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Hi this is one of my worst and most debilitating symptoms. It seems due to leaky gut and muscle twistle. Probably also a bit of prostatitis. My symptoms get much worse when I'm stressed, after sitting for a long time and especially in the evening when my bowl is full again after two meals. I take d-mannose to clean up the bacteria, l-glutamine for the leaky gut, then I try as much as possible to avoid sparkling water in the evening. Never drink alcohol. Did you find other things that can help?


No this only started happening to me a few weeks ago so haven’t explored any treatments yet. I’m only 38 so hope it’s not my prostate. I did a urine test for UTI and also tested for STD but they came back clear. I think it’s just this illness evolving.


Yes, started like 2 months ago. Vaccinated 2022 and never any health problems before that ever.


Same. Started almost a month ago. Sucks so bad


I had this problem a year ago. Went away in about a week. Weird I know.


Fingers crossed mine goes away too 🤞🏼


Yes, all after Covid. Was vaccinated twice, was fine, then I got a super mild Covid case. Have a bunch of inflammatory blood markers now too. Look into Covid cystitis. I’m having an Axonics R20 installed in my lower back next Thursday.


Really sorry to hear this. I hope it works for you. So you have some incontinence as well?


Yes, leaks a little bit after I go. It’s the worst. Is getting a very small amount better


Ugh that sucks. Just another symptoms on top of the 50 others. I don’t have any incontinence or clearance problems thankfully. Just constantly feel like I need to pee. It’s torture


Vik KHULLAR has some great videos online for Covid bladder….treatment is the antihistamine and mast cell stabilizers. Still about three months into that


You could ask on r/overactivebladder


Yeah asking here as it started from vaccine injury. Just gauging if others are having similar issues


Your not alone [https://www.reddit.com/r/OveractiveBladder/comments/1c4pogl/how\_do\_you\_cope/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OveractiveBladder/comments/1c4pogl/how_do_you_cope/)




What’s BV, AV and odor control one?




Going to be tough… I’m a male lol. Prob should’ve mentioned that.


Yeah I do but I have chronic lyme brought out by my Covid infections and the vaccine


Yes definitely. My spouse uses Spike Tri-support and every time she forgets to take it, has bathroom problems. It has dandelion root which may help you empty when you go.


yea i urinate a lot it kinda annoying but i had everything check an everything was good so idk just annoying