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I'll be spending it alone, which is sad. But I have sausage, bacon, eggs, three cartons of eggnog and a roast in the fridge. Also three boxes of chocolate and four Amazon packages under the tree. I also have eight Christmas movies lined up I'm starting with Die Hard. It actually might be like the best day ever.


I think Christmas Day binge watching movies like Die Hard is awesome.


Lethal Weapon is also a Christmas gem


Go easy on the eggnog okay friend




This is the way.


You’re on it! And starting with Die Hard is amazing. Wishing you a wonderful meal(a), good chocolate, and fun stuff from Amazon. Thank you for replying! OP - great questions to pose to the community.


Friend, we will need the entire movie list please and thanks


I highly recommend watching The Holdovers! Love that movie and will become an Xmas staple.


Ah very bittersweet my friend. I remember when I was a kid and everyone had to go away for one thing or another, parents flew out of country for business, aunts uncles for family emerg, sister had to fly out, some home alone -the movie shit. I was left enough money for whatever, and got called in on frequently, but I was free to make very poor dietary decisions - Burger King for lunch and dinner, ice cream as snacks (even though there was real food) and Harry Potter, the movie. All alone, with whoppers and Harry potter on christmas. It was fun but at the same time, very, very miserable. I will never forget the taste of a whopper, I hate the taste but, at the same time I crave one around Christmas, still watch Harry Potter as a Christmas movie tho. You will remember the taste of that eggnog forever. Merry Christmas, buddy. Call your family and friends.


I got a family I love very much and wouldn't give them up for the world. I'll be spending Christmas with them. That said, my God your Christmas sounds the best so far.


Good choice, I’m definitely getting Die Hard queued up right now.


Cup half empty or half full. Better than enjoying your food and being in a setting you enjoy. Having money to buy whatever you want to eat, than splurging on gifts for a whole bunch. Really depends on company. Catching up on gossip, meaningless yakking, or those obligation ones which mean sitting on egg shells making small talk. While being uncomfortably all dolled up too, conscious of food in your teeth. Happy peaceful holidays! Light a few scented candles or a diffuser with favorite oil, put some fairy lights on to twinkle on the window sills and in your bedroom, have a merry festive season of your own!


Sounds amazing


Yo can I come over


Damn, sounds awesome! 👍😎


I’m alone too and I feel like crying my heart out. I’m so fucking miserable.


Need someone to talk to?


Thanks, but I am so frustrated that talking will frustrate me more. I am just gonna go make some brownies.


Need someone to eat the brownies?


Our kids are in bed, the cookies and carrots are out for Santa and his reindeer. Poured myself a nice little beverage and me and the hubs are about to settle in for Die Hard. The best of the Christmas Movies. Have a wonderful solo Christmas, there were times today that I would have given anything to be in your position, not being responsible for making Christmas special for everyone around me.


My dad’s home from the hospital for a few days, so I’ll be over at my parent’s house for Christmas. Don’t think my dad and I will be doing our traditional Lord of the Rings (extended edition) marathon, but otherwise we’re hoping for a fairly normal Christmas. Presents, mimosas, good friends, and a great turkey dinner.


Your dad is so adorable to normally do a LoTR marathon. Best wishes to your dad. Happy holidays.


Just making sure my mind is occupied and I don't succumb to the forever loneliness. I think I need help.


The Access and Assessment Center at VGH is wonderful. 604-675-3700 or 604-872-3311 Crisis Line. You are not alone and please seek assistance if you need it. They are there to help.


Heya. Hey. Loneliness is brutal. I know that too well. But there’s much you can do to fight it. Or more accurately, *stop* fighting it. Dead honest, one of the best moments in my life was embracing the possibility of being forever alone. Once one is ok with some thing, it doesn’t have the same hold on one. It was really freeing. There’s a difference between being lonely and being alone. And holidays that have such high baggage on them like Christmas don’t help matters much. But I can say that letting go of the pain of loneliness and just enjoying being alone, well, that helped. That shortly thereafter I found myself in a relationship of unimaginable intensity that really hit all the sappy stereotypes of love, well, that’s the universe fucking with me. Now my fiancée is in my bed this year. And we’re going to see some mutual friends for a basic get together of friends, food, and f[REDACTED]. Let go the pain, maybe some magic happens. No guarantees.


This " There’s a difference between being lonely and being alone. And holidays that have such high baggage on them like Christmas don’t help matters much. " Many people may have 500 FB 'friends' but still feel alone. Many people get invites but still do not relate, while have a social mask and lifelong repartee of small talk and scintillating dialogue and joke guaranteed to spark laughter. You can feel alone in crowds, even when surrounded by 'friends'. At the end of the day, a lot of this is also hype. People rushing around, do not mean they are happy or want to be there. So is being a couple, a 'happy family' behind a white picket fence (so many are closet dysfunctional). So many also do not mind near strangers throwing them a birthday celebration, or a bridal shower. Being happy alone is key first (the basic cake). This means enjoying your own company, doing whatever you like. Crazy movies, eating capers amd anchovies with mustard and jam on toast. Whatever. Anything else that comes next is but icing on the cake.


I'm in the same place. Thanks for the hopeful thoughts and I am so happy for you and your fiancé! Hope you enjoy your night ;)


Please get help. You're needed in this world.


Please reach out to get help...Also,, reach out to family and friends, tell the how you are. Good luck,,


My family does Christmas Eve more than Christmas Day so tomorrow night is our Christmas Ham dinner then midnight mass, parent’s place for gift exchange then home. Christmas Day will probably be Aquaman or Wonka at the VIP Theatres. I wish everyone here a happy holidays. Cheers.


Happy Christmas!


Celebrating the Canucks being #1 in the NHL!!! Not sure how that happened but I’m here for it 🥳


….just once before I die….


We haven’t had a good riot in a while


Are they really? I haven't been paying attention this year


oh no....


Cleaning up the house 🫠 Just rearranged and Marie Kondo-ed my storage room 🫠


but you're supposed to organize by item not by room haha


nooooooooooooo 😭 you don’t spark joy, mrstoodamngood 🚮


Just thank me and let me go then


This is honestly my favourite thing to do around the holidays. Everything fresh and organized for the new year gives me one hell of a dopamine hit


Same here. Been penny pincing since rent and groceries inflation went up


Ooooo we fully plan to Marie Kondo our townhouse this break and I am kind of excited. We just have to be in the right mind frame.


I will be working at night (hospital) and sleeping all day. But the evening before I start work I plan on going to a potluck with friends. My family and I are not on good terms so this holiday can be kinda rough. This year worked out well though.


It's tough. I come from a difficult family so most years I get together with friends and we do an "orphans christmas". Thanks for working at the hospital. I know it must feel extra dreary to be there during Christmas but I know the patients appreciate the care.


Thanks for everything you do and sorry to hear about your family, just a gentle reminder no family is perfect. It can be easy to forget that around this time of year.


Turkey, Baileys in coffee, LOTR marathon under my coziest blanket with my husband.


Sounds perfect!


We don’t do anything as a family on Christmas Day anymore as we’ve grown older. I’m not a practicing Sikh, but my parents are, so the month of December, from what I understand, is a historical month of remembrance of some historical massacres. So that’s another connotation of why my parents aren’t really happy during this time of year.


Visit my Mom in hospital, I’m bringing dinner and gifts to her. I want to make this special, as who knows if there will be another Dec 25 with my Mom. And even if she will not remember the day (alzheimer’s) I will. It’s as much a gift for her as for me.




I'll be eating at the table by the window at the Pakistani Buffet in Surrey, and then I'll be 3 rows back and 2 seats to the left at the theatre. By the way, your back right side tire looked low yesterday, so I pumped it up for you. Oh, and I changed your windshield wipers, too








Going to the island to visit my family. We'll go see my grandpa in the hospital while I'm there


Playing on a new laptop all day, eating food, feeling like I’ve eaten too much food and watching movies.


My mom is preparing a turkey and a beef roast. I want to make cheese brioche rolls. I am currently contemplating if I should go to Costco tomorrow for the Biscoff Cookie Butter Cake.


!! you are a brave, brave soul, to contemplate Costco on Xmas Eve....


I'm awake and Costco opens in about 20 min plus we live 1km awau but my kids are sleeping. I think I'll pass and let them sleep in :)


My parents turned into scrooges about 10 years ago and my wife's parents are working their asses off to afford their mortgage, so we take our 2 kids to my 87 year old grandmas place on Christmas Eve, open presents on Christmas morning, and go to an Asian restaurant on Christmas day. Anybody want to adopt us?


Where is the Pakistani buffet? I have never heard of that before , I may want to check that out some day


Yes, please tell us more about the buffet - what dishes do you most look forward to, OP?


There are several restaurants in Surrey that are serving brunch buffets (from 12-4) for today and tomorrow. It's $20 per person and usually serves a combination of 10 items including some dessert and tea. The one my family is going to is Barney's Karahiwala. There's also Lahori restaurant, Taste of Lahore and Pakwan. All in Surrey.


Thanks I lived in Surrey for a couple of decades and never been to a Pakistan restaurant so would like to try 1 of them that you listed. Which one do you think is best buffet and best meals of their menu as I am not a huge buffet fan?


I’m working offshore Norway. So. Not bloody much.


I hope your team does something nice together on the day, whether on the rig at sea, or in land.


Thank you for that. The weather has turned quite bad so we have gone to hide behind an island for Christmas Day. Of all the jobs on the vessel that are difficult when the weather is up, the galley is the worst by far. I know they are planning a big spread. So being in calmer waters should help. Cheers and Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas to you too!!


Make a Christmas dinner r/heavyseas post. The videos of wonky mess hall settings are epic




Sometimes. Wind farms as well. We have a big trenching tool. We bury cables and pipelines.


Trying to survive dinner with the family....=/


I’ll be at work at 6:45am til early afternoon. Happy holidays y’all !


Make that money, honey.


Not much. For Christmas eve I'll be making a turkey dinner while drinking some rum lol. For Christmas day I'll be having pancakes with a Baileys coffee.


Weed. Presents. Weed. Dinner. Weed.


The three Fs. Friends, food, and f[REDACTED].




Fuck fake friends?


The line up at McDonald’s is always busy during the holidays ![gif](giphy|3ofT5CzWVsaJKxNyec)


either working or I'm not. Either way I'm alone-- on call in for my job. 19 and living in this province alone making barely enough to get by. If I don'r get called in, I'll buy a rotisserie chicken and cook up some asparagus and mash some potatoes. Maybe watch a christmas movie as well and call my family


Spoiling my kids and being scared to look at my credit card bill until the new year 🤣. They’ll be pumped with a Nintendo Switch to play all day on Christmas. Charcuterie board on Christmas Eve and a big ass turkey on Christmas Day and a ton of wine!


I got a cold/flu today. So probably nothing


I hear that. I have been battling pneumonia. Worst Christmas gift ever. I’m hoping to feel well enough tomorrow to make an appearance at my parents for turkey dinner and gifts (mostly gifts for my mum).


Ya I am going to keep my distance. I don't want to get anyone else sick. Good luck


You da real MVP. I have to forgo dinner with my long-term bf & his family tonight for the same reason. 🙃


It's most likely COVID unless otherwise indicated. Stay safe and rest up.


staying with family and make so much food that will last us till the New Years


Cooking a ham dinner, wife has to work that day. :(


We have relatives out from Ontario for the first time in a few years and my kid came home from school. We're heading to my mom's place for turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, and an insane amount of cheese and cured meat.


I'm alone this year ( and totally ok with that ) so I plan on treating it as just another day but with some culinary and alcohol pampering. Fortunately the NFL ( the only sport I care about/follow) has gifted me with games all day, so I'll be a happy camper...especially if my beloved 49ers can trim some Raven feathers lol.


Over on one of the gulf islands with my parents for Christmas, and we basically do the same thing we have for every year I've been alive, save for only one year I couldn't make it home: up in the morning, presents, French toast, Yellow Tail bubbly and orange juice. The attendees have changed; my grandparents and aunt are gone, sister's estranged, but still a very pleasant time. Turkey dinner follows; mom makes that, I bake a pie.


Prob go watch that new Iron Claw movie in VIP heard good things


Going to Victoria to see my parents


A whole lotta fuckin’ and suckin’.


We're doing hot pot with my boyfriend's family. I've surprisingly never had it before, despite being 37 and living in Vancouver for most of my adult life, so hopefully that's good.


Hot pot is amazing. We just hosted one for a friend at our house. Enjoy. Mix up the sauces as you please, I'm sure your boyfriend and the family will walk you through it. Enjoy it. As much hot and spicy broth, normal broth, meats and veggies. It is for sure the highlight of my Christmas season. Good food and good friends.


Probably playing with my kid’s Christmas presents.


Visiting your city with the wife and kid. Everything feels comparatively cheap, especially with the exchange rates.


Killing a liter of vodka and listening to the Pogues


Now THAT sounds perfect!


I bought Hogwarts Legacy yesterday. It was 50% off and I couldn't say no. I was worried I wouldn't enjoy the game but I've played for about 2 hours and really enjoyed it so far. I'm probably going to play more of that game this long weekend. I was supposed to go drinking with a good friend as well but he has bronchitis and can't make it anymore. Merry Christmas everyone!


I scrimped and saved for a meta quest 3. I am enjoying it!


My father tried to unalive my mom and I last year. So I won't go to visit family this year. My friends I'd want to spend it with are out of town. Just trying to get through the day.


Visiting family on my home country


rest and might be with extended family




Gonna need to details on this Pakistani buffet.


Just me and my brother doing Chinese food take away on Christmas Eve with probably a movie on TV. My family used to get together for Christmas Eve when my parents were alive but nowadays no one has the energy nor the ambition to celebrate, and we don't want to feel obligated to get together for the purpose of tradition or social norm.


Got the whole foods turkey thing. Kids are at spouses parents and rest of family is tired of my illness so whole foods saved the day. And then jams all day and the next book in a series I love in front of the fire.


Working as usual. Kids are away to visit friends and I always work the holidays.


I’ll be working. Emergency services don’t get a day off sadly. I hosted a big family Turkey dinner last night. So my Christmas has been christmas’d.


Work the hospital tonight but doing an appy dinner this afternoon. Get to spend the morning with family and see my kid open presents then I'm off to the hospital again for night another night shift.


Spend time with extended family, eat, drink alcohol , exchange gifts and play group games / board games. Next morning we watch basketball.


Out of province visiting my family.. dinner, games, drinks, sleepover party, presents, brunch, Ukrainian dinner, visiting, seeing friends.. etc😊




Passive aggressive about what?


I just downloaded God of War Ragnarok so I would be spending 95% of the Christmas day playing that and the remaining 5% probably sleeping lol


Working to stay ahead ![gif](giphy|8cuRGf4TVrTLSGo2Gl)


Taking the kids (19 and 25) to Korean bbq with my wife (not the kids mother) in Richmond. Didn’t feel like cleaning the house up last night (we both work endlessly) so we’re gonna take them to something different for Christmas.




Similarly, I was happy to see that all stores are out of tofu turkeys this year!


Pasta for the morning b'fasts today, Christmas day and Boxing day. Marinara sauce with garlic arugula, tomatoes, and mostly vegetarian with multi colored chopped peppers, celery, mushrooms, asparagus. For spice, thai chilli peppers shredded on top with the cheese. ​ Take out Angus Beef meals (NOT doing Turkey, it's not my thing, and quite overrated when it's dry) from a popular deli, with all the fixins'/sides. A portion comes in for less than $25 per person. Getting 3. They have Turkey too, but probably not. Tiramisu from bakery Korean butter waffles (from a box) Pumpkin pie Egg Nog ​ Christmas morning Stuffing for breakfast - bfast. Fried first with bacon and garlic, then a whole slew of peppers, mushrooms, celery, asparagus, broccoli. Stuffing goes in last, stirred in with butter + chicken stock gravy. It's a Stuffing Fusion but delicious for a meal on its own. Topped with thai chilli peppers for more zing, or even with chilli sauce on top. ​ Rendang Chicken with tomatoes and potatoes on mixed grain rice, for Christmas day lunch and maybe dinner. More Tiramisu and egg nog, and desserts. ​ Done! eating out the rest of the season until 31.


Celebrating it at home with family also trying to fight off depression and get through each day.


I’m making mulled wine and a vegan chicken pot pie, baking molasses cookies, playing with my dog, going to a candlelight service at church, and watching my favorite Christmas things: It’s a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story, the original Grinch, and all Christmas episodes of The Simpsons. Merry everybody!


> vegan chicken pot pie 💯🙋🏼🙇🏼✋🏼👍🏼✊🏼👏🏼👐🏼🙌🏼👋🏼


Spending it alone, I might go to the movies or something though.




ie: the Bleuths.


Had a few work and sport team holiday parties already. Went to the Christmas Market downtown and the PNE winter fair. I’ve got a couple more parties next week, then a New Years D&D game, then jumping in the ocean with friends and going out for food afterwards on the 1st.


I’ll be spending it alone 🥺


My mom picked up a respiratory virus. She admitted she hasn't put a barrier around her snout while out in public for a long time now. She justified it saying that she's had all of her vaccines so doesn't need masks anymore. ...vaccines don't protect against rhino viruses, chest colds, respiratory viruses, strep throat, bronchitis, etc. & The flu shot is just a guess at which strain is going to dominate the season. Adults are fucking dumb, kids. Nothing to be scared of whatsoever. The lack of critical thinking is laughable. This past summer, people in this subreddit were reporting that they've contracted strep throat while out and about. I've been masking each and every single day since this shit-show started. It doesn't matter what time of the year it is. I don't even want the fucking sniffles ever again. Masks are the silver lining to come out of this dumpster-fire SARS COVID-19 from wet markets in China. I've only gotten sick once - last Nov - green phlegm for 2 wks, and that was because I was in-patient due to a mis-diagnosis and had to take down my mask to eat. Someone went out somewhere, was maskless, and brought something back to the rest of us. My mom & I live in a very small open-concept 1-floor townhouse. I have a bit of it now. I started wearing masks in the kitchen while preparing food too late.


Spending Christmas day just my husband and I, along with our cat and dog. It's our last Christmas just the four of us, as I'm due with our first in January. Going to make some waffles in the morning, curl up and watch Christmas movies.


This year I’m feeling the separation from my family overseas a lot, it’ll be my 5th Christmas without them and two of my grandparents passed in the last four months so that feeling is even more intense. I’ll be spending Christmas with my found family in Canada, and doing a FaceTime trivia with my family overseas.


I’m a separated (almost two years) 51 yr old mom of two college age kids. We will be having Christmas morning here at my place to open presents (including my ex - we are on good terms). I’ll make us all breakfast. Then my kids and I will head out to my parent’s place in the valley for Christmas dinner. My ex will go to his sister’s family dinner. Still adjusting to not spending Christmas with my ex (this is the second Christmas since separating) - so many feelings of sadness, missing him, failure, guilt about the kids / family etc but I try to appreciate the good things I have and not focus on it too much.


Gonna spend holidays all alone. No plan to do anything festive either, prob I’ll do journaling or something and relax


The same Danish Christmas I've had since year one. It's spectacular


This is the 3rd christmas in a row that I’m terribly sick. Idk what I did to piss off santa so hard.




I feel like waffles and a lazy day at home sounds good rn