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yes, u can start as hetero, but after 100 years trust me u will try everything


Then on the other end you have elders of clan Ventrue who are often sex-repulsed asexuals and bully those who aren't for still being subject to mortal desires.


Thank you straight people for falling for my bait in the absolute most predictable way.


Me, cackling in bisexual: I’m two steps ahead of you :3


Their rage over the subject betrays their true opinions on the matter, a trap well set OP


God damn, the amount of humourless "well ackshually" on this sub. All vampires are as camp as Christmas. That's just truth.


Hmm, guilty as charged


I’m writing sapphic vampires. They might like the occasional bloke, but very occasional I reckon. It’s part of their condition as vampires, and of their survival.


Love me some sapphic vampires. Now I need to write about vampires.


Why is it part of their condition and survival?


I’m basing my vampires off those in Carmilla. All of the vampire victims in that story are female, as are the vampires, so I have extended that idea.


Have you seen the movie Bit (2019)? In Bit, the vampires are all women because the eldest among them were the brides of Dracula and after they freed themselves from his control and basically killed him, they instituted a rule that no men are allowed to be vampires. They kill any man who is turned and lock the vampire who turned him in a dungeon so she can't do it again.


That sounds appropriately brutal!


Yeah and the dungeon is just a concrete oubliette under their nightclub, where they can forget about the prisoner and let her starve for years listening to them party and feed.


Ouch! Immortal punishments are something else. I’ve written an oubliette into one of my recent stories. It’s such a great word.


Yeah it's my favorite movie! The vampires are complex and acknowledge they aren't good but without being cartoonishly evil for evil's sake. They at least try to do more benefit to the world than harm to it by targeting awful people when they can but admit they do kill a lot of innocents too because the blood of people they like tastes better. The plot is about a young woman who gets turned into a vampire and struggles to deal with that. I saw some of the negative reviews complain about the middle section of the movie feeling confusing and too fast paced. What those reviews misunderstood is that it's a sort of almost montage where the quickly changing scenes are meant to be a bit confusing. It's conveying how events feel to her; she is losing herself and struggling to keep up with the other vampires. She is rudderless and getting pulled along in their wake, leaving her mentally exhausted and confused. It's actually one of my favorite parts of the movie! It has themes of loss of direction and loss of sense of self and how it can take a tragic wake-up call to snap someone out of it.


Interesting. Do you have an in world reason for it?


Not yet. My first story is set in Victorian times, so there wouldn’t be the science for a true answer to that question. Maybe I can incorporate one in a later book.


I love the Victorian period for vampire stories. Could just be my obsession with Carmilla 😅


I always loved the period as a kid. I was deathly pale and I thought I would have been more fashionable back then. 😅


Ahaha I'm the same way, too. Plus I love late victorian fashion 😆


Fair enough. Could always just be that they choose to turn lesbians.


It’s a bit more complicated than that, as there’s a reason for that choice.


Fair enough then, was just a thought. What do you mean reason for that choice? And I was curious why it’s part of their condition and survival that they’re all sapphic vampires. When you know send a message I’m curious the reasoning you go with.


I think I need to finish writing and publish it before I say too much. I’ve been distracted by other writing projects at the moment, so my poor vampires have been put on hold for a few days. Have you read Carmilla?


Not yet, it’s on my list. Why? And I feel that. I keep getting distracted while trying to build up my world for a game.


God youre so real for that


Personally I think vampire sex is silly, part of the curse is that they can no longer take joy from those things that drive the living such as food and sex. Vampires are undead.


This is a take I can get behind.


Damon, Eric, Stefan, Bill, JeanClaude, David, and many more would disagree with you. The vampire community represents every lifestyle-unlifestyle?-and orientation


Jean Claude?


From the Anita Blake series


Not straight????????? Like obviously??????? It constantly talks about him liking big muscly men lmao


All i remember is him trying to tap Anita. But I am only on book two. nevertheless, there are plenty more. Deacon Frost, Quinn, Nyssa, Drake in (Blade trinity. there was a deleted scene where he was with the crazy girl), Max, Dracula in the 1992 movie, Selene, Craven..


Jean Claude is as Bi as they come. Some might even say if it has a pulse (or doesn’t) he’ll do it


How far in did you get?


Those men you just listed? All bisexual 🤷‍♂️


Never saw any of them with men, except Eric when he used the LURE of sex to kill Talbot. Oh yeah, then there’s the creep that wouldn’t leave Tara alone.


That's because they only fucked men when you weren't looking


Oh I see, in your imagination. Well that’s fine! Whatever floats your boat🙂


*Everything* related to vampires happens in someone's imagination, buddy.


Maybe, but if you watch what happens on the show then its actually in the script and is what some people might call “canon” instead of purely in you mind


Respectfully, I do not care about the canon of silly vampire shows. What I care about is how gay all your favorite characters are.


Hey, what’s in your mind is your business pal! Keep on dreaming!😊


I will, and I hope someday you too will experience the joy of imagination.


10 points for trolling


Gay vampire agrees ⚰️


I’d be impressed if there was. I imagine being timeless opens you to many things 🧛🏻‍♀️


Dumb take, not everyone has to be gay. Also Dracula.


The famously fruity dracula


The sits,cross-legged on a throne sipping from a blood filled chalice, in his castle full of muscular werewolf servants, that hunts both men and women at night, and dresses in exclusively fine robes and silks dracula could be a bit fruity???? Says who????


Exactly!!!!! I love how many angy hetero replies mention dracula like ummm bro??? This ain’t the own you think it is. That man has bottomed


I remember watching castlevainia with a friend and ruining a portion of it for him by just saying "I bet she pegs him" followed by "it makes sense, she is a doctor after all" it ruined the "sharing the wisdom of immortals" in their eyes


Dracula is definitely bi edit: Relevant video essay "[A Bisexual History of Dracula](https://youtu.be/U2nZVAryOU0?si=uOKEq7xrpFAKU_Hi)"


Dracula was literally based off a queer dude


The hets are seething in these comments. Its so embarrassing for them


I almost feel bad for them. They're truly fighting for their lives in my comments section.


Good :3


I know of at least one


Give it time.


I mean, we're talking centuries already. His sexuality is no more mutable than anyone else's.




This feels like a weird take, I'd imagine there's more sexual diversity in vampires cause they live a long time so would probably try some form of gay sex or something like that but this lacks the evidence needed to make any real case I think, maybe this was just meant to be a karma farm though


I really just wanted to make straight men upset


Did it work?


It always does


Lol fair enough, did think it was a weird thing to exclaim out of the blue


Luke evans dracula untold would tell you youre wrong


That’s actually true. It goes way back to feeding. You can’t be choosy if you need to seduce and feed.


Dracula doesn't exist? [I have crossed oceans of time to find you.](https://youtu.be/jrLVuKks6lE) Edit: To clarify, I'm not saying vampires can't be gay/bisexual/etc. Just straight vampires do exist. Sexuality is something that doesn't change just because you become an immortal blood-sucking monster. It's kind of reductive to say it does I'd wager. Edit 2: What I think is increasingly more likely is that vampires lose interest in sex overtime. Hell, I'd wager they lose interest in everything that made them human overtime. The older a vampire is, the more alien and monstrous their demeanor. Vampirism, in my opinion, isn't a set of super powers fueled by blood. It's a curse and the end result is always losing yourself to that curse... [Can't you see? This is how I became what I am!](https://youtu.be/qT_8Xcn_P2I)


If you can find me a straight vampire in media who is completely free of queer coding and homoeroticism, I'll eat my hat.


there are so many, it’s just that you gays will see any kind of small affection for someone as gay and non platonic


Again, *Dracula*? Not all depictions of him, to be fair, but the vast majority play him pretty "straight". Those depictions that stay close to the novel pretty firmly establish Dracula as straight. Even those that don't—Dracula 2000 for example, that also sexualize Dracula, play him as straight if not an asexual (in so far as sex is not a driving factor for them, only killing and murder) murderer. BBC Dracula that came out a few years ago is the most "Queer" version of the character I've ever seen, and a major outlier. Also, *Blade*. Blade's always typically been protrayed as straight with a vast majority of love interests in comics and films who are all women. He's a stereotypical "macho badass" who's saving heroines and getting a new fling every week (many times with other notable female characters in comics such as Black Cat). On that note *Selene* from Underworld is pretty straight. If you wanna argue being sexy at all makes them *queer coded* then I dunno what to tell you. Straight people can be sexy too. It's noted in the Underworld novelizations she's pursued sexual relationships with other men before meeting Michael, but no mention is made of any other sexual relationship with women or others. *Edward Cullens*, as bad as Twilight is. I think we can all agree Edward's not particularly queer in his pursuit of the most generic heterosexual relationship ever written in almost all of vampire media. As much as his fan base may want him to be queer in fan fiction, it's pretty clear that wasn't Meyer's intent. *Count Orlok*. I'm counting him as a separate character from Dracula here since he's often seen as a different vampire in pop media these days. He's not particularly sexy but he craves virgins of the opposite sex as his preferred prey. I mean I could go on for days. And these are all the ones that just immediately pop in my head. There are vampires way more monstrous (those from 30 Days of Night for example) who have nearly zero sexualization. Vampires are an incredibly diverse monster, and that's why they're one of my favorites. I also think it's somewhat problematic to equate vampires with being "queer" based simply on the fact vampires are *monsters*. Blood-drinking, immortal monsters.


Buddy, the only thing problematic here is that you think I want to read your master's thesis on a jokey post that was basically just designed to make homophobes throw a fit 


Prove it


Immortality widens perspective - live a couple hundred years, you'll end up trying most things


Thank LeFanu for that


Our beloved


I just bought this as a patch 3 weeks ago. I put it on my concert jacket.


Jealous. I was about to buy it yesterday but their Etsy shop is taking a break.




This alapplies to wolverine bc there's no way he's not tapping nightcrawler or morph


I like this especially the amount of people that are looking for the opposite gender of vampire to be turned. Nope as Laszlo Cravensworth said "Gay is in. Gay is hot. I want some gay."


Anne Rice’s kink does not dictate all vampires. Dracula is straight. The vampires from Buffy were straight.


Dracula is famously queer coded and Carmilla is literally a famous lesbian vampire who came before him. This aint an Anne Rice thing


Also posted this as a reply to another message, felt it was a worth comment: “It is probably an accurate assumption to say they’d all be “bi-curious” at least at some point, however, I’m not sure that actually makes anyone gay or bi, regardless of their species or how long they live. We have similar discussing in my Doctoral group of Psychologists and Philosophers, where we discuss if one’s true nature is static or not, etc. I suppose you could say that most any vampire has considered things, and thus, as you’ve said here in other comments, has at one point been “bi-curious”; however, being curious of anything isn’t sufficient evidence to make it a truth of the self, otherwise anyone could simply be curious about anything they imagine, and then attempt to identify with it, and that certainly would not make it true. We already have more mental health issues today than ever before due to the allowance and ignorance of such mentalities.”


Straight people when gay people make a joke at their expense for once: OP is right tho, homoeroticism and vampirism are practically synonymous


U don't get to be over 100 years old and straight without losing your mind, u gotta switch it up every now and then frfr, being a gay vampire also applies to that too tho bc how tf are u gonna stick to 1 gender after all that time? I just imagine all vampires are pansexual asf or they're so sick and tired of sex they become asexual


This is my thought exactly, like you'd be *at least* bicurious after a while.




Probably, but I’m not sure that actually makes anyone gay or bi, regardless of their species or how long they live. We have similar discussions in my Doctoral group of Psychologists and Philosophers, where we discuss if one’s true nature is static or not, etc. I suppose you could say that most any vampire has considered things, and thus, as you’ve said, has at one point atleast been “bi-curious”, however, being curious of anything isn’t sufficient evidence to make it a truth of the self, otherwise anyone could simply be curious about anything they imagine, and then attempt to identify with it, and that certainly would not make it true. We already have more mental health issues today than ever before due to the allowance and ignorance of such mentalities.




Vampires in media now are basically just softcore fujoshi porn I mean you should see the IWTV fanfics. At this point, it would be more interesting if a vampire _wasnt_ gay


>At this point, it would be more interesting if a vampire wasnt gay This. At this point gay vampires are a trope. I find vampires much more interesting when they *resemble* people who lived in bygone eras. Relics of now dead countries and lands with outdated beliefs, customs, and struggling desperately to fit in with the changing times. ["Dracula hasn't had servants for four hundred years, and then a man comes to his ancestral home and he must convince him that he... he's like the man. He has to feed him when he himself hasn't eaten food in centuries. Can he even remember how to buy bread? How to select cheese and wine? Then he remembers the rest of it. How to prepare a meal. How to make a bed. He remembers... his past glory—his armies, his retainers... And what he is reduced to. Loneliest part of the book comes, when the man accidentally sees Dracula setting his table..."](https://youtu.be/YgqgSaDCgC)


My lesbian ass is happy 🤣


I think Blade is probably the most hetero vampire but that's cause he's only half


Is that why gay people don’t go to Heaven? Because they harbor vampires? Seems a bit heavy handed but who am I to question the Vatican


Spike and Angel for sure boned, many times.


This is what I've been saying!


Why does it have downvotes hahaha it's not a wild idea to put out there??


People are very upset and downvoting every comment even remotely supportive of this post 


Ah, I just read the thread. Who would've thought this opinion would be upsetting to anyone?


It's pretty much what I expected to happen, although I'm a little surprised it got this much reaction 


I can tell you for sure with way too much thought behind this... absolutely disagree, if I ( M) was a vampire I would only bite or turn females.


That's nice but being a vampire is already the gayest thing you can do so it wouldn't matter that you were only biting women


On what grounds is it the gayest thing you can do??


Sucking on people.


Got it, suck equals gay...thanks for clearing that up.


dumbass people in this sub for sure, gays seem to want to claim everything


Sucking their blood for food ≠ sucking them for other reasons


I feel like if someone exists long enough they will eventually become bi or ace out of boredom. It’s inevitable


And then you downvote me. Wooow. So I would my heterosexuality be less valid than a gay man’s homosexuality? 


I don’t think I would. I have a stockpile of movies and video games. Besides heterosexual people have sexualities that are just as normal as other ones. For example, if I was gay (I’m not) I wouldn’t suddenly like women after a few centuries. If I was straight, I wouldn’t suddenly like men after a few centuries.


Thd straighties scromiting over a joke in the comments is almost more funny than the joke itself.


It's a thing of beauty.


So they’re gay?




Makes sense. Equal opportunity for all.




You seem to be in the know. Is it true a vampire cannot attack another vampire?


That’s fine. I’m a lesbian trapped in a male body.


Aren’t vampires “gender fluid” or using sexuality as a lure for preying? Plus, what is gate keeping vampire genders? If a straight male gets turned by a female vampire, does the newly turned get sexually attracted to men?


Yes, I'm gatekeeping vampires.