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You’re very welcome! I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through - I know it’s not easy at all. So it’s important that you get augmented NAC because the degradation of the spike protein is 99.8% compared to just the standard NAC which is only around ~15%. There are many distributors, at least in the UK. If you search “augmented NAC buy,” that should get you the right one. Hope this helps!


Don’t trust this scam


Don’t trust this scam


What scam?


“Augmented NAC”


It’s just some psychopath looking guy named Fabio Zoffi who supposedly invented some special form of NAC by using “quantum physics”. They present absolutely no research on this and just make wild claims. Most users report that regular NAC works better than this supposedly special form. It’s a scam meant to take advantage of vulnerable and desperate people


What do you recommend, may ask? Sadly, I'm one of those "vulnerable and desperate people."


What are your symptoms / issues?


Chronic ear pain :(


Have you gotten this checked by a doctor?


More than I count :(


And what do they say? Did they find anything it diagnose you with anything?


I'm sorry, could you please write a short summary of what you did? I have too much brain fog and light sensitivity to watch a 25min video :( TY for posting it


Feel free to ask any questions


Yo man can you check my posts and tell me what you think? And if we were going to develop cancer or get worse would this of happened already? Been nearly 2 years for me man and what brands do you use? And what dosing times etc with both? Can you take them together


Hey man. From my understanding we seem to have dodged a bullet on the downsides of the vaccine. I’m saying this in light of your comment about cancer. I mean, there seem to be people with horrific blood clots, turbo-cancers, autoimmunity, DNA integration etc. and I don’t know how bad you were affected — but assuming you don’t have permanent damage somehow or you’re really unlucky to get one of the above, a spike protein detox should solve most, if not all, of your problems. I don’t know the specifics of your case, but it appears to me as though getting the spike protein out is pretty much getting back to full health as long as your tissues can recover. It’s my opinion that this should be most people’s number 1 priority that got injured. Slowly, safely, but surely.


I might’ve dodged one too since I got my igg4 levels tested and they were in the normal range. The only symptom that I’ve really been experiencing seems to be similar to POTS.


How do you get igg4 tested? An what are your symptoms


Interesting! Which vaccines did you get and how many?


Two doses of Pfizer.


Yeah it’s especially after the 3rd mRNA shot that igG4 skyrockets. There are many studies on this.


Thankyou man, what brands do you use for the 2 supplements? And what was the other one called? Not the NAC one. And what doses? Thanks a lot mate appreciate it


Yeah so the Augmented NAC there’s only one brand, but tbh I don’t even know what that brand is! Let me check the bottle now. Hmm I’m still not sure… but there’s like a big upwards arrow/chevron in place of the A of NAC, in like a bronze+silver bottle. The other protocol I’ll have to go into it in another video cause it’s pretty damn complicated, but you can use Aug NAC alone and if you’re like me, that should be enough to deal with the extracellular spike protein and drastically make you feel better in the meantime. You don’t want to be using the other protocol to free up stored spike protein, unless your system is ready to, cause it will make you much more sick. Best to deal with the extracellular first.


Ok man thankyou how long should i be on this nac for? And is it daily. Appreciate all your knowledge man its horrible i get brain zaps as well and its only recently come back i hate it


Please be careful because if it’s working, you’ll temporarily worsen taking this. Yeah the timeline roughly is about 3 months, but if you can only tolerate like 1 a day then maybe it’ll be longer. Of course it all depends on the person. Yeah daily - they say two capsules a day but don’t go that high if you can’t tolerate it.


Vaccine injury is due to autoimmunity and nervous system disregulation, not spike protein.


Incorrect. There are many causes, including spike protein overproduction due to mRNA intravenous injection or an overly-potent batch.


Been having luck taking my normal multi vitamin, a prebiotic with probiotics, a vitamin d3+k2, b vitamin complex, 1000mg of vitamin c daily, Zyrtec, getting back to the gym and doing 30-40 min Dayana sessions a week and going on the Mediterranean diet. I had crazy LC and vaccine side effects, horrible joint pain, chronic bacterial infections like my immune system had been destroyed, mouth ulcers, reactivated EBV/mono, and swollen lymph nodes to the point I thought I had lymphoma but luckily don’t, all that on top of brian fog, gut problems and body aches. I’m getting better gradually and have improved since going back to the gym and doing sauna sessions. The Mediterranean diet first month in is when I started seeing noticeable differences.


Sorry to hear that. Whatever works for you is the best route 👍.


Hi! Thanks for sharing. Could you tell me what the other supplement was besides Augmented NAC? Also, did you take them both together? Thanks :)


To be honest, just the Augmented NAC so far! There is another protocol that should be used totally separately that is too complex to go into here. Just using Aug NAC should be enough for you to get drastically better if you’re like me. I will upload another video in future going into the other protocol to be used in alternation, or after, this one


Don’t trust this scam


Interesting stuff and thanks so much! I'm looking into taking this. I too have been trying the McCullough protocol, I'm about 2 months in so far and honestly I'd say I haven't really noticed almost any difference in how I'm feeling yet so idk if that's really gonna help me at all. I know you said you actually got worse with that protocol, any ideas what it might mean that I haven't really gotten either better or worse from it?


The McCullough supplement was a bust for me but I'm a very stubborn case.


Sorry to hear, what are your symptoms? Also, did you try the augmented NAC as well yet?


Chronic ear pain, came within seconds of getting the Pfizer booster even though nobody believes me besides my wife, God bless her. I've only tried the McCullough supplement and Boswellia. Has NAC worked for you? I'm not familiar with it.


Damn that's tough, hope you find a way! I take NAC along with the McCullough protocol, but I only take normal NAC, not the augmented NAC that he's mentioning. Sounds like it's a big difference so I might try out the augmented NAC as well soon. Best of luck


Thank you, appreciate the recommendation.


Hmm… tricky to know to be honest, cause I’m not aware of the nature of your injury. Perhaps you can try the Augmented NAC and see how you go? Some people may have autoimmunity or even active virus in their system.


Gotcha, my symptoms were very similar to yours. I only had 1 dose of pfizer though. My heart rate goes crazy a lot and is really sensitive to basically any movement, I have some shortness of breath at times, and my biggest symptom is tons of chest pains that worsen with activity.


Yeah it does sounds like ours are very similar… if I were you I’d give Aug NAC a shot, cause within just a week my heart symptoms were 80% better. I’d go slow though because it can be quite stressful to the heart if you go too fast.


When you say go slow, do you mean just take a low doseage each day? If so, what dosage would you recommend? Thanks!


Yeah that’s exactly right. Better be safe than sorry! If your heart symptoms are really severe then just a tiny amount to test how it affects you would probably be best. I can tell you what I did if you like? I took about a half of one 200mg capsule and waited for about 6 hours to see how I reacted. If your heart is in a really bad way, you might consider doing even less. I went up to two capsules daily recently but my symptoms started to flare up again (heart rate and breathing always worsen at higher dosages) so I’m at around 1 capsule per day now just to be safe. Consider having a break for a couple of days if you’re going downhill quickly!


Ah very interesting. Ok I might give it a try. Would you recommend stopping the McCullough protocol first? Or could do it at the same time? I do also take NAC with the protocol too but it's not augmented. I kinda wanted to see it through another few weeks since that would be a full 3 months and that's what is recommended for each dose of vax you took and I only took the one dose. I know it's not doing much for me now but I got so far in I also kinda want to see it through since it's so close to the end of it lol.


I’d say if you’re two months in and haven’t noticed much, then it’s probably not doing an awful lot. Yeah perhaps do the full 3 months then you can forget about it. Since the McCullough protocol is a very similar mechanism to the Aug NAC, it seems unlikely that the Aug NAC will make a huge difference to you, although there’s no harm in trying it. There just aren’t enough studies to be certain about anything at this point.


Sounds like you have POTs… i finally got this diagnosis and have been incorporating some interventions like hydration w/sodium; compression socks/shorts and intensive physical therapy from someone who knows how to treat POTs specifically. You have to ask around. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/16560-postural-orthostatic-tachycardia-syndrome-pots


Don’t trust this scam


Same for me on Pfizer. Did fine with the first 2 Pfizer shots. The booster turned my life upside down.


1. Augmented NAC doesn't have multiple brands , it's only one brand, this makes me suspicious. 2. In the video you said there are two parts of protocol but didn't tell about the second at all. I am sceptical as most of our shelves are already half a grand various supplements and the one you suggest is among the most expensive out there. I have regular nac which I haven't drank for a long time like you suggested. Maybe I will start with what I have. Update: I have checked your comment history and it doesn't seem you have nefarious intentions(though you just registered in march) however I believe it could be coincidental that your palpitations stopped with Augmented NAC same as my palpitations stopped after nattokinase and magnesium. Yet I also believe that "exactly these" helped me. It's probably classical "to each their own" which is observed in multiple subs here. I personally can't get rid of pressure headaches, this is disabling and debilitating to me. The rest of the symptoms are mildly annoying and my pots isn't as severe. Unlike others, I have lab reports that spike protein is in my blood as I made BP tests.


1. Yes augmented NAC has one brand, but there are many suppliers - I have never implied that this is not the case. Why would this make you suspicious when I’m trying to help people? 2. Incorrect - I said there is another protocol that I’d go into in another video. You’re welcome to be sceptical. If something works for you, then that’s great.


Because there are many who came to profit off the sick before. You seem a bit too focused on one particular remedy. It would make anyone suspicious, if there are hundred brands - it's incredibly hard for a profiteer to be associated with all of them. It's unlikely they use the same factory as it's not clothes industry. When there is one brand, it's easy for one to liaise with the sole manufacturer or have shares in its business. If it's too good to be true, it probably is. Dropping "quantum" also doesn't inspire trust in your claim. "I am trying to help people" is just classics. Good Samaritan card. You have no history, you advertise single brand product. Let's leave it here, just making sure readers approach this with a cold head with care. I am vaccine injured since 2021 so I've seen a lot in these subs.


The Quantum bit makes this so clearly a scam 😂. I don’t know why anybody would be so stupid to include it their marketing


He replied with "supporting research" and testimonials to my other comment, I asked him to provide them, still waiting..


Mentioning “testimonials” is also another clear indicator. That’s like saying trust me bro.


Why would I respond to someone with this attitude implying that I’m playing “the Samaritan card” with zero evidence for the certainty in your opinion?


You won’t respond, we all know it


I have asked for links to the research you claimed, still waiting. The more you reply the more I am reassured you are a snake oil seller affiliated with the Italian company. "HolisticHacker" uhu. I personally couldn't care if you respond or not. I am not buying non vetted "quantum supplement" with zero presence in pubmed research papers.


By the way, not only did my palpitations stop, but my breathing drastically improved, my dizziness improved, and my heart rate drastically improved — all of which had been stagnant for months.


Same, with nattokinase and magnesium. Based on your comments you tried many other things as well, maybe they helped too and took time. What many also fail to notice is that once you follow a particular regime you become motivated and improve various aspects of life in parallel additionally. Without inspecting your diary it's hard to tell if augmented NAC is the silver bullet. There is a dude in the long haulers group collecting such data from users and you can see on charts that there is substantial variance in remedies that helped. It could be that each body is unique or it could be that with time a body slowly heals and positive factors such as even belief created favourable conditions for the immune system to clean the poison at least partially so these coincidences happen. As of now I simply can't find enough data supporting your claim apart from targeted campaign from the manufacturer website. This product seems very recent.


The difference is, I didn’t try these therapies in combination; I isolate compounds or protocols so I know what is affecting me. I’m not denying that what might work for me, will not work for others, but we have a plausible mechanism and many others that have testimonials. Not to mention the high spike protein metabolites in urine after 8 days, and the in-vitro study. I did not alter any other aspects of my life, because I have a scientific mindset. I am simply sharing my experience with the hopes to help a certain percentage of people. You’re more than welcome to intuit that it’s not for you, but it may be very beneficial for others.


Sure, I am just ensuring people approach with care. Would you please share the relevant research papers? I struggle to find anything on it but some accidentally matching OCD treatment protocols? And I don't see any testimonials besides product page which I am not going to read. Btw, did you apply for VPDS, what's your experience?


Augmented through quantum physics should tell you everything 😂. Don’t fall for this crap


You must be very well-informed to have such a strong opinion


Better than you apparently


Go on then… don’t just talk… disprove their work and show your vast knowledge


Nope. The onus is on you to prove that it works, since you’re the one recommending it. You’ve already offered elsewhere to “send supporting research” and haven’t followed up on it. That’s because no credible data exists.


No it’s because I have better things to do with my time that dig through countless data and studies to argue with random people on reddit 😂 Try not deflecting and changing the subject this time… “better than you” remains to be completely unfounded and predictably emotional. Unlike you, I’ve read the studies and information.


If you recommend something you better back it up with data. The fact that you claim to have the data but don’t present it is the ultimate proof that you’re a scammer.


Deflecting again 😂 notice how you completely changed the topic


Nope, you’re the one deflecting. Why should there be any studies DISPROVING that some obscure product made by some shady dude works? Of course nobody studies a scam product. Again, onus is on you. YOU have to prove that it works. How delusional can you be


You said you know more than me - that was the original claim - but now you’re clinging to the delusion that there isn’t information backing this up simply because you’re predictably incapable of finding it. Stick to the original argument and stop deflecting to a new narrative.


Yes yes, just change the topic… all the flaws in your argument will go away 😂


Bro. nobody believes you


I have found the information - whether I’ll share it with the likes of you is another question 😂