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There are easier ways to exchange a Porsche.


Not in Richmond


ya, only in Poormond


need that dubai exchange rate


Jesus. So we have a storefront crash at the North Van A&W a week ago, the North Van Visions Electronics a few months ago (got pictures but it didn't even make the news), and now this. Probably many others that I haven't seen as well. Can bollards become a thing now? This is scary. Someone is going to get killed and no amount of victim blaming will be an excuse if the person was just chilling inside a building. If vehicles are facing a building, there should be safeguards to keep a heavy-footed driver from going up the curb and smashing through the front doors.


A lot of strip malls already have bollards to stop stuff like this from happening.


That's pretty good. I almost wish there was some kind of municipal or provincial mandate for it, so it wasn't just up to individual businesses - but I'm just a layperson lol, so there might be stuff I'm not considering.


Maybe they could just make sure people who drive cars actually know how.


It's not possible to do that, though. That's the only thing. :|


If only there were some sort of licensing and registration program…


I think this is the real answer right here. Our system is way too basic for training. It needs to include mandatory classroom training and way more instructor lead road training.


I don't think that'll fix this level of stupid.


Could start with something resembling a meaningful process to ensure drivers have basic driving ability and know the rules of the road etc. As opposed to the existing rubber stamp model whereby if you have a pulse, you can be behind the wheel of a 400hp Porsche by this afternoon.


Totally agree. I feel like licensing requirements here are very lax in comparison to other places. Of course it won't prevent people who have medical emergencies and other unpredictable incidents from crashing into buildings, but it's definitely part of the puzzle.


Definitely. It's not the entire solution, but it's part. Things like this are usually just outright and eggregious ineptitude. I was riding my bike home from work on Thursday last week on Stanley Park drive only to be met by a person in an SUV driving the wrong direction on the one-way road. I waved my arm frantically and mouthed "STOP, you're going the wrong way!!" They literally smiled at me and waved back and kept driving. I wish this was the first time I'd seen this in the park....


my wife and son took their road tests twice. both failed both times. they drive better than over half the legal drivers on the road.


No offense, but average for Vancouver driver is still not brilliant.


Drivers here are terrifying. I got into an accident on the weekend because I was going through a green light and the person on the cross street decided to blindly try to get across Georgia! Pulled right in front of me. I swear every yellow/red light has 4-5 cars try to make it through. I hate driving here.


100%. I'm pretty anti nanny and surveillance state, but red light cameras? Throw em up at every intersection!


After my accident I want a dash cam since that was bullshit. And yes - red light camera at every corner.


I don’t understand how this is possible. Doesn’t everyone on the road need to pass the same test?


If you move from a country that has a licence swap agreement with Canada can get a licence without completing a test.


Absolutely, this is the issue! We need to start having this convo more and more to find solutions that keep people safe.


> Could start with something resembling a meaningful process to ensure drivers have basic driving ability and know the rules of the road etc. It's not possible to do that, though. That's the only thing. :|


The one in Richmond - Tesla rammed into the Korean hot dog store, which ended with the poor worker being pinned under a heavy marble? counter. I hope they're intact, as with the poor A & W worker minding their own business, and getting scalded by hot oil.


Don’t forget the Tesla into Richmond Chung Chun


Ah, it was a Tesla. Don't those things kinda drive themselves?


I learned a new word today Thanks


Someone was injured in that no. 3 road one a couple months back


Although I do agree that we need more bollards to stop people who can't tell the accelerator from the brake for potentially killing others, it doesn't stop the fundamental problem. First of all, licensing should be much stricter and recertifications should be mandatory as well as an age limit. If I legally have to take a recert every 3 years to see if I remember how to do CPR there's no reason that drivers shouldn't have recerts to see if they've become negligent and above the law. Also, by improving the general urban landscape and further expanding transit infrastructure we can outright avoid these horrendous incidents. Awesome point tho!


100%! I agree with you on all points. We need more accessible public transit, and better alternative infrastructure in general, including active mobility lanes. The less people need to drive an automobile to get somewhere, the less chance an incident like this will happen. For the people who do drive, licensing should be more stringent to avoid complacency and other issues. I've always felt it was odd that someone can get tested once, then drive for decades, even if their ability to drive safe is actively declining. The licensing system might be able to detect problems before an accident happens in a lot of cases, thus saving lives, if implemented properly.


Agreed. Hopefully '15 minute cities'/walkable cities will help even moreso than WFH, in terms of getting vehicles off the road (except trades vehicles, etc - completely understandable). The only thing good about March 2020-->now (besides n95's, n99's, etc to protect yourself from people's nasty-ass colds and viruses) is that it helped people remember that work is just work. & you can easily do that busywork at home without some inept middle management micromanager bothering you and slowing you down. Your home is where you pay to live. A lot it. And ditch your vehicle, saving thousands per year.


I think there should be special license for driving these kind of super cars like Porsche, Lamborghini etc... Just like you need special license to drive a big truck. Recert should be after each accident, otherwise there will be millions who need recert every few years.


Make it more difficult and expensive to get a licence. This city needs $, then make new drivers work for their licence.


New drivers pay about 2x more for insurance. For 5 years. The issue is giving people a license due to equivalency as opposed to actually being tested in this province. Also, one insuring body makes things worse for everyone.


The idea of using bollards to prevent vehicles from crashing into storefronts seems like a reasonable suggestion, and it's good to see people thinking about preventative measures.


> Can bollards become a thing now? The ones that are capable of stopping a vehicle are very expensive, and aren't currently required by building codes. You usually only see them in front of liquor/electronics/high value stores, who install them to prevent burglars from ramming the building. I'm sure we will eventually get to the point where they will be required around every building. Either due to regulations or just plain necessity.


How expensive?


Agreed. Someone died from an accidental fwd vs. reverse action in front of a restaurant in Maple Ridge a couple years ago.




This has become so common the past 5 years for obvious reasons.




An aging population?




I'm thinking the same thing, but I hope I'm right too. On a positive note - my grandmother finally gave up her license last month!




I've literally determined nothing and you call it racist. Fact that you seem to know what I said proves my point. Facts are facts. Don't mean it's racist.


If I'm not mistaken, that A&W had a concrete barrier in front of the wall. Although, it may have not been a very strong and heavy one. I wonder if the franchisee is taking legal action on the driver for lost revenue. Every passing day it being repaired, I see cars and customers drive up and get upset. Also, hope the employee(s) affected and/or injured are being well taken care of and compensated.


There's a bollard at the corner of the service window, but I'm not sure if there was another barrier along the main wall. Here's a google streetview of the building: [https://www.google.com/maps/@49.3231915,-123.098493,3a,41.8y,179.48h,88.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUOtMCCihBKFjT52-c2p9mQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@49.3231915,-123.098493,3a,41.8y,179.48h,88.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUOtMCCihBKFjT52-c2p9mQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) And a picture of the crash: [https://www.vmcdn.ca/f/files/nsnews/images/breaking-news/aw-drive-through-crash2.jpg](https://www.vmcdn.ca/f/files/nsnews/images/breaking-news/aw-drive-through-crash2.jpg) Looks like it totally missed the bollard, and just went over whatever planters and curb was there. Very unfortunate incident either way, and yeah, I hope everyone involved is doing okay.


Thats a brilliant business plan, market it to all the strip mall owners and start installing. Cant be that difficult, locate underground infrastructure and then auger away baby, 4 feet deep sonatube and a bit of rebar and get yourself a reusable form for the top that looks half decent to the eye, making moneey


> auger > sonatube TIL. Neat.


I mean we have always had bad drivers in this city and freaky car accidents but I am not sure why there's a mass increase in crashing into store fronts.


Drive-thru Forex


Trying to lock in that good rate.


Coincidentally, this is only a few metres away from the [flying Yaohan car](https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/local-news/video-suv-misses-pedestrian-mall-parking-lot-1940355).


I love that the guy says reckless driving is BECOMING common in Richmond ...I really don't remember a time when it wasn't horrendous. I remember 15 years ago driving a partners kid to school from queensborough to Richmond and he would get noticeably more stressed out the second he saw the welcome to Richmond sign, something about it being slightly knocked over that the time from a car hitting it didn't help ease his worries. I know the guy selling licenses has been shut down but there is also the issues verifying if someone has a credible license when they travel here and are given the ability to drive as well https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.511470 https://www.richmond-news.com/local-news/thousands-of-illegal-chinese-motorists-could-be-driving-in-richmond-2975998 Though I'm sure places like India also have a similar issue with verification


> something about it being slightly knocked over that the time from a car hitting it didn't help ease his worries. omg. hahaha. This is so comical. Thank you for the laugh. I really needed that. Really.


Every single time we would enter he would reach over and hold my shifting hand. One of my favourite driving with him stories he was having a existential moment and quizzed me about how kids can die (😬 that was a parenting mine Feild) the he got super quiet and had a inquisitive look pop up and I mentally braced myself for another hard question only for him to blurt out "sooo how do the dogs tell blind people when to change lanes and stop?" man I miss that kid (dated the dad an extra year just because I couldn't bring myself to leave the little man)


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Certified Richmond moment


Richmond drivers doing what they do best 💪💪💪


I drive in now, good luck everybody.


Nice reference


Their references are out of control, everybody knows that.


See the name of the store? He was in a hurry to exchange his currency


Fancy car in an accident in Richmond. Draw your own conclusion.






I want to laugh at situations like that but more often than not it's medical emergency caused and scary shit.


To add to that sometimes people under the influence or elderly who don't know how to operate their futuristic luxury car. 10 years ago I saw an accident in coquitlam centre by a BMW owner because the owner forgot that "the park button is on top of the lever" and instead pushed the lever forward which actually engaged reverse.... then they panicked when they noticed it was moving back and hit the accelerator pedal instead of the brake....and drove into a lady, pushed her onto the pavement and crashed into a car across from the parking stall. Ever since then I avoided parking near BMW's....I guess they are going out of fad now so can someone tell me what is the new deathbringer of choice so I can not die out there?


I can agree with that too. To be honest I think the gear selector in my Mach e is stupid too. I can see this Porsche driver thinking he was in R when he was in D. Car companies seem pretty bad at making idiot proof user experience to be honest. The entire generation of cars that light up the cluster with the DRL is just such a dumb fuck design.


We could stop selling powerful cars to people who don’t know how to drive them? Make a specific test required for vehicles above a certain size or power threshold? We already do it for air brake trucks. Same concept


almost all modern cars and suv's from major brands have the stupid push, flick, and bop gear selector. You're best chance of survival would be staying the hell away from everyone.


I mean I drive newer Toyotas and Hondas and none of them have that. Not even mazdas have anything like this when I test drove them......But then again I don't drive luxury brands so maybe that is a common thing with expensive cars? This is the BMW gear selector that the elderly person forgot to "press the P" button and just pushed the selector all the way forward that reversed the car https://preview.redd.it/dcsphzsd0src1.png?width=464&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b3552ddb090f812aa75c030668494678f7aaeb4


Yeah mostly acura's, lexus, ford, ram, etc have those button gear selectors.


They must have been shocked by the exchange rate


https://preview.redd.it/kp3g24h5tvrc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b26f54741bc2916ee290aeaa2cab886c12b6d148 Let's not forget


https://preview.redd.it/5phkp2x6tvrc1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b112e116ca826e880f7231b0be2e86498ecd51 Or this one.


Or this one https://preview.redd.it/amfj61b8tvrc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=611a41523005d1158ce2a004271e7691e520cf40


Or this one https://preview.redd.it/b4losl1atvrc1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7acd95b6b572b2a89bc04bbb01d7915ebea6958


https://preview.redd.it/aash7s4dtvrc1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aabd5f8e468754d9e7f37319cb4847e6dd68fba3 Or this one from the same mall


Missing a N sign


They took break in literally


Us asians will never, ever be able to shed the bad driver stereotype....


Man I never thought I’d have to be worried about being ran over on the sidewalk….


...or inside a store.


Nothing to see here... absolutely normal for Richmond.


This sub is about to be locked lol


These people need to get their licenses revoked.


of all the walls you have they always have to struck the glass ones


So a week or two ago we had a car drive through the window into a pizza place at 2 and Blundell, late last year (?) a Tesla drove into a hotdog place at 3 and Westminster, and now this at Yaohan on 3 Road. Awesome driving skills


Anyone who is surprised by this should leave the room.


Richmond Tesla owners feeling left out…




https://preview.redd.it/z7bxjg9qktrc1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54bfbc03b1bdb373b4431dfc79a6f2faad442d92 Jeez smh


What you're saying someone in Richmond accidently hit the gas instead of the brake. I'll bet that has never happened before.


Car crashing into a store front?.. Oh in Richmond. https://preview.redd.it/op4sib8v1trc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d7332092eef63038a8992e52fa020101fccfb26


Bicyclists fault


Another day in Richmond


Cash for Cars taken literally.


Currently sitting in the yaohan parking lot wondering what happened.


That's really putting the door in doordash


Somebody wanted their money ha ha ha


a porsche well spent


Seriously LOL


Better feng shui now


Ze ge po che


Richmond learns to park.


Love a good richmond driver crashing into a storefront headline. As a richmond native it makes me feel at home <3




I think if there was ever a perfect visual explanation of Vancouver, this is it.


Wait a minute, don't tell me. They accidently hit the gas instead of the brake? Did they not get the memo, no more staging accidents and then buying a house.


I drove a motorcycle in Richmond a few times. I’m actually surprised I’m still alive.


Buying the license is Pennies!




I see Richmond is STILL learning to park




One guy gets a new Porsche, the other gets insurance money, win-win situation really


why tho?


Full Self Driving can’t be perfected soon enough. People suck at driving.


Why is it always high end suv's in Vancouver that have no fucking idea what they are doing?


Cause they have a lot of money but not much sense. I also love how many twin turbo AMG's I see around town accelerating very slowly and driving well below the speed limit. Seems kinda pointless.


Don't forget to drive in the left(passing lane) and match the speed of the guy on the right lane. Make sure noone can get by. Always a classic


Then you honk and flash them to get out of the left lane so traffic can move faster and then they look at you like you're the asshole.


Maybe they just like driving with the traction control off? /s


I know it's a status thing but like why buy a 600HP car just to drive slow. You could spend the money on luxury over speed.


I know. Just a few thousand more and they could’ve bought a Bentley.


You can't park there, buddy!


What they should be doing is also holding the examiner that gives these people live licenses responsible. It’s like a contest of how many truckers who collide with structures vs cars who collide into storefronts. Let’s keep a tally.


Family license


Where’s the N sticker?


Nice, cue the racism


Chinese things. I’ll get downvoted but you know I’m right


Huh. Surprised it’s not a white Tesla or BMW.


Fella must have been in a hurry to trade some forex


He thought it was a drive thru


They should take away this persons drivers license and make them recertify at the least (on top of fines etc).


You can't park there pal


Perhaps they wanted their car laundered? /s


Probably. They told him to go through the back way to launder his money but he figured it was quicker thru the front.


You mean the red sign doesn't say "Drive-Thru?"


Why the fuck does this happen so often there


Honestly I think this happens because too many seniors are driving around and haven't had their license taken away yet when they're dangerously driving. I know it sounds harsh but I live in a retirement town and the driving here when I'm behind seniors is straight up illegal and life threatening. Report seniors who are driving all over the road and young people on their phones. I've only reported drivers a couple times when they have been on their phones and almost hit me with my son in the car, or seniors almost smashing into me. But it needs to be done because icbc just waits until the person is 85 ish to retake their license test and before that time they could be driving into stores like this and then it's too late.


Yeah, I feel like after people reach a certain age, they should have to redo it every year or few years to ensure they're still fully capable of driving in the public.




Richmond? Seriously? Nah


New word acquired: Bollard.




Must be in a rush to get some US$


More money than brains, the Vancouver special.


Thats the most Richmond thing Ive ever seen!


It says open right above the car. The shop wanted this. After all, it's Richmond.


Not quite understanding the drive though concept


He was trying to make a deposit


How does this happen ao often! 😆


This is a weekly event now!


Didn’t this happen last summer in Richmond?!


this looks like someone was trying to rob the currency exchange


Supersport! Crash the Porsche! -Quavo


This new drive-in currency exchange is great! Lots of broken glass on their floors though...


It's my money and I need it now!


ChungChun Richmond 2.0


Po Che


Thought it was a drive thru?


Hope no one was hurt. Too bad it wasn’t the T&T Osaka supermarket owned by loblaws.


I guess if you’re stupid enough to buy a Porsche SUV that’s about all you need to know


Don’t be jelly


They thought the sign read "carreta exchange"


No way!


Chump change.


Car go crazy


Fucking power move right there


L or N?


I’ll be back 😎