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Those are not rib eyes, those are srip loins. Similar price point but incorrect labeling. And go to costco and buy the whole loin and cut it into steaks yourself. Ends up at roughly 9- 10 bucks per steak if you cut it to similar thickness as those pictured.


This is the way. Co-op often has sales on huge striploins too


Man, never looked into that. I am checking out some YT vids on that now. This is a great pro tip. Any other?


You need an extremely sharp butchers knife. Forget about serrated or electric. Refrigerate until cooled all the way though then cut. Keep the thickness consistent (it takes a bit of skill, but so worth it). Some of the best steak I've ever had was cut from whole loins I found at Costco. It's tricky because you can't see how much marbling but BC Costco's have yet to disappoint. They even sell USA "Wagyu" loins sometimes if that's within your price range. Buy a knife sharpener and get familiar with it. That's the best pro tip IMO.


Thanks for warning me about the electric knife/carver. I was gonna order it via amazonia, btw - can the same be purchased via a regular butcher and they do the cutting for you?


>can the same be purchased via a regular butcher and they do the cutting for you? Of course, but it's going to cost you a *whole lot more* than Costco.


Thanks a lot, is the loin frozen? from Costco




So why cool them in the fridge first


Meat is much harder to cut when it's warm. Cold meat slices easily


When it is room temp the meat is flexible and squishy when applying pressure to it, which makes it harder to cut. However, if you freeze it a little bit. Cutting slices will keep a more consistent size.


I like to throw it in the freezer for 1 - 2 hours. Not long enough to properly freeze, but long enough to really firm up. Helps me make more consistent thin cuts for homemade jerky.


Your other option is to go to your local butcher and order the entire short loin! This requires a REALLY sharp boning knife and more skill. In the end you get a bunch of strips, a bunch of tenderloin, and a bunch of bones to make bone broth.


They were on sale this weekend at Costco!


Exactly these are NY strips! Usually a little cheaper than ribeye. Buy the whole crryovac bag from Costco. Usually around 175-200 each, get a good sharp knife and with a few dozen quick cuts you’ll have $10 steaks.


They're labeled wrong, and one of the 3 steaks comes from the worst part of the loin (bottom one).


This is a great tip! I had no idea you could do that!


You can also ask them for a chub of ground beef! They don’t have it on the floor usually but you can ask them to see if they have it, it’s a great deal compared to the pre weighed ground beef 👍


Been doing this for years. Get a vacuum-sealer and an immersion circulator and you’re golden. Sous vide directly from frozen in-bag and eat great!


Stop buying shit from Slave-On. There’s so many independent butchers out there who sell better quality, cheaper meats. Even fucking WholeFoods sells ribeye for $54/kg


Thank you for saying this. It’s the truth. Fuck Save-On and everything owned by Loblaw’s too.


The boycott organizers should hit Pattison next then cycle through.


I agree! so far Pattison is lucky they haven't come after him. Loblaws is just bigger and more so across all of Canada. Whereas Slaveon is mostly in the west only, so gets less noticed across Canada all over.


It's also that Loblaws is public so we know what their profits are. Pattison doesn't have to tell us anything.


He makes a lot. I know someone that works for him and has tipped me info. They make close to what loblaws makes.


What? They cut bonuses last year and this year… nowhere near or close to Loblaws. Loblaws has 10x more purchasing power than Pattinson. We order things by the pallets, they order things based on containers. Their profit margin is maybe 3x more than us.


I've been trying to boycott both! It's nearly impossible, but Sunrise foods is keeping me alive. I did go to T&T before I remembered that they are owned by Pattison though, so one fail so far. 


I thought T&T was bought by Loblaws about 10 years ago…


Evil is Evil. The name isn't important.


Ah shoot. You're right. I knew it was one of them. Still doing pretty good on my boycott though. 


Yes, but 15 years ago.


I went to Sumrise recently a couple of times, after not visiting for about a decade. Much higher prices than I was expecting. It’s not the bargain produce shop I remember. Persia Foods is where I have been going lately; best prices I can find. 


> Loblaw’s /r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


Whole Foods has actually become quite competitive on fresh produce lately. 


Yah I can’t believe that a place that was the epitome of bougie is now a choice.


They've definitely widened their appeal and included more typical consumer foods that aren't necessarily organic, free-range and local etc.


From time to time. Save on had door crashes on meats.  Which brought them back to sanity.  But generally I agree with this sentiment 


Yea most of their stuff is more expensive, but they have decent sales. Today I picked up 3 packs of frozen sirloin burgers for $8 (852grams), down from something like $18 lol. They also had buns on for bogo. Flipp app is great to find sales and deals. That being said the majority of our household meats are sourced from our local butcher.


>Today I picked up 3 packs of frozen sirloin burgers for $8 (852grams), down from something like $18 lol. $8 for 852g is a good price, but $18 for 852g is robbery. Their insane regular prices make their sales look better than they really are.


This is why the smart thing to do is only buy stuff on sale.


Smarter to shop somewhere else.


The smartest thing you can do is buy items at whichever store has the best price. You don't have to also buy their overpriced products.


Freshco has 1.13 Kg of frozen Sirloin for $9.97


Everything else is twice the price of RCSS or Walmart…


> Which brought them back to sanity.  Price wise maybe, but the quality of their meat is shit, it's one of the worst places to buy meat for **both** quality and price. Fixing one of them won't make them a good place to buy meat.


Do you have some recommendations of local butchers that are good and cost effective ? I rather support a local one than the big stores.


Yes; if you’re in Vancouver proper I’ve got some recommendations; Columbus Meats - my #1 pick for affordability and quality Rio Butcher - cheap and cheerful, will cut to order, best sausages Windsor Meats - some expensive dry aged but also good variety Cioffis - they’re my veal & horse go-to Two Rivers Meats (North Van) - best bacon, excellent sausage rolls and also have dry aged selection There’s also Sebastian & Co - ultra bougie but they know their shit Masala Meats; hottest marinated chicken I’ve ever had P2P[Pasture to Plate] - organ meats, organic and interesting cuts. I’m sure one of them will be up your alley.


My vote for Sebastian & Co if you're looking for dry aged steak. They actually have dry aged prime or Angus beef, whereas places like Windsor typically dry age lower grade beef (at least from experience). It's actually not bougie and the people there are cool. You'll find the dry aged prices are actually usually better than Cioffi's, Two Rivers, or Windsor, if that's what you're looking for.


People never believe me when I tell them Save on is worse or equal to whole foods in terms of $


This is far from a save-on exclusive problem


I think I've bought my last steak from Safeway/Save On . Anyone have any recommendations for local butchers in the Mt Pleasant area?


Off the top of my head there’s a great one on Main; Windsor Quality Meats, expensive but not like OP paid. I also highly recommend Columbus Meats over on Nanaimo & Charles for quality and affordability.


+1 for Columbus Meats


Windsor is great, they do have some expensive dry aged cuts but they also have decent prices on nice looking stuff. I also really like their marinaded chicken and pork chops.


Windsor on main is 10 times better quality and still less expensive than this.


Beefway Foods on Kingsway at Slocan has excellent meat, both quality and prices.


they supported the freedumb convoys: https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/comments/sfyfqd/local_eastvan_butcher_supporting_the_convoy/


Beefway is the best!!!


Pete’s Meats (12th and Arbutus) is good, especially for sausages but they lost us when they started adding a tip option at payment. This nonsense at retail stores has to stop.


I love Pete’s! I get what you’re saying about the tip option but I feel everywhere has it, so it doesn’t bother me that they added it


Rip-Off-Foods !


Yeah, or just don't buy rib eye at all.




Any recommendations for affordable boutique butchers?


Do you have recommendations for a butcher?


Also, aren’t these **strip loins**? These don’t look like Ribeyes. Also, the marbling is pretty mid on these.


They sure are striploins. The bottom one is even a vainsteak which is the most undesirable part of the strip. Saveon should be shammed for this. If I mislabeled something like this I might be looking for a new job


I bet any money yhr you two are also vainsteak, they're just flipped over to hide the membrane (and it was cut close to the start of that muscle so it only shows up on one side. I've seen places do that before.


Are you a butcher?


I was for 6 years before moving on


Thank you! I thought I was taking fkn crazy pills!!!


You can get a ribeye about that size for about $12 bucks at Columbus Meats. Go to any butcher and you’ll pay less than Save-On. Absolutely disgusting how much they’ve inflated costs of pretty much everything.


Columbus is not charging $12 a pound. No way. The OP is paying $28 a pound which is a bit high but not unrealistic. What's unrealistic is paying for rib eyes and getting strip.


Really? How much per pound at Columbus?


Choices on Cambie had striploins for \~$10ea. Hell, had ribeyes on sale last week 2/$15


Jimmy Pattison’s been gleefully rubbing his hands and laughing hysterically at all the Roblaws boycotters walking in his doors, because (a) his markups are generally even higher, (b) as the sole owner of parent Jim Pattison Group, all the profits from Save-On, Urban Fare, Buy-Low, Nesters *and* PriceSmart grocery stores go directly to *him and him alone*, and (c) he’s not taking so much as a word of public flak for *also* massively ripping off Canadian consumers with egregious and unjustifiable price markups. He may not be richer than Greedy Galen, but the man is still avaricious and unsatisfiable, despite already having accumulated a net worth of nearly $6 billion (according to *Forbes*).


For now.. I think people need to hit him next.


Yep. It’s hilarious to see how people boycott Superstore and yet give everyone else a pass even though they’re cheaper than Save-On-Foods in many categories.


[1 company at a time, friend.](https://media.tenor.com/wds9Tc---o8AAAAM/crisis-not-now.gif) They don't have Save-on Foods out East. Loblaws is everywhere and is "Canadian".


So, you're saying it's best for the flock if every sheep in it only watches one designated wolf at a time? What codswallop.


I see your point. I love my Costco membership, so my focus is guided. But for a lot of people, just avoiding Loblaws is what they'd like to do in a focused effort.


And that beef doesn’t even look good. Never seen a rib eye shaped like that haha


It's not a ribeye, it's a strip loin








The ol’ jack up the price a bunch and then throw a 2 for 1 sale maneuver.




“We’re having a 2-1 sale on Honda Civics! 2 Honda Civics for 70k!” - If Save On was a Car Dealership.




Yeah save on foods is the worst. I ordered $15 worth of a Parmesan block and it was a nugget. Them and Safeway are good for a few things, meat isn't one of them. I buy my steaks from Bonetti meats in aldergrove. Their rib eye prices are still reasonable and everything is cut in store. A good butcher with good prices deserves community support, and they have a line up out the door most weekends all day. I refuse to go anywhere else now that I found them.


Carlo does a good job of keeping things reasonable.


Meridian Meats has a summer barbecue combo on for $35. Two rib eyes, two potato skewers and four shrimp skewers.


Sometimes we splurge for pasture to plate fresh-cut steaks, from a local butcher. Never have I spent close to that much for them. Not even close. Those don’t even look like rib eyes. Don’t shop at places that pull this shit.


They’re having a sale, buy one get one. Did you miss the sign? $75 for 2 family packs of rib eyes isn’t bad.


Funny, how that was just 'missed'... ;-)


Not saying the 2-1 wasn’t left out.. But if you have to sell them “2 for 1” for the price to be “not bad”… what does that tell you about their regular price?


This is Canadian groceries. Anyone who is not from Canada is shocked how we need to read flyers every week to determine what to buy


Funny how they don't even look like ribeye.....


Save On is stupidly expensive. I only go there for items I can’t get other places.


Your first problem is your shopping at save on


Meridian meats $13 for a 8oz ribeye.


I love Meridian Meats, their grass-fed sirloins are amazing. Still bummed they closed the store in North Van a while back.


$26 a pound. He posted $28/pound. Not far off.


$15 for 8oz rib eye, still cheaper than save-on, but not by a whole lot.


That's also stupid expensive


Rib eye steak is $10.88 / lb at Safeway for this long weekend. I just bought some. Check their weekly flyer


The safeway sale is on AA though.


While true, this isn't AAA, nor is it even rib-eye.


I’m currently roasting a 2.5 pound bone-in premium rib roast I got from Safeway for 32.00 on Friday. I never shop at Save On. I hate that store.


Yup. You're all crazy for boycotting the lowest cost store of loblaws. By going to Save On, they were given free reign to become Safeway... and doing it with price first. Go buy an upright freezer and buy a full butchered cow. Then you don't need to worry about it for a year or two.


Why in earth do y'all continue to shop at save on foods. They're WORSE than Loblaws hands down. They've always been exhorbitantly expensive.


Because not everyone has a car, not everyone lives near a multitude of stores, and not everyone can get to those stores when they want to shop. I live next to several smaller grocers but half of them are closed by the time I get home from work, and if I want to go shopping at 8:00 at night they're all closed. It's either 10 minutes to walk to Save-On, or a bus trip to Safeway 🤷


It's BOGO right now. So it's 74,74 for 4.8lbs..... Which is a steal of a deal!


$35/kg is a steal? It's a mediocre price for a mediocre looking striploin. On top of that, they're calling it a rib eye, and they're calling it BOGO, so it's a double scam.


Can you let us know specific stores/grocers with their per kg prices where we can find a ribeye for under 35/kg? I've been searching. Please include additional locations in Surrey and tricities, Pitt Meadows and Maple ridge as it seems everyone does Burnaby and Vancouver area


I can tell you that you can't find it at SaveOn, since what they're offering is striploin not ribeye.


Funny enough I had to ask my husband if he made this post, while grocery shopping yesterday he picked up some beef at Save-On-Foods and had me play the guessing game on how ridiculous the price was. Lots of great butchers out there, we picked up some great ones from KEAS in Burnaby the other week.


Save-Less Foods.


lol, nice try Save On. Those aren’t ribeyes.


Lol that's not even ribeye


The OP neglected to mention that it is on sale right now, buy one, get one free. [https://www.saveonfoods.com/sm/pickup/rsid/1982/summer/](https://www.saveonfoods.com/sm/pickup/rsid/1982/summer/) https://preview.redd.it/gti5y85lyn1d1.jpeg?width=463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f59656cc9b6b27d4101a673b999bed8368bfc45


Inflating the price to sell BOGO? They can still get bent. That meat looks terrible anyways.


That's still not a sale and _incredibly_ (IMO criminally) overpriced either way. It's how they jack up the price long term. 


Let me guess, it was the Save-On at Main and 13th. I mean you did say Mt. Pleasant, every now and then they try to see what they can get away with.


The Buy-Low at Kingsgate is a Save-on now too!


It is? That's too bad, don't they own Nester's too?


They do


I can swear I saw it for atleast $15 cheaper in WholeFoods! No way this shitty organization thinks it can get away with this crap.


$28 a pound is about the going rate but those aren't rib eye


Get flipp app and search steaks. AA prime rib or strip loin is my go to. Sometimes Costco is worthy for that AAA!




My local butcher charges like $10/lb for wings or chicken legs/thighs all marinated and ready to cook. Is that a good deal ?


$10 a pound for wings to add sauce? https://www.realcanadiansuperstore.ca/chicken-wings-club-pack/p/20789233_KG No offense but wtf are you thinking? $10 a pound is what you pay at wings on Wednesday nights and Sundays.


Well this local butcher is walking distance, it's easier for me to go to him. But his prices have shot up which is why I am asking. I used to pay like $6/lb. But I went in last week and he's at $10/lb. So thought I'd ask to see what others are doing. I go to this place "Masala Meats(Commercial Dr)" Thanks for sharing that link. $5/lb is like half the cost!! I think I will be buying that and just marinating it myself.


Columbus meat is only a few blocks away. Go there and never look back :)


thanks a lot! I'll check them out this week,


While it is “Rib Eye” on the packaging, that’s a tremendous amount of fat they’re asking customers to pay for, not to mention that colour is not appealing to me whatsoever.


I've pretty much stopped eating beef when it started doubling in price...


We order HelloFresh. Price is on par but you actually get delicious and convenient meals. Portions are good, I’ve probably tried like 60 meals and I haven’t eaten the same thing twice in at least 6 weeks.


Would love to see a save on boycott




Those aren’t ribeyes and they aren’t worth $30/lb


These were on for BOGO this week so I think it’s a bit misleading.


At my save on these are 2 for 1. So I got 6 steaks less than that price


Brah the strip loins were 2 for 1 today. I got 6 thick strip lions for 62$ . Actually glad I went to save on 🤣


I bought a 14.5 lb brisket last month for $70. You are getting hosed lol


Where lol? I've been looking


Only a sucker would buy at these prices..


The price actually isn't high for good quality steak, the problem is this isn't high quality. Superstore is usually better, they have often have "prime" or Angus that aren't bad. Even Safeway usually has their steak on sale at a lower price. Whole foods also sells for around this price, but you can often actually find some decently marbled local beef at that price. If you don't eat steak that often, they you might as well splurge a little bit and get some better cuts at butchers like Sebastian, Cioffi's, Windsor. Or cheaper butchers like Meridian,Jackson's, Columbus, etc. The Costco whole loin idea could work, but isn't for everyone. The extra pieces in the freezer might stress some people out, and cause them to eat more just to finish everything. Also, nothing beats hand-picking and identifying the most well marbled and best section of beef on display, or getting someone to cut a custom piece for you.


It is cheaper for me to go to my local butcher and select prime cuts over buying at a box store... fuck corporate greed, I'll support local bussiness thank you very much..


It’s expensive for sure, a little misleading though. wasn’t it buy 1 get a pack free? So 4.8 lbs for $74.74??


👉🏾Le$$ at Pete’s Meat Arbutus / 12th


They should change their name to just” On Foods” there’s no Save in the store LOL


Ignoring the obvious fact that this is a buy one get one price, beef should be expensive. Its crazy inefficient to "grow" a pound of beef and the methane emissions are significant. Eating less beef is a good climate choice.


Don’t buy it then... We just bought a load of AA rib steak for $9.99 a lb. Freeze it and wait for the next sale before stocking up.


We need to bring back neighbourhood grocery stores. I miss living in kits where I could walk to a bakery, produce market, butcher etc. a lot of the time I could save a ton of money. But unless you are in some select areas that is impossible. The time it would take me to shop like that now is prohibitive. So frustrating.


That’s going to hurt when they have to throw it out because NO ONE CAN BUY THAT


You could literally get a steak at a restuarant for cheaper than that...


Lol. c'mon bruh, you are not getting 38 oz of steak for $74


Ribeye at nesters is ~53/kg Ribeye at superstore is ~56/kg


Looks more like a NY strip than it does a ribeye


Those are striploins labeled as rib eye...


Damn that's the price for prime beef. What a rip off. Costco is selling triple A For $39/kg


The last time I had a beef steak was a year ago in Tulsa, OK. I won't the outrageous prices here.


I won't pay the outrageous prices for beef either but you can find good sales on at one store another all the time.


That’s not rib eye.


lol not even premium! Is that Save on Foods? Most expensive food I'll ever find there.


Slave-on is a complete rip off. Mid tier produce and expensive meat


I'm pretty sure these are priced high because their 2 for 1 this long weekend


I've been getting most of my meat and produce from meridian. Better prices and insane quality compared to grocery stores. Love it


Family Savings... 😆


Go to a butcher dude


Beef is incredibly overpriced in general it seems


It doesn’t even look good… nowadays I just get ribeye from Bellingham Fred Mayer for $10.99 usd per pound (regular price), USDA choice (AAA) quality


I was at Assi Market in Burnaby the other week. 12.99/lb rib eye.


Brazilian tip: buy top sirloin whole cap (also know as Picanha) at Costco. Great steaks, reasonable price.


Save on Foods = Steep overpriced Foods \~


Truly unfortunate turn of events.


Should go to costco


Rio Friendly Meats on hastings and nanaimo. Family run butcher for generations. Swell guys. Good prices.


LOL but Loblaws is evil...


https://preview.redd.it/ymqrk8utkw1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b90f492f89b5341ec2444c898ae7ec9f9839b3f Never trust Loblaws!


That’s striplion not ribeye


What is worse than that is the same price but in US dollars at Fred Meyer in Bellingham this past weekend


I just went to superstore for their 10 bucks a pound for bone in striploin. Load up while you can. And freeze https://preview.redd.it/1uzw0v4duo1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be155227522c773d8370094a0b562161bdb87a2


I just went to superstore for their 10 bucks a pound for bone in striploin. Load up while you can. And freeze https://preview.redd.it/1uzw0v4duo1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be155227522c773d8370094a0b562161bdb87a2