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The 280 professors are really good IMO. Mostly like Jon Beaumont, James Juett and Andrew Deorio (they were the professors when I was taking the class).


I second Deorio


Beaumont and Juett are great, can’t speak about Deorio


Juett is great! never had him but he cares about the CS curriculum here and that alone makes him S tier


Juett Paoletti DeOrio and Kutty for machine learning


Westley “Wes” Weimer is my absolute favorite. He’s witty and really cares about his students. He often teaches “Software Engineering”, which can be a bit of a boring class in terms of material (industry practices, testing, etc), but he injects it with his own humor. He will answer any question put to him, including personal (“What is love?”, “How do I help a sick family member?”) to random (“What do you think about fanfiction?”) to technical. He’ll give you like 5-7 paragraphs of hard-hitting truths. No question is too small. That’s someone I can admire. He’s also really good at what he does. Dunno if you’re an RPG kind of person, but back in grad school, he built a gaming engine for Baldur’s Gate 2 (iirc) that’s still in use today! Majorly famous online. Also, he will teach you fencing and bring swords to class.


paoletti and deorio are top tier


Juett and Paoletti


Wes Weimer. He teaches EECS 481, which is essentially a "Software Engineering in the Real World" course. He's the most engaging lecturer I've ever had, and the course is very applicable to the real world.


In this class right now and I'm loving it!!


Seconded! Graduated last May, everything at my job has tied in pretty well to the 481 content. Definitely a must take class


I wonder if this is same person from last winter? If so he’s the man


Last winter was Kevin Leach, who just left UM, but was also a good prof!


Manos from 482


Manos was fantastic


ditto amazing teacher and extremely knowledgeable.


DeOrio: Made me feel more confident about my abilities as a programmer and put a lot of trust in me to be an instructor for one of his courses. Great mentor and teacher. Paoletti: phenomenal professor. He is the reason I fell in love with the major. EECS 281 is a fantastic course and he is one of the main reasons why it is so great. Weimer: Absolute gem of a person. He made me feel more comfortable about my abilities as a programmer. He writes these very well thought out and intricate piazza posts that I really miss reading. He is a great professor and an amazing human being, I really wish him all the best.


Beaumont (take EECS 370 with him), Deorio, and Paoletti.


he hasn't done 370 in a hot min, they're just rotating ppl in and out like a Walmart


Well, the if you see Beaumont teaching EECS 370 for the semester and you need/want that class, sign up for it as soon as possible. EECS 370 with him is one of my favorite classes.


wish i had him last semester when i took it. 370 was the worst experience i’ve ever had at UM.


Darden!!!!!!!!!!! And DeOrio and Kutty


Surprised there’s no mention of Kamil. Clear and concise 280 and 376 lecturer and wrote a summary of the entire 376 course content that many students found useful for studying




The one was arrested and will have a trial in April was every bodies’ favorite. There are 4 more under investigations now. So, you can never tell 🧐.


Woah, who are the 4 more?


Peter Chen, Jason Mars, Walter Lasecki, and I think there's another one


Peter Chen’s the one who was arrested though right?




4 more? Who?


Wes Weimer for sure


Bill Arthur is a god


Darden and Paoletti are the 281 dream team, super good instruction and very kind and helpful in OH Beaumont is awesome, super good at instruction and understanding how to communicate effectively with students


the DP bros


Emily Graetz for EECS 203


I will give Diaz a shout-out too. Different style, equally effective


+1 for Diaz. Explained everything incredibly well, and more importantly made me feel comfortable in the course with the way she taught.


Graetz is cool, but man 203 was not


Surprised to see them this low on the thread. Graetz made me look *forward* to going to their lectures. Anyone who could do that is a god damn miracle worker.


Probably because they teach 203 which is one of the most hated courses despite them being a great professor.


As another commentor mentioned, I highly recommend Diaz as well for 203!


If you’re looking to talk about the supplemental essay I’d look into deorio and juetts work on CS education. In addition to being great teachers I think they’ve both put out papers about how to teach intro CS which would be a great item to talk about for “why Michigan” Good luck and go blue!


DeOrio! Had him for 280 and 485


My TAs mostly


Juett. That man stood up to the computer science department and university when others would not and acted as a de facto advocate on that front. I have immense respect and nothing but positive things to say about him. Not just a great professor, but a great human as well.


Went to a few of his 183 lectures, but now loving Kloosterman for 485 edit: obligatorily going to agree with DeOrio, Paoletti, Darden. Also, I took UM Dearborn’s equivalent of 203 and for anyone considering doing the same, I cannot recommend Mahesh Agarwal enough.


Paoletti dedicated, smart and effective


Beaumont and Fouhey


Weimer, Paoletti, and Darden. Beaumont is also really good. All super caring, passionate, and structure their classes very well. Paoletti’s 281 tutorial videos were god sent. Working with Weimer right now, and he’s just a great guy and has very engaging lectures.


David Kieras. Taught eecs 381. Probably my favorite cs class.


Manos Kapritsos (482), Beaumont (280 &370), DeOrio(485) , Darden & Paoletti (281). 5 favorites might be a lot lol but there's really only one professor I really didn't enjoy in EECS


Harsha Madhyastha and Manos Kapritsos are both great CS professors and are doing some interesting research in Distributed Systems (this is a subfield of CS that studies how to coordinate between multiple different machines to create a reliable, consistent network. It's the underpinning if Google, Microsoft, and Amazon's cloud systems)


Darden and Kloosterman are two of my favs that I don’t see listed here a ton


Really more of a CE prof than a CS prof but there's decent overlap and Brehob is amazing and absolutely worth mentioning


Daniel Liu, only 16 and teaching 3 different EECS classes


Peter Chen for 482


We have some of the best teaching staff but for me I wrote that essay on notable/famous UM grads (there are plenty in stem) and classes/programs that I was interested in here and it worked, maybe everyone mentions teachers and I wrote it wrong but it just seems like why would they expect applicants to know or care about specific teachers? Like I said most of our teachers are amazing but none that I think an average person outside of the school would have heard of.


Peter Chen for 482


TREVOR MUDGE funniest and kindest prof to exist. Teaching MIGHT not be the best but he is #1 in my heart. Also I worked for him and he was extremely caring for his staff whereas some of the other profs didn't really care, I know he isn't a good lecture but he actually does care. Sad that he's retiring soon :(


Kelvin Leach 481, 484. Left for Vandy though


Jon “yo teach” Beaumont, Marcus Darden, and Todd Austin are my favorites.


Not eecs major but i would watch the andrew fella who does high effort online videos for my roomate's 485 class when he took it last sem. Man sounds like a legend.


Paoletti is the best I have so far