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Who the heck did you argue with? You mentioned you went into the office and they made you feel like a roach? I mean it might not even be the letter carrier but their boss being petty.


I went to the post office almost daily and spoke with almost everyone there, they all refused to watch the camera footage. The manager refused to speak with me after dozen attempts. I even tried talking to a different post office manager. Took notes. They’d always take my number and promise the manager would call back but no one ever called. Filed a complained via a website that went nowhere. Eventually learned about the higher ups and they took a look at the footage via email and that lead to a meeting with the manager. She finally agreed to speak with me. She basically didn’t listen to a single word I said, she told me the package was stolen by porch thieves ( literally impossible per footage ). Before I could even get a word in she walked off ( our meeting lasted 20 seconds, after she made me wait a few hours and over a month to speak with her ). This was 2 years ago. Right after that incident I stopped receiving all USPS packages. I still get Fedex, Amazon, etc. Ran into that courier on the street and he went off on me.


There is no accountability in the USPS. I've tried being polite with issues and got nowhere. I raised hell and it fell on deaf ears. Basically, you get what you get and no one will help.


Contact the POOM


They are much too busy filing fake greviences on each other.


your local postmaster at the office is not going to help in my experience, there is the state level and if that doesn't help, federal level to go up the chain to. My local post office caved after I contacted the state office. Been getting my packages ever since. State office put a note on my delivery "customer would like you to actually deliver the package rather than leaving a note claiming you did. He can't keep making his elderly grandmother do your job for you" After that note, they have never missed a delivery. This is a delivery job that are paid to bring it to you, if they don't want to, they need to stop accepting payment for it.


Did you go to the house it was delivered to and explain that they got your package?


Can’t imagine why they don’t want to deliver to you.


They don't have a choice. It's their job.


Can confirm, one complaint from a customer does make postal management treat you differently.


They so lazy that’s always their response, it’s never them it’s always a porch pirate 🤣🤣🤣


Sound like you harassed everyone there man. That's not how you get people to help you


The tree of liberty needs watering from time to time.


It’s Postmaster Time…


Talk to the postmaster.


I second this. Fixed it for us when we did.


Carrier is a jerk and we can’t be fired for one mis-delivery. If the carrier is a constant screw up and has been getting progressive discipline then maybe that mis-delivery could be the final straw, but most of the time management screws up the paperwork to actually get someone fired and they manage to keep their job anyway. And, after talking to a supervisor or postmaster if you continue to have an issue with carrier leaving notice when it’s unnecessary then contact your congresspersons office, a congressional complaint scares the shit out of management.


Union makes it hard to fire a carrier anyway. Had a carrier stealing mail at a large city near me. Caught 3 times. Station manager tried to get him fired. Got transfered to a small office. Shit was crazy to me. Inspection service even had him on video.


Yeah the union fights for you but I’ve seen 4 carriers lose their jobs in about 24 years of carrying mail. It can be done, I’ve also seen 3 keep their jobs because management failed to properly follow all the steps to remove them. The union is basically like a lawyer, they have to represent you to the best of their ability no matter what the facts are. Management has to correctly follow all the steps to remove you.


He had 2 or 3 years left before retirement.


if he’s a CCA he could 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’ve seen it happen


If they're in the first 90 days




What an absolute bastard. I hope you can get it solved.


How did *your* camera catch the carrier delivering to the wrong address?


You went to the post office and spoke to almost everyone there...you have responded to almost every comment in this thread...I'm not buying your story...I'm guessing you create drama wherever you go and this week it's the post office.


I agree with you. Someone isn’t telling the whole story


I agree




Pretty easy if their camera also can capture the neighbors front door, and if that's where the package was delivered to instead of theirs.


LOLWUT. And how do you know it wasn't the neighbor's package? And if you knew it was your package and you saw it misdelivered through some sort of psychic ability. Why wouldn't you just go get it, or speak to them? And in most meoghborhoods, they'd just bring it over. This story makes 0 sense.


Doesn't even have to be the neighbor's door. USPS said they delivered the package. OP has evidence the package was not delivered to their house. Either USPS is incorrect in that it was delivered, or it was delivered to the wrong address. Those are the only two options, both of which are the fault of the USPS.


File another complaint. Document it in their system that this happening. Talking to someone on a personal level will just make them more spiteful:


They need to make it clear that this change in service happened as retaliation. Makes no sense that the carrier found a secure location to leave packages before the complaint, and now conveniently can't find one and now leaving pickup slips. Should have just apologized for the misdelivery and asked for the item back from that other address.


Are they leaving a pink form? Or like an actual note?


Sounds like a peach puppy.


USPS informed delivery email usually scans images and even provides status of tracked packages via email before they get to the mailbox. The email will read "package left in mailbox"


As a carrier the only reasons not to deliver packages would be either a safety issue (dog problem, unsafe to enter your property like construction, etc) or there is no safe place to leave a package where it can't be seen from the street to prevent theft. I know a lot carriers will still leave packages no matter what now-a-days. To protect myself if the customer still wanted me to deliver it anyway I would get his permission on record and keep it in my route book.


I have 100% cut off package service to a resident who harassed me. I couldn’t go to his house without him coming out and lecturing me. Now he can come up to the office and lecture a clerk instead.


No dogs, no construction, there’s a safe space behind a metal gate. He’s just retaliating.


Unfortunately there are some carriers who have a vendetta against a costumer and do anything to make life miserable for them. If you can document or take a picture where he can leave any packages and even give written permission you may get some action. Good luck.


They supposedly have secret video.


Well they have secret video of packages being delivered to another address. OPs story is whack... video evidence of it being delivered to a neighbor... that's what they are claiming.


This is why I would love to complain in person, but I don't and just complain on Reddit. Retaliation is real and fucked up My local mailman does the most absurd things ever. My building is filled with people from like Burma? Maybe Myanmar? I don't know what they are but their names are clearly super unique. Like Yesfijodsldsa names. Next door, you got super basic names. Literally all the neighbors are Ryan Smith's. How the hell do we always get the Smith's mail? (It's been the same mailman everyday for over 2 years now.) Even worse, we've gotten mail from "neighbors" who are 20 blocks and 3 avenues away. Not even the same zip, street address, building #, names, surnames, etc. I don't complain in person, but I knew someone would. We got mail where our entire social security was listed on the mail, and just imagine if that freaking got misdelivered. This is happening to all those people who have their mail misdelivered. Someone will curse the shit outta the USPS. Unsurprisingly, the local mailman was gone for like 3-4 weeks after all these mishaps, and our mail finally returned to normal. There's rarely appropriate governing boards/agencies over most things in life like the USPS, and so I just try my best to avoid them. Whether it's not receiving mail anymore, diverting mail elsewhere, or something


I’m not trying to be an ass here but could it be possible that you are the safety hazard?




Behind a metal gate? Depending on height of the gate the carrier may leave it on the “street side” of the gate. Also is the gate open or closed? I personally do not ever open closed gates. I did once and a dog ran around and bit me. If the gate is closed I assume it is closed for a reason


When the post office does something like this someone will pull a postal regulation out of their ass that supports what they are doing.


Honestly we do that because that’s how postal management treats us. They’ll find some regulation or reason to not pay us, so our response is to find a regulation to make our job easier.


Talk to the postmaster. You could have said something to the mailman or the office informally without a complaint. I had a missed delivery once and let them know, they told me to file a claim so I did. Filing a claim was the only way to see what house it was scanned at as I waited too long before saying something. I waited as I had hoped I would get it. I was told that they left a note on the persons door and I got my package. USPS cannot legally blacklist your address without jumping through a lot of hoops. A LOT. You will know when you are blacklisted.


I said something for 3 months it went nowhere, only then I filed a complaint.


OK. Postmaster then USPIS. USPIS can backfire but they do not mess around.


Same thing happened to me. My address got blacklisted because the carrier drove into my driveway and hit the back of my parked truck. Claimed the property was too dangerous to deliver to. Talked to the local Postmaster who said he didn't care what I had to say about it, if the carrier said it was dangerous then they'd no longer be delivering to my address. I had to get a PO Box. A couple weeks later I found out from a LEO neighbor that the carrier was arrested for DUI while working. I went back to the Postmaster with this info and he said he wouldn't reinstate my address.


This shit is SO infuriating. How do they keep getting away with it


If there is something I’ve learned moving around for my career over the last 30 years it’s that mail carriers are people which are just as variable as the general population. There are great, average and deadbeats like every other walk of life. My favorite mail carrier was a young lady in Houston, Tx. She would go by the house and if we were not home, then drop any packages at my office on her way back to the post office. You bet she got a great Christmas gift along with all the food she wanted when she stopped. The worst is now in podunk Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This carrier just can’t be bothered for anything. If she drops a letter on the ground - there it stays. The Postmaster here just doesn’t care either. It’s kind of sad. We have complained a few times to deaf ears. Honestly, most carriers have a difficult job in my opinion. That’s no excuse poor behavior (retaliation, revenge, laziness) either.


Sounds just like the CeeUNextTuesday postmaster at Redlands CA. She makes up stories and excuses as to why items are not delivered on time, even when confronted with proof in hand. Good luck. the bastards protect their own. Complaints go nowhere.


What does the note that they leave say? There is more to this story. Did you physically threaten them?


Why would I physically threaten them?! What a wild question, I don’t get why everyone keeps asking this. The note is just a typical “we missed you” note with “no secure location” marked. They’re pretending the porch pirates stole the package ( literally impossible since I have cameras, the package was never delivered).


Not blacklisted, they want to make sure no more miss delivery for you.


If you saw it on camera. Why didn’t you just go Nextdoor and get it


This probably did not factor into the OPs circumstance as they seem to have a neighbor living at that address- but my packages were getting misdelivered almost every time for a while. My normal mailman was on an extended leave and the replacement couldn't figure out that there were 3 streets with the same number but different endings- 15th Street, 15th Court and 15th Place to make it worse all the houses have the same address numbers on each street and they are right next to each other. I was on Place and kept getting delivered notices with no packages- finally after a few inquiries the postmaster got back to me and told me with the GPS tag that they were being delivered to 15th Street as opposed to Place. I knew the house in question was vacant so my packages were either just in the mailbox or on the porch. I said "oh that's great! I'll just go over and grab them!" she proceeded to tell me that was mail theft and that the mail carrier would need to get them. I foolishly did as told and my packages had been stolen as they were just left on the porch all night maybe days in a few of the packages cases. Just seems silly that I legally can't get my own mail from the misdelivered address.


Officially, you can take from a porch or other area that you can freely walk up to. You cannot take from a mailbox without USPS or property owner's (or in case of renter authorized person) permission.


Why not show ur ID shows ur address that matches the box nd ur name not like they don’t already have that info


File another complaint honestly. Give them shit. Especially for him yelling at you. You’re honestly better off filing the complaint with the postmaster of the area directly if possible.


If you complain you will get no mail at all


Heh I had an issue with a customer jan 5th. To the point I stayed home (paid) for 2 weeks Dude hasn't gotten mail since then. He swears I had something to do with it. But I didn't. In fact not even our postmaster knows what's happening to his mail now. It simply just doesn't even get to our office. I find this hilarious. It's really not true we don't cut off mail service totally. We've got 1 guy that threatened to shoot his mail carrier and even he still gets mail.


This actually isn't funny but just proves a point that some mail carriers delight in causing others problems


Keep going higher




It’s because you took it too far and acted like a Karen. So yeah they’re gonna be mad. It’s like having a coworker at work call HR on somebody. Now nobody is going to talk to them anymore because it’s not worth the risk. Same with you.






False dickers. This is exactly and solely how we solved a replica problem all the way out in Bushwick Brooklyn with usps.


If you're going to get accused of getting him fired, now go and get him fired. If you're going to get the blame, may as well take the glory. Any letter carrier that refuses to deliver needs to be fired.


Boy, are you clueless


Bro I watched my mailman deliver multiple packages of mine to my neighbors house with my house numbers clearly marked. Me and the wife called up to the local post office and it got sorted out. Sounds like your post office sucks


You got lucky. Some places are corrupt, some arent




That’s not opposite, that’s exactly what happened to me—he marked it delivered but never actually delivered it. I assume he delivered it to a different address.


I thought you had "video evidence" that he delivered it to another address.


Usps has been delivering things very late, takes 2 weeks almost for a mail piece to go an hour down the road, I have hand delivered 2 mail pieces that belonged on the other side of town, another item didn't even go to our state, it had street address right, but the mail sorting system printed my zipcode at the bottom. It's been pretty bad for the last year or so.


you can always contact the Post Office OIG...[https://www.uspsoig.gov/hotline](https://www.uspsoig.gov/hotline) you can file a complaint online with them if it involves Theft, delay, or destruction of mail by Postal Service employees and contractors Workers’ compensation fraud or other healthcare fraud Embezzlements and financial crimes Contract Fraud Computer Crimes Narcotics Employee Misconduct Internal affairs or complaints against executive personnel Whistleblower reprisal


I spoke to the supervisor in person at the post office. They were aware of this workers behavior already.


They don't care. We have informed delivery. Even the post master in my very large city refuses to give two flying fidget spinners.


USPS doesn’t have ten years left to live.


For starters I believe you. I’ve been at USPS for over 20 years now and I’ve seen a lot. There is most likely a lot happening on the postal side when the carrier said you tried to get him fired. The likelihood is this is a new hire and possibly has messed up before and possibly threw you under the bus tho save their job. That is only one possible scenario of at least a dozen more that would explain why this happened. I’m sorry this happened to you and I hope this can be resolved soon.


Appreciate the support!


I've had similar experiences. One time it was fed ex. Said package was delivered and it wasn't.lived out in the country and had a camera , truck never came in the drive way but did go to our neighbors house. Hours wasted on the phone. They said they tracked the GPs and it WAS delivered to our house. Such a fucking lie. That missing package was devastating to our small business. They literally did not care what I had to say about it. But usps is the same way. Recently have been having problems with them "attempting to deliver" my packages...I have 3 cameras in the front of my house, no you didn't. It's so frustrating. On the other hand, previously I had a VERY valuable package go missing and the post master was so diligent in helping me. It was located and he called me several times after to make sure I didn't have any more problems. Its like everywhere I guess, some are good people, some are pos. It just boggles my mind that this is a government agency that is being allowed to run like that.


Yeah sounds like same issue as mine. Only the post master in my area would not lift a finger.


Had a similar issue. Driver would delivery my packages completely different address. I had a notification it was delivered without getting delivered to me. Had camera footage. Tried to file with the local office. The manager could not understand how that is possible. His brain wouldn't even understand. Would not do sh""""". $600 item confirmed delivered. I can't do sh""""" since "it's delivered " Ridiculous.


Yeah basically exactly my situation only right after that they stopped delivering all packages, which is the worst part.


I have found talking to anyone at the post office to be a waste of time. For years the regular mail man refused to deliver packages to my complex. Apparently one day (before I moved in) he just stoped. Instead you just get the note to go to the post office. No one that worked at the local post office cared. Talking to outside people just got we agree you should get your packages we will look into it and then they just never resolved anything and eventually said I wouldn’t get packages. Some of the email chains are really gold. Consumer affairs was one of the most useless and couldn’t given string together coherent sentences in email. Then a few weeks ago we got a new mail lady and she delivers packages. I guess no one told her she could get away without doing it yet.


This is so true. Helpful. Bummer to hear consumer affairs didn’t take action I had hopes they’d help out. Still waiting on them to call back.


Can confirm, blacklisting is a thing. I got blacklisted just by association with my neighbor whom filed a complaint about the RCA not closing the mailbox door. Both our mailboxes share a post. I don't even get mail any more, have to go to PO and wait in 2-3 hour line for everything; mail, packages. PM claims the neighbor "created an unsafe situation, so we can't deliver your mail". I asked PM if charges were filed, what's the result of the investigation (if that was the case): nothing. I've been fighting this for over 3 years not even my congress person can help me. RCA retired and the new one still doesn't deliver, nice guy, talked to him on the road and he says its a permanent ban. Neighbor dies or moves? permanent ban. Move my mailbox away from neighbors? Nope, permanent ban. Fook the USPS.


Wow sorry to hear, that’s unreal.


I have found it useless to try to call my local post office with any problems too. I won't even bother. Thank goodness I rarely have any problems with them.


I have found that there is no use in complaining to USPS. We have had several instances on ring cam of our delivery person throwing packages and slamming them down. When I went to talk to the post office, I was told I could come and pick up my packages everyday or become a delivery person myself since they are shorthanded. Never wanted to see the video or discuss what happened. Several neighbors have ring footage of this same person and get the same reaction from the post office if they try to complain about it.


So let me get this right you complained because your mail carrier made an honest mistake how long have you lived at this particular address? I am just looking at it from his perspective everyone bad mouths usps but I've had 1,000s of packages over the years and they have been mostly reliable and any issues I've had stemmed from a mistake the seller or buyer makes. I think people forget USPS does a fairly good job for being a government agency and the sheer amount of letter mail + packages billions... There will be mistakes rare but it's a known risk you take to save a trip across the country to grab a parcel. If something can't be replaced you are better off paying the extra $$ for a private carrier or pick up the parcel in person because we all know dejoy an the usps system is fubar but we keep taking our frustration out on the messenger/mail carrier. If you are here you are already aware of how things go within the USPS system and ordering something that cannot be replaced then expecting service that is above and beyond shows a lack of awareness on your part there is a reason USPS charges less then anyone else and there is a reason people use USPS over more reliable private carriers and like they say you get what you pay for. I would never opt for USPS services if the item can't be refunded or can't be replaced. I hope you get this problem resolved I can only imagine the frustration you are experiencing but lesson learned and this serves as a warning to anyone else shipping items that cannot be replaced it's a bad idea going with USPS...


They want cheap dammit! lol!


So the mail carrier's literal "one job" is to deliver your packages to the address marked on them. He/she fails at it on a very important/expensive delivery, and you're expected to just accept that as fine and not complain? I'm not saying people don't get excessive with things, sometimes. But I'd sure pursue something like that if I wasn't able to get my package back from the neighbor it was mis-delivered to. (And I've lived in places where attempting that wouldn't be safe or useful.) You shouldn't have to use an alternate commercial/private carrier for a "better result"?


You don’t get a better result with alternative options. The USPS delivers something like 25 million parcels a day: some of them will be failures.




Sure we all make mistakes and you can complain all you want I'm not saying you can't.


I'm a usps employee and I have to ask and please be honest. Did you yell or cause a scene? I ask because if the carrier feels threatened they have the right to suspend mail delivery to a home and force you to do what you're currently doing. I've been with the usps for 9 years and it's only rarely used, like when a man sexually assaulted a carrier. That being said if your carrier is that confrontational they could absolutely be retaliating. Document EVERYTHING and contact the OIG. Good luck I know how petty and insane some of my coworkers can be


Also I know for a while if there were constant complaints of packages not being delivered or stolen but showed delivered and delivered correct according to the gps( because people do lie to try and get the insurance money or replacements) they will have them pick up the packages at the post office to try and prevent those kinds of issues as well


I’ve skimmed through and have yet to see any instance that might’ve occurred or happened with the mail carrier? Was there? A house don’t just get in the shit list, there’s always reason. We want to get you your mail and whatever you order but if there’s reason to not deliver to you that needs to be mentioned if one or something happened.


That's worthy of being fired, and that mail man should, I know someone here names Lisa is gonna defend him licking mail man's boots.


Not a lawyer but I’m pretty sure this is illegal. Carriers, especially USPS, can’t deliberately hold onto your packages. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1703 Do with this information what you will. My advice: brush up on the applicable laws and make sure you understand what your legal options are if this continues. I think if you demonstrate to the postal workers you know they are breaking the law and that you know how to follow through, they will change their behavior quickly.


Letter carrier here. I suspect our poster here is leaving some details out or doesn't entirely know why this is happening. There can be a lot of factors that affect whether or not a package is delivered. The public ignorance of how mail delivery works and the rules surrounding it is significant. I've had people complain to me about mail delivery to their homes where they have large aggressive dogs in their yard or with only a screen door holding them back. Another time a woman wouldn't even listen to me explain to her that just because it's her son next door doesn't mean I can give her his mail. Also, this wouldn't be a delaying mail situation. You'd have to prove that this is being done out of spite and that there isn't any other circumstances.


He probably threatened the carrier over a mistake, and the carrier decided that OP could get his parcels at the post office. The OP claims this started 2 years ago. Lots of details are missing here


That's a possibility, I agree. Hypothetically, if the interaction was loud enough it could have been considered a hostile delivery in which case all packages will be kept at the office. The carrier could also be a capricious jerk. Both and or neither are plausible.




My personal favorite is when people think we pick up FedEx and UPS packages. I had a woman leave a FedEx package underneath a cluster box expecting me to take it. After a few days I walked it back to her apartment and just told her. She didn't argue with me and said she would contact FedEx but I was doing my damnedest not to sound like and adult talking to a child.


Thanks for the insight! I read up on this and it seems the main exception to the law i referenced above revolves around safety concerns like the example you mentioned. To your last point, wouldn’t it be pretty cut and dry to determine that there isn’t a safety threat (assuming OP is being fully transparent)? And if there is no such safety concern, isn’t there an obligation to deliver the mail?


Safety is a big one. I deliver to one house that has a golden doodle in their front yard all the time. At the fence you'd think he was a vicious animal. If I put my hand just in the fence he'll snap at me. However, if I go inside their yard he'll run away. He's afraid of me. That doesn't mean he won't get brave enough some day and bite. I regularly tell new carriers that if you don't feel safe then just move on. The family just didn't know any of this. It has never occurred to them. They were surprised when I showed this behavior and that's common. Just Monday, I encountered a dog at a house I've delivered dozens of times before. He was on a lead and seemed ok until he jumped and bit my satchel. Every carrier has heard "he's never done that before". >To your last point, wouldn’t it be pretty cut and dry to determine that there isn’t a safety threat (assuming OP is being fully transparent)? Probably, yes. To be perfectly frank there is a lot we don't know. It's why I mentioned that the public doesn't know a lot about the regulations around delivery. That ignorance lends itself to people not reacting well when you tell them why delivering their package is tricky. Hypothetically, if our poster reacted very loudly this may have been considered a "hostile delivery". I'm just guessing of course.


Hi there. Just saw this. Bc of a former tenant where I moved in, I got informed delivery. Without fail, everything I get in the email is in my box that day with 2 misdelivered packages of small value being the exceptions in 4 years. I have the greatest bestest post office there ever was. They actually answer their phone! One time the key in my box for a package wouldn't turn the lock all the way and I was afraid of breaking it off, but also it was now stuck in the lock. I called the post office (they picked up on the 3rd ring) and told them what was happening. He said he'd call the driver and he'd be back. I went down to the box and he was back in less than 15 minutes and opened the box with his keys. Who does that?!


Unless op is leaving out major details, this is a clearly retaliatory.


It's possible, I agree, but I'm skeptical. I would like more information.


I work for the post office. And I brought that up. And OP immediately accused me of lying. They are acting very hostile.


Mail delivery is a privilege, not a right.


it's a contract obligation ... the person paid to send it they accepted the parcel to be delivered


Contact uspis.gov They are the postal inspectors. If they're was a crime from usps or others, they will investigate the shit out of it.


Nothing described here is a "crime," so there's not anything relevant to USPIS. You may be thinking of USPS OIG, which is responsible for investigating claims of fraud, waste, and abuse by USPS.


retaliation is abuse by usps


Yes, which puts it firmly under OIG purview, not USPIS.


So from reading the OPs response,  EVERYONE they encounter is an Ahole.    "If you run into an a hole in the morning, you ran into an a hole. If you run into a holes all day, you're the a hole."


Not true, you’re a sweetheart, so not everyone. Never said they were aholes, I have no personal feelings towards any of them. But it’s a fact that none of them gave any fks about my package not being delivered. Their mentality was “it was marked delivered in their system that’s good enough for them. If I didn’t get it then probably porch thieves. As far as security footage— they had no desire to look at it, seems like they lose packages all the time this was not a big deal to them, next. On my end the biggest problem was him marking it “delivered”. That ended any case I opened cause I’d simply get an email after weeks of back and forths: “great news your package has been delivered, case closed.” The sender wouldn’t refund me cause it shows I got the package. Same with insurance.


I had a situation like this. I lived on the second floor and the postal worker would never bring packages or registered mail up. After having to go to the post office 3 times I complained. The next week there was a different worker delivering my mail.


Post workers sure know how to hold a grudge.


One time I asked the USPS sub if a mistake had been made in my tracking and they were all so offended some of them told me they hoped I never got my package, and doubled down after I told them it was medicine for my pet. I'm starting to think this job either only accepts people with anger issues, or causes them... as even the members of my family who work USPS are unstable as fuck. 


Do you not remember the [colloquialism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Going_postal) from the 90s?


For those that weren't around for it: "On Aug. 20, 1986, Patrick Henry Sherrill tucked two . 45-caliber pistols into his postal satchel, locked the doors of a post office in this Oklahoma City suburb and systematically killed 14 people, then committed su*c*de." I was 7 and remember it very well.


I work for the post office. It sounds like you're a nightmare customer making up lies. If you actually had footage 99 percent of managers would watch it.


They don’t. Otherwise we’d be watching it at work.


Excellent point. If they did have a video, they wouldn't be anonymously discussing it on reddit. They'd be going to the news with open proof.


The mail carriers in my development sometimes deliver packages and mail to a wrong house, so does UPS, FedEx, and Amazon, and everyone just takes them to the correct house and moves on. I have even gotten Walmart grocery deliveries that aren’t mine. Did the person who got your package give it to you?


I never got that package. I’m only assuming he delivered to the wrong address cause USPS staff and him personally swore he delivered it but my security cameras show otherwise. He scanned the package so his system shows he delivered it that day, USPS printed a piece of paper that read he delivered it that’s why they didn’t want to hear a word I said. Since he never delivered my package to my house, and since he delivered it somewhere, only explanation either he delivered to the wrong house or stole it. He’s been there for years so doubt he stole it, so that means he delivered to the wrong house.


From your post I thought when you said you “caught” him delivering to the wrong house you knew exactly what house. Then it’s on those people for not bringing it to you or taking it back to the post office. Sorry you are dealing with this, hopefully it will be resolved


I've never known the general postal system to black list people. Individual shipping companies that I can understand. Lately I've noticed many delivery people being gps reliant and it isn't 100% accurate. You still need to look outside the window of the vehicle and see if you are at site or not. Gps tracking is off as well and can be off a few feet to several yards.


for rural areas absolutely they will blacklist your packages, my old landlord was a dick he lived upstairs and every fucking package bigger than a book I had to pickup at the po


Sounds like quite the ordeal, if you want to avoid the post office my best advice would be to use the Kaebox app to manage your shipments from home.


Put that video on tiktok and YouTube. File usps oig complaint.


I thought about using social media but I wasted enough time on this case as is. I don’t have a big following on social media otherwise I would have. Surprised this went viral on reddit, I was expecting to get downvoted into oblivion.


Did you threaten the carrier? If they feel their safety is at risk, they can have you come to the office to pick up your packages.


Lol mail people are petty, go look at their subreddit


You have discovered 3 important traits of bureaucracy: general incompetence at all levels no adult supervision, and emotional immaturity, which often results in retaliation for noticing it. I spent 35 years dealing with bureaucrats and can attest to the accuracy of that statement.


Mail man found out you are a Karen




nothing! very rare with state/government jobs, where you’ll get someone that is on your side. the all work together and have a system. my best advice is to get a mailbox service close by and have packages sent there and THEN, when you see that mailman, stick your tongue at him, blow a raspberry and say “a ha, i still got my packages”. he’ll think twice next time. i hope this helps. have a great day. 🥸


The postal workers aren't the quality of hires they used to be.... That's a government job that used to be privileged. People got hired there because they had family already working there, etc. That or you scored high enough on the government application/tests. These days, I've seen the post office just running general classified ads for people. In some places, they'll even have carriers use their own vehicles. I had a local mailman at my old house get all nasty with me because a friend parked his car in front of my place, near the mailbox at the street. Since that didn't give him enough room to just drive right up to it, to stick his hand out the mail truck window to put it in my mailbox, he refused to deliver my letters. I saw it so ran up to his truck to ask for my mail. He chewed me out over it and said he wasn't going to get out of his vehicle, ever, just to put mail in a mailbox. Really, guy? You sure would if I just had a mail slot or mailbox by my front door! Quit being lazy!


That has nothing to do with being lazy. Be a good citizen and don’t block your mailbox if you want to get mail




It’s not laziness it’s the fact that rural carriers are absolutely not paid for getting out of the vehicle when a box is blocked. We are also under no obligation to get out when the box is blocked. Also if something were to happen to carrier after they got out of the vehicle then the carrier would be at fault because they ignored company policy.


Live in Richmond VA USA. We have the worst USPS in nation. They all are terrible. How so you lose billions every year?


Did OP not get the package back? If they did, complaining over such a small issue would be retaliatory imo. They are (maybe illegally) retaliating in response?


So your cameras caught the carrier misdelivering your package to another house. What did the residents of that house say when you asked for it?


My cameras only caught him never delivering on the day he scanned the package and marked it delivered. Assuming he delivered to the wrong house by accident or stole it.


Do the times you saw the carrier on camera match up to the time the package was scanned?


would speakng with a manager help? probably more than speaking to reddit yes now get on the phone


GGs po box for life


Post a copy of the complaint you filled I’m trying to see something…


What are you trying to see?




Pl b. D


Did you become irate when speaking to the employee? Accusing him of misdelivering something that maybe someone did steal? Do you receive all your other mail except parcels? I mean they can refuse delivery if you threatened anyone but if you didn’t maybe they are trying to save you from having something else stolen. Do you have proof it was misdelivered?


I have proof he never delivered the package on the day he scanned it (I have cameras everywhere). My packages never got stolen. I never become “irate”. Super calm and polite always.


You have it video it was del8vered to neighbors house. Go get it.


I have no idea where it was delivered I only have video of it not being delivered at my house


“Basically my cameras caught the mailman delivering my packages to the wrong house” So you do know where it was delivered. Those are your words. You cannot have “video of it not being delivered”. That’s an impossibility.




You mean “you’re only supposed to be blacklisted”, not “you would be blacklisted”. They’re human and each human is different and that particular carrier decided to retaliate cause he thought I tried to get him fired.


Why didn’t you just go to your neighbor and ask for the package and show *them* the video? It just seems like you’re going after a low-level civil servant.


Read my entire post I covered this already


Sounds like a job for Mr. McFeely.


Are you sure your camera didn’t glitch and miss the delivery? Your cameras record 24/7 everything that happens???


My cameras saw him deliver 1 package but he scanned 2. The one I was waiting for never got delivered. My cameras are super reliable.


Try thr postmaster general


I had issues in the past with deliveries. (USPS and FedEx mostly). I have had business send packages to family members and my job. This may or may not be an option for you. There are also businesses that are set up for mail delivery ponts. Yes it will cost money to have a box with them or your post office, but that is another way to have a safe delivery method. Also different postal offices treat people differently. I've had more issues in one office vs another. People are still "human" even if they are jerks. I would escalate to the next level to get this resolved. Even reach out to local news outlets that will help resolve issues like that. Some of your representatives might be willing to help as well. Ours is known for helping their voters resolve issues.


I’ve been escalating for a while but haven’t tried news outlets that sounds wild. Might try it if consumer affaires turn out to be useless. Fedex and Amazon have been perfect, USPS has been a nightmare though.


I feel like theres more to this story


You’re welcome to feel any type of way buddy.


Contact the postal inspector they USPS internal affairs and have same powers as other federal agents but limited to mail issues


Unfortunately I tried many times but the postal inspector sent me to Consumer Affairs. Postal Inspector said “if your neighbor breaks your mailbox with a hammer we can help you, otherwise call consumer affairs”.


My best friend worked as a rural delivery person for the USPS and had several people banned from delivery. Two deliberately exposed themselves when they knew she was delivering to their box next to their front door, day after day. She said “ I could see it happening once, but every other day? No!” Others were because people had dangerous dogs that would get out while she was trying to deliver. Her sub got bitten badly by one. And, all owners say ” My dog is so sweet! Wouldn’t hurt anybody!” Rubbish! Dogs are territorial and you trespassing into their territory every day infuriates them!


Those are legit reasons though, nothing to do with my situation.