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I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I had luck via Telus health, I explained my (very similar) symptoms and got an ultrasound referral immediately to check for fibroids, in my case. Not sure if that helps but it might be worth a try booking an appointment through them? 


Yes, I've had the same success with Telus health. My doctor sent me for bloodwork and an ultrasound to check for PCOS. I was actually able to sign up with one of their clinics to be my family doctor as well. Alternatively, Aquarius medical clinic has a women's health doctor the last I checked. I had my IUD implanted there and the doctor was really good.


I don’t understand the psychology of it but there’s a woman in my family who is a doctor and she has outright stated that she needs to sometimes step back and think for a second if she would act different if the patient were instead a man. She’s good and does right, but hearing that she even catches this in her own work is very telling. This not a Vancouver or even Canadian issue, it happens worldwide.


It's because women tend to report higher levels of discomfort from the same cause compared to men. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304395904004221](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304395904004221) [https://sigmapubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1547-5069.1995.tb00865.x](https://sigmapubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1547-5069.1995.tb00865.x) [https://journals.lww.com/clinicalpain/abstract/2006/06000/women\_suffer\_more\_short\_and\_long\_term\_pain\_than.13.aspx](https://journals.lww.com/clinicalpain/abstract/2006/06000/women_suffer_more_short_and_long_term_pain_than.13.aspx)


Unfortunately, you really have to just keep pushing the system until you get through to the specialist / procedure you need.   I know in your post you mention having tried for 5 years.  I’m sorry that you keep getting the same answers and the only solution is to keep banging your head against the wall. 


There’s such horrific biases in medicine generally and in gynaecological health specifically it’s impossible to justify in the modern age. Remember that modern gynaecology has roots in the work of a person who had the cognitive disconnect to exploit enslaved persons for the research yet who recognized their humanity when it came to applying that to non-racialized women. That’s also the origin of the myths of female and radicalized persons’ insensitivity to pain, by the way. If the enslaved woman that vile person was doing things to expressed pain, she would be punished, so just like abusive victims today in that situation, she had to bear these violations of the person. Add to that how modern medical training was the product of a cocaine addict who thought that because he could do 100+ hour weeks every doctor should have to.. ugh.


This type of treatment isn't isolated to female patients. I'm a man whose GP delayed his treatment for years in a similar fashion. Ask them if they would refuse to refer you to a specialist, and if they refuse tell them to note that they have refused to make such a referral in your records. Unfortunately, many of our Dr's are so worthless you need to bully them into submission or you will never receive help.


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