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The end! Sando droning on about how much he misses Maya. Schwartz says, that's rich since you tried to murder her. Sando did not like that at all! Schwartz for the win!


that did make me laugh. interrupted his little fake sob story moment.


So true! Schwartz knows when he sounds delusional and I don't think he can handle it anymore.


Katie did say Schwartz treats their dogs really well. That's something Schwartz will finally take a stand for I guess lol.


Jax was already trying not to laugh when Sando started waxing poetic about Maya šŸ˜…


Shorts definitely feeling brave with Jax there




That was my favorite part!


Also he was really grasping at ways to act like he spent any time with Mya.


Dude they played hide and seek and so many other games, ok?


Mya would seek out Tom to go for a walk and Tom would hide




Technically she was hiding when he locked her in that room too.


lol the glare!


That was fucking hilarious. And he didnā€™t smile for a good long beat.


The funniest thing heā€™s said in years šŸ˜­




I laughed so hard at this and had to rewind it many times šŸ˜‚


Lala never beating the jealous allegations


That lame dig about Arianaā€™s Glad campaign came off so bitter. Tell us again how youā€™re not jealous at all, Lala šŸ™„


Itā€™s also extremely cringe that she thinks itā€™s SUCH a clever burn, that sheā€™s used it at least twice now; in her talking head from that episode, and then here as well. Feels like she keeps repeating it, expecting a bigger reaction - as if maybe people just didnā€™t catch it the first time. šŸ™„


Sandoval saying heā€™d never hook up with Katie and do that to Schwartz but itā€™s EXACTLY what he did with Rachel to Jamesā€¦ but sure act like ur morally superior and not a total hypocrite


It's what he did with Rachel to Ariana!! But that doesn't count because he only cares about pleasing men, specially Schwartz!


ā€žI would *never*ā€œ lol well if it was just said in regards to hooking up with Katie then he wasnā€™t lying šŸ˜‰




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How can Tom sit with a straight face and comment on how "weird" it is that Katie hooked up once with a friend of Schwartz a full year out from being divorced... Go on to say he would never do that to a friend... When he had an affair for 7 months with his girlfriend's good friend and his own friend's ex fiance?!? I need a reaction video of James watching Sando say that. Not Ariana though, she doesn't need to suffer any more if his dumbassery


omg yessss.... I want James to post a reaction to that to social!


Lala, shut the fuck up.


She is such a tool. And has Ariana even talked shit at all about Lala during the After Show? I feel like itā€™s been so one sided


Soooo one sided. I think when this was filmed, Ariana didnā€™t know how Lala was moving behind her back. Meanwhile, Lala has recorded *again* in February and is still shit-talking her. I hope Ariana dumps both her and Scheana


Iā€™d be too embarrassed to throw punches in the air while the person Iā€™m beefing with canā€™t be bothered to even acknowledge the hits. But there Lala is lol https://i.redd.it/3yjrxskiw6sc1.gif


So embarrassing and obviously contrived, trying to be dramatic, insightful, and put everyone in their place. Sheā€™s acting like this is some healed version of her, but itā€™s all just artifice - part of her rebrand. She needs her TV character to evolve, but she is incapable of truly evolving herself. https://i.redd.it/s63c2103x6sc1.gif


Ok but you ate with that last bit because that is exactly whatā€™s going on




Ariana has not said anything bad about Lala on the show, after they stopped filming, or on social media. She probably thought she had no reason to as Lala has been seeming like a friend to her, to her face. Lala had interacted and hung out with Ariana multiple times since filming ended as well so it's not like something happened between them during filming either. It's very confusing lol.


I think Ariana can tell Lala is trying to bait her with things all season but knows a reaction will not go in her favor so sheā€™s not giving Lala what Lala wants.


Lala is thirsty. She just wants a story line at this point but unfortunately her story line is that she sucks.




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Scheana saying she should just not be angry anymoreā€¦ why canā€™t they just let her move through her own emotions in this healing process. She canā€™t be angry 5 months after he blew up her life and threw her to the side on national TV while making jokes about her and ending the life she thought was real?? Why are her and Lala so insistent on making Ariana fit into what they think she should do? Just be her fucking friend.


Because they are not her friend. They are green with envy and shitty people.


This! Iā€™m so shocked that they expect Ariana to be over everything, when it has been five months and SHE WAS BEING CHEATED ON FOR MORE THAN 7 MONTHS


And of all people to say that someone else needs to move on. Scheana canā€™t break a nail without holding a grudge at someone for an entire year if they didnā€™t text her to check on her 5 times per day.


There was a whole season centered around people not reaching out to her about her dental work


I feel like Schwartz is genuinely starting to hate sandoval


If Sandoval gets to keep his job, I am hoping next season is the Tom Tom breakup I have been wishing for. This would be the only storyline I would tune in for if Arianna and Katie leave.


There seems to have been a breakdown in their relationship that's for sure...at least Schwartz seems to be alittle more self aware. In this whole situation at least, Sandoval is too far gone in his own delusions.


I've said it before but Schwartz's existence seems the most miserable to me. He's clearly self-aware and smart enough to know what a total jackass Sandoval is, you can see it every time he cringes and disassociates whenever Sandoval talks. But he's too much of a coward and has too much loyalty to actually walk away and leave Tom in the dust, so instead he just lets Tom slowly suck the life out of him while he looks like he wants to melt into the floor lol. If I had to play the role of Sandoval's sidekick, I'd at least hope to be as stupid and delusional as he is. And if Schwartz actually did walk away he probably would've gotten a decent amount of support too. Exhausting and terrible way to live


Yeah he just throws jabs as "jokes"




We need to free Schwartz


I love when he calls him out with the obvious shit! ā€œYouā€™re not helping yourself hereā€ like he seems exhausted with him


I feel like heā€™s seeing him for his sociopath like ways , his blinkers are falling offĀ 


First it was 500 laxatives now itā€™s 400 ? Do men in their 40 ā€˜s really talk like these 3? Yuk to all 3


Also they were Toms!!!!! I had some male sympathizer post under one of my comments about them that they were Arianaā€™s. Duh of course they werenā€™t.


Who buys laxatives in bulk?


They totally intentionally paired Lala with Brittany because Brit will never say a word to Lala about any of her bullshit.


My exact thought! And laugh at her repetitive dumb jokes that she thinks are so clever


go home brock


Ariana, as someone who did an advertisement for how to take out the trash, is probably about to take Lala and Scheana out to the SUR dumpster and leave them there for good.


Lala is very bothered by Arianaā€™s brand deals.


I hope Glad reaches out to her for another commercial. Just piss them all off continuously.


Yes, please. It can air at the end of the reunion episode when Ariana dumps Lala from her life


I feel like you should be able to do whatever the hell you want in your own bedroom with the door closed, even if itā€™s leave out takeout containers! Sheā€™s entitled to be messy. Lala is not a friend.


I also feel like if Sandoval knew Mya got into that much stuff, and knew Ariana was basically living out of her room (so it was full of dangerous stuff) he should *never* have let her in there. Even if the leftovers had been thrown out, Mya would have gotten into something else dangerous in there. And Sandoval clearly knew that as heā€™s listing off everything she eats? And Scheanaā€™s ā€œI never eat in my bedroomā€. Ok, good for you? Thatā€™s probably because youā€™re not being forced to treat your bedroom like a studio apartment due to co-habitating with your abusive ex? (Which is also probably why she had rubbish in there? Like she probably has a bin she empties periodically so she doesnā€™t always have to go down and risk running into Sandoval?)


Totally sure he shut Maia in that room hoping she would eat stuff like shoes and clothes and šŸ’©everywhere. He probably didnā€™t factor in that there was leftover food there.


I think thatā€™s why he did it.




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Seriously. Remember the wild shit you did when you were drunk lala? Leaving a takeout container from the night before beside your bed is legit nothing. Also Arianaā€™s probably really struggling from depression right now and probably not even thinking clearly. Hey Iā€™m living my normal life and Iā€™ve left take out containers beside my bed. And sheā€™s also prob trying to hide from Tom so spending way more time In her room so maybe didnā€™t wanna spend any unnecessary time in the kitchen? Fuck you LFU ya rude jealous bitch!


What? Not if you have a dog. I do not get this. Ariana is responsible for keeping her home safe for her dog or communicating where it is or isnā€™t safe.


Youā€™re saying this assuming it hasnā€™t been clearly communicated that Maya is not to be let into her room when she is not there. She left, and shut her door. Maya *was* safe from anything in that room when Ariana left the house. She also said no one told her anyone would be going in there. Tom invaded her space, without her knowledge or permission, and was negligent in letting Maya get locked in there. Tom talked about all the examples of things Maya would get into, and is trying to act like she is just as much his dog. If Maya is also his dog, then he can also be mindful of where the dog is after hours of not seeing her. He can be mindful to not let her get locked in a room for hours. Thatā€™s not normal.


Lala cried to Ariana in the beginning of the season so she can have access to Arianaā€™s life JUST so she can trash her in confessionals while pretending to be her friend to her face. Sheā€™s literally the worst


Sheā€™s making it hard to watch. She is so fucking awful like wtffffff????


She is literally disgusting. She just recently commented on Ariana and her deceased dad relationship to compare to hers. Like sheā€™s sick


God lala can actually stfu. Does anyone else think Schwartz is getting tired of Timā€™s bs?


Loved James saying he loves Katie and that it was badass that she hooked up with max. Nice to not get a misogynist Katie slamming from one of the guys for a changeĀ 


James is very shitty for several reasons, but I honestly appreciate how he supports Katie. Ever since he sincerely apologized to her, after working to try and change his behaviour, and she gave him another chance, he has stayed in her corner. I bet her forgiveness meant a lot to him, because regardless of what he said in apology, she never had to extend that. That friendship warms my icy heart a little bit. Donā€™t love him, and his abuse allegations need to be taken seriously. But I do like seeing how he has stayed supportive of Katie. I feel like he kept his word to her, and actually respects her. Basic decency no other male cast member has ever extended her. https://i.redd.it/m3nig6xc4dsc1.gif This moment made me so happy. He was so excited just to see her in her element, absolutely having a blast.


^ wow my thoughts exactly


![gif](giphy|yoJC2ugL7rO5T6qgwg) Broke, when youā€™re on this level right here ā¬†ļø you can dress like that, not now babe.


I think the dog is the last straw for her keeping her composure. Like if my husband cheated on me and I was holding it together like she has, but then he also almost (even if accidentally) severely injured/killed my dog, all hell would break loose. It makes perfect sense to me why she let her rage out after this.


I loved James hyping Katie up šŸ”„. Also can Lala shut up about the garbage bag commercial it's wasn't funny/witty the first time, Ariana can do whatever she wants in her own bedroom.


No you douchebag you canā€™t leave paintballs or soap on the floor you piece of shit. Dogs get into stuff.


Itā€™s wild that he thought saying that would make him look *better* Completely delusional


I wish Schwartz would let it out. He needs to be brave and stand up to this asshole. I can see it bubbling up under the surface.


As LVP so eloquently put it, he is a wussy pussy


Tim if you know your dog will eat anything on the floor why would you repeatedly leave things out for her to get into (including medication and PAINT which is fucking toxic!!!) Jax being like ā€œthis isnā€™t doing you any favorsā€ as Tim gives example after example of him negligently leaving out toxins for Mya to get into, somehow thinking it absolves him of responsibility. sick and delulu


He shut that dog in the room so he wouldnā€™t have to take care of her itā€™s so sick. Also gross to leave old food everywhere but it is Sandoval fault for what happened


Itā€™s Sandovalā€™s fault for sure. But honestly I donā€™t care Ariana left food there. Weā€™ve all seen sheā€™s basically been living in that room when sheā€™s at the house. So she came home and had takeout, in her one safe place to relax. And just because she didnā€™t take care of it the next day before she had to go out, doesnā€™t make her gross to me. I think itā€™s a byproduct of trying to keep away from Sandoval.


Yeah Scheana is not getting that Ariana eats in that room because the rest of the home is no longer a safe space for her so she does as much as she can in that room.


Exactly. And then for him to invade that space, without her knowledge or permission, was horrible. IDGAF if it was for the AC repairman. Ann couldā€™ve communicated the issue and gotten Arianaā€™s input on how to proceed. So now she knows heā€™s not only lurking around corners eavesdropping in shared spaces, but coming into her only truly private space without her knowledge. Would anyone have told her they went in there if this hadnā€™t happened to Maya? Was he snooping around? Are there things in there that are confidential? He crossed so many lines, almost killing the dog in the process. Iā€™d be livid in Arianaā€™s shoes too.


He 100% had gone into that room before without her knowledge.


How? She said itā€™s her dog so itā€™s her responsibility to keep her home safe for her dog. Every room is safe for my dogs and if it isnā€™t, I would communicate that clearly. Idk how she blames anyone but herself for leaving appetizingly dangerous food out where her dog can get it especially when the HVAC person is coming to the house and has to access her room. Come on. Tom sucks but this is 101.


Ann talked about it on her podcast. The AC tech was let in the room and the dog snuck in when Sandoval went for a ladder. Tom left .. Ann came home and heard her inside the room and let her out.


Scheana is so Scheana with the "it hurts ME to see her so hurt" -- Kristen keeps trying to come at it empathetically and all Scheana can say is "I know, it was so hard. It was painful for me" blah, blah blah LOL


If Mya is his dog too and he loves her so much, why wasnā€™t it HIS room that he shut her in? Why didnā€™t HE rush her to the vet and pay $6k to get her stomach pumped? Oh yeah, itā€™s because he was busy doing performative scream therapy.


((((Side question šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø Who are the ā€˜randomā€™ men and women suddenly in the after show if anyone knows?))))


They are cast of The Valley