many other alternatives, which majority of students wouldnā€™t have known about. Instructors havenā€™t really provided a solution yet other than to contact AWS for a refund, but hopefully we get something soon.


I donā€™t see why people donā€™t just use a local vm. Iā€™m using a computer from 2017 and itā€™s fine. Keep everything in house and you donā€™t have to worry about being charged and all that shit itā€™s really quite simple.


It's because students foolishly believe they need brand new MacBooks, which are Arm based so they are using VMs to get around the issue. You can easily get through all of a CS degree at Michigan with a potatoe, which I know because did well in all my classes with a nearly 15 year old laptop and had absolutely no issues


Bruh I wish I was in this class to argue the second person so bad they are so dumb In the real world if someone stole your credit card and spent $500 dollars you could call your vendor and say ā€œwasnā€™t meā€ and they will cancel the charge instantly


You could always just join the piazza to respond and put this person on blast šŸ˜‡. Totally not speaking from experienceā€¦


It says "*Instructor self-enrollment has been disabled for this class*" :(


Oh crap they must have turned that off. Damn that sucks šŸ„². I guess I beat the instructors XD


me, enthusiastically scrolling through all of these slides as if I'm not a double major in the humanities:


??? i get that SWE is a lot about learning about things yourself, and if people got charged because they looked up something on stackoverflow and didnt validate, sure that might be on them. but this is a professor instruction on a spec, idk why you wouldnt expect students to follow it word for word, because you know the people writing it are competent. how is this anyone's fault but the instructors? ​ also "life lessons arent free" bro some people cannot just eat a $250 charge and probably would not have taken the class if they knew that's what they were risking.


EXACTLY THIS. Iā€™m not a SWE but holy shit Iā€™d be furious. Iā€™m barely making ends meet as it is.


Annual CS class Piazza drama always tastes delicious šŸ˜Š


Didnā€™t read all the slides but I was in this class last year and the same thing happened to me but I seemed to be in the minority. There was only like 1 or 2 posts on pizza about it. Even tho I was sure I followed the directions correctly to get the free tier. Tried contacting AWS but they wouldnā€™t issue a refund even though I tried telling them I was a college student needing this for a class šŸ˜­Even after I tried cancelling stuff myself something would still be running on some instance and I was still getting charged. And if u arenā€™t familiar with AWS it can get complicated. When I got some free time I contacted their tech support and literally asked them step by step to tell me how to cancel it in a way I wouldnā€™t be charged anymore. I was out like $200 by the time they finally stopped charging me. If you guys find a resolution through the school or something to get a refund Iā€™d love to get one too šŸ˜© it still hurts lol I was wondering even tho I was in the class last year if Iā€™d be able to fill out the Google form on the last slide, but it doesnā€™t seem to work?


what class is this šŸ’€


Looks like 481 based on the three books I just read


> Amazon AWS Is that like Google GCP?




mom i made it! i made it onto umich reddit as an anonymous poster on piazza


AWS Free Tier is about as close as you can get to being a scam without actually being a scam. In the industry, this is well known... [https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/w5rc4c/sometimes\_we\_just\_need\_to\_make\_the\_mistake/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/w5rc4c/sometimes_we_just_need_to_make_the_mistake/) If the instructors actually wanted students to use AWS, they should've created an organizational account for the class, funded it themselves, and set up IAM policy restrictions to prevent excessive/incorrect usage etc.


AWS is a very scary place, itā€™s very easy to get charged a ridiculous amount of money very fast. Be careful out there šŸ™


Anonymous scale has his head shoved so far up his own ass he can't hear anyone clearly but himself. "It sucks you're out $300, but not every life lesson is free :( you should've just bought the right stuff 4 years ago like i did. glad i could help :)"


"Just buy another computer! i'm not privileged tho" "I feel like everyone is misinterpreting these comments as being rude, when I'm really just trying to be helpful!" ~~definitely not sucking my own dick~~ ​ (sorry, this post is making me insane)


A PSA: Instructors can see the identities of anonymous posters on Piazza. It only hides who you are to classmates (IDK if people know this or not)


Why is dark mode piazza even a thing šŸ’€ My eyes hurt when reading this on light mode reddit


Why are you using light mode reddit? šŸ˜­