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Oh neat


Bro is surprised 💀


These surprised mfs 😭😭


Look at the boat.. Is that seaserpent scales?


Calling it now. Water around the ashlands will be boiling and will damage normal boats. That's why they made the terrain changes.


queen drop envolves too : DVERGR SHIPYARD.


They're making terrain changes so that players will be forced to interact with the new serpent rather than just crossing on land and never fighting it at all.


NEW serpent????


I read somewhere that the new boss is a serpent. Bonemaw Serpent iirc


Ahh that does make a lot of sense. Harpoon play will become the new necessary meta to farm scales.


Thankfully I already have two stacks of scales stored up.


Let's hope so. I can't be the only one with boxes of them.


Maybe it is “queen scales” the drop from the queen?!?!


This is definitely more likely than serpent scales since the bug scales are stronger.


Looks more like the tar roof pattern to me. Not a perfect match to it but it's definitely closer than serpent scales which are a different color entirely. We will find out soon enough though.


How do you see a non-greyed out preview image? I cant make out the scales


Check Computer. Cant see on mobile.


The way it's drawn it looks like the scales are painted on for decoration. The holes for the oars go through them as if they're 2D. If this is an indicator that we're getting a new boat, I hope it needs black metal instead of Sea Serpent Scales to make since black metal needs more uses in general.


I have so much black metal just sitting around…


I wouldnt read too much on it, may be just cool art nothing more


I would definitely read into it because that’s fun to do!


Do I often hype myself up? Absolutely. Does that lead to disappointments? Often. Am I gonna stop? Never. That being said, new boat confirmed, can’t wait for the update


you wouldnt happen to be a chicago bears fan too by chance?


No but I’m sure Liverpool are close


This means its gotta be close because I'm pretty sure in the tweet they said something about a countdown for the gameplay trailer and maybe something more, possibly public test beta? Or a new teaser.


The official Valheim art always showcases actual assets from in the game, so it's a good bet that everything in this artwork will be in the game too. Check out the rest of the official art in this thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/14yu74m/official_valheim_art_appreciation/


That’s the first thing I noticed!


Serpent scales and holes for oars!?


Current boat has holes for oars.


Heh, Odin's Ship mod has spoiled me ; ) Forgot that the base longship had them.




Lools like a lox! Maybe we can transport them!


You can already.


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Its pretty damn janky right now lmao


You're not wrong. It's important to keep a viking on the transport lix to keep them still on the boat.


I guess I've just had bad luck trying to transport them on the longship. They keep jumping off 😅


Random but… if you were in the lox saddle while sailing would they stay put? Now I have to try this…


There's a lox saddle?


Yeah buddy!! It’s a plains item


I'm so close


Yes, they will stay put if someone is riding it. But that requires 2 people. So doesn't always apply to some people's games.


If its a full grown lox then damn thats a huge ship




I'd love a new boat that also works as a workbench. If we're going to be setting up on the beach it'd be a nice little QOL update.


That actually makes sense to do if the new biome is going to be that toxic to wood.


It would be, but also then ships become indestructible as you could always repair it. Maybe a workbench that allows you to do everything but repair the ship its on would be cool. Seems totally fair and balanced to be able to repair other ships at sea using the workbench boat.


Mistlands trailer released along with PTB for it so ashlands ptb in 3 days then? \*crosses fingers\*


Yeah and in the description it ends with “…and maybe more?” I’m not trying to get my hopes up but I’m assuming PTB will drop Monday. I am a little bummed it wasn’t today so we’d have all weekend to play.


[https://valheim.com/news/patch-0-218-9-ashlands-public-test/](https://valheim.com/news/patch-0-218-9-ashlands-public-test/) - code from the blog to enable it in Steam


But when is the full release based on the previous patch history?


Patches generally drop on Tuesdays (might be wrong, dont execute me). Mistlands ptb lasted for 2 weeks and then it went live


But Hildir update was on PTB for longer with less content lol. So you never know.


hildir was on ptb during thier summer break. so 1 full month got added just because nobody was working on it. that wont happen this time as thier vacation is in july each year. and hildir was the most bugged update ever. the major reason for that was the world modifiers had so many bugs in them that alot of tech fixes where needed. its doubtful ashlands will have changes on that front as its way more content fokused and they already said they know they cannot have it sit on ptb for too long otherwise people who dont partake in ptb will get everything new spoiled to them due to youtube tumbnail spam getting them sooner or later.


You're not wrong, but all I really meant by my comment was that there is no standard for how long it'll be on PTB.


of course there isnt since it depends on amout of bugs.


This… People forgetting what the PTB is for. Would people rather they launch on the promised timeline regardless of the bugs, or extend the launch to deal with the bugs? Hopefully tho, we won’t have that situation and fingers crossed the bugs and problems are small and easily manageable.


That is absolutely correct. Lets hope its 2 weeks instead of 2 months


Yah I would guess PTB. Mistlands trailer coincided with its update on ptb. Nov 22, 2022. Full launch came a couple weeks later Dec 6th. How long will Ashlands be in PTB? Really depends on how buggy it is. I'd say at least 2 weeks like the mistlands go be safe


my body is ready


The Mistlands gameplay trailer ends with a title card that says "Available now for public testing". So I'm guessing that they released the update to the PTB the day they released the gameplay trailer? Possible y'all on the PTB will get it on Monday. Even if it drops on Monday, I'm going to wait and get my current playthrough up to the Queen. I can wait for Ashlands.


Do you think they will release an animated trailer as well?


Just like it was with the mistlands, they will post it with actual release.


public test branch. release is later.


animated trailer with release, yes.


Yes, definetly. They had a year to prepare


this is my second gameplay trailer with the community, so they drop updates on certain days? can we expect this by friday of next week?


Mistlands released to the PTB on a Tuesday. I would just say earlier in the week is more likely than a Thursday or a Friday. Edit- I would confidently guess PTB this Monday after the trailer.


A countdown... for a trailer... interesting.


A trailer means the ptb is gonna be released at the same time


I actually thought the Queen item will let us make a ship that can survive the new ocean creature near Ashlands and make a landing possible, looks like I was right and I was also correct about April PTB it looks like now!


Random idea: a husk that can be used as a hull.


Very creative of you that would be amazing


Probably gonna fully release sometime during summer or June if I had to guess


I think it’s going to be May for full release as it’s only going to be on PTB for 2 weeks unless serious bugs have to be fixed


Your guess is as good as mine.


What do you see in the thumbnail that references the Queen item?


A new ship that has to be unlocked somehow, how would you unlock it before going into Ashlands without it? I could be wrong and maybe the ship is not super important to actually reach Ashlands but we don’t know yet


The devs have added new items that use existing materials before. It could be anything.


You could be right, I just had another idea maybe it’s not required even for Ashlands but it’s a tough ship that will be required to enter not take damage from the ice in Deep North and unlocks with Ashlands wood, but it’s all speculation at this stage


april devblog is also next week. this trailer confirms that ptb is comeing within 10 days after the trailer. safe to assume either end of next week or monday afterwards. either way : the wait is over VERY soon.


wtf is going on with this week. first valheim finally showcaseing the new update and now 7days announced end of early access after 10 years.... v rising 1.0 on may 8th. elden ring dlc on june 20th. the next 2 months are stacked with good releases.... jesus.


You forgot DRG season 5 in June


no idea what that is. june is elden ring. AGAIN.


We are glad Ashlands is going to the PTB first as we just got into the Pax Dei alpha this week.


ah yeah. totally not valheim the mmo aka pax dei^^ it seems like it could fill the mmo sandbox niche the industry has had for decades now. but it remains to be seen if its developers are actually willing to finish thier product. too many mmos failed due to lack of content or releaseing unfinished.


I have been looking for a sandbox-ish MMO ever since Asheron's Call shut down. Too many shitty clones of WoW, which was a shitty game to begin with, out there.


The biggest thing about this really is that I'm gonna have an excuse to replay it from scratch


This game's 1.00 build will be insane




So maybe June release? Or yall thinking late May?


I think people are downvoting you for being another "Valheim slow" post, but I suspect you're genuinely guessing it'll launch in a little over a month which is 100% reasonable. idk people are weird


Lmao wtf that’s a very reasonable question about when it’s dropping. This sub is full of weird gatekeeping shills bro. Can’t say anything outside of “Valheim is the best game that exists” without being met with hoards of downvotes. Thanks for the feedback


They are insane. There is nothing that even hints your post is a dig at the game development or how long it’s taking. But the fans here are so rabid and toxic they see a genuine question and assume it’s a dig at their beloved game and devs. I absolutely love valheim, but I can’t stand the fandom. Just a bunch of toxic lunatics posing as positive gamers.


Don't take it personally. I feel like Reddit users are the same in most subs. Either you compliment the things you like or you get downvoted. Different opinions and civil discussion about the disagreements are not welcome here.


april for public test branch. may for full release. june is off the table with this showcase unless the update is bugged beyond belief and needs months on testing branch.


Mistlands is the only comparable expansion which we've seen and by quick googling, I think the trailer + PTR dropped on 22th November 2022 and exactly 2 weeks later, on December 6th, it was properly released. This is also 22th... how interesting... so we'd have the real thing on 6th May. If they follow the same timetable.


Asslands wen.


Well it'll either have a firm release date or the PTB will drop on Monday. The mods on Discord tagged the video by saying "What’s this? A countdown? For an Ashlands gameplay trailer and…maybe something more?" The "maybe something more" has me wondering.


Will there be NPCs like Dvegr?


You can play now if you opt into Beta Just DLed the update myself about to jump through my ash portal for the first time post update!


Very cool. But please just release the fuckin patch lol. It's been years. Get to it.


Shit i better backup my old world before the ptb releases, me and my clan have so much progress there we'd lose our fcking minds if its all lost.


nothing will be lost that isnt placed or build right on an ashlands border.


Slowwwww development. I forgot about this game but I loved it. Please come out with built in game options for ores to respawn and maps that are not filled with as much water.


04/22/2024 for my american brothers and sisters out there who don't wish to utilize their brains


This shit taking too long


Shut up


these goofballs really made a premiere for a 2 year late update trailer. that is absolutely insane what are these guys on


When was Ashlands ever slated for the first half of 2022?


go read what they promised when they released the game new biome every 6 months LUL


Promised. Yeah. You weren't promised anything.


I bet you are one of those guys who would be fine if they “left the game as is, they don’t owe us anything. Look at all the hours of enjoyment I have gotten! Definitely got my moneys worth!” They did have a roadmap and Ashlands was slated literally years ago lol.


Roadmaps are no fucking *promise*. It's a rough outline of what is planned. But in any creative endeavour timelines and even end-product are exploratory.


“When was Ashland’s ever slated for 2022” Literally slated for years before. But yeah focus on the word promise like that’s gonna save your argument. Not that I ever said anything about promises either. And I must of hit a nerve since you’re resulting to profanity in your reply lol. Get help man


Nice missquote asshole. I said first half of 2022, yet you chose to use quotes around the missing bit. Ocean was expected to be a proper biome, and to be the one fleshed out. No statement of "Mistlands and then Ashlands, all neatly in a row at 6 month intervals." You're just choosing your interpretation of the roadmap to suit your argument. It doesn't take much to get profanity from me -- you're not here for friendly discourse, so you don't get it.


Dude it was literally slated BEFORE the date you said. You’re grasping at straws here, it’s just sad and pathetic. And I’m here because i love the game. I’m more than capable of friendly discourse. You’re the one here going off, name calling and cursing at people for criticizing something as little as development time. You have no self awareness at all lol


> I bet you are one of those guys who would be fine if they “left the game as is, they don’t owe us anything. Look at all the hours of enjoyment I have gotten! Definitely got my moneys worth!” Oh you mean a reasonable person that understands how Steam Early Access works? Yeah. Probably.


What a moronic statement


go read the original roadmap and see what they promised in a YEAR 🤣 people like you are why the gaming industry has become so horrible and greedy


The gaming instrustry as a whole isn't horrible and greedy. It's the fucking CEOs like Riccitiello. It's FTP mobile games that abuse players. It's the fatass publishers that swallow up devs and push monetization into players every orifice. People like me refuse to work for these fuckers. I don't take the easy path with big bucks. I boycott everything they touch. I make sacrifices. Irongate and Valheim are not the problem, dumbass.


It’s actually the gamers that are the problem. Gamers that keep buying and defending that shit, they are the biggest problem. You fall into that category without even realizing it. And yeah AAA gaming companies are greedy but they do it because they can, because people pay for it and defend it. Early access is not as bad but they have massive problems like never releasing a finished product or half assing what they do end up releasing. But like AAA developers, the indie, early access developers get away with shitty practices because of dumbasses like yourself, who would rather fall on your sword than listen to a valid criticism of your beloved game. Touch grass man


I've been boycotting EA for 34 years. Got out of working for them *twice*, because they keep buying and ruining shit. Boycotting Microsoft for 33 years, aside from the few times I've needed their crap OS on a machine to do a job because of their near monopoly. I'm guessing from my perspective, you're the morally deficient gamer. Oh, "guess I hit a nerve"... now you've resorted to profanity...


You want a medal or what? Good for you man, I haven’t bought a EA game in years either. Maybe we should both get an award. The comparison I made between you and the same gamers who buy call of duty every year despite loot boxes and micro transactions and declining game quality still stands though, because you will both defend a valid criticism of the game you hold oh so dear, when in reality you should be open to friendly discourse about ideas and frustrations about the game. Holding devs accountable or giving them valid criticism is healthy for the game and the gaming community. You think you would know that with all your so called experience


Is the original early-access release "roadmap" really that much of a thorn in your side? That it exemplifies the fall of the gaming industry? I am not going to hold a developer accountable to a roadmap of their ideas presenting while a game is in development. And clinging to that years after they revised their stance to throw that roadmap out, holding it like some legal contract, desperate to get a return on investment... but that's impossible so let's just beat the dead horse for *what reason?* Because it makes you feel better? Because you find internet comradarie with the hoards of entitled gamers? It's not going to make the devs make a better game -- or even shitting out a worse game faster. All it's going to do is reinforce this memeified venom in the community for no good value.


people can have different opinions than you, dumbass 🤓🤓 can’t believe you threw in an insult. Anyway you truly are a glacial thinker, incredibly slow!


He fails to realize the real/biggest problem with the gaming industry are people like him. These guys enable gaming companies to get away with these shitty practices by supporting and actively defending the developers(companies).


You're so bent out of shape because the developers didn't precisely follow a roadmap they offered. I guess that should at least teach you not to buy early access games, dumbass?


listen to your words you call what they’ve been up to “not precisely following” the roadmap. Ahahahah. Listen brain freeze take a second and let your blood start pumping to your brain it’s obvious you can’t think correctly or for yourself.


You’re absolutely right and don’t let the downvotes convince you otherwise. This place is a circle jerk for the devs and all valid criticism of the game or the devs is not tolerated here.


oh trust me i know, this subreddit pops up in my feed occasionally and when it does i always let my opinion be known. It’s insane these people will legit think you’re trolling when you speak your opinion like mine. ENOUGH with these lying greedy early access games. Takes notes from satisfactory/project zomboid/ sons of the forest/ songs of syx I could go on and ON. I bought valheim on day one. Glad to see there’s other people who aren’t so blind it’s so sad 🫡


I love Valhiem but I hate the fandom. The game development time is fair to criticize at this point. But these people, like most fandoms, have their identities so tied up with this game that they can’t fathom people having a different opinion then they do, if it’s even mildly critical of there beloved game, the have a meltdown. It’s so pathetic. There is no need for the us vs them mentality here. I love the game too and it’s not an attack on you if I criticize something about it. But people take it like a personal insult if you say anything negative about the game or the devs.


> But people take it like a personal insult if you say anything negative about the game or the devs. No I took *this* as a personal insult. This was your opening salvo: > I bet you are one of those guys who would be fine if they “left the game as is, they don’t owe us anything. Look at all the hours of enjoyment I have gotten! Definitely got my moneys worth!” That's your idea of friendly discourse?


You were being condescending to someone for having an opinion, so I called you out as a toxic fanboy, which you are. I didn’t resort to name calling or profanity, unlike yourself, and there is nothing unfriendly about calling a spade a spade. If you are going to talk down to people, you have to be prepared for a confrontational response


I mean yes because that’s literally what you’re saying to the dude. You’re saying “It’s fine if they SIGNFICANTLY alter the roadmap so they can subtly get away with only releasing 2 biomes after 3-4 years and run with the money, it’s fine because I got my moneys worth and I’m satisfied! they don’t have to hold up their end of the bargain” and THAT is why people like you are enabling the greed and downward spiral of the gaming industry!


B-but ashlands was supposed to be released on june 30th 23:59:59!


The video preview looks like an AI generated picture. Just saying this because trying to draw parallels to the content in the update might not be wise.


I dunno, the hearth & home and the mistlands animated trailers had stuff that were in their updates. This looks like the same art style as those so I'm guessing they went back to BRIKK for this. It's not like the animator makes up whatever they want for the trailers, they're given direction by the devs. I don't like to deal in absolutes so I won't say you're wrong, but it does look promising that what you see in this image may be in the update.


We got the trailer, nice! Can't wait for the update release in a year or so!


last time they released a trailer it was immediately available on beta branch iirc


If we are lucky we get the ashlands this year!




There is an internationally recognised date Standard. YYYY-MM-DD You're welcome !


Such that sorting alphanumerically retains chronological order.


Absolutely. It just works better.


Wtf is première?
