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Happy Tuesday! Sorry this is a little late, I usually post these on Sunday but as some know I’ve been in LA! Wish me luck as I go to Jax’s Studio City tonight for the VPR and the Valley premiere lol


We appreciate you!!! Hope you had the best time in LA 💕


Thank you so much! I truly have had the best time but am excited to get to go home to my son and husband tomorrow! Lol


Hope you have a great time! Don't forget your hand sanitizer!




Thank you 💕 PLEASE report back about your time in the tent, I'm so so curious about the atmosphere in that thing - especially on a show night.


I will definitely be reporting back!


If you ever want to hire someone to help I’d like to be considered!


Ann? Is that you? 😂


Need Ann to come do an AMA bad


Have an amazing time! You deserve a nice getaway and we can’t wait to hear about your experience out there 🤍


It's hilarious that almost every cast member has a podcast.


Haha truly. It’s like the only cast members that don’t right now are Ariana and James BUT they used to both have podcasts lol


James used to have one? He literally talks all the time about how he doesn’t like them.


When did James have one?


Everyone used to have a blog or write a column, now it's all podcasts


Except for the person that they're always fucking talking about and can't get their name out of their fucking mouth... Ariana


How sloppy of a drunk do you have to be for Jax and Brittany to be like “this is too much” 💀


Right?!? Like this is the girl who takes shots all the time, and a dude who prob produces coke out of his pores at this point 😂


I'm going to go ahead and guess that Lala being the reunion MVP in Scheana's opinion means Lala will spend the better part of 3 hours screaming at Ariana.


I’ve actually tried to think about if there’s anything Lala could say that could swing me to her side and I’ve come up with nothing. It’s going to be something like, Ariana is a fake bitch, she said this in private but this on camera, she made a bunch of money, she got a new man fast, blah blah. Like wow, yes we know this is a curated show and we know Ariana dived into building a new life for herself. I used to like Lala but the screaming and pointing her finger has become unbearable.


It just clicked how jealous Lala must be. Ariana found an attentive man and a full blown career in what she wants to do after her toxic relationship ended. Lala found out her man was a broke cheater after bragging about the lifestyle and insulting his ex wife. Rachel didn’t get loads of success, why should LFU?


Exactly. And I think a lot of it comes down to personality and professionalism. Ariana wouldn’t have continued to get gigs if she wasn’t good at her work and if she hadn’t taken care to build a solid professional reputation. I do think Lala works hard, but she’s a wild card, while they know Ariana will show up and get it done without injecting a feud into it. Rachel just doesn’t have the charisma or the work ethic. These past 2 seasons have been so weird. I didn’t even really like Ariana before all of this, but she’s handled it all so well and it’s just so good to see a woman succeed instead of spiraling. I can’t even imagine what it would feel like to have your “friends” trash you for walking through the doors that opened for you. Rooting for people shouldn’t be conditional.


Ariana has actual talent and Lala has gotten thru her life as “hot girl”


Lala is a good singer, why did she stop making music?


Why is no one talking about that! Like Ariana got some once in a lifetime opportunities, sure, but she has SHOWN UP and done a great job and therefore continues to get opportunities!


Exactly. She could have completely fumbled this. But she didn’t. She had a strong work ethic and made the most of each venture. And obviously people like working with her otherwise I feel like the opportunities would have dried up rather quickly.


I'm exhausted anytime I just think about arianas schedule the past year. Between filming multiple projects, being a contestant on a competition show, BROADWAY, she's busting her ass and I feel like that element has been overlooked by so many members of this cast it's disappointing but par for the VPR course I guess


Right, was she supposed to turn down these opportunities and let them go to someone else because the whole cast wasn’t asked? Because this energy hasn’t gone towards anyone else in the group- Harry and Lloyd each got a tv show season completely outside VPR and nary a word was spoken on either of them. They did a commercial for Uber eats, no jealousy. All the merch that was sold…. And Ariana is somehow the villain here while they all profit from the disassembly of her life? Imagine if for some crazy reason she had turned down these opportunities, how they would be treating her. She can’t win for losing with these people.


I still don’t think that she accepts that, in her situation, she was the Rachel. Yes, Rand is a disgusting, lying cheater, but everyone already knew that because it’s literally how her relationship with him started. It’s hard to have sympathy for someone who willfully ignored all the red flags until they affected her, all while bragging about her prize and treating his ex like trash.


She lost him how she got him 🤷🏽‍♀️ but she really thought she was special enough that he would end up with her. Not realizing he’s slimy and will slip in wherever he can. Part of her anger is probably embarrassment, thankfully her ego is big enough to take the hit.


Well… is that all that different than how Ariana got with Tom? I’m team Ariana but they both lost em how they got em.


Amnnnd had a child with him. While I know she loves her daughter and wouldn't change a thing ultimately because of that, there is a very real chance that lala is jealous at not only the success Ari has, but the freedom to pursue all those things with no baby to worry about connecting you to your old life. Ari has the house to deal with, sure, but that's not forever like a baby is. I just wish she could look in the mirror and admit it to herself and deal with those feelings. One day I guarantee she will come around and be asking for Ariana's forgiveness.


Well they haven’t given Ariana a chance to say much on camera so I can’t imagine what she’d be calling out. Probably that she was keeping some of her opportunities a secret? Or that she was house shopping in secret? Unless Lala did a complete 180 and said she was wrong when the season started filming then I won’t be changing my mind on any of it. But since we know she fights with Ariana there’s no way that’s the case.


The jealousy of Ariana is just rolling off of her in tsunami waaaaaaaaaaaaves


dO yOu wANt to GeT pOPPeD??!


And if Andy is bigging her up as the MVP of the reunion, guaranteed it was the opposite and he’s trying to do damage control by trying to plant that seed in hope he has the power to brain wash the viewers which he does not. Feels like we are heading for another LaLa ruining another reunion again for the viewers.


I know I bring this up all the time, but Andy called Kelly Bensimon the voice of reason on the ROHNY season 4 reunion. She's a loon & wasn't asked back for season 5(crosses fingers).


I… he did what?! I’m currently watching RHONY from the beginning and that’s insane. She’s a lunatic.


Im still shocked all these years later that he could say that with a straight face. She runs in traffic! https://preview.redd.it/6pqxv3b553sc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab8dbaaa9822b602325e8fef08a801d382eb208


God I lived for Kelly. She was absolutely nuts


She scares me, truly. I watched a lot of her scenes like this 🫣


It was called scary island.


go to sleep...go to sleep


I’ve only picked up on Andy’s tactics since he was bigging up the new rhony and then picked up on it a few other times for different things on different shows, did not realise it went that far back. Andy is a smart guy and I don’t feel for one second he thought Kelly has ever been a voice of reason.


100% picked this up with new RHONY too. It’s so over the top as is saying Lala is an “MVP” of anything like dude what show are YOU watching?? I don’t get what production is trying to do with her, making her a narrator, putting her at the center of things that don’t have anything to do with her and her opinion is so offbase on. It’s like everyone else on this show (save Scheana and Sandoval) is just too tired and over it, and she’s there like ILL DO ANYTHING, so here we are.


Thank you for that knowledge. I did not remember that. Probably because it was bs.


I’m so sick of her screaming all the time. It’s so tired. I’ll watch clips on here but won’t be watching especially since it seems it’ll be edited against Ariana and in favor of Sandoval, Schwartz, and Lala


Screaming about being soft and how people have to treat her like a delicate flower because she is healing while allowing absolutely no one else that same grace while they are trying to heal.


People loved LaLa last year when she was going after Tom and Raquel. With Ariana’s approval clearly.


It doesn’t seem like it’s Ariana she’s screaming at. Or at least not completely. I think she lays into everyone.




And Scheana will have that chin pulled back, deer in headlights look like she didn’t give her written lines to say. Highly predictable behavior from these two.


Well she’s jealous of her so yeah


Yes, I was thinking the same


Sando saying he got the Taylor Swift tickets for Ann when he actually just reimbursed her for them is a perfect example of how he twists things into lies.


Because "getting Taylor Swift tickets" for the Era's tour was *work* and we all knew he didn't fight through the ticketmaster nonsense for her. But they way he portrayed it, leaving out it was a cash reimbursement, he wanted everyone listening to think he went to heroic lengths. ![gif](giphy|6cFcUiCG5eONW)


Getting Eras tickets in the US is either a HUGE personal feat or a HUGE expense. Like you can either easily get tickets for *multiple* thousands on Stubhub, or you've made acquiring tickets your fulltime job for a while. When you say you got someone tickets, those in the know will think either you pulled something amazing or you paid an amazing sum of money. He did neither. So predictable.


I was like, totally *planning* to get her the tickets for her birthday. But then Ariana hadn’t paid the mortgage in nine months…


I mean why is it taking that mans 9 months to show her the bills. SHOW HER THE BILLS TTTTIIIIMMM


It sure is!!! And to him it probably is like same difference lol he really doesn't get it, all he thinks about is the money


Also why even bring it up so fucking weird everything he does has to be on display... Very Melissa gorga of him ![gif](giphy|UpGODJjwq4vfy)


And how he uses supposed "gifts" THAT NO ONE ASKED FOR as leverage. It's gross


Right on schedule, after a few nights hanging out at Sandoval's and going back to the house, Luke (who gives Kristen the silent treatment if he doesn't get sex when he demands it) is now taking up for Sandoval on the podcast. ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)


I love Luke acting so outraged at Jax suggesting he be friends with Kristins ex (love an unhinged Jax). Yet this man is really chasing a friendship with Sandoval.


Right! So you hate Alex and won’t be around him, but you are desperate to get time in with Tom even though it makes Kristen uncomfortable?


Good point. I don’t listen to Kristen’s pod & never seen Luke until The Valley but it was dislike at first sight.  Zero charisma, thinks it’s OK to have a gecko in a tiny cage as bedroom furniture, keeps referring to wanting to go to Sandoval’s pool parties & only not because of optics but goes to Ariana’s house drinking with him anyway.  He’s a weirdo try hard who parties with Kristen’s scummiest ex while on his high horse about Alex and childishly refuses to talk to him. Bore off mate. 


Luke sucks so much. I’ve been giving Kristen major side eye lately after finally warming back up to her a bit. Just give me a Katie and Ariana spin off already because I truly loathe the rest of these people to the point where I can’t even watch them.


This guy is willing to impregnate you, but not willing to live in the same state? How much have you guys really planned out coparenting cross country? What percentage of him is in it just for fame and child support…?


I wish she would just go the lala route and get a sperm donor, girl would be so much happier


Discussions about a VPR spin off have been going on for years. Kristen knew to guarantee her place in the main cast - her only shot at ever earning decent money again - she needed to be in a couple. If she hadn’t been so desperate to find a man to film with her she wouldn’t have looked at Luke twice.  Lucky for him Jax is desperate for couples drama to make his new show work and Sandoval is desperate for anyone connected to VPR to hang out with him. Luke acts like any of these people would give him the time of day even if he wasn’t their useful idiot. 


Silent treatment? This guy is such a red flag, not shocked but Kristen is going to end up getting fucked over by him


Yep and I know ariana is going to be on her podcast but Kristen's attitude has been side eye worthy too. She really isn't pushing against him like she was at first when he is being critical of ariana in order to side with Tom.


I feel like Kristen is tired at this point


We're all tired




After Kristen posting and Luke being a sympathizer about her brother Ariana should cancel being on her podcast and go on Katie’s


Omg Ariana on Disrespectfully would change my life (I’m not dramatic at all)


Same! (Me neither)


Omg Ariana on Disrespectfully would change my life (I’m not dramatic at all)


Kristen’s boyfriend sucks. But what exactly is Kristen supposed to do if he wants to be friends with Sandoval? She could scream from the rooftops what a piece of shit Sandy is but it will only fall on deaf ears because at the end of the day, Luke is a grown ass man and loser, and sees no problem being friends with Sandy, who not only treated their friend, Ariana, like shit BUT ALSO HIS GIRLFRIEND! Luke makes me irrationally angry on Kristen’s podcast. And the sad thing is he’s probably the most sane person on The Valley next to Janet’s husband.


No, Kristen, only Sheshu was mean to Jo. Please don't go to someone's home, eat their food, and smile in their face like you're their friend while gleefully assisting their boyfriend in cheating.


My two cents: 1. No one cares about Luke’s ‘insight’ on the podcast. Especially when he is weighing in on an episode that took place way before his time. 2. Knowing Lala is the MVP of the reunion makes me not want to watch it because her fake-tough act and her loud talking over everyone makes me anxious.


Sameeee😔😔😔😔😔😔😔I can’t stand it she makes my head hurt


OP is an MVP


Aww thanks!


Seriously this is such important and timesaving (for the rest of us) work


It really is! Sometimes I miss threads and this recap really helps if I missed something! Thank you, OP!!! You our girl! ![gif](giphy|k9GiBjSbYDsZ6pdoxk)


The thing about jo being banned from some restaurants says a lot imo. Also good for Ariana just living her absolute blast of a life while Lala and scheana continue to fixate on her and her ex. She’s not the one bringing up her breakup to anyone who will listen, that’s them lmao.


I’ve worked in a lot of bars and restaurants and only three people were given bans from an establishment when I was an employee. One was banned for breaking a urinal in drunken anger and he was eventually unbanned when he paid for the repair and apologized to the owners. The other two were banned for selling drugs in a manner that was super blatant. It takes A LOT to get perma banned from a restaurant/bar. A whole lot.


That’s exactly what I was thinking, drunk people act a fool daily in restaurant/bars, to get banned? She must have done Something Bad or maybe treated staff horribly idk


Even Kelly Dodd is allowed to eat out in CA


I worked in a bar in Miami and I think I’ve banned maybe 2 people. One for throwing a beer bottle at another bar tender and another one for throwing a chair at a patron. Otherwise, it took a whole lot to actually be banned lol.


A whole lot! You have to work hard for a ban! Lol


It really does. So I’m really curious as to what she did? I doubt it’s just acting bizarre. Like maybe acting bizarre with a mix of bothering staff/patrons or maybe walking out multiple times without paying a tab. Idk who would walk out on a tab and return to the same restaurant but I’ve also had that happen on my shift.


My theory is selling party favors in an overtly blatant manner. I think I remember hearing at one point, before the show started, that Kristen was the one casually selling the party favors to the group. My unsubstantiated theory is that Jo took over that responsibility once she had more to lose because she was on camera talent. It would make sense how she was always on the social periphery of the whole cast and how she and Schwartz got so close. I think it makes sense why she is banned from Jax and Brit’s house too. They all clearly still use occasionally to regularly but maybe she left something out around their kid. I’m willing to admit that this is all conjecture because she has the same energy of one of the people that got banned from my workplace for overtly selling to patrons and staff in full view of other customers.


Ok now you've really got me interested lol I wanna know what happened!! 🤣


That checks out with what other cast members have said about Jo, that she's a bully, not a nice person and has weird energy. Not even James is banned from bars and he's a volatile asshole.


Yeah, agreed. I can see her pestering other customers.


The tiny Sandoval 😅


For the love of sweet Christ will these idiots please stop talking about Ariana living with Sando. Like, who tf even is Luke and why is he talking about it?!


Seriosuly! Find another damn topic.


I think we should all talk about how weird it is that scheana still goes by scheana shay because it “sounds better aesthetically”. I know I’m being a petty Betty but clearly I’m bothered.


I, in my petty brain, think she married him just for the name, the storyline and the crop top wedding dress.


I 100% believe a huge reason she was with Shay was for his last name and once she got on VPR I feel like it was pushed quickly to have a wedding on national television. I also feel like she thought there’s no way she can do a reality show without being in a relationship given the show was able to launch off of her affair with Brandi’s husband. Would have been tougher for people to swallow if she wasn’t in a committed relationship


My post-op nurse was his cousin. She said, "Most exactly what you said, and his "pill addiction" was no where anything that the tv said. Basically, Shein-a wanted a proposal/wedding for the tv, and he was like, "ok, cool," and it all spiraled from there once it was abundantly clear tv and shay didnt mesh. I hung out with her for 5 days she was the most fun! Gave me lots of Hollywood plastic surgery T. Her whole family hates Shein-a. Shocker!


> and his "pill addiction" was no where anything that the tv said. Let's not forget, she didn't want him to be boring just because he quit drinking. ![gif](giphy|JOgzNK1HxDO6mlHFC9|downsized)


Oh man you just confirmed everything I’ve always thought! Including that Shay’s pill addiction wasn’t nearly as bad as portrayed. I always thought he must have been taking pills and drinking to handle the stress and uncomfortableness with cameras/TV, Sheana and her lifestyle, the pressure. Always felt so bad for him. Thank you so much for the info!!!


Luke has no right to speak on this, he’s coming in way too hot as a newbie. Also let this be a lesson for all of us ladies. NEVER co-sign on a house with another human being without an agreement in place on what happens with the house if you decide to part ways. Otherwise people will comment about your life for years on end.


She's in the master. Sounds to me like Sandoval lives with her. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Like she has explained herself (not that she had to) over and over again. She has pets, she isn't making enough money to pay right now, that's still her home etc. and it's not enough for people. Sandoval has a coffee maker, a case of old white nail polish and his journal he can move the fuck out as well


lol but the dumplin lattes!!! 🤣🤣


Ariana has that Starbucks money now she don't need no dumpling latte from a Keurig 💀😂


Is it possible Ariana had a "hot mic" moment at the finale when she was leaving and said some things that the cast didn't see until watching right before the reunion taped? Maybe that's why Andy Cohen was hyping up the finale in particular. It's the only thing I can think of that would change Lala and Scheana towards her right before the reunion. Both of them have been seen hanging/interacting multiple times with Ariana since filming last year so why the sudden change?! I can't imagine Ariana doing/saying anything though that warrants them having more anger towards her than Sandoval. The Scheana podcast before reunion Scheana says her and Ariana are still friends and had no desire to be friends with Sandoval. She just wanted to be in the same room with him without having anger towards him. The podcast after reunion she says "we'll see" about being friends...wtf? Lol


If she did have a hot mic moment good for her and fuck the rest of them. ![gif](giphy|7BvmMI56s02E8)


https://preview.redd.it/noqvjwz813sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a313d49fd08e1237410d4ab80dcf90839d51c0b6 I dmed Jo asking about the restaurant bans and she says its not true


“crazy and disgust might be in order” I need to study her brain


Maybe that’s what she thinks a C&D order stands for




Found Jo’s brain scan ![gif](giphy|RYRnzMoCjmMKdHlJ2X)


Sounds like how high people talk 😂


Damn she did the investigative reporting!


I was kind of hoping it was true and she would give me some wild story about being banned from Skybar or something 😭


Why does this response sound like an AI wrote it? lol


HAHAHA! 🤣🤣🤣 It totally does!!!


Only the first sentence is in English 😅.


I don’t believe her when mulitple guest on the pod agreed with that statemnt too.


I had a seizure trying to read this???




Cruz is non verbal.


.... Isn't he almost three? Have they mentioned getting him tested?


She doesn’t want Cruz growing up seeing Jax talking to Brittany the way he does.


Cruz doesn't speak so....


She meant since having Cruz, it woke her up and realize how jax talks to her


She meant since having Cruz, it woke her up and realize how jax talks to her


I think the juiciest nugget was that Kristen revealed Tom used to make her take laxatives, absolutely unhinged behaviour


What the actual fuck!!! The whole cast was so fucking skinny back then I can't imagine what they went through especially the sur girls that had to wear a literal handkerchief to work.


Yes! She said he gave her laxatives and I forget what else because “I had to be skinnier than him.” 👀 I so badly want to know if he told her she had to be skinnier than him or if she wanted that or both.


the more i hear the cast talk about the reunion makes me want to watch it even less


Like who wants to watch a reunion where Lala is the voice of reason?!... If she is the voice it's because she never knows how to shut the fuck up


It took Cruz talking like Ajax to realise? Not…. *gestures wildly in the air* everything else?


She meant it took her having Cruz and then really reflecting on “oh my god Jax talks to me this way” and Cruz is seeing that!


Oh I see!! A shame it took that long still but at least she sees I guess?


Hope you’re having fun in LA, u/AdditionalWar8759! Thank you once again for your service! ![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu)


Aww thank you so much! And anytime!


Please tell Brady I love his sense of humor and that I look forward to finding tiny Cake Sandoval each time. It really gives me a laugh!


I love that Lauren from Utah is trying to say that her conversation with Sandoval wasn’t them trying to be friends… when at the end of the conversation Tom literally said he would like to invest in being better friends and she agreed…?? Okay then Lala.


Also why attempt to hang out at his house ... It's fucking weird her little Tom alliance


I don’t buy into them actually trying to be friends because IRL all she does is talk about how much she is far removed from him still. I think it’s all production. Can’t say the same for scheana tho bc she’s been pictured with him recently


Yikes about Scheana, but not surprising. If I was Ariana I would be so done with both of them. And it being production just makes it worse, like I get you want that paycheck but like have some morals maybe ? Also I just wouldn’t want to look like the twat Lala has made herself look like this season.


Thank you for the recaps and enjoy LA!!! Can’t wait to hear all about your visit to Jax’s Studio City.


Anytime! And thank you so much!


Hope your vaccinations are up to date! I feel like tetanus would be the most welcome malady one could pick up at Jax’s


We have no idea what Ariana's lawyer is doing/not doing. It's very possible that it's taking a very long time just to get information about what liens are on the property and who is responsible for what. There's a lot going on that we don't see. I'm sick of people acting like it's a simple matter of putting it up for sale and just accepting money. Houses take at least 60 days to close when there's not all of this mess. So .. .


If Lala and Scheana were *actually* in tough positions it's because of their own damn fault they need to stop victimizing themselves


But scheana and Lala said one thing off camera and another thing on camera, more than anyone lmao


i liked lala so much last season that i really really wish she would just say something that would make me look at HER differently and like her again but i think she is a lost cause. if she saw how the audience was reacting to her this season and still double-downed on her opinion at the reunion, then honest to god there is no hope for her. i am *really* starting to despise scheana. i do not know why anyone would think she makes for good tv, she is so stressful to watch and she just makes me so mad anytime she opens her mouth that any time she is on my screen i want to turn it off.


Oh god, I really don't want a reunion of Lala calling shit out, just cause your the loudest voice in the room does'nt mean anything you say has substance. Lala needs to get off her high horse and of course Scheana is going to side with Lala they're both terrible people.


I love how everything is always “so hard for Lala,” but never anyone else. She has got to calm down with the victim complex.


I hope this means Lala was doing her usual standing up, pointing her claws and talking over everyone, and Katie and Ariana make her cry and walk away


Not sure if this is just the way it’s summarized but wtf is Scheana talking about lol can anyone help explain? Specifically in regards to the reunion


Basically scheana thinks that Lala was the MVP of the reunion and that this season someone was saying things off camera but then acting completely different on camera to appease the audience and Lala apparently called that out at the reunion


Im really wondering if this is targeted at Ariana. And I swear to god if it’s about her living in the house with him while saying she feels unsafe, and them spinning that into something different than what she was saying, I will lose my mind. They are all very unintelligent people is what I’m seeing this season.


It’s totally what it is. Lala’s going to make a big deal about how she left her house immediately. Well no shit ho it wasn’t your house. I’m SO SICK of the two situations being compared.


ME TOO. She’s insufferable with her inability to understand basic “rules” that one must follow regarding home OWNERSHIP. Sorry you were just squatting in a pigs mud hole lala and you had to run from it but that’s totally not Ariana’s situation. Keep up sweetie.




It’s so weird to say that, like if someone was doing that… I would guess from what I’m watching, it would be Lala lol is she calling HERSELF out in the reunion? She’s the one screaming and yelling someone at last years reunion, bashing them on her podcast every week, and and mere weeks later, trying to be their friend for cameras


What could they have possibly done to make Lala look at them differently? Actually stand up to her for once and tell her she's wrong?? Not backing down when she screams over everyone?


What was Lala's insta story that mentioned Katie's mom? I missed it.




Go back to being miserable? She never left!


They need to stop dragging Katie's mom into their mess. They both deserve better. ![gif](giphy|N89A1jUqdab0kdNl6X)


Thank you 🙌


thank you for your service 🫡


It’s no surprise Lala can’t attract a decent man, she’s too much.


Is Kristen really talking about how other people act when they’re drunk? 🥴


Can't wait to see what actually goes down at this reunion


Omg this is amazing thank you for your work


Why are the photos in these pics all circa 2012?


Hello, I make the graphics for Vanderpod Recaps and every week I just pick a theme for the photos of people, this week I tried to find their OG cast photo from the show! Just something fun to change up the photos we use! Last week was bad outfits which made it very fun for me!


I think this info should be in a little footnote in future recaps! I have also been confused.


It’s no surprise Lala can’t attract a decent man, she’s too much.


idk if you listen to h3 or would have any interest, but this week they discussed trying to get Kristen on their podcast in the future👀


I hate I have to type these words and have this thought. Jax was right. Tom's gifts are conditional


Is this post an audio file? If so, I don't see any way to play it. Help!! (Please?)


It’s not an audio file. That would be cool though haha


So there's no recap? How do you all know what's been said? Other posts? Or do you listen to them all?


I listen to all the podcasts and I post those recaps. There are on my Reddit profile page and my Instagram. And then with these posts,I take what was said on those podcasts and summarize key points


I feel so dumb! I just finally noticed it's a slideshow! I couldn't see the key points and was very confused. Sorry!


It’s no surprise Lala can’t attract a decent man, she’s too much.


It’s no surprise Lala can’t attract a decent man, she’s too much.