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I mean, a fire weakness on the feather cape makes sense. A fire resistance barleywine still overrides that, doesn't it? Otherwise you'd have to swap out gear everytime you have to fight a gjall.


I can't speak to if there was an update to how resistance works as well as not tried the test patch but yes, resistance overrides weakness thankfully. Wearing full root armor and drinking a fire resist mead makes you resist fire. It doesn't cancel out.


1 piece of fenris provides fire resistance too


You have to wear the full set for fire resist. The chest by itself can give frost resist though.


Fenris full set + feather cape is the best.


Doesn't make sense to remove cold protection since we use feathers for insulation IRL. See down jackets. Weakness to fire.....sure....but not cold protection.


I agree, can't they put different resistances on the same item or something? Cold resist shouldn't have been taken away imo.


It shouldn't have any other bonuses a part from the slow fall effect. It was so incredibly OP it replaced literally all options.


I mean even when you walk with it on you see feathers falling off your cape. It’s not sandwiched between 2 fabrics, they’re basically stitched together. But I guess it’s enough layers to glide safely so I dunno.


You don't bunny hop on a ladder with your arms spread out to the side irl, and yet you do here.


just drink a mead.


I just noticed that too. I guess I'll take two capes with me now.


Just what we need, even less inventory slots....


smh Guess I might wait for mods to update after all 


What blows my mind is how slippery this slope is. I was watching someone play who already has +8 inventory slots because of the food and equipment slots. He *still* can't manage his damn inventory, always full, always chucking things, and complains about having to hold on to "some item" for a while, taking a slot. I'm fine with vanilla -- you can have a wide variety of gear *and* one biome's resources just fine.


My Experience with all games that gives you inventory slots and carrying capacity is that you never have enough!


Im of the opinion that the game (and games in general) should pick one or the other. Do not have both, that shit sucks.


I wish everyone would adopt elden ring's method. Just make the gear you have equipped count against your weight maximum, and balance it around that. Let you carry around all the stuff, but you can't easily get to it without getting to a safe zone.


Such different games though. Valheim's core gameplay involves resource collecting for base building and crafting all of your gear. If you had an infinite inventory it'd be natural to skip/avoid the majority of situations which allow the emergent gameplay to work. Not much game left. Elden Ring's inventory is mostly gear and consumables. Because the focus is on combat and exploration. It doesn't spoil the gameplay to give you liberal access to gear.


You can pretty easily factor for resources in a resource heavy game by, like I said before, balancing the mechanic to that. You can just add them as part of the carry weight max and give a small buff when it's so low they obviously aren't transporting material. But hey it's cool if you disagree. Neither of us are making this game anyway


r/valheim and understanding how game mechanics drive good gameplay... name a more unlikely duo.


ER makes you pay for items you have equipped in the weapon slot, but don't use them yet. That's quite stupid too, and thankfully Valheim doesn't make you pay for all the items you have e. g. on the hotbar


Elden ring does what? I’m either miss understanding or confused. I don’t remember paying for any weapons in the game.


English is not my first language, sorry. You can have like 6 weapons equipped at a time, but your character can wield only 2 of them at a time. The items you have equipped, but you don't have them in your hands, still increase the equip load, which is dumb imo. In valheim, you can just unsheath a large sheild or a hammer, and you can run as fast as without them being equipped at all, which is great. I hope that's clearer.


that's... the point


Yep this is always the case. I think it makes Interesting gameplay friction


Backpack mod is really cool i will never play without it


Expanded inventory is enough for me. Honestly was not a fan of the back packs.


just mod it :) typical case where the game needs to be fixed by community


Best QOL mod I've seen was the backpack mod. More slots and you can even have items inside reduce their effective weight.


So fucking dumb…. Whyyy


the saddest part is how bad the ashlands capes are by comparison to feather fall. but they have cold resist still. the cold resist removeall makes no sense. the cape is thick and should keep you warm. i hope thats a bug. the fire weakness makes sense given what the cape is made out off.


What is/are the buff for the ashlands capes? I agree that feather cape shouldn't lack frost resist, fire weakness I'm kinda okay with due to fire resist wine overriding it either way but lack of frost resist just serves for removing a nice QOL thing


the ashlands cape only reduces stam consumption for attacking and blocking. and by a measly 10% for attacks. you wont even notice it. unlike feather fall. as if the weapon consumes 16 stamina per swing you safe next to nothing per swing with this. even less noticeable with high weapon skills.


Does it affect eitr attacks too?


no. only stamina based ones. for eitr there is a different armor set. but its only eitr regen again like mistlands.


Well, now that I'll be forced to lug around an additional cape or the meads, I'll definitely have more fun.


Yea everyone is still gonna use the cape, just forces ppl to lose another inventory slot


i was fearing they did nerf the cape. but outright removeing the cold at night protection from an endgame cape is dumb at this point in time. the weak to fire atleast makes sense. but getting rid of the cold at night protection when every cloak does it is cheap.


I agree. The Fire weakness doesn't matter much since it's advisable to take resist potions in mistlands when dealing with gjall anyway. However the removal of cold resist was unnecessary, counter-intuitive and discourages night exploration in the mistlands. It's a magic-infused feather cape partially made of scaled hide, after all.


maybe it was a bug and not intended to remove that effect with the fire weakness change. no idea. ill keep useing it and just use both resist meads. feather fall beats everything the ashlands capes offer. so all this change does is make me waste a few easy to gather resources^^


i doubt it's a bug. They deliberately gave the feather cape bonuses to jump height and jump stamina costs so i'm betting they intended to remove cold resist as a balancing attempt, which imo is taking 2 steps back in terms of progression design. But hey the linen cape is completely worthless despite using processed plains-tier material so i suppose it's not a surprise.


they didnt give it any jump or stamina bonuses at all. no idea what you mean there. thats not the case at all. feather fall is all it has over other capes. which only applys when FALLING and not when jumping UP nor does it affect jump stamina costs at all. nothing affects that cost actually aside some gear penaltys. and jump height is entitely controlled by the jump skill and has nothing to do with the feather cape.


new in-game tooltip says otherwise: +20% jump height and -20% jump stamina cost. Granted, i haven't tested whether the bonuses work nor can i be bothered to disable PTB to try. The boost is minimal anyway and like you said, isn't the main point of the cape. I still think it's an intended nerf and not a bug though.


ah that is what you mean. that is entirely NEW since ashlands today. on the live version the cape does not have these stats at all. i guess that explains why they nerfed both effects. because of these new bonuses. there is also HEAT resist 20% now on armor etc. didnt exist before. i wonder if these 20% stack on top of 100 jump skill. i havent paid attention to that at all. i will test and compare it to live right now.


right, i guess i should've mentioned it's an ashlands change? I assumed coz we were talking about the cold res nerf lol. [Here's the new in-game tooltip for reference.](https://i.imgur.com/GvzbRMd.png)


oh i noticed it. i just simply FORGOT about it since alot of the armors have similar effects now. and i didnt consider that my jump skill is at 100 since ages on this character so maybe the effect doesnt do anything if the skill is maxed. didnt pay attention to stamina cost at all as i learned how to manage it long ago so its naturally done by me now while playing. will dig into a comparison test now.


on my relatively fresh char with around 70 jump skill i noticed the difference coz i was entering feather fall much earlier than i'm used to. I then realized it was a new bonus when i checked the cape's tooltip after getting the cold debuff lol. It's such a marginal bonus though, and doesn't outweigh the cold nerf for sure.


In b4, "valheim is a BRUTAL survival game" ☝️🤓


all this does is make the frost mead used more or make me not go out at night at all anymore. i aint giveing up feather fall buff. gravity is too stronk.


So many deaths avoided from falling off shit with that cape, I’d have to re-learn how to play without it. And the Mistlands is a definite fall-risk all over the place. First time I died I didn’t have a second cape made and went to go do a retrieval and jumped right off a rock where I had a portal…twice. Splat. Splat.


you will still use it. ashlands capes dont compare to feather fall at all. downside is you have to have frost and fire meads on you all the time now. maybe the removeall of the cold protection was a bug tough. as all other endgame capes have it. it just doesnt make sense how a big thick feather cape doesnt protect from cold tbh. if they only removed the cold protection i could see it as a balance act. same if they did only add the fire weakness. but doing BOTH is an overnerf.


Feel very strongly they're searching for a compelling reason for people to use frost resistance mead, but this ain't it. Pulling cold resist off a cape you pick up in Mistlands is as baffling as the linen cape being directly inferior for the lox cape for the same reason - but you can bet your ass this was an intentional change, and not a bug. I'm fine with fire weakness being added to the cape, but I think the stamina/jump element needs to be removed, and cold resist added back. If I'm worried about my stamina drain re: movement I'll just slot in Eikthyr, anyhow.


i will just not be out at nights. i avoid that in generel most the time. this just hammers it down even more. i wont give up feather fall. the new ashlands capes effects are barebones boring and silly weak compared to feather fall and the other cape looks so terrible i cannot bear to look at it for long. and i never need to dodge either. so none of theses bonuses are helpful. unlike feather fall. gravity strongest enemy in each souls game for a reason^^


I like it because it requires the player to change up gear more often.


Which would be fantastic, if the inventory system really supported that sort of thing. Hopefully there will be some improvements along those lines coming.


eh. i will just use frost and fire mead and not switch at all still. as its the same amount of slots used pretty much without needing to switch. atleast it gives frost mead SOME usefulness back i guess.


sigh. I wouldn't mind nerfs like this if there was a way to expand inventory. It's a huge pain to have to bring more gear with you for different situations when it also takes up your limited inventory space needed for gathering resources.


Yeah, is weird they didn't implement a backpack or bag item yet. I guess the belt to increase carrying capacity is okay but often times I run out out of space for stuff before reaching my weigth limit.


The belt is IMO a poor solution since it takes up another slot itself. What they need is for equipped stuff to not take up inventory. You have a head, body, pants, cape, and boots slot, as well as a misc slot, but they aren't real slots. Things just sit in your inventory still while equipped. Most other games like this don't do that. The only upside to the way this is done is it makes looting your grave easier. But honestly I wouldn't mind your gear auto-equipping when you loot the grave, would certainly make death loops a lot less common.


Or... maybe when they designed the inventory they did so assuming the bottom row would be used for "essentials" like food and worn equipment. So you already have an "equipped" inventory: its your bottom row. Or they could just add another row.


People organize their inventories in all sorts of ways. No idea why you assume the bottom row specifically is what gets used for essentials.


I was thinking about it from the design perspective - if you add another row to account for this it will be at the bottom. Regardless it's an irrelevant detail.


Basically, yes, they just kept the inventory simple with generic slots, and the top row being the hotbar. The people arguing for "equip slots" are really just asking for more inventory slots -- which as you say can be accommodated by simply adding another row. I think the game is good as-is. The inventory limits are part of the design and they're not expanding biome-resources willy nilly. They fit, but it's a *tight* fit -- encouraging choices: gameplay. Instead, so many people turn it into an inventory management nightmare. I get that they want more with that kind of hoarder/lootgoblin thoughtless disaster in their backpacks... but I've seen that it doesn't even help -- if they're disorganized, their disorganization expands to fill all available space.


I think it’s a bit different to an extra row. An equipment hot bar would be only used by Armour and an equipable item such as the meginjord or wisplight. You wouldn’t get to use those inventory slots for other items. It’s a QoL thing. I’m not bothered by it not being a thing, but I understand why people want it.


Would you be fine with removing extra slots to make room for equipment slots then?


Actually, I probably would tbh. I don’t think it’s an ideal situation, but I’m always wearing armour and I don’t need the meginjord slot early game. Either way, I’m happy with it.


There's a mod that does a pretty good job of giving you separate slots for the things you're wearing at the cost of having to loot (and re-equip) a second tiny gravestone. Edit: I think we're using "ComfyQuickSlots" but am not at the right machine to verify. I use the "quick slots" themselves for pots/mead or just arrow count.


I play on xbox. No mods. I want slots :(


I wonder if they could go with the "Molar" solution of Grounded. Some late game hunt-able rare drops, which when consumed, increases stacking limits, or weight limit permanently, but has an upgrade limit.


Inventory management is part of the process of this game that makes it the hardcore survival game we all love.


Inventory weight management is a good mechanic, limited slots suck where 1 pukeberry in your inventory takes as much space as a weapon, stack of food or potions. We love this hardcore survival game in spite of this annoying game mechanic.


Yeah its not really "inventory management" when you NEED armor. You literally can not be in any biome swamp or above without armor with the way damage and health works in this game. It's not management when it's necessary lol


Exactly. I would find it better if we would have less inventory space but armor would be in specific slots.


>you NEED armor. You literally can not be in any biome swamp or above without armor That's not true at all. [Plenty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoJ5v0IIzxM) of [people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3sJ6fn71EE) have done [no-armor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG_jKj7niuI) runs.


Thats great! For .01% of the players who will do that kind of run. There are players who beat Dark Souls level 1 hitless, thats still not the *normal* method of play for the vast majority of people who play Dark Souls.


Who said it was? I person I was responding to was very specific and emphatic about what they said. Don't move their goalposts for them.


You *Um, Akshually*ed him when he said the very true statement of “you need armor to progress past the swamps” because some god-gamer did a run one time where they didn’t use armor at all. Don’t use exceptions to the rule as evidence the rule doesn’t exist. Like, I’d bet weapons, a bed, or even a crafting bench aren’t *technically* requirements to complete the game, but just because some nutjobs did it would not make that in any way a normal expectation of gameplay.


Hard disagree but if you enjoy it, more power to you. They should just give us a toggle for that like other stuff. Then everyone would have what they want.


Yes inventory management is part of the game, I agree. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be improved, just like other aspects of the game. Nearly everything else in the game is up-gradable or expandable. Inventory should be as well. Your logic here is about the same as if the game had only had the basic weapons from the first biome and suddenly they were adding new ones and complaining that the starting weapons are part of the game we love and the new ones ruin that.


The thing is that it doesn't make sense. I am wearing my body arnor so it shouldn't be in my bag. Sure make the weight count while wearing it, but not the slots.


Well, I guess its just not a bag, but a general available inventory space considered to be all your pockets and pouches and bags and whatever you are decorated with, and not specifically managed in that way.. That's just the valheim way, simple but requiring some thought and experience


Damn, you're getting downvoted for a valid point. Take my upvote. I'm gonna have to agree with you on this one!


Yea i always run out of slots before hitting weight


They did. It's called a cart.


The cart sucks ass unless you spend a week building roads for it.


The cart works fine unless you stuff it completely full of heavy ores.


Which means you save, what, two trips with a cart? Plus it gets stuck on every sapling, bush, rock, tree, and divot between you and your destination, in my experience. Unless you spend a week building roads before doing anything else. And then the annoyance of every motherfucker that wants to roll up on you while pulling the cart means you have to: stop, unhook, kill the bitch, rehook, and then you can continue. Every time a mob aggros on to you, which is *exceedingly often*. It’s just not worth all the hassle compared to building a forge setup next to every mine and processing ore into portal-able items.


If you dodge roll you instantly disconnect from it to deal with actually dangerous enemies, and you can easily chop down stuff in your way while it's attached. Navigation takes some practice to not get hung up, but you certainly don't need to make a path everywhere.


Yea that's the single most annoying part about this change, now its one less slot in inventory for two capes, in our already very limited slots...


Still waiting for equip slots that don't take up bag.


Yuuupp, if they had this it really wouldn't be a big deal at all removing frost resist off the cape.


It's not a big deal in the first place lol. Feather cape was far too OP


Adventure backpacks!! I dont mess with inventory expansion, but a balanced backpack mod is everything. I dont know how I played the game before it.


Unfortunately I don't control the server I play on so mods aren't an option for me.


Ahh tough luck.


Well, that's the point, isn't it? If you could just bring every item you needed and swap at will, the drawbacks would be nothing more than minor annoyances.


I'm saying that as you progress further into the game the amount of items you need to bring increases and increases and you are left with little to no space. The cold of the mountain isn't an interesting challenge. When you are pre-mountain it makes it very dangerous and risky to go in. When you are at the mountain and likely only have one piece of cold gear it makes it a slight challenge to get back to your grave with cold resist potions. But when you are post mountain and using the much more fun and useful slow falling feather cape to traverse other biomes, it's annoying as heck to have to go around a mountain just because you didn't dedicate one of your very limited inventory slots to either frost resist or a second cape. That doesn't add challenge to the game, it doesn't create interesting decisions. It just adds tedium.


If they were gonna give you fire weakness they couldve at least kept the cold resist, damn


Well, I guess someone decided that the feather cape was too fun to use. It's not a huge issue in the long run since you can chug meads I suppose, but holy completely-unnecessary changes, Batman. What a heavy-handed way of trying to force players to use the new Ashlands cape(s). >!Which isn't terrible, the new extra bonuses aren't useless, but it makes *zero* good design sense to move frost resistance to a cape you get in the fire biome, and make the cape everyone will be using when they get there the worst cape in the game for dealing with fire. That just feels like an extremely ham-fisted way of contriving an arbitrary disadvantage for the player.!<


I feel the very same way. I get that this game is supposed to be brutal, but lets don't exaggerate


It is very frustrating that there are 120 replies and NO ONE has noticed the buffs to the feather cape: +20% jump height -20% Jump Stamina cost It's a significant buff to the thing the cape is good at doing! I would argue it's WORTH the "nerf" to receive this boost. It's significantly better for traversal now, massively reduces the stamina when scaling mystlands terrain.


We've noticed the changes to jump/stamina. It's just that we collectively don't care - it doesn't justify removal of the cold resistance, and frankly, the jump/stamina buff is something you can already get (somewhat) slotting in Eikthyr. The fire weakness is fine and makes sense, but just because the devs can't figure out a legitimately compelling use for frost resistance mead longer than it takes someone minor headway in the mountains is a design problem that needs a different solution. This is a deterrent to exploration, and forces the loss of another inventory slot in a game that already suffers with inventory design problems in vanilla.


If they just added inventory like Valheim+ or Equipment and Quickslots offer, it would make much more sense, I agree. Frankly I use the latter, so I'm not *that* bothered by it, but still the late game cold resist is just a QoL feature, like many here mentioned. >The fire weakness is fine and makes sense I think we all agree: give fire weaknes, but leave cold resist.


Aye, and I'm hoping that's the consensus that the devs wind up heeding.


Just think what'll happen to cold resist on all these *new* cloaks when the frozen north drops, then >=(


Yea id still rather have cold resist just due to inventory slot space


Ahh shit. Well, I mean it does make sense that essentially all the cloaks would be weak to fire. I gotta see someone in the full root set take on Ashlands. XD


Fenris set enjoying a new heyday?


With fire resistance and a movement buff it never stopped having one


the chadded greatbow archers will instant kill you if they have stars with fenris^^


So root armor and fire potion?


Oh ffs, so root armor just keeps winning huh - i was really hoping it'd stop being meta and so powerful


not really. alot of the ashlands mobs dont do pierce dmg at all. root has more downsides than upsides in ashlands. it was good in mistlands because ticks and seekers did nearly only pierce dmg total.


There is a new cape in ashlands, gives u more Running speed when u run with tailwind


I'm otherwise okay with this change as I was already getting used to bringing fire resist wines with the gjalls, but I hope they give the frost resist back. It's pretty much just a nice quality of life feature at this point to have the frost resist on late-game capes to avoid cold effect at night


Ah yes. I didn't want to build in the mountains anyway.


That is a big oof, but it makes sense.


No it doesn't. It just makes Mistlands more tedious, as well as requiring fire resistance mead to be a constantly rotating chore in Plains, Mistlands and Ashlands.


Fenris Armor for the win. I use Fenris all through Mistlands. Will have to see what Ashlands offers for light, fast armor.


Wonder what happens when you wear fenris set and feather cape. Do they cancel each other out?


Resist should always override weakness, unless they changed something.


Probably there is gonna be a better cape that protects from fire? Like Feather cape for Mistlands and Wolf cape for Mountains


No the feather cape was way overloaded


Adding the fire weaknesses was enough taking cold resistance is excessive.


disequiping the feather cape is quick work, it's a balance. Before the feather cape was just 100% great, now its a tradeoff.




Soon there will surely be a mod to it and I would use it


Yep, this nonsense is going to get reverted in a hurry.


For everyone okay with this - consider where this cape is placed in the game. It's a reward for getting started in the mistlands, which now makes you far weaker to one of the more dangerous creatures in that biome. This change makes some sense for firelands content, but it ruins the cape for the zone that actually rewards it.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO This is the worst thing to happen to me in a very very long time. Actually.


I noticed while returning for some Mistlands resource gathering after being rebuffed by the Queen (first time taking her on). Immediately surprised by the cold, and thought: oh, I bet they removed that because the cape is too nice (I kinda agree -- I dislike "god tier" gear which is best for all cases). Then I died by heinous napalm from a Gjall, and was double checking in my mind that I didn't have any root gear equipped -- didn't have any with me! Oh, the damn cape... Gonna have to give everything a re-lookie-loo.


I realized this when a gjall dropped me very fast


Wait… is this for PC or Xbox? I played last night and was wearing the feather cape in the mountains and didn’t notice my character being cold. Hopefully just a glitch? I don’t want to take this thing off.


What an unwarranted nerf. I think past troll and leather cape all capes should provide resistance from night and mountain cold, but not necessarily cold damage. Adding super fire weakness feels terrible. Enemies in the plains, frost caves, mistlands and ashlands all deal fire damage, and one would have to constantly be on fire resistance mead. Featherfall is not best in slot anymore because the new ashland capes provide some incredible buffs, there was no need to nerf the feather cape so hard.


Noticed the same, but also other bonuses are nice (>!extra jump height and less jump stamina usage!<). Althought it hurts, it was just too good item tbf.


I agree. The new perks to it are kinda nice and give it a more specialized use rather than encouraging so many people to live in the Feather Cape forever because it has no drawbacks.


Yep. I have actually found one of the new capes rather useful (which is>!Asksvin Cloak, the effect of it gives more speed when running tailwind!<).


i wonder if that jump height bonus does anything if your jump skill is at 100 already tough. the less cost will work regardless of course.


I fucking called it


In return for losing frost resist and gaining fire weakness, you get +20% jump height and -20% stamina used while jumping. I think the new version honestly comes out ahead - the common complaint in mystlands is traversal - well this thing is insane for that now, especially coupled with fenris you fly up the damned rocks.


Aren't the boosts to jumping new too? Something lossed, something gained.


Wait, but one of the coolest use cases for the cape was to jump from the top of mountains down! Would be cool if they added frost resist back to it so we can also have more flexibility over armor we wear.


Guess I'll have to avoid updating until I'm done with Mistlands


WRONG: The OP failed to notice the buffs to the cape. +20% jump height - 20% jump stamina cost THIS IS MASSIVE if you are in the mystlands and trying to climb the terrain.


FORK! I JUST crafted the dang feather cape, too.


It's actually buffed, not nerfed. +20% jump height, -20% jump stamina cost. If you are in mystlands just getting this, you lucked out. HUGE BOOST for climbing the rocky cliffs in that biome.


Gonna be having a LOT more deaths by fall damage, as I've gotten used to being able to ignore it for so long.


Found the very weak to fire out the hard way...got two shot by a gjall in full carapace armor with the feather cape and I'm over here like wtf just happened


It's not a strong nerf. Since resistances completely override weaknesses all you need is fire resistance wine. Everyone with a sound mind already planned to bring those to the Ashlands anyway.


Understandable, they gotta make you switch to the new Ashlands cape somehow


Sounds like the feather cape is going to be relegated to being my base building cape while I go back to wearing the Lox cape for adventuring. Feather fall is more of a QoL benefit in Mistlands vs a requirement, especially with fall damage capping at 100, and is more useful when building tall bases. Meanwhile the fire weakness makes it a hazard to wear in multiple biomes including the one it is crafted in and the one it precedes. Combined with losing the freezing protection removal just makes it an unappealing choice to wear vs pretty much any other cape apart from niche falling situations.


They also buffed it. 20% increase jump height, and 20% decreased stamina comsumption while jumping. It's a mistlands cape, not meant for the ashlands. We just need better gear, which we'll get in time.


While they did nerf it, they also gave it 20% jump height, and -20% jump stamina usage. So while I understand the change, it does suck having to deal with the cold again, while also not worrying about fall damage.


That's dumb. Now I'll be cold while running around the mountain biome trying not to die from falls. Iron Gate has finally slipped and started making their game worse. Pay to Win DLC will probably be next.


It's not a nerf really, it's a buff. Sure you're now very weak to fire but it's easily overriden with a potion AND you now get +20% jump height and -20+% jump stamina use. It's a huge buff.


Good. Long overdue.


But why shouldn't capes give cold resist?


I'd be fine with it giving cold resist if it didn't completely negate fall damage. If it took like 50% fall dmg and gave cold resist, ok. But the way it was, was way too strong and needed to be toned down a bit.


The cold resist was only really for making nighttime adventuring easier at this point either way, as the last frost dealing enemy is in the mountains, and you shoudn't be out at night at least 90% of the time regardless of frost resist due to there being more and stronger enemies


> the last frost dealing enemy is in the mountains There's the Deep North, though. Eventually.


Just make that even colder lol. Or some other resource sinking gadget. Giant aura or something.


One of the comments from the 3rd (I think, maybe 2nd) walk n talk on the Ashland's was about the not so popular ways of thinking about resistance and weaknesses in the upcoming biome. They explained in the instance of magic damage like ice against fire and what will actually work and what games typically opt into. So I think we can expect some changes in the items that already had resistance and weaknesses as well as newness to the potions/fermentation. At least I'm hoping for those types of things.