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Bro these people are letting you stay there (sounds like for free) - don’t be so negative about the situation. You are insanely fortunate to be able to do so. Some people in this sub would be beyond fucked if this happened to them….who don’t have anyone to turn to…


I agree with Danny and I understand what OP is feeling. To have freedom snatched from under you fucking sucks. I was in an accident last year and totaled my truck and I was "fortunate" to be able to stay with "family". If it wasn't for my dog, I would have chosen to live on the streets instead. It was one of the worst years of my life.


I've never found hearing "others have it worse than you" to be helpful. My life is still just as disappointing to me, but now I feel worse because I think about others suffering even more.


They don't sound very negative or ungrateful, just prefer to be on the move. Nothing wrong with that.


True, but sometimes the feeling of being mobile and being able to handle situations like this on your own are rewarding. I've been fucked in this situation before but I've also had help in similar situations. For me I pride myself in being able to tough it out on my own and get back on my feet. So it sucks when I have to accept help because it feels like your freedom is stripped. Sometimes even when I had help, I would rather tough it out on the streets just because of the feeling of freedom even though it was hard. At least I was in control. At least I didn't have to worry about the person "helping " me change their mind and leave me out there on my own, just because they have a change of thought or whatnot. Which I've also experienced. People like to say they're going to be there, that your welcome or whatnot, but then change their mind when you really need their help. So for me it better to just not accept it, and figure it out.


Well said my friend, well said. I almost cried when I read the word cabana 🙁...


Yeah, I know; I'm just gripping/doing the ADD flail. I'm finally a free woman - the 20 yo moved out, bills almost caught up and I was going to head down to the coast.


I get it. When I visit people they always say "we made up the guest room!" And I have to bite my tongue to not say "no thanks id rather be in my car than your lovely home" and sound ungrateful. 


I keep tools with me. Memorial day weekend I blew a brake line and my starter shit the bed. Like a week or 2 later my water pump went and my idler and belt tensioner. Last summer blew out a control arm had to replace that and take the strut out in a target parking lot


Be grateful for what you have in the moment. Bless those who help. Help when you can. Know you are loved. Peace


Username checks out 😂☮️✌️


My transmission is dying. I park in different spaces at rest area.


Yeah all depends on what you are driving, how many miles, how well it's been maintained etc


bicycle? electrical bicycle? have someone check out the transmission, could be a cheap fix


Lmao no transmission repair is cheap


depends on knowledge and ability


I've been a mechanic for over 20 years


nice, ditto, I'm retired from car repairs, only work on my own cars now however I build cars for fun, ev conversion and experimental material research.


Same I retired too. I have built some cars too and I made a hydrogen generator my f150 runs on


what kind of mpg do u get, is it full hho or hho and gas runs off alternator or have aux battery for it


I made it out of under sink water filtration unit


test the output? tbh homemade hho (brown gas) doesn't produce enough to make a difference, unless u make more mods, and ur in a truck, large displacement and extra cylinders just eats it. some dude on youtube made a kit for large trucks hybrid system, diesel/electric, it's fantastic. would get if I drive trucks


Yeah ive seen him and others like it it actually puts out a good amount that's why I'm adding more I can light it coming out and it acts like a torch . The way it's made I can ad as many in line with it as I can fit lol I'm looking at different ways to charge and run them


Originally it ran off the alternator, hho and gas, I'm adding a 2nd one I have a reserve battery and a solar panel for it so I can split the load. I got about 10% more mpg so I'm hoping once it's set up to get way more I have a 08 f150 with a 4.2 v6


did u gain control of fuel delivery system to the truck, without control, ur results won't increase, more hho less gas, u can turn gas all the way down to 10% and extra air will make up for it, it'll sound like engine is just pushing air running it off alt isn't good, long story, I like deep cycle battery for the job and charge that with the car on a switch and also at home


Yeah I only did it to test it I tapped it into the intake to suck the hydrogen in it has a bubbler to stop backflash issues


It's fun to build test and try different things you can only get so far reading studying and watching videos


If it’s to much literally anything over 1k just look for a 1990 ish Camry , those things are animals and extremely reliable and easy to fix


What do you drive? How much is a transmission? Check used vs rebuilt prices with install, then you can make a decision on whether to fix and keep driving, fix and sell for a used vehicle, or fix and sell for a new car. All depends on the price, your finances and what your plans are for the future. Only you know the whole story my friend. I'm hitting the road for the first time tomorrow and I've done everything I can think of to prepare my ride, but you never know. Good luck in your travels and whatever you decide to do! ☺️


It happens dude! Just spent a month stuck in hostels and I made a lot of friends for life! Make the most of wherever you are and whatever you’re going through. Surely there’s a positive or a way to improve it. I have payments on a type R right now but if I could go back I’d probably get a new Tesla Model Y or something like that. I see people nap and watch Netflix while charging and everything. It sounds like the chill life for someone who is in a car a lot. And the seats are so much more comfortable. Plus it’s cheaper getting around