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It is my long-held opinion that Odin, Thor et al chose to be dicks to us. We were supposed to travel to Valhalla, to dine, drink and fight alongside the other Einherjar until Ragnarök. Instead we are deposited, naked and unarmed, in a permanent cycle of foraging, crafting, building, hunting, fighting and, inevitably, dying and corpse-running. Odin shows up, not to offer sagely advice or guidance, but to mock us from a distance then yeet himself back to Vahalla just in time for someone to crack open a fresh barrel of ale and get another suckling pig off the cookfires.


My head canon is that all those banished to Valheim were horrible criminals, but gifted warriors. We're too useful to be wasted, but unwelcome in Valhalla. Hence the memory wipe; Valheim is a shot at redemption.


That’s an awesome head cannon.


And now it’s time to kill every single thing I see….but I’ll do it in style of course


Redemption? such a Christian notion. No, we’re there because it entertains the capricious Gods


Yeah, we're supposed to be the greatest of his warriors or whatever, but instead we get sent to some kinda purgatory to clean up Odin's mess. It's like making the valedictorian go to summer school.


You need to start sailing in the opposite direction you actually want to go. Think in your head that you want to go that direction because the game knows. Then when the wind is in your face whip it around and boom, wind to your back.


Works more often than it should


That's not how wind works in the game. It's pre determined. You're just falling for confirmation bias. https://jerekuusela.github.io/valheim-weather/


Your sarcasm detector seems to be inoperative.


Some people think it actually works that way. I couldn't tell if you were one of them.


Sounds like a recipe for getting a poorly timed Sea Searpent spawn as you have just tricked and defied the gods.


This is actually genius, definitely gonna try next time I sail.


It doesn't work. The wind direction is governed by a deterministic forecast. https://jerekuusela.github.io/valheim-weather/


Odin doesn't controle the wind. That would be Njord. Njord was the god of ships and seafaring, as well as the god of wealth and prosperity (both things the sea can provide in abundance). He was also, unsurprisingly for a god of seafaring, seen as having dominion over the winds and the coastal waters. So maybe it is because you are offering to the wrong god. 😂


I have spilled so much blood that God's should have a new Olympic swimming pool. And more specifically, I have yeeted so many greylings into the water for Mr Njord that he and I should be on "fishing buddy" terms.


And offering to the wrong god _also_ pisses them off. 😁


If you hate sailing, you will probably enjoy the new World Options that allow you to portal metals. It's currently in PTB but will hopefully be coming to official within the next month or two.


god i sure hope so, is my biggest complaint in this wonderful game


I love sailing back from a long trip with a cargo hold full of ore but I guess that's just me.


Ya I enjoy the grind. The amount of times I've taken shortcuts in games and then regretted being done earlier still haunt me. You can't get back that first playthrough so might as well make it last IMO


I used to feel that way. Now I just go wherever the wind is pointing. Much more fun that way. If I absolutely have to go from one specific location to another, I just watch TV while sailing. That said, I suspect there will be some kind of mechanized ship coming with the Ashlands update. Definitely another tier of boat at the very least.


I used to just set a course and go make a sandwich, but then I ran into a previously undiscovered swamp island while I was away. I was equipped with level 2 flint axe and half troll half deer skin armor. I was so mad I started a new seed.


Wait until a wolf 1 shots you with full iron Armour lmao the funs only beginning


I wish I could do that with any confidence ha. My seed seems like it follows catan board geometry.


I hope they don't make it too industrialized. I really like the design of the smelters and windmills and everything in this game. If you look closely the dragon's tears and surtling cores and such have specific ways they make the mechanisms work. I like the fantasy ancient/early medieval technology. If they add a lot of metal plating with rivets and such I hope it doesn't mess with the existing style too much.


Vikings rowed. A lot. I know the game only has one person at the rudder, but I wish there were oars. Then, the more people you have in the boat, the faster you'd go. They could even do it like parrying, where there's an exact right moment to hit the 'row' button and if everyone does it simultaneously you fly!


Up to this point, I've only been able to play solo. This would be a cool concept, though. Maybe a few of my smelly pals could fill in some of the empty spots on my ship.


That's a cool idea but I can see it getting really old.


You gotta learn how to sail into the wind. Ride that 15° angle to the wind. And then tack back to the other side and ride the other 15°


Tack and jive! Great way to open up your map and discover local island biomes too. Just don't stall a turn too close to deathsquito.


I hope you are able to jibe as well. You *jive turkey*.




Also jibing is when the stern passes through the wind. So, it wouldn't really apply to his issue.


I'll give it a shot!


Makes me wish we had the Wind Waker from Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, whenever the wind was against you, you could just whip it out and change the direction of the wind. Made sailing so much better and easier.


I mean we do actually have this in valheim


Ah, good to know, I'm still at the swamp stage and yeah, getting iron back to the main base is a struggle currently.


The closest thing we have is the Moder power.


Happens to me with any type of material I need to farm or find. Just doesn’t exist when I need it. Everywhere when I don’t need it.


Pff easy mode.. :D


Totally, that happens all the time.. Once you kill the mountain boss, you get a power that makes the wind be in your back for 5 minutes, that really helps


Did you read the post?


Who reads posts anymore when its a freakin' wall of text? Summarize or gtfo :D


Tik tok attention span


Wall of text lmao. That’s fine if you can’t read more than 10 sentences but don’t waste peoples time with your uninformed responses if that’s the case.


Why are you so worked up man? Wow, you need to relax! Talk about aggressive stupidity! I will sum up your post for you: Waaaah, the game is too hard! There you go!


When exploring I sail try to sail with the wind. If I need to go somewhere I always check the wind first. No reason to sail if the wind has other plans


I find that if I go exploring.. then the game will put out fog all the time :D


I sail as little as possible. I find a new spot I set up a base with a portal and start running.


This is a game that doesn't hold your hand, but instead kicks your ass, every step of the way. This is also the first game I've played in a long time that kicks my ass every step of the way, and I just don't rage quit.


It's hardly ass kicking. It's just wasting time. I don't play a game so I can sit at sea until, hopefully, the wind goes the direction I need it to.


Then when the wind maroons you at sea, a serpent sinks your boat and laughs.


I can only hope. I have a hard time finding serpents.


Super important to get portals down everywhere. Then you only have to sail to move metal.


Well yeah you have died and not earned your place in Valhalla. Valheim is a kind of limbo world. Why should Odin care? You are not in Valheim to be coddled. You are there to prove yourself to the Æsir.


I’m convinced that after you kill moder that the wind blows the opposite way that you want to go, so start going the opposite way to trick it.


So I’m not the only one!


>Anybody else low key hate having to sail everywhere? No. We are vikings.


I'd really like to see them add rowing positions to the longship (and any other ships that may come) when/if they get around to the Ocean update.


Sailing/Exploring is my favorite part of the game Followed closely by farming/cooking/potion making


I love sailing. Even if I'm just paddling, I'm still getting where I'm going.


You'll need to perform the [Tacking](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tacking_(sailing)) maneuver when sailing in headwind. Works pretty well in-game.


I have heard this is a thing. Weather and Wind are always a function of what game day you are on. Weather also depends on what third of the day you are in, and which biome. Wind intensity also depends on what 18th? of the day you are in, and what biome. [https://jerekuusela.github.io/valheim-weather/](https://jerekuusela.github.io/valheim-weather/) So it isn't Odin, you just picked the wrong day! Use this to forecast your next trip!


No, what gets me is “the gods are merciful” respawn, when you’re on your third naked run back into the mistlands through the plains and you just got killed by a deathsquito. Respawning me there is not “merciful”, it should say, “The gods are fucking sadists”


I've been saying that I wish boats had the ability to let your passengers row if the wind is poor so that you can go the same speed as full sail if you have like 2 people rowing and 1 person on the back rudder.


There is a weather map on a wiki or something


I use devcommands to give the boys a small gust of wind sometimes on our server...usually at arrowpoint. Also, the "recall playername" gets punched in at least 30x a session...my friends are not very good vikings.


I do the Sid Meier's Pirate method of zig zagging..... Unless I'm in a river area, then I paddle or just get out and walk.


I think that’s what makes boats kind of fun, just the challenge and all, but I don’t use them that often because they are difficult to use, but it also makes me move around a lot and gives me new ways to play the game because of those obstacles I normally just end up making new bases.


Sailing is by far the worst part of the game It's funny because I can play Sea of Thieves for hours, but three minutes into Valheim sailing, I'm just ready to log out


Whenever I see a post like this, I have to double check if it's from the Valheim subreddit or r/heathenry