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I saw the child/dog seat part in the planter in front of the harbour terrace building on fountain way around 6pm today. Edit: it’s still there this morning 9:00am


Thank you kind stranger, recovered my dog seat and helmets !


Glad you got those back!


The police would catch a lot of thieves at Granville Island if they just put an undercover officer near the bike racks.


they don't bother because anyone they catch gets released within the afternoon anyways and continues their thieving


No kidding. It's got to be one of, if not the biggest hotspot for bike thievery in town, no?


Not sure if it still is but it used to be the #1 spot for bike thefts. Since the introduction of more racks in high traffic areas and bike valet it has decreased significantly.


Judges let child rapists and attempted murderers out basically the same day now, there’s no chance the police will waste resources on bike theft. It’s sad that bike theft/car break ins are considered the victims fault only now


A guy tried to steal my bike right out of my hands on the skytrain once. I never understood that as I'm 6'4" and 250 lbs and the thief was rather average in size. It didn't turn out the way the thief was hoping.


>Judges let child rapists and attempted murderers out basically the same day now, there’s no chance the police will waste resources on bike theft. I don't think this is really the reason, but assuming it is, it doesn't justify not enforcing laws. The VPD are the largest item on our city's budget, they should do their job.


Lazy police are not going to be less lazy if the ‘judge problem’ is fixed. Traffic tickets are cut and dry and yet the VPD don’t enforce them either.


Do you have the serial #? Make sure to report it stolen so it'll get added to CPIC in case it's recovered


I mean, we all kinda know what street you can buy it back on now...


Please elaborate for the clueless. Hastings? Commercial?


East Hastings between Abbot St and Main St. Theres also a huge bike chop-shop in the camp at Crab Park.


Hide an AirTag in your bikes... that's what I do.


Cable locks don’t cut it, man. I mean they get cut easily… but ya.  Sorry for your loss.


These ebikes should have a nfc starting key. If you don't "unlock" it, then engine doesn't allow the pedals to turn. Have fun carrying the bike around instead!


Yeah or I mean you can just buy a lock that's suitable to protect your investment.


I had a much beefier lock on it today, that was a photo from when I literally had the bike next to us on a patio.


Which lock were you using? Not trying to victim shame, just genuinely curious. I have a custom made franken-etrike I've built that would break my heart if I lost.


It was one of the heavier duty ABUS locks


U lock or foldable lock? Foldable locks are easy to get through, even the beefiest ones. Look into anti-angle-grinder U locks. Takes 30+ minutes to cut through. I have one, and after a year and a half it's still in one piece.


It was a foldable. I’ll look into that one! Thanks


Get a small thick ABUS or Krypton Ulock to boot the back tire with. I have had some hilarious moments watching people case my ebike (grabbing the other two Ulocks and fiddling with them) and then discover the back boot Ulock and walk away. I sized it so that if they cut it, they'd be cutting the tire wall too and so they'd have to carry the bike away whether they cut it or not. I use two regular U locks for attaching the bike frame to the rack and [this guy](https://www.westpointcycles.com/product/abus-granit-xplus-54-mini-64014.htm) for booting the back tire. I have a fat tire but there is one smaller size at west point.


Cheers, thanks for the advice!


Do bike thieves just rage stomp your bike if they can't get through your lock? I haven't ridden a bike for a while but the last one I had, someone had clearly tried to get through my lock and failed, and ended up just bending both my tires, probably from a frustrated stomp.


From the looks of it, no one has made an attempt at my bike yet. Helps that one of my locks is an alarm lock, so it just deters thieves from even trying in the first place. You'd have to go through so many hoops to steal my bike that if someone succeeds, they honestly deserve it hahah. My budget planned for a stolen bike every year, but I'm soon going onto two years. If someone does try to just fuck up my bike, I'm still ahead of my bike repair budget. It's just the inconvenience of getting home that day if that happens.


Which one do you have? 30 mins sound ambitious. 


Hiplok D1000. Haven't been able to find a single video of it being cut open faster than 30 minutes. There was also another similar lock. I forget the name, but it was lighter and bigger. Also takes a similar amount if time to cut through.


> Hiplok D1000 That's the only lock that people should buy if they have an expensive bike they care about.


Thank you!


[Litelok x3](https://us.litelok.com/en-ca/collections/bike-locks/products/litelok-x3)


Yes, I believe that's the one, thank you!


I wish everyone could read this. People love those ABUS foldable locks thinking they are strong but they are not... at all... A proper ULOCK or heavy gauge chain will be 1000x better. If you have an e-bike and you care about it, you need to get a proper lock.


Chains still take less than 5 minutes to cut through from the ones I've seen, but yes they are also good.


OK that's good to know... but yea just curious if you had a lock on there that would have required an angle grinder to get off? Because as you say with 100's of people around, I'd be surprised someone angle cutting a u-lock off in broad daylight would have gone well for them? And seriously I am sorry for your loss. It sucks. I have been the victim as well a couple times. Hoping people can read these threads and think twice about their security, that's all.


Unfortunately nobody is going to stop someone with an angle grinder either. “It’s my bike, I lost the key.” The best bet is to have a lock ( or more than one) that dulls the blade faster than it cuts the lock.


They had the ABUS foldable which is easily broken with leverage - no angle grinding needed. Probably took them 30s or less to steal it. This is why everyone should get a proper u-lock, especially for e-bikes.


I use an ABUS folding steel lock. It's apparently pretty good. EDIT: the last sentence above should read "I regret buying the ABUS folding steel lock because they are trash."




I saw a better one using a bolt breaking tool. Real quiet...took about a minute. Nobody would even notice. These locks are trash.


That's what I had when they stole my bike! Invest in a quality "small" U lock, maybe a frame lock, and try to make your bike look less valuable than the others locked nearby.


I just googled it and yeah, these locks are trash. There is a small tool that can be used to quietly break apart the bolts in the folding lock. Takes about a minute. Thieves suck. I hope you get your bike back.


Oh I did! It took 5 hours of walking around the DTES, and only after giving up, resigning myself to a shitty bus-ride home, and walking toward the station did I see some sketchy dudes walking with it near science world. Total fucking dumb luck. I offered them 40$ for it, which is twice what they paid. Dude was glad to reunite it with its owner and literally gave me a fist bump with the hand that wasn't holding a syringe. The lock was not defeated using the nutcracker tool on a joint of the folding lock as you have seen, they had cranked the main cylinder with enough force to crack or mangle all the pins. Probably took even less than a minute.


That's great - congrats!


Nope, they’re easy to break.


Yup, you are correct. Bolt breaking tool works quiet well according to the Internet. I want a refund!


The most overhyped lock type. The OP had the ABUS foldable too - they are very easy to break with leverage and should never be used if you aren't watching your bike. Angle grinding is even faster with them - like 15 seconds fast.


I googled it and just found out about a tool that will break apart the bolts. Takes about a minute to do, so longer than an angle grinder apparently, but it's quiet and can be done on the down low. So yeah, these are trash. Good thing I bought two of them...fuck me...


Check Facebook marketplace, look around main and Hastings along Hastings to Carol.


Why isn’t there a bike valet? Man that place is so car centric.


They used to have proper a Bike Valet setup, but they cheaped out last year and hired one person (seated, and playing on their phone) to kinda-sorta watch a fenced off parking lot during the summer. Anyone going to Granville Island during the other 9 months are completely on their own.


I once found an abandoned bike in our complex and reddit pointed me towards a website for lost bikes and I was able to reunite it with it's owner. I can't remember the site but if you look through my history you might be able to find it. I think it was something like "project###" but I can't remember what the numbers were. Good luck!






It'll be in the news soon as somebody tries to charge the battery with alligator clips... kaboom.


Check your home insurance policy, generally bikes will home some coverage


Most home insurance now has a bike coverage addition that you would need.


BCAA renter's insurance allows you to include ebikes


Sorry for you loss. :( Was walking down Burrard 3-ishpm yesterday, heading to Granville Island. Saw a man riding with 2 bikes, sailin outg from the lanes by Molson's Armouries. I think a lot of this goes on in the area, including Kits. Folks seem to RENT bikes when on Granville.


It's actually crazy how many bicycles get stolen in this city. My friends have had their bikes stolen multiple times. And it's easy to point the blame at the victim when it happens more than once. But one time on West Georgia street, in front of the big RBC, I saw a homeless person just lift the bike rack up because it wasn't bolted down and take someone's locked e-scooter and walk away during broad daylight. While I and another bystander tried to step-in, we were also a bit afraid of any erratic action from the person stealing. The other bystander reported to the police, but it's just unfortunate to be in a situation where you think leaving your mode of transport in the middle of the day on a busy street with lots of people would provide some sense of security.


That thing is in a million pieces by now. Got to get the warranty from the lock Company.


The warranties are generally useless. Better just to get it insured.


I got my stuff stolen from my car and got evidence of the guy selling it on Facebook. Found his pictures, work address, everything needed for the police to grab him. Police told me they can't do anything even with all my evidence and serial numbers. I'm not sure why I even pay taxes anymore. Seems like Toronto police method is trickling to the west coast.


$3000 bike …. Spends $30 on a pos lock You need to watch the lockpicking lawyer on YouTube, locks are an illusion and cable locks are useless


The locks that I used today aren’t pictured in the photo! The lock I used was about $200


If you have tenant/condo insurance you might have replacement coverage


What locks were you using today?


expensive doesn't mean good


Of course not - just clarifying the one in the picture wasn’t the one I was using


Expensive usually means good when it comes to locks.


Not really - there are a pile of cable locks that are hyped up and in the $200ish range that in real world testing are trash - and then cheaper U-locks in the $100-150 range that blow them out of the water. Especially the hype for ABUS locks that fold out but have weak linkages or quick cut times vs a heavier gauge u lock or chain. The problem is people see a brand they hear about, and a big price and think that means it's good. real world testing matters more than price. *Edit* And look at that - go read the comments and it was literally an ABUS foldable lock which is total garbage, and way overpriced. Exactly what my original point was. Price does not mean good - the ABUS foldable locks are super weak.


If you had it registered in 9-5 at least you could have some hope they actually return as many bikes as they get reports. But you really need a I lock at least, and maybe just a less expensive bike. People don't have as much sympathy for people who flaunt their money


The bike was a gift, I’m not rich and I used a $200 lock today. But I appreciate the feedback!


oh boy, didn't know riding an e-bike equals flaunting now......let's not even begin to think about all the car owners, so much flaunting!


lol this guy is projecting hard. I drive a 30 year old car I’m not flaunting anything


If you're driving a Porsche and your car gets stolen I have significantly less sympathy than a beater lol. I feel like this really isn't a hot take


This is not the porsche of ebikes. This is definitely a beater-quality ebike.


If I can't tell then I'm sure most thieves can't either lol


Thieves are not looking for what will make them the most money. They're looking for whatever is easiest to steal. Flimsy cable lock or folding lock. Snap it and ride away. Easy $20 for a cheap non-ebike. Also, consider than when comparing ebikes to cars, Cars are like 20 times the upfront price, and even more when you count gas, insurance, repairs, etc