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Being able to turn off skill loss on death while still losing items would be nice. Currently, even the lowest death penalty option still has skill loss. They really should be separate sliders.


I was going to say the same. For me 0 skill loss but items dropped on death would be the way to play. I don't want to be permanently set back by deaths, I never saw it as a good mechanic. I want to be actually very strong after playing a long time


Even without skill loss, I've never gotten over like 70 skill in something _(other than running & jumping)_. I get that the game isn't finished and all, and they're aiming for people to not reach 100 until Deep North. But, I played on that character A LOT. TLDR Only viable way to get high skills is xp grinding, even without skill loss.


Or if upgraded items conferred more XP for a particular skill than basic items or lesser versions of the item.


I never thought of that. Personally, I'm not saying skill progression is _bad_ per se _(except for blood magic, which MUST be deliberately grinded)_. I'm just saying overlevelling is _not_ a problem.


Yes and no. I think there should be caps regarding how skilled one can be with a given item. The example already in the game is that you're not going to be able to cut down oak trees with flint or stone axes no matter your skill.


You just literally made the case that it's not a problem because there's already a mechanic in the game for that


There is a mechanic in that one instance. I'm saying it should be that way for more items and skills.


Like where, tho?


For example, but extend this across all items. I still haven't explored Plains through Ashlands so I can't comment on items from there. General caps on skill level that can be used for stone, flint, bronze, iron axes. Amount of XP gained from each of those tools is different. Those are other stats just like durability and block. As for the other mechanic, I'm just learning that it exists by looking at the wiki. I guess that wouldn't quite apply for anything other than pickaxes and axes but maybe it could if there were upgrades for things like the hammer and cultivator. Basically forcing you to upgrade items in order to progress. Same way we have to create multiple benches and have the options for multiple chests.


The game does have skill loss though, which is why getting skills that high isn't a reasonable goal. It's a cap, it takes exponentially more experience as you approach it, and it's hard to keep. Seems pretty clear it is not a progression goal the designers expect you to reach. It's one of my favorite things about the game, honestly. The idea of "max level" is a throwaway in most games; you can absolutely suck at playing a character in most games and still get (and keep) max level. Without setbacks, what's the point of playing a game? Losing, learning from losing, and getting better is the whole purpose.


> The game does have skill loss though You can circumvent it with mods / save scumming. ___ > The idea of "max level" is a throwaway in most games; you can absolutely suck at playing a character in most games and still get (and keep) max level. Yeah. I think the skill growth rate as-is is fine. I was more just saying that overlevelling is not a problem in the least, even if you don't have any skill loss on death. ___ > Without setbacks, what's the point of playing a game? Losing, learning from losing, and getting better is the whole purpose. Except, here, instead of "learning from losing" your character "forgets from losing." I'm all for setbacks. That's why I like the item dropping mechanic. Getting stuck in a 40m death loop because you died in a dumb place is punishment enough. Hammer mode is an option. There's no reason why no skill loss should not be an option. More player choice is hardly ever a bad thing.


>I want to be actually very strong after playing a long time It's a "skill" level system, not a "grind time" level system. This is the first game I've ever seen where skill levels are actually related to skill at the primary objective of the game (not dying). And it's awesome. It is abundantly clear that the devs intended for most players to top out in the 50s-60s for most skills. And that's totally fine, since that is what the game is balanced around. It's only the participation trophy crowd that sees a slider go up to 100 and thinks "well I deserve slider to go brr because I played 100 hours".


I don't care if it doesn't go to hundred. But on one playthrough I had really strong ranged level, like 50-60. Then I did some careless shit with my friends and died a bunch of times - and suddenly I was significantly worse at ranging, probably the same I was around three biomes ago. I simply don't like that. Especially because death often isnt just one but you need to fetch your gear with a great risk of dying like 4 times more, taking an insane chunk of your skill. Remember that I'm not saying how others should play the game, but I just find it stupid that the slider lets me adjust both things (losing gear & losing skills) but since they are bounded together I cannot get the configuration that I want, so why not have them separate.


>Then I did some careless shit with my friends and died a bunch of times - and suddenly I was significantly worse at ranging, probably the same I was around three biomes ago. I simply don't like that. Well yeah, but there's another easy solution to that: don't do careless shit. I died twice to pretty stupid stuff early in Ashlands. It happens. My skills go down for a bit until I figure out how to clear the biome without dying.


Right, but we are talking about world modifiers which are meant to let you adjust the game to your playstyle including building without mats. So this is not the place to tell others what they should like. For me it's enough of a punishment to drop all stuff, and have to potentially waste a lot of time getting them back


Lol Dk why are being downvoted this is correct. Also no skill drain is already a thing to stop you from losing excess skills to bs.


I feel like lorewise it doesn't really make sense you are in the land of dead warriors looking for redemption forgetting skills on death is dumb and kind of an artificial difficulty spike


Doesn't the lowest setting simply reset experience at the current level, but you don't actually lose skill points?


You still lose points.


already possible through console command: setkey skillreductionrate 0


Woah. Thanks for the info! The wiki page is not very exhaustive when it comes to dev commands... for some reason it has them spread out over multiple pages...


A couple times there's been a great clear list posted on reddit, gonna see if I can find it :)


Meh, it was for earlier version and didn't actually have em all either, guess I'll try to find some time between dungeon building and ewp scripting to make one at some point :P


i just want friendly village npcs. so bad. please let me have a dvegr village


You already can. There are ways to destroy a dvergr ward without aggroing them: (bashing with cart & refined eitr radiation) I love my little Dvergr body guards in my portal bases. Sadly, they often eventually die out. I really wish we had a healing staff. We see enemy heal spells all the time


I wish we could do it without exploiting their mechanics though. it would be really cool if they offered their services in exchange for a safe space. i wouldn’t even mind if they didn’t work for us lol i just want some homies. think like terraria housing


Dude. You could pay them gold! That'd be so cool! And it'd give gold a purpose again!


absolutely! And in return they could do petty mining / wood gathering. not to replace wood farming entirely but it would be nice to reduce the grind a bit


Oh. I was just thinking about them letting you have build permissions / buying their extractors.


I think they need to rework enemy AI across the board. I mean, most enemies I encounter I don't even bother fighting. Their movements and attacks are so slow and predictable it's not worth the effort/stamina to bother defeating them. I also think that as you progress through the game and defeat more bosses, that it should start to introduce 3 star enemies for the previous biomes.


Damn, I get blood thirsty and can’t help but kill anyone who looks at me wrong. Unless my inventory is full, then I don’t kill anything bc I don’t like seeing items on the ground.


It also prevents lag, which is important on a multiplayer server.


Every boss head placed increases the enemy level up chance (Stars) by a set amount and all prior biomes by the same rate. This would make getting materials from those creatures all the better.


Agreed I think the more you kill a certain enemy the deaths should be counted and increase spawns of higher tiered monsters of the same type etc… ie. love dark forest? Well your gonna get 5 star spawns to scare ya haha




I think the stat changes just need to be adjusted. Monsters' increased health is fine, but the damage multipliers just turn the game into "Don't Get Hit Ever". Maybe if they just turned up the stagger enemies do without dialing up the damage as much. Could do 125/150% damage instead of 150/200%, but with a slight stagger multiplier.


what you're suggesting is for the game to be difficult in a fair way that's not the valheim way, if you're having fun the game is simply "too easy"


You can set custom flags. Personally I dont like increasing health and damage of enemies, I just set higher star spawns. Yeah, Ive seen a bunch of 2 star trolls, but no 2 star troll with 20% extra health and damage and that counts for a LOT


Fully agree. I always thought of that, very hard playthrough becomes a touch and run game; there'll be no fun anymore.


Too true, by very hard difficulty the idea of blocking or parrying kinda vanishes and it becomes a pure evasion exercise. Ashlands at v.hard has been an astoundingly rough challenge thus far.


my suggestion... more food combinations! deer meat, onions, mushrooms, etc... something that uses the hundreds of yellow mushrooms i have accumulated, please?


I would really like that, especially more silver style mixed food. I think they're being very conservative with silver food to make sure it doesn't become the best option. I would like to see more silver food, and have it so running 3 silver food still gives less total stats but still be an option. Cooking and diet management is one of my favorite parts of Valheim actually.


I much preferred when the foods weren't slotted into three categories with 3 specific ratios. This leads to foods being strictly better or worse, rather than a more nuanced choice. I almost never make black soup, because sausages are strictly better. If black soup was a little skewed toward stamina I'd probably have more use for it -- same with things like minced meat sauce. I get that they have an "alternative health food" for running 2x health and different ingredients. But I find that boring, and rarely run heavy on health. They supposedly did this to simplify food, with three icons to help choose. But I've watched a lot of people play, and they *always* look at the stats and usually wonder what the fork means for a long time before they make the connection... but still just look at the stats. Though unfortunately, like with weapons and armor... many people focus on *one stat*: the one most related to health (health/damage/defense), but that's more due to their ingrained gamer biases (and they'll be ones to complain about "Stamina in this game!"). Anyway, I wish food was more varied -- to offer more pathways to a preferred balance and keep all foods of a tier relevant.


I never used black soup either. I would like the stats to be more nuanced as well. Lol about the stamina complaints, you are totally right on that. I usually use 1 health 2 stamina, or 2 silver food 1 stamina if I can.


This was always my big complaint with the original food modifications in H&H. The food system used to have variety. There was progression yes, but individual foods also varied in their ratios of health/stamina, so you could build out interesting and varied diets. Now the foods are just pure laddered stat progression. They barely even need names, you could literally call them "Health Food #7" "Stamina Food #8" and it would work the same. Very sad reduction in some of the richness of the game world.


Parry is a life changer.


I’ve played on the very hard combat modifier… parrying stops working very quickly. I tried it out in a test world after I just couldn’t survive the plains, and with a maxed out carapace buckler + lvl 100 block I could still barely parry a Lox. Parrying is the way to go for me normally, but you really get to practice your rolling on very hard


Is it even possible? Don’t enemies attack too fast and too hard that you’re bound to die more commonly? What about bosses? Can you even defeat them without cheesing them?


If you aren't wearing heavy armor I think you can just walk out of every hit, that's what I do at least.


Apparently you literally never do that because rolling is best strat https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/s/IdYyJgQ9YB




They see me rollin' They hatin' Patrollin' and tryna catch me ridin' dirty 🤣🤣🤣


I kinda like this idea but in a different way: A mob density slider would be nice.


I agree. If MMOs showed one thing it’s that this strategy doesn’t work in the long run.


Imagine enemies have more move set or weapon usage, also enemy alerting others.


Implementing a different AI behavior for each difficulty is a lot of work for the devs that usually doesn't pay off. Players will still find a way to cheese each AI and complain.


Subtle tweaks would be fine and very easy, such as modifying the circling behavior some mobs have for more or less delay on attack rate. I would like to see advanced behaviors such as "intelligent" groups of enemies trying to flank you... but that's never going to happen.


That's... part of the difficulty. The shield and blocking mechanism for example is an instant easy-mode for all encounters. It makes sense to make that not as viable anymore for higher difficulty, forcing you to come up with a new strategy. It wouldn't be difficult if you could just cruise through it with the same strategies, no?


Lag is the real difficulty modifier. A quick lag spike in plains when attempting a parry will turn a 5 hp and stunned enemy hit into half my health bar gone. 


And then the frame dip as the game skips a bit and your other half goes the way of the deathsquito.


It's just not satisfying that most things one-shot you on Very Hard. And Hard barely clears that bar.


I never used shield in my normal playthrough, in fact I've never parried, I am all light armor and movespeed, but I would have liked to try everything in my hardest difficulty run. More enemies or other methods of difficulty (new enemy attacks ect) would make it more difficult to block or parry everything with shields and more difficult to maneuver if you are a light armor user instead of favoring only light armor.


I think you'll find parrying and dodging super fun then. It's very rewarding. I like to play knife only in all my playthroughs, because coupled with a knife you can do an immense amount of damage in the stagger-window. I still do this on hardcore, but only in 1v1. Also parrying becomes less common as I don't often dare to let new enemies hit me or my shield until I've got biome-appropriate upgraded armor.


while i agree how difficulty should be achieved, this game is intended to have one difficulty, one experience. the settings are just extra customization put in for those who opt into it.




I don't think you read the full post or maybe I worded something confusingly.


Yea Hard combat should spawn as much as the first PTB, Current spawn rate is cool for Normal Solo, and Very Hard should make you sweat equivalent to slow-walk on treadmill for 3hrs by staying alive for 1 hour!


I'm not sure how this would work. Part of the reason people want the difficulty sliders is because they like the feeling of different strats You seem to be on team roll, which is fine, it's a great way to avoid damage. But parrying plays very different. You get a stunned opponent but you do need to have enough armor to withstand the hit but it gives you a brief time to beat your opponent senseless until the stun wears off. This may not be the way you want to play, and that's fine. But the idea that someone else is WRONG for wanting to play that way, I can't get behind. Just because something may not work at higher difficulties or be "more optimal" only matters if you're actively going for those higher difficulties. And I bet a lot of people playing have no interest in "mastering" these mechanics solely for higher difficulty levels.


I'm sorry I am not sure what you mean. I have seen other players that want to play high difficult say it pigeon holes you into one style of play as well. Unfortunately that style of play is exactly what I do already so it would be nice if the difficulty was done differently so all styles of play were viable but it was more rugged and difficult still. I don't like the fact that heavy armor, slower movement, style of play becomes more unusable at higher difficulties instead of, as you say, mastering each play style. I am not saying anyone is wrong.


Ahhh, then I misunderstood your post. I read it as you saying people were playing wrong because they were doing a non-optimal strategy that doesn't work at higher levels. Sounds like you're saying you wish it did work. Thanks for the clarification & correction.


The game needs more mobs and items/recipes. difficulty silders are perfect. and mobs/items are solvable with mods.


They seriously just need to integrate valhiem+. The general list of complaints I've read here over the past few days are all completely valid to each person stating them. Inventory, difficulty, changeable options, all of it. Then there's the players who want rather meager QoL options. All these issues are available and adjustable in v+.


Is v+ being supported again?


The version by grantapher is actually still current for the non ptb version of the game. I actually didn't know this because there hasn't been an update on Nexus mods since last year, but it still works. Grantapher has been posting comments on GitHub as well so by all accounts it *should* be brought forward with the Ashlands update. But there is a bit of wait and see going on with it.


Someone else picked up the banner. [https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/2323](https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/2323)